Front Yard Garden

Landscapes, Hardscapes, & A Tree Lined Driveway- The country views are unreal! | The Southern Daisy

Hey y’all! You are about to take a trip to one of the most beautiful places around! The location of this landscape renovation has views for days and I never wanted to leave! I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did. I am so happy with the way this turned out and to see the way they love it makes it even better! Watch all the way to the end for the best part of the video!

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Have the BEST DAY EVER!!!

Kim, The Southern Daisy
Zone 8a, North Carolina

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today we are going to witness an amazing transformation a landscape transformation so if you’re new here my name is Kim welcome I am a landscape designer and consultant own my own business in Central North Carolina Zone 7B and I have a business where I go out and I help homeowners love where they live by creating the landscape of their dreams be it low maintenance high maintenance want to have a space to work out in their yard or just a a nice place to come home to this couple it started as one enhancement of their property planting some plants tidying things up and lining their driveway with some amazing trees all the way to the most beautiful pathway that leads to a patio and a fire pit overlooking a magnificent field this was quite a snowball of a project and this couple I love them so much and so I wanted to show you their progress I wanted to show you all about them and how we transformed their space into something that they love a little bit about this we went for an initial meeting which is what I call the discovery meeting where I ask a lot of questions I understand their Vision what are their goals for the space that we’re transforming what do they utilize it for what is their you know what is their end goal and then I create a conceptual design based off of of that so that they can see their Vision on paper or on the screen and usually that allows people to to put a vision to what’s in their head or if they don’t even know that’s where I come in and so the we as I said we went there with the goal to just take a look enhance some areas that they just you know they had a lot of plants didn’t know what to do with it but the main thing was lining the driveway this beautiful drive in the country they wanted to line with crepe myrtles to where when it grows up it sort of creates that canopy so that was the main goal as I spent time with them talked with them you know just hung out with them on their front porch it became very apparent to me that their favorite space was in the backyard where they overlooked this gorgeous pasture it became apparent to me that they love to get outside and spend Nights by the fire drinking a glass of wine having conversations and I knew that we had to transform this space so today I want to take you through the entire transformation I want to take you on this journey I want to introduce you to Barney and Tracy they are the amazing homeowners and this is family Lyn that’s been in Tracy’s family forever and it is absolutely magnificent [Music] [Music] so let’s talk talk about the next phase of this project so behind me is the million dooll view this is what they see as they look out on their back porch sit out on their back porch they utilize this fire pit when they have families over and that sort of thing and as we were working through the project of the landscape renovation you know I just kept looking at this fire pit and I kept thinking you know that is a perfect place for a really nice beautiful fa circular patio and fire pit and so after I talked with them showed them some pictures did a little design uh they agreed and so now we are getting ready to put in a walkway a paper walkway that will start right here at the concrete stoop go all the way out and then sort of in a curved curved way it’s going to go out to the fire pit area and so it will be right here walking out I would be on the pathway right now we are going to put a small retaining wall on the back side that will go under the patio so to make it level cuz as you can see it’s going downhill so the goal is to make this a level fire pit and Patio area and so that you know when you’re sitting in your chair you’re not at an angle so that is our next project this will be the before again a pathway that matches the the pavers that are going here which is a three piece three I think a three-piece pattern and it’s going to kind of be a curved walkway coming out to here little retaining wall on the back side a patio that’s going to be level and then a fire pit and you know that will give them the opportunity to really enjoy their outside area and so I wanted to show you sort of a little bit of the behind the scenes take some videos of the um the before and then I’ll bring you along on this project today is the beginning of phase two of an amazing project a transformation out in the middle of the most gorgeous area this property y’all have to see I want I really really want you to meet the people that live on this property it’s family l and when the country music songs talk about God’s country I really think this is the absolute definition of God’s country the I I don’t ever want to go home I keep telling them that they’re going to look out and I’m going to be living in their backyard it’s that gorgeous so we are putting in a patio in a fire pit and I want to bring you along something I forgot to mention we are also doing a sidewalk from the back porch to the fire pit and uh patio area and so um I also wanted to mention this couple they are so cute they have an Instagram Channel and I think they’re still doing YouTube crazily Ever After and uh they go on all these Amazing Adventures and document it and they go to restaurants and and talk about it and they’re just so cute y’all are going to love them um and they do something called front porch Friday so if we’re lucky we’re going to go on the front porch with them on Friday I’m absolutely inviting myself to that um and bringing you guys along but we’ll see we’ll see what happens I don’t know if they’re both home but anyway I just wanted to mention we’re also doing a sidewalk uh to their um patio and we’re almost there you ready let’s do this here we are o it looks like they’re both home too yay look at this driveway we just we just lined this driveway with these crate myrtles and here’s the reading committee hello hey [Music] buddy watch out Barkley hi Barkley oh my [Music] goodness look at this view we have we have buddy in front of us the greeting committee can I just park right here here is the view look at this isn’t it gorgeous they were literally married right in front of this cross and Barney built the CR for the Altar and this is the site of our project today literally views for days isn’t it gorgeous here here they come he’s excited all right this is the million dooll view right Barney that’s right that’s going to be beautiful who I found on the front porch on a Friday good morning are y’all ready we are ready yesim is back Kim is back good or bad thing I don’t know the southern Daisy y’all I’ll tell you what this girl she has transformed our Landscaping we love you so so much we loved you before but we love you we love y’all too but we’re starting our new project today phase two phase two in the backyard not shown any of it because we’re waiting to do it all that’s right but your designs your ideas have just brought this place to life and we come up the driveway so excited now every day so we’re excited thank you this is the end of day one looks like they got a lot done I put the pipe in the middle for the fire pit and looks like the retaining wall is good it is day two of our project and we’re going to see what they’ve gotten done it’s only 10 10:30 um so probably not too terribly much and uh so let’s go check out and see what they’ve done [Music] today is day five of our Hardscape project at Tracy and Barney and I am headed over to see how things are looking we finished the um the wall the top cap I believe is done they started on the patio uh fire pit area and then they’ll do the sidewalk so um we’ll go see how it looks and going to show you I can’t wait I think it is so beautiful Barkley you going with me [Music] so we’re headed to Barney and Tracy’s this morning I’m actually getting ready to pull in the driveway um the project had a couple of setbacks so we are almost finished I think we’ve got maybe going to finish up today if the rain goes away or tomorrow for sure so I’m going to check the stone for the fire pit that’s the last bit and to install the lights and just going to look so I’m going to bring you along with me and give you a little bit of an update which is a huge update it is spectacular so brace yourselves it is gorgeous today I’m going to take you on the very last day of our project that we started three weeks ago should have finished long before now but we’ve had a lot of delays and I want to show you an update before so today is the very last day they’re working on the fire pit and the low voltage lighting getting everything hooked up tidied up and they should be finish so let’s go take a look it is drastically different this is a patio retaining wall or not a retaining wall a sitting wall and a walkway a fire pit low voltage lighting and I cannot wait to see what it looks like so let’s go take a look together [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is my kind of Friday night y’all came outside my husband’s already built the fire our new patio you know what how are you spending your Friday night cheers baby what did you think did you love that transformation and were they not the cutest things ever I just loved them so much and it was so much fun there were so many things that I didn’t capture on video and so I hope you got the essence of just just how amazing it is to interact with people and see their Vision come to life and a vision they didn’t even know they had that I sort of threw out there was like Hey I really think we need to look at this this is not you know you utilize this space a lot so I think we should kind of think about this and that got the wheels turning and got the wheels turning and then then one thing led to another and there we have the installation and you can see it so this last picture I’m leaving you with is of their first night out on the patio and how they utilized it best and I just it made me tear up a little bit because you know I feel like when you create spaces that allow people to to to love where they live or you can help be a piece or a part of allowing people to love where they live that’s huge that just fills me full of so much happiness so anyway I want to thank you so much for watching I want to thank you for coming along on this transformation I also want to offer my services if you are looking for a space that you want to transform it doesn’t matter where you live I have zoom I have FaceTime we can get on teams if we need to I can do this virtually we can have all the meetings that we need to have and I can help you if you don’t know how to do something if you just want to know how to prune something or you want to think through hang out plants book a consultation with me you can go to my website and check out all the services I offer stay tuned though because I am adding whole another level to my business I want to thank you so much for watching you can check out my website at theou pretty easy and I hope you have a chance to go out get your hands dirty look around your landscape and have a fantastic day take care [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] leaving all my worries I prepare for something new whatever it was that held me back I’m sure it wasn’t true holding on to long and unresolved questions hold you down what could have been a friendly smile has turned into a frown I’m Moving [Music] On and On oh


  1. Love the Million Dollar view and the new hardscaping – the fire pit is beautiful! Thanks for sharing♥

  2. Hi Kim 🌺 . Your design is amazing . The color of the stones looks beautiful . Have a wonderful day. 🌺🌻🌺

  3. Amazing! So beautiful. I would LOVE to have crepe myrtles lining my driveway. Wish I could afford it. I planted 4 very small 3-4ft Myrtles in front of my house last year. Only one survived the winter. The other 2 froze to the ground and are growing new shoots and the other is completely dead. So disappointing. Company didn’t even respond. Where would you suggest getting crepe myrtles that won’t bankrupt me? lol. Beautiful job you did on this property.

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