Backyard Garden

New Plant Choices For Outdoor Landscape Color

New Plant Choices For Outdoor Landscape Color

[Music] well here we are another glorious spring day and I’ve got well as usual Greystone Gardens plants coming out of my ears but I did take time to kind of make a selection of plants that I want to kind of show you and tell you why I think they’re great choices for your early spring garden so let’s start um with a shrub now these are spyer you’re probably familiar with spy rear there are some white flowering ones Bridal wreaths by rear and then there are these yellow ones and some like this one here Magic Carpet which have a little bit of orangey red in it but the one I want to show you today is relatively new and it’s not at its best but it’s doozy spyer double play doozy the leaes go almost a brilliant red color now this has been grown way close together so the uh the only leaves that really got the the red are the on that were exposed to the light but in the landscape it really is fantastic all right something we have to be a bit careful about this is a barbery those picky little shrubs in fact right behind a yellow barbery and a red Bary now Pennsylvania has actually banned them we can’t sell them here except sterile varieties so this is one of them this is called um too Sunjoy too or tudo um very compact makes a nice Edge you can plant it amongst contrasting colors I brought this little yellow smoke bush in just to show you there just how nice that color combination looks the yellows the purples and again unfortunately we can’t do the bigger ones but this too the stero ones you can certainly plant in your yard now okay another shrub to talk about now this one I think is quite amazing this is the the landscape lywood gold which you see absolutely everywhere it can get 5 6 7t tall and spread and take over your yards that’s a big yellow one but look look at this one this is magical gold much more compact about four to 5 ft or no they say 6 ft so a little bit smaller than that one but look at the size of the flower so if you want even more yellow in your early spring C the faia magical gold is a great choice so always get asked about this this is that um creeping flocks that just start to see everywhere the only problem about creeping flocks I find is that it grass can get amongst it and the grass looks just like the leaf structure and before you know it’s overrun but that was just to give some pretty color one I want to talk about is this the cat mint over the recent years um a new series of much smaller more compact ones have come out this is one of them I love this one cats cats pajamas cats like it they kind of like the smell of a a cat cat mint but this one stays much more compact I’ve had in my yard about 3 years now it’s a wonderful plant stays low flowers basically most of the summer all right another perennial I want to point point out this is a fern the one on my right this one here the Japanese painted Fern was a choice slow growing gives you some lovely color uh for theet garden but this one here called ghost ghost cuz it has this kind of little silvery white foliage is a wonderful spreader very delicate especially in the Shea Garden stands out a little bit more than just your average green Fern so that color that lighter color really does pop in a Shea Garden easy to grow nice spreading plant really really good choice couple of Hardy geraniums now just to make absolutely clear the geraniums you put in your hanging baskets or uh window boxes are really called pelagonians that’s its real name these are Hardy geraniums they fantastic Garden penals they come back every year uh this lighter pink one is a more unusual one typically they’re a Bluey purple color some of them like Roseanne will flower All Summer Long these won’t but this one I like particularly this is a new one I’m trying it out this year um but I’ve had reports of it being very successful look at the lovely Leaf color at purple leaf color and it will actually produce a beautiful blue purple flower so hotti geraniums you really can’t go wrong uh some will seed a bit over your yard and they spread a bit more than you want others like um azur rush or rosan will flow all summer long we’re on to another Choice which is really a garden classic the garden piy some some like this will have this red tint to the leaf others like this will have a lustrous foliage but the flower that I think tops all of them is the tree peie so the clever breeders have bred the garden peie peie lacap foia with the tree piie it’s actually acts like a garden piie so it will go back into the ground after the Frost has killed all the foliage goes back into the ground and then it comes up but what it has is a foliage that looks more like the tree piy and has these magnificent huge flowers that are look like they’re made of tissue uh tissue paper they are dinner plate size some of these things when you’ve got a bush of it absolutely covered in flowers it is amazing site to see new generation Freedom boxwood is quite resistant to the blight and quite resistance to the Bora so when you go to choose boxwoods don’t just get any old one choose one that’s going to be resistant just in case um the insect infestation and diseases are causing you problems now to end my little talk I want to talk about little native trees a small tree or if you chop it back a little bit you can make a multi- stem shrub out of it and it’s right in flour now this is the shablo jberry they’ve got lots and lots of names for it and malania is the Latin name this one is particularly good because not only does it have a very early white flour it produces an edible fruit as well which you can can eat or the birds can eat but what makes it extra special it actually has a red leaf color in the fall so it’s giving you basically three seasons of enjoyment it’s called Autumn brilliant second name speaks for itself I have to say there are hundreds of choices I could have made this is a selection I thought were particularly important now so when you go out to your local Garden Center check carefully do a bit of research and you can get yourself a plant that will give you just a little bit more so if you got any questions we love to see you down here at Greystone Gardens in Clark Summit we got lots of plants we’re always busy but we’re never busy enough to answer your questions so see you soon

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