Plant Propagation

One stem snapped off of a two-stem petunia. Help!

Young plant, special variety, was shipped to my house only recently. Blew off my porch this afternoon and literally broke in half.

It seems like there are two methods? I’m not sure – internet has lots of different thoughts.

But one is to trim bottom leaves, stick the entire thing in water, and it might root eventually?

That, or buy some special substrate (sphagnum or peat moss) and a growth hormone, trim most of the plant (like flowers and most leaves) and stick it in.

Any thoughts? Do I need to cut below a node or something?

I’d prefer to not cut off the flowers. I’d really prefer to keep it in water and continue enjoying the plant while it roots. But more than anything I want to do what’s best for it to survive, since it is literally half of the plant 😭

by ilovemycat3000


  1. Chimera99

    I’ve had ok luck propagating petunias with moist perlite in a vented clear plastic container with indirect sun. with stems that long you could cut them into 4 equal sized pieces and try a few different propagation techniques to see what works best for you. Maybe you could try the 2 with flowers in water and the 2 without in a prop box with perlite or sphagnum. dipping the bottom in some rooting hormone like clone x will also improve your chances, good luck!

  2. SmolSeeker777

    Firefly???? I would prop it. It’ll grow in 2 places now!!!

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