
FIRST PIC FOR PHOTO OP. my first mesemb

Hello i'd really appreciate any input. Experience or advice

I do know not to keep Lophophora and conopythum like that. Just the most attractive photo I got of them. Love to see it like this. Tbh initial idea was to place it all in the same planter – – – – DIY a water tight devider. If the idea worked and the Conopythum was rooted the plants would still be paired like that picture. as it looks soo lovely especially to the eyes of an unbeknownst beholder. Unnatural for u all Ik 🤩

I thought I purchased a rooted cluster. However it needed to get propagagated.
I've had it for a month and now may be in dormancy so I was ready keeping on the look out for this plant. I did not know how to prop, innitally left in clusters. Was in a communal cacti nursery planter (my familiarity) thought that would root it with light watering. Now I've learnt. But unsure how to proceed. I've just taken the plant out of that yesterday. No photos taken was with astrophytum that needed rooting in a takeaway tek.

Should I be keeping it in dormancy or give it a skip this year to root… Ik it would be unnatural for the plant but can It recover. What have you all done for mesembs that had no roots during dormancy period? If pushed through does the plant recover in the growing season.

I'm also suspecting spider mites. I didn't know these were so susceptible. It's the leafs with accelerated shrivelling that Ive noticed a direct coralation to the amount of red markings present. Could this be how the plant appears when its cycling it's way into dormancy. However the fact the leaves aren't all synced. Some looking near perfect like day I got it, others like it's experienced better. I'm also not aware of any plant near it having mites at the moment

If I don't expose it to sun and heat for a while and the shrivelling faint markings take a turn for the worse that's an indicator mites could be present?

Overall have been struggleing to keep mites at bay. Seems the more I involve myself the worse it gets so I've got predatory mites to try. If problem is present Wondering if I take the best of them and put them under the same roof as my cacti the predators will work it.

by Zealousideal_Fun8848

1 Comment

  1. First image looks like a rooted clump to me. I guess you found some issue with the roots to separate the leaves like that? I am not sure if you left enough meristematic tissue for these to root and grow, but your best bet is to pot them up and keep them dry over the summer if growing outdoors. With any luck, they’ll root and take in water come fall. If growing indoors, you may be able to coax some growth from them, depending on temperature and daily light cycles.

    I don’t see evidence of mite damage?

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