Japanese Garden

5 Days of Non-Stop Travel and Family Visits / Energy Waning But the Spirit Never Ages Over 60

Nanny and Moosie have just ended a 5 day whirl of outings, gardening, travel, family visits and pure joy…their energy is waning…but their spirits remain ageless! Nanny also chats in this video about aging women’s fashion stereotypes and myths…and how we must bust them! You’ll also see some new fashions …and video clips of their recent days as they take you along with them.❤️


COCOA COLORED TROUSERS..Amazon.com… GRAPENT BRAND…WIDE LEG CAPRI PANTS FOR WOMEN..High waist , pleated front, linen..color brown



[Music] in this video you are going to see two old fogies in their mid 80s who have spent the last 5 days a whole day on Friday thrifting with my daughter a weekend in San Diego eating a boatload of sushi and watching a play with a granddaughter in it Monday out in the garden planting herbs and today we had a visit with a new great grandson and two darling little granddaughters you’d be proud of us but we’re ready to hit the sack because we’re done for the rest of the week gorgeous day in the garden in my Palazo pants let’s bust another myth about aging that older women cannot wear pazo pants Oh yes we can right M you betch him Red Rider right well I wanted to show you some of the Beautiful Things blooming in the garden this morning I don’t know what you can actually see with me sitting here but the Asiatic lies are gorgeous the red roses are beautiful the patunas the daisies what else moves our Iris around the iris is y oh my gosh it’s a gorgeous day there two or three things to get getting ready to go yeah you know the um Dalia how many kinds of Dalia do we have right now in the garden I think five right we have the big giant ones coming right over here with leaves that are this big my friends this big but no buds yet we have something down here somewhere right here and these are called B B dalas and they’re uh round like a ball different colors right here and there are buds all over this it’s absolutely beautiful couple in the back I mean this Garden looks like a typical English Garden to me I know it might be a little full and clumpy for you but for me when you see a picture of a English Garden it is confused looking and unplanned it’s not tulips all in a row it’s it’s very very much like this what is beautiful it’s so full there’s so many things coming out over there I have the most gorgeous Fox Club when I managed to get up from here and I hope I don’t have to scream for Micah today couple of weeks ago I was sitting on my little step stool back here in the garden I might have told you about this but I was planting some mums and they were down low so I brought in the little step stool sat on it finished all my planting and then tried to get up mosie was sitting right where he is and I tried and I tried no I wasn’t here I didn’t know you were having a problem I must have been in the house no you were right there and we said well why don’t we just call Micah we knew he was home so we did and in about 5 minutes Micah came down and just came into my little garden and found me sitting in here all by myself and he got me up and off we went we sure had a fun weekend didn’t we this production that we went down to see over the weekend we were there on Mother’s Day and um they do such a wonderful job there were 260 kids from kindergarten up to I think 18 was the cut off and uh there were one or two older people the the name of the um I want to call it darthy in the yellow brick road what’s the name of the play wizard of O The Wizard of Oz it was absolutely just [Music] fabulous one of those plays that everybody knows all the songs we’re sort of singing along with them and uh had a great time but the videos that I loved and the pictures after this production we went out to dinner with Mikey Sabrina and the three children and they’re big big time Sushi eaters you wouldn’t believe the kids and how they can eat sushi so we went to one of their favorite sushi places and I have pictures that are so hysterical Mikey ordered so much Sushi and do you know what that sushi that we had on Sunday was probably the best sushi I’ve ever had really yes I’ll get a kick out of these pictures one in particular it’s sort of half a video half a picture and we were it was a long table and moosey Mikey and I were sitting on one side and on the other side Dane and Lizzy and Megan and Sabrina were there and when the waitress brought this big wooden they call it a boat was filled with all kinds of sushi and within I would say 30 seconds the kids and Sabrina Mikey you were a little off so you couldn’t get your chopsticks in there everybody went in almost at the same time with their Chopsticks and I could [Music] it’s amazing to watch those kids isn’t it eat sushi they all know the different types most of them love everything especially D well let me get up if I pen but aren’t these now these um pazo pants that I have are probably five or 6 years old and I think I’ve worn them before but you know you read all these things um I don’t know whether you’ll be interested in this mie but I’m talking to my lady friends here about um the things that older women old women over 50 believe it or not disregarding even women over 60 70 and 80 but they say oh older women don’t wear Palazo pants don’t wear wild colored things don’t wear red lipstick oh no no don’t do that I think that those myths definitely have to be busted so maybe in this video we’ll bust one or two at least these right just saw a picture of some older women in what they called P pedal pushers remember them yep pedal pushers now they were to he here now The Petal pushers of today are a little bit longer but they say petal pushers are great for women to wear maybe not older women why not I can’t see why not I love them and they say petal pushers are great for showing off a great pair of shoes you know because they’re a little bit above the ankle okay I’m going to get up and show you some of these beautiful flowers tell my ladies about some of the comments that you got in San Diego as we were coming out of the play he had this complete outfit on by the way this was given to me by Mikey on my 85th birth day about two years ago huh yeah it’s got number 85 from and my name in the back is on the back and he had the Dodger hat on and the Dodger blue shirt here and of course in San Diego everybody they’re big fans of who Padres and the Padres beat us that day while we were in the play and a couple of guys came in with a Padre gear on oh yeah and there was a fist fight of course you ought to see the other guy wow Mikey was pushing Moes he was in the wheelchair because it was a long way and as we had to keep moving people and everything that’s when these men even some women would look at him and say hey we shouldn’t let you through or whatever making funny comments of course Moy loves that I think he wore this outfit on purpose to I’m just looking for Action yeah how long ago did Colleen give you this my birthday that’s right and I guess I feel a little weird holding my flower well this sits outside I’ve already been married I’ve had my bouquet yes right but I wanted to show them this is the second Bloom of flowers on this it’s it’s one of those ones that just sits in a wax the bulb is in wax she got it at Trader Joe’s his birthday was April a so that’s almost 6 weeks ago and it had a first Bloom of six flowers gorgeous and it sits out here next to him and it just keeps blooming beautiful isn’t it start off with some of these red roses aren’t they beautiful they’re all coming out and in the back can you see those those are my coral colored roses and I think I have one one one down there a couple of those aren’t they beautiful now this is called Asiatic Lily and there’s three stocks and it’s finally the first color is that beautiful it looks like they’re all going to be the same color moose but look at how many blooms we’re going to have Moy said I’m taking the water away from the birds here I did buy over the weekend some more um herbs I bought some more pepper green pepper plants which I love and um cilantro always need our cilantro for our tacos and everything but I I will be planting those probably today and our first iris from Idaho but the bad part about it is that it’s the only one coming up with a couple of buds in this whole pot and we don’t know why but here’s a closeup of that beautiful beautiful buganvilia I do want to show you this eggplant that was a tiny little eggplant and there’s already some purple flowers on there and those are the eggplants now last year I had the Japanese eggplant which are more they look more like a cucumber this is the big fat one I gave Margie one and hers is doing beautifully too wanted me to show you our Fox Glove isn’t that beautiful that’s from last year so it’s a perennial I didn’t realize that about Fox Club I didn’t even put it in a big tub I sort of left it in its original pot of course the geraniums are doing more than their share this year they’re gorgeous my hydrangea and I have another plant in the back full of buds ready to come out isn’t that beautiful and they both smell is that a gorgeous R I love these over here look at those velvet looking Dark Velvet magentas is that what color you call those aren’t they beautiful well it’s now Wednesday and it’s about 3:30 and we’ve just come home from a wonderful visit with Molly and her new baby now the baby boy Austin is now almost three three and a half weeks old and everything is so wonderful up there they were thrilled to have their little boy and the girls are being very good mommies well due to my little snafu this week of forgetting to bring my iPad to San Diego with me so I didn’t get my Mother’s Day video up on time which I apologize for I had it all ready to go and I forgot to bring the iPad we left at 7 a.m. and I was supposed to just push that one little button to upload it and I forgot to and we left for San Diego so that’s why I got that video up Monday and I apologize but I didn’t want to mess up the week so I’m did a little bit of of filming in the garden yesterday we didn’t come back from San Diego till Monday we had such a wonderful time we enjoyed a nice day at the hotel again and believe it or not I did remember to bring my traveling companion in with me my T Riser so everything was hunky dory and I haven’t made the little bag yet that I’m going to make a fancy felt traveling bag but I had it with me and I remembered something that my mother used to say years and years ago you know the things that mothers teach children when they’re little about strangers stranger danger and you don’t talk to strangers well the same with toilet seats by the way you do not sit on strange toilet seat seats so I did have my my traveling companion with me it was all good but right now I will be putting up some pictures of our little visit with Molly and the kids and little Austin now I must say moosey did get the most time with the baby after Molly nursed him we were all sitting in the living room and the girls were playing with the little toys that I had had brought and it was a pipa Pig little dollhouse that we picked up at the thrift shop the day it was out the prior Friday I guess with WBY it’s been a busy time and I am ready for a rest believe it or not but um Molly got some good video and some good pictures and moosey actually lulled the baby to sleep after Molly Nur on his chest singing a song and I could see Kelly stopping what she was doing listening to moy such a wonderful time with our darling little uh great grandchildren and those two little girls don’t stop talking the whole time they’re there of course moosey had to have a translator there the whole time because number one he couldn’t really hear what they were saying and since they’re only two girls are two and four the speech was a little bit fast they both talk fast all the time what fun don’t worry don’t out here yummy oh gee wish I like that one what about that one however moosey and I are ready to hit the sack once again I’m sure we’ll have a a nice little nap right now and I’m not cooking tonight I don’t know whether it’s going to be hot pockets or what for moosey and a salad for me but there’s going to be no cooking in this house tonight oh by the way we brought the lunch this time we were over there at 12: and Molly said it would be good to come for lunchtime so I said well what would you like us to bring I thought I could make something or what she said and I think Molly of having been pregnant for so long trying to watch what she ate she said well you could go through um maybe McDonald’s or she said I have it why don’t you go through Dell well when she mentioned Dell Taco that was right down down my alley so she gave me her order and the little kids had uh bean and cheese burritos and Molly had chicken quesadilla and tacos and Moy and I had fish tacos and I brought some of those nice cinnamon sugar churros and we had a great lunch with the kids I also made chocolate chip cookies and brought some of those Annie great time can you hear the snoring coming down from moy’s world he’s already snoring so as soon as I finish this I’m in my bed with my new back Rest by the way I don’t know whether you remember I was gabbing away when we dubie and I were showing you all the things in the back of her car and I did buy a very solid big back rest that was practically brand new and it is so comfortable in my bed I do spend a lot of time uh during the day in my bed I love to put my feet up when I’m not out in the garden or wherever and I also it’s a good back rest for me with my iPad because I do most of my editing in there too so after I finish this video I’m in there with my new back rest and I’ll be editing this and hopefully getting this up in the morning for you but besides the little visit I wanted to tell you about I do want to show you something that I picked up for me when I was doing some Mother’s Day shopping and I have to show you I have been in love with a tote now as you know right now totes are in totes and petal pushers and various other things but there is a tote that was a designer bag that I’ve looked at for a year or two and not in the stores but in women mainly in Britain who carry this and it’s a l department store bag that probably runs I don’t know anywhere be 10,000 3,000 5,000 I don’t know but it’s straw and it has a leather pocket in the front and it does have some leather straps here however I think I found a dupe and I number one I love this what you might call coffee or cocoa color I am in love with that the back is plain but it’s a beautiful fabric it’s not um it’s not straw but I love the fabric if you can see it up close it’s a a beautiful wov in like a canvas and I like a tote especially for the summer and the reason that I love this is that I finally found a color that I have always loved but I found some trousers and some accessories in this color color as well and I found these I I have to iron them and I apologize but they’re beautiful um they’re I’m going to call them 3/4 trousers that I’m going to use an old-fashioned word but they’re still using it petal pushers and they’re not giant wide but they’re wide enough to look very very classy and they’re a little bit above the ankle at the ankle so if you have a a neat shoe you want to show off they’re perfect for that they have a fly in the front they have pleats in the front of the pants and they are in the back they have some elastic which is good for those of us who have lost our waists oh I forgot to tell you about my wonderful late Saturday afternoon couple of hours with Ryan when we were doing our sewing lesson I tell you to have a couple of hours with one of your older Grand daughters especially when I remember the time I spent with her when she was a little girl so much time it it just warms your heart and I tell you that girl is going to be one of Nanny’s Proto JS with her with her sewing now our granddaughter Katie turned out to be a fabulous sewer I taught her years ago too couple of the other girls too but they didn’t reach to the heights that they do their own things but Ryan will and and it was very heartwarming for me you as you turn because it’s circular just do okay you got to do the foot thing okay all right I’m going to guide it back to where it was go now see we’re back here see how I guided it back keep going good good good okay now if you want to stop and reset all right now see how it’s if it were straight I cut it a little uneven yeah I no we’re having a little problem with all that but push it in go okay now go okay and I would keep it in that Ryan’s on her own now going great she’s doing a hem and we’re not basting I’m teaching her to do it the modern way look at she’s a pro she’s already learn how to thread and do the bobin put the bobin in the case job right little things you have to remember like threading the needle front to back yeah and by the way when you put the needle in when you change your needle there’s a flat side to the very top I’ll show you on one of the [Music] needles so as always my friends thank you so much for watching our videos we just are so appreciative I say this over and over but it’s so true and I know that a lot of you are going to our homepage Nanny and the Moose YouTube and you’re binging on all our other videos too I love you all I’m so glad that you’re here with us hope you all did have a good Mother’s Day by the way and enjoy the weekend I know that for the rest of this week moosey and I are chilling hopefully it will be nice weather I do have some more herbs that I have to plant in the garden and it will be restful from here on in until we have couple more graduations but that’s not till June so we’re we’re going to be in the chilling mode for the next week or so bye for now I love you and God bless us all [Music] n [Music]


  1. Thanks for letting us enjoy your grandchildren , mine live in Indiana and I’m in San Diego so don’t see them often and miss them so much❤ I’m 77 and don’t do much traveling anymore.

  2. You and Moosie sure have been busy!!!! But what a wonderful blessing to be with your beautiful family!! Happy Mother’s Day (belated) it sounds perfect!! Your garden is so lovely!! And baby Austin is so squishable!!!! So much love!! Oh btw I absolutely love your hair at this length! Very classic and classy!!!! Love you sweet lady!!!♥️♥️

  3. Love watching you early morning Nanna and Moosie, I'm in UK ,you really lift my spirit so much joy in your life .
    You sharing helps us all to smile and enjoy our blessings 😊

  4. Your garden is beautiful Nanny and Moose. I can feel your exhaustion but know it was worth it every minute spent with family. Little Austin is adorable as are his big sisters. Rest well you two. 🙏❤️💐

  5. Hi from Annie you both look great in those outfits and Moosie is very groovy and sporty too. The baby is cute and loves Moosie for sure. the family is so caring with each other it is nice to see this. Glad you had a good time off for a few days and back home now your garden is really fabulous and so filled with nice flowers. Take time ro relays and read a romantic novel. God bless.

  6. Nanny i love your hair cut it suits you❣nice to hear you had a lovely time in San Diego with family ❣and your beautiful new great grandson with Moosie was lovely ❣God Bless Nanny and Moose ❤🙏

  7. Loving your hair Nanny – and you look so stylish in the black/navy and white – thank you for sharing all the lovely precious moments – great to see you both doing so well – stay fabulous Nanny – Love Jas xxx

  8. Good morning Nanny and Moose. Nanny I have almost always said the same thing for at least two years, your garden is wonderful. I loved all the photos of your wonderful family, especially the one of Moose putting the baby to sleep. What a fantastic photo. Thank you once again for sharing with us the wonderful world of Nanny and Moose full of love and kindness. Love you Nanny. God bless you all.

  9. I love sharing all your special memories with your family. I have a duplicate life style. I’m 84 and have 7 children,177 Grands and 15 great grands. They are all such a Blessing. I went with my hubby from Florida to NJ over the weekend to my daughter’s wedding and Mother’s Day with the whole crew- it was fabulous. I check in with you all the time and think we are all so blessed 💕💕💕💕💕

  10. So appreciative of getting to see you and Ryan at the sewing machine. What a great Nanny you are. And Moosie with that beautiful baby warms my heart.

  11. So glad you and Moosie had another great trip to San Diego!!! Also glad you guys had a nice visit with your new great grandson, his sisters and their mom. Watching you give your granddaughter sewing lessons so reminds me of my own grandmother who taught me to sew so long ago!!! Such precious memories that have brought tears to my eyes this morning. Your garden is absolutely a piece of Heaven on earth!!! Definitely and absolutely it is time for you and Moosie to get some rest and enjoy each other’s company even more than ever!!!!! Love you, TOO!!!! 🙏🏻💝🙏🏻💝🙏🏻

  12. You’re the greatest. Your content is so diverse but all interesting to me. I’m 81 and get around fairly well. I have a 10 month old sweetest great grandson that I watch on Mondays as the actual grandmas take care of the other days and him and I have a grand time together. I sit in his playpen with him which is super large (9×9). It has 2 large pillows so when I get tired of the sitting position I can actually lay down and he loved to climb all over me. My funny story is I get to give him his afternoon bottle before his nap but with him being 20 pounds I find that I can’t get up out of the rocker after he falls asleep so that I can put him in his crib. lol. Mommy had to come upstairs and help. Everything else makes me so happy. Love you Nanny. 💗💗💗

  13. Molly's children are so sweet, little Austin is adorable there laying on Moosie's chest, totally chilled! All lovely kids and families you have. Your garden is looking beautiful, full of colour! x

  14. Thank you Nanny for sharing all your family visits, always so interesting
    I am sure you slept well after your very busy schedule.
    Take care of yourself & Moosie ♥️

  15. Yes I hear it too , I'm 64, and they say cut your hair, don't wear makeup 💄💋 well I could care less about them people, maybe they shouldn't voice there thoughts they don't matter. Life is way too short to please others with my whole being. Please don't change, I love the way you dress 🥻👗 and your makeup 💄💋, Mr mossie I love your outfit, always so handsome 😍 love you guys 💯

  16. How precious your time is with Ryan. Did you see how much attention she gave you. I'm sure your're right a designer in the future.

  17. Happy late Mother’s Day to you nanny you are so amazing and lovely. I love your videos and I think you so much. This was just so heartwarming. I felt that I even cried. It was so wonderful and beautiful. Thank you so much. You light up my life. and fill it with so much happiness every time I watch your videos thank you thank you. I am so thankful for you and blessed 🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌺🌷🌷🌷🩷🩷🩷🩷

  18. ♥️♥️🌹🌹🌹🌟🌟🌟♥️♥️ thank you thank you for a beautiful, meaningful vlog. Tranquil garden, dear Moosie, and you, my dear Nanny in great PALAZZO PANTS, yay!!! Your family photos and videos were precious, especially Moosie and the new baby, and you and Ryan sewing. Enjoy your well earned rest, God bless you both, love from Sandra in the U.K. ♥️♥️🌹🌹xxx

  19. You are always so busy and have so many things I love in your videos. Congratulations on your new grand baby! Your family is amazing and beautiful. ❤

  20. Beautiful flower garden! I'm north of Sacramento and plants in pots bake. I don't know how you do it. I went to an iris farm w my daughter for mother's day, so much fun. The top of the bulb needs to just peek through the soil a tiny bit to bloom. Look forward to all your videos, love n hugs

  21. Nanny, you are clearly in your personal glory in your glorious garden with your Moosie❤ So glad that you had a family filled week, but I’m sure you are ready for some quiet downtime. Pace yourselves and have a restful, wonderful weekend. By the way, totally agree that age does not dictate fashion, as long as we can wear it and look good (within reason😏)

  22. Your garden is beautiful Nanny, and has got so much character. I love to see a garden like yours that isn't set out in neat little rows. Your hair is also beautiful Nanny and makes you look so much younger. God bless you and Moosie xx

  23. Nanny, your garden is so lush. The color of the Iris is beautiful. My goodness you have had a busy week. For Mother’s Day my son and his family gave me a Chinese lantern bush and the most beautiful fuchsia plant. I love them. I hope that you got a little rest before the next adventure. Blessings to you both, love, Sharon

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