Plant Propagation

should i wait longer to plant this in soil?

i took this cutting of a philodendron melanochrysum 2 months ago and had it in water for the first month (second photo) and moved it to perlite which it has now been in for about a month. it’s grown more roots and a small leaf is starting to unfurl but i’m how much longer should i wait before i put it in soil?

by catgirlprobably


  1. Gardenadventures

    Yes, keep waiting. The roots should have roots before you plant

  2. FairHairednGreenEyed

    Cant hurt to wait, but i have planted some like these before and they were fine. If you can wait, wait longer because it will only ensure you’re successful!

  3. krickenhoff

    Nah go for it! Perfect time to do it actually … everyone says to always wait for secondary roots (I am willing to guess that’s just so it establishes quicker) but you don’t even really have to do that, as long as you’ve got a good environment and substrate it’ll be g2g. I started using a diy aroid mix similar to a molly mix and they are just livin their best life now.

  4. RogDawg76

    I think it would be best to wait a couple more weeks, but I know how anxious I get at this point I believe you could go to an aroid mix now if you have time to give it extra attention, especially since you did spend good time in perlite, that makes the transition smoother and more successful for me.

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