Plant Propagation

Help please!

Need Help Please!
I’m trying to propagate my lipstick plant (mona lisa). The plant was thin and long but not full. I cut the cuttings close to how I found on a site about an inch from the leaves and used root powder (but I forgot to let it dry, I’m hoping that won’t affect them too badly). I put the cuttings in indoor plant soil mix inside small containers with lids (clamshells). I cut slits on the bottom for drainage, the sides and on the top to help it with some air flow but kept them small to help them stay humid. They are also on a seedling heat pad and have a grow light on for 6 -12 hrs. I would like to know if this is a good set up or should I change it? They have been in this set up for about a week and I really would like them to not die. Thanks for any feedback. I’m a beginner so still learning the ropes 😊

by GyphsyRose


  1. Old-Computer2668

    In general you want something with little to no nutrients for rooting. The reason being the plant will build stronger roots while trying to find nutrients. Once a healthy root is there then you transfer to something with nutrients.

    It’s not wrong to use a potting mix, but can result in roots that are not as robust. This is because they hit nutrient rich soil and don’t need to grow further.

    Other than that it seems you’re on the right track 👍

  2. GyphsyRose

    Thanks! I’ll switch them out to a different soil.

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