Plant Propagation

Rose Propagation 🌹 Help Needed

Is there anything I can do to grow this rose?

Just for clarification and without going into too much detail, being able to grow a bush (or anything) from this stem would mean a lot as there is sentimentality behind it! Unfortunately it's the only stem I have, so I only have one attempt!

Not sure if growing a plant from this is even possible but I'm certainly going to try!

I planted this stem about 2 weeks ago into soil specific for roses, with the end cut around a 45 angle and dipped into rooting powder, before this it was sitting in water. I then placed a cut plastic bottle top over it, since then it has grown leaves and has been looking good! But after inspecting it I found that it hasnt grown any roots, and looks like it may have some rot/mould developing? I'm not sure.

It has only been watered once (when first planted) and has been kept in a humid environment since, on a south facing blurred bathroom window.

Is there anything I can do to help it grow??

by extremely_sad_toast

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