Gardening Trends

Beach Cabin Spring Gardening – Home Decor Thrift Find – Remodeling Our Tiny House Tile Fireplace

Shop Wild and use my code for 20% off ALL products or your first subscription! Use code:WILDSELENA20 shop Wild here:
Remodeling a tiny house is still a lot of work! Today I try and learn how to use a tile saw and set travertine stone tile for the fireplace hearth and surround. We bought all of our tile second hand form Habitat for Humanity and our local Facebook marketplace. I even score a spectacular hand made vintage seashell chandelier that will be perfect for our tall retro high beamed ceilings.
My mom and I try our best to add some plants to add some color and beauty to what we can for the landscaping. Focusing on deer and elk resistant plants and flowers. I assemble to garden planters from Vita. Shop them here:

For collaborations contact Selena at :

#renovation #home #cabin #vlog #interiordesign

[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s starting to rain Millie and I walk down to the beach and I’m sitting under this big huge piece of Driftwood because it’s like it’s partly sunny today but these big rain clouds came in and Millie’s wearing her coat thank goodness huh it’s kind of fun though being stuck in the rainstorm not a bad place to be till the tide comes in I’m so bad at telling stories cuz I go straight to the punchline I cannot I can’t keep things in when something’s like real exciting like I just got to say it so if you follow cabin on the cape Instagram hello I started an Instagram page for us so you can actually see stuff happen in real time and if you’re already following you’ve already seen this thing that I got and it is so glorious we’re not going to have time to like do this this weekend but it’s it’s so awesome I can’t keep it a secret any longer from you I’m staring at it right here are you ready for this thing I was on Facebook Marketplace and I did not I was not like actually actively looking for this and it appeared in all of its Glory so the little ship wheel light in the living room is so cute but it doesn’t really put off off enough light for us in the big room and so I kind of wanted to keep an eye out for something that I saw years ago you know like uh there was this saying when I worked at the antique mall that nothing haunts you like the Vintage you didn’t buy you know when you like see that thing in an antique mall or thrift store and you’re like man I should have got that now it’s gone like I saw one of these years ago and of course it’s gone that was like 5 years ago but I found another on Marketplace okay this is worth the wait by the way this is worth the one minute wait I made you wait I’m try my best oh isn’t this amazing it’s very heavy too so I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to hold this but this girl was selling it on Marketplace she had it in her storage I think she like moved homes and uh just had it in storage and I bought it on Marketplace for 350 I think 350 which is a lot for a light fixture but if you look at these online they are like thousands for these seashell like fixtures so I got an amazing deal on it she said she got a great deal so she wanted to pass it along to somebody else and I think that this is going to be so neat in the living room like nothing is more perfect than like a beachy romantic chandelier I think it’s the coolest thing so anyways yeah we’re not going to be able to hang this up this weekend but this is so rad I could not wait to share this with you okay what are we actually doing today we are gardening do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do this I have some little Parts like you know know ready in the yard for flower I wouldn’t call it a flower bed yet but I’ve kind of like separated some areas where I can start to poke some plants so it’s going to be plant Extravaganza weekend here at the beach but one of the things I like about coming here is I can fit all of my little things in my toiletry bag here I love the fact that it’s like more minimal here and I can just focus on getting some work done and enjoying the beach and just the the beauty of being at the ocean and not like fussing so much so hence the minimalism loving this but this is the perfect time to tell you about wild I’ve partnered with them on this video and I’ve been using their products for months now and I got to tell you I love them wild uses reusable cases for all of their products which is pretty cool this month they have a really fun collaboration with Emma Bridgewater and if you’re Gardener like me this limited edition case is the cutest it has little bumblebees all over it I have the honey and Cactus Flower scent for my deodorant this month and it’s like the most beautiful spring scent it’s really light and like a little bit sweet super pretty the deodorants inside because you can take them out and reuse this case they come in these cartridges that are totally compostable which is awesome and it’s all powered by plants goes on totally clear no aluminum salts no parabens no sulfates and it’s vegan and crueltyfree if you use wild Selena I love that wild Selena you get 20% off the entire site at Wild if you visit the link down in my description box okay I got to be very careful navigating this chandelier back to the living room we have a rug like a Shaggy rug on there I’ve been resting it on that way it doesn’t get knocked around or anything but I got to tell you I was so nervous when we were transporting this because it’s so fragile and I did end up knocking a few of the little seashells off I saved them because obviously they aren’t from our beach I don’t I don’t think I’ve seen any of these kind kinds of shells at our beach I think these are like tropical type of seashells but if I lose any I think you know some of the shells that we do have I could probably sneak in here no one will ever see but just the work on this thing is it’s a real piece of art and I’m really excited for us to like finally hang this up but of course not in this video like one thing at a time slow your roll so the ship will is so adorable and it’s really neat because it’s you know came with the house and everything it’s a great quality light because the little lanterns on it are actually copper it’s not like a junk metal by any means but like I was saying it just doesn’t put enough off of enough light for how big this room is and how tall the ceiling is uh anyhow I think what I might do is try to sell it locally if I can but if one of you are interested in it please shoot me an email or a message if you’d like to send an offer on it cuz I think it is really really cool and it should go to a happy new home okay we’re finally going to get something done that we’ve been staring at for months my favorite thing just stare at it sit here and stare at it and tap my foot no uh we’re finally going to put up all the tile on the fireplace hearth and up the wall and stuff today it’s really nice here at the beach super Sunny we’re supposed to get a windstorm like this afternoon but we’re going to get rocking before the storm rolls in right you’re going to make me work that’s right when it’s nice out isn’t that funny like you can’t work when it’s nice out you can’t work when it’s stormy out for sure right so when do you work like when’s a good time not today today’s not a good day for work well if I got plans for you I don’t know I just can’t get going today well how some more coffee or something Millie says let’s play with toys I need you to focus today Peter so up the wall and around there’s a well we put sheetrock like against the studs the rest of the house is just paneling but we wanted um since it is close to the stove a little bit of fire protection then there’s a gap and then we have uh plywood and the concrete board that the tile will be attached to so that Gap will allow air flow to go up through uh the the wall and just kind of keep things cool it doesn’t get very hot back there but it’s just kind of a good safety thing we’re going to move all the stuff and then finish the plywood finish the concrete board I’ve got to do the electrical boxes we’re going to have the sconces up there that’s going to the scones I know I’m actually excited about that so I’m glad you’re excited about something today I’m actually excited yes and so yeah we got a little bit of work to do before we get to the actual tile so we better get started cuz it’s like 10: yeah it’s almost lunch time we haven’t done anything today okay I’m going to put my teny shoes on do you know how many people in the summer time cuz you were wearing your you were wearing your sandals and people are like tell Pete to put on protective shoes oh and has working on stuff he knows he doesn’t listen to me I did tell cuz you were doing like saw stuff with like flip-flops on and lifting things people are like you’re going to chop your toes off I’m not going to stick my feet in the saw you don’t listen to me why would I okay a little tile recap this is what we’re we have like a mixture of different travertine stones that we’re going to be doing all rounding up the fireplace and stuff but love this color it’s just like a really nice warm Brown it reminds me of sand and I love uh the pits in it so this is the tumbled style like this when it has the pits and then honed is when they fill them in where it’s smooth but I like this look I like all the holes and stuff looks more more cooler humpy mhm yeah nope munching on some chips so I just making sure like the you know what the mounting stuff looks like so that they’ll fit in our boxes which they will okay but it’s kind of it’s weird so there’s like this round it’ll be this round thing and then the square thing I think that’s how it looked on the picture I’ll pull it up online and double check yeah there’s no instructions but I can kind of tell need something [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we’re going to Pete’s favorite place [Music] yeah so much for our early start today we’re going to the lumber yard everybody 11:00 first thing we figured out is we had to go to town all we managed to do today was eat some chips isn’t this a pretty seat in the house having the windows behind me here it’s so beautiful outside too and the wind hasn’t even started yet um so hopefully we can get some work done I guess we’re supposed to get 30 mph wind gust which isn’t that strong for like the coast but when you’re outside trying to get some work done it is but hoping it stays away long enough for us to get like our big cuts done on the tile saw and stuff but look at these aren’t they rad they are all um like an alabaster cylinder this whole thing’s like it’s Stone I don’t know if you can see in camera or not but see a little bit of variant in the stone I just think these are going to look really pretty when they’re all lit because it’ll be really soft glow you won’t be able to see any kind of bulb or anything and the cool thing that I found was that these are LED so like electricity usage will be super low and hopefully they never ever burn out cuz I don’t think you can replace LED stuff but I think these will look really neat and we’re going to put them on a dimmer too so that’ll be really pretty all right so everyone that was team ugly Bush you’ll be happy to know I’m coming up with a brand new plan to hopefully make this situation look a little bit better last weekend we were up here I was kind of hacking around on it so I have ugly little pile going on in the front yard this is so ugly you know how much I love like a beautiful garden this is so gross um anyways can you see this can you see this ugly Bush or am I standing right in front of it so I was thinking about it and removing it is like a huge undertaking so I think what I’m going to try to do is make it look as good as I possibly can by working around it so I think what I’m going to do today is hack out a lot of the Dead stuff because there’s a ton of dead branches it’s like there’s a whole plant in here that just passed away and it’s being engulfed in like blackberries and all these other things that seem to sprout up so I’m going to clean it out get all this dead stuff out of here and that way like the bush that is in here might revive and get a little Fuller this and then this whole area has all these little concrete pilings that they used all along the creek and it’s pretty cool right here the creek actually runs underneath our driveway bit here so I’d like to kind of clean this out where you can see it and then this area is where I’m thinking of getting all this like there’s grass and everything that I did the weed eater to cut it down but this is where I’m thinking of doing like pretty native grasses and different deer resistant plants what I am doing though this little baby chainsaw Pizza I have to be safe and wear chaps out here I’ve never worn chaps before you just stepped out of it yeah yeah the wind is already starting Peter oh my gosh so you got to step through the lower a little loose there okay I’ve never worn chaps before this is cool sexy yes they look like clown pants well jeez all right got my safety glasses on ready what else do I need okay are you going to be out here too or for a little bit or something just let just be out there for a few swipes till I get once you cut yourself yeah till I get used to it please so the thing about this saw is you can run it with one hand but don’t do that cuz then you’re tempted to reach in front of it yeah I won’t so just keep keep both hands on it okay okay W left big city for the simple Country Life while myself a woman that it took for me to be my wife eyes working on the ground come a son up to suntime hey I’m trying to make a reputation for a man inside this town hard as I try maybe I just can’t I ain’t no what I’m kind of leaving she kissed me one time and she took my heart baby you can love me you can leave me I’m aie don’t start yeah I’m a Hony Tong star well working three job living out of a car M never told me I could get this hard running around the world playing my guitar baby you can love me you can believe me I’m a quit what do they say is this our union break is that what people say we demand better working conditions oh it’s not a bad place for you to work you know but look what you did I told pet I said now we get to do the fun part and rub goo on the wall and stick things to it so we’re tired that’s the best part we’ve got three different sizes of tile we got the skinnies the long skinnies or The Bigs and the square ones and so Pete’s trying to figure out where we want to start so we can kind of figure out a pattern we decided we’re going to do it random because we have random tiles and that way if it gets wonky then it’ll be on purpose [Applause] [Music] me to go this direction or up well either [Music] one you’re going to push really hard so you’re scraping the wall do it again yeah [Music] you can see where you like took it off start over you can go to like a a 45 [Music] to all right Pete is taking over tile Duty from here on out but no really I I really want to learn learn how to do tile but he’s not really in the teaching mood today and if you’ve ever done home renovations with your spouse you know that it’s not easy and sometimes you just got to give each other some space and today might be one of those days so I’m going to let him do his thing you know he’s working that travertin up the wall it’s looking beautiful I think it might be a good evening for just a Beach Walk get some fresh air and we can revisit this tomorrow morning [Music] [Music] good morning new day new attitudes but really I’m feeling good today because I finally get to use a tile saw I’ve always seen people use these on TV and it looks really fun and honestly it’s pretty darn easy to do so I’m going to learn learn how to do what I can here and then later on while Pete’s not looking I’m going to sneak out here and work on a little project of my own I actually want to work on the backsplash tile behind our bathroom vanity and it’ be the perfect time to kind of sneak away while he’s working in the living room and then I can do my own thing you know you know exactly what I mean right all right but how beautiful is this travertine looking I don’t know if I told you this but we thrifted all of this tile like it’s all secondhand from other people’s leftover jobs we got it from Facebook Marketplace and Habitat for Humanity and I don’t think we paid maybe more than $100 for all of the tile that we needed for our fireplace project I love travertin because it really mimics that beautiful color of the sand here along the Oregon coast I think it’s so pretty and it’s like this calming wonderful warm shade of brown and it was wonderful to be able to use things that were secondhand and such a bargain all right we’re going to be jumping into my project are you excited for this I am I got all of this tile at Habitat for Humanity for only two bucks yes and I’ve seen these tiles before in a lot of design Trends right now and while I’m not someone to normally like jump on a design Trend I’m going to play with that I’ll play with that you know for two bucks I’ll try it and if it looks awful I think I could always like pop them off the wall it’s not like a huge commitment Plus look at this it was made in Spain so these are like fancy for two bucks anyways Pizza out here on the tile saw and I think what I’m going to do is sneak over on the saw like when he’s not using it and then I can make my cuts real quick and then glue the little tiles up the wall and surprise him later you know you know what I mean I got to make moves in silence today it’s a secret between you and I [Music] ah you’re going to have to butter me up [Music] now that wow oh look at your belly it’s not sweat kids it’s my towel looks great babe yeah yeah you know a funny thing that happens when you get older for your birthday you start to buy yourself tools or things for your house and this year I turned 40 so I treated myself to a brand new pressure washer from Costco but I love pressure washing there’s nothing more satisfying than like power blasting old dirt and grime off of a surface I literally could do this for hours I do this at home to our vinyl fence and our patio furniture and we have tracks decking here at the beach house and it’s super fun but after all that pressure washing I’m going to like celebrate and relax have a little Rosé and watch this [Music] Sunset I gave Pete a text before he got home from work yesterday I was all I got plants and I want you to be mentally prepared because I borrowed the truck to go to the nursery with my dad and we got dirt and a whole bunch of plants but I just wanted him to like literally be prepared cuz I got a lot so I brought my mom up this weekend we got a ton of plants that’s what we’re doing today we’re planting plants and I know that I’m not like completely ready like it’s the flower I want to do I want to show this yes we’re going to show this I can’t even like actually call this a flower bed cuz it doesn’t really look like one but it’s going to be something this is the coolest one the big purple one here I shared this not too long ago on my channel but um I have this over on our side porch just like poked in a pot because I just wanted to enjoy it while we have it back home and I now I kind of want to get some for our townhouse but uh this plant I’m thinking of poking over by the stairs over here cuz I thought it would look really cool coming through all the spindles the next thing that I got is Rosemary you saw that last time we went to the garden center but these are so pretty I’ve never had a rosemary plant before and I think they’re super hearty and pretty much no maintenance to grow the French lavender Pete totally laughed at me when I bought this but this is a fox glove I was going to put these kind of along the creek but you can actually get these for free in the forest here and Pete’s like he’s like I can’t believe you bought the fox this free everywhere so but here I am we have some planters coming for the balcony and I wanted to put these in there because they grow really tall and they have a little bit of Color Spot this is Russian sage and they kind of look like lavender but they’re not quite as fragrant they’re a little more bushy and wild but I like the fact that they can grow like up to 3 ft tall and it be a nice somewhat of a privacy block between us and the neighbors and also just give me some color and movement up on the balcony so I’m going to save these for when I put those Planters together guy at the nursery really sold me on this one this is called flowering currant and they have little pink flowers that kind of look like little fairy flowers like this and this one already has little blooms on it but I guess they’re a quick rower and they can grow up to 10 ft wide and so I wanted to put this along the back kind of in between us and the neighbors I can have a little bit of privacy back there if we ever you know go back and want to hang out in a lounge chair I don’t know whatever I just want like a barrier so this is all the stuff that I’ve cleared out so far it’s quite a bit it’s probably like a truckload and this is what I have yet to deal with I can’t believe some of you guys are like keep the bush like what’s wrong with you look at this thing it’s so ugly and there’s so many weird things growing in it and now I have that weird cucumber Vine going in there all right so mom’s back here and I planted this California lilac probably like 6 months ago and it doesn’t obviously it didn’t do anything show everyone mom here or somebody been eat They al eating tops you think I don’t know I don’t think it’s I don’t think it likes it back here okay I’m moving it yeah we’re going to go put it on the side mom says it’ll look cooler over there you think it PR here purple sure clear the grass for this guy I want to get a couple more of these mom I think that’s going to look really cool by the stairs the mint put them right there yeah it’s going to look cool so we came up with somewhat of a game plan we’re going to do like purples like the Rosemary and lavender like around the rim and then this Carly Rose grass was super pretty I I looked at the images on Google and it has kind of like purpley pink like uh plumes that bloom in the summer months but it gets pretty tall so we’re going to put that towards like the center back portion to kind of cover the ugly shrub um I think in the summer it’ll fill out you can see it’s getting some green leaves and stuff um filling out yeah I think when Pete comes up we’re going to get like the pull saw thing and get up there and probably cut like four feet off the top and you know round it out so it can start to fill out hopefully and look a little bit nicer but there’s so much dead stuff in the middle I’m just going to have to get in there with some good leather gloves and maybe like cut a few holes so I can get access to it all they are all yeah all root look at the roots are just coming out of the bottom and they I mean theyve been on the market and they act like there’s nothing on the market this is of like what we get in the end of summer yeah yeah we went to multiple nurseries and we’re only able to find the lavender we wanted at one and my mom’s like why are they holding on to it if it was so rootbound they’re acting like there’s none should be this should have been on the market like last month yeah Sheila’s gardening 101 you smash it gentle jeez lady until you got the root where it can have a in there usually I like caress it with gloves oh yeah yeah yeah I step on it until it smashes yeah I get those little like little Roots free yeah on the bottom I didn’t roll it with my foot what did panda bears do the panda bear is getting the r getting the way he [Music] okay we are tired we worked hard for our dinner tonight we have leftover pizza salad wine in a box and Sh or you make shuder again cuz my mom loves it so much um so yeah I’m going to drink some water first still but yeah we got everything dug I don’t know how many plants I got I think I got maybe 15 or 16 different plants and it looked like a lot but once we started putting things in the ground it’s like oh I don’t have that many plants so I need to go back thank thank goodness you know another trip to the Garden Center look enjoying the day of the beach we did a minor little bit of work Selena did more to me that’s the perfect day you were the super my hair’s sticking up oh well I’m at the beach it’s going to kind of sticking everywhere nice day here it’s probably about 68 70 I it feels good in the sun it’s right here Sherman’s taking his nap on S all the beach to go look at at his little face we got two people on the beach and our dog has to sit on our lap oh Lord he’s thirsty here’s all that water any want to go drink it little [Music] oh do you want to talk about the brush pile hi well look you hacked a bunch of brush out of there your favorite spot and then I said oh hey you’re going to be here with your mom and you guys have the truck just take it down to the dump you you mean I did a bunch of work and you’re proud of me work I did it’s true jeez not the brush pie PE yeah why don’t we just light it on fire they said it’s Fire season oh yeah that’ll look good pull it out to the road Pro tip one thing I did do that you were proud of me on it is I took a whole truck list of to habitap that is true that is we had those cool wicker chairs and stuff here and um I just don’t have anywhere for them and there’s too lightweight to put out on the balcony With the Wind so I just brought to Habitat um and some other things but we took a whole truckload of stuff anyways this is the fire the fire I’m ready to light this on fire okay um this is the flower bed that my mom and I did together last time he was here and I don’t know if you’ve seen it already but there are some deer prints in there and I was actually I was a little nervous to come back cuz we were just gone for one night but like deer and El come through here all the time and I was like oh what if they come through and like pull sometimes they’ll get curious and we’ll just pull things out and leave them just rip it out of the ground yeah and they like they don’t eat it they just like are Noy but there are deer prints in here and they left all the plants alone so that’s a really good time um I have nothing nice to say about this ugly Bush I keep hoping every time we come here maybe it’ll look a little better it’s still ugly and my other thought is if it’s shorter I can actually get in here and get a lot of the Dead stuff out cuz it’s like matted in there yeah all this is like it needs light and it needs like some air foil in here but it’s so freaking ugly I’m still bewildered that people want look at the one across the street that’s ugly too like would you want more gravel and then just some stuff in the front yeah or like get some like nice Beach Rock like some bigger ones and kind of like make a bit of a start carrying them home I know carry 40 lb rocks home you tell him how like you felt weird walking you’re like oh my legs are getting all tired and it’s like hot I’m getting hot like yeah it’s called exercise Selena I’m not a big fan getting hard to breathe what’s happening the you know like last summer people were asking me like oh how do you how do you stay in shape and like I don’t ex like I don’t exercise I hate it but I do you only run if somebody’s chasing you yeah or if it’s run to the state sale for the trip um but I will do yard work and I think like that’s like like undiscovered cardio I feel like cuz you’re doing squats and you’re bending and you’re picking stuff up and um I would rather do like exercise stuff and and also take care of my home at the same time functional exercise yeah you can totally get an ab workout and plant PL so that’s why I got to keep buying more plants okay we are on the balcony and I’ve been so excited to like start working on this this spring um I want to kind of create a little like outdoor environment here we spend a lot of time out here um when the Sun is setting and then also like lunchtime especially we had a lot of sun out on this deck and this summer I want to lay in the Sun and I want to read my book and relax the waves and stuff so um I got two Planters from VA vinyl so I plan on putting those together today and then also I’m kind of trying to figure out like which plants I want to put in here I got the Gua and then I also have a Russian sage or is it Russi yeah it’s Russian sage that I want to put in here um something that gets tall and bushy flops around in the wind my favorite thing and um there also like pretty much no maintenance and then I also got some new patio furniture from cheetah furniture for now I’m going to unbox these Planters and then we’re going to pop some dirt inside and then plants the best part I’ve been looking forward to this for a while while I really want to get some plant life and color out here and while I know I can’t have a lot of things I don’t need things that need to be babysat and taken care of all the time but I do want to put some drought resistant type of plants up here so I’m going to use these vinyl Planters they’re from vaita Vinyl I love them we’ve got them at home they’re really durable and they’re so easy to assemble you literally just snap them together a few screws and you’re done plus they’re going to be really good and tough you know for the coastal weather it gets pretty harsh out here between the rain and the hot sun on the balcony so I want something that can withstand our Pacific Northwest weather and we love V vinyl they’re super durable really great [Music] quality so this is the Russian sage it’s pretty cool a lot of people that have homes here have this plant uh it’s really awesome because it’s semi drought resistant deer and Elk resistant which is a must for us being here on the coast and it it’s a pretty quick grower I’ve been told and it also kind of looks like lavender but I just I watched this one home worthy video and this guy had them growing outside of his beach house window and they’re just look they just look so pretty they’re really like a bushy kind of Brushy flowery plant and they just look really beautiful and and like kind of soft and romantic in the wind and then here’s The Gua I don’t think I have a picture in here I don’t know might be buried somewhere in this plant but look how I was telling you what healthy plants these are just I mean they are root bound they’re ready oh I don’t know if I can separate like I wonder if I can get a split out of these and make two plants I did give my mom one and I’m probably going to have a lot left over so I’ll give her some more but my thought is that I’ll do the guara in the center and then do the Russian sage on either side they grow to be about the same height these are slightly taller but I was thinking that would look really complimentary to kind of have this contrast and colors in the pot here but didn’t that planter turn out great this is a really nice um vinyl it’s all a like a faux wood type look they also had it in the gray color which would have totally worked for our space here but I did want some contrast between you know the TR decking that we have and like the furniture itself is going to be this gray tone here but I wanted a little bit of a contrast because I want to start adding some warmth to the house and I just thought this would be the perfect kind of combo here it was super easy to put together you saw me I just kind of clicked it together it was no big deal at all and the best thing about like Vita vinyl we have this all at our house in town but you can pressure wash it or you can if you don’t have a pressure washer you can just scrub it with a car brush and some soap soap and it always cleans up really well as much as I love decorating I may be loving this more I just I enjoy being outside I love getting my hands in the dirt and to me having a garden is where you see the most reward you literally get what you put into a garden space you cannot give it love and it not give it back to you you know so anyhow I hope you had fun with this in this episode and we’ll see you next week


  1. Cut the ugly brush and or bush very low to the ground and see what pops up. Can then get rid of what you don't want.

  2. I said to keep the bush only for privacy. But seeing it up close now I can see how bad it really is. Can you put up privacy fence around your property?
    Oh you didn't show Petes reaction to your tiles in the bathroom?
    Can't wait for more. 🦋

  3. I know this is not about the Victorian house but i am dying to know about the painting that i think is in the dining room and looks like mermaids under the sea. Is it a repro of a famous painting, a print, or original. I absolutely love it and would like to find it.

  4. The cabin is looking great ! Love the seashell chandelier you got on Facebook marketplace 👍 The plants look great too 🌸 You definitely have inspired me to do some planting this Spring 🌸

  5. Another fantastic vlog loving all these on the cabin. It's looking great fabulous job on the tiles Pete. The chandelier is something else just gorgeous. Great seeing your mom Selena what a worker, those plants will be wonderful. Seeing the two doggies together what a joy. Love your vlogs, videos and everything Selena. ❤❤💙💙

  6. No real offense…(oh, oh!) first, in this episode you had to do your own thing because your husband was grumpy. They just can't wait for when you are alone or in your case, not filming. I hate that but you handled it so well. Well, you could have left this part out but you are very real. I really enjoy you. And by the way, mine is so much worse. That's why I noticed enough to comment.

  7. Oh my goodness, this is the perfect light for your beachside cottage. It is beautiful and was meant to be yours. I’m so happy for you Selina.

    That stove is gorgeous and your home away from home is coming along nicely. Looking forward for the full reveal is going to be awesome. WOW! Great job Pete ok the travertine behind the stove.

    I think the bush needs more trimming down, there seems to be a lot of dead wood still in this bush

    Love the planters and those plants will look amazing as they grow taller.

    Enjoy your week.

  8. You are just so delightful and I’m really enjoying the longer form videos. I love that you take your time and don’t rush things. Such a lovely change of pace ❤❤❤

  9. Blackberries are extremely sprawling plants. They will devour all those beautiful plants you are planting. It is very difficult to irradiate or even keep them in check.

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