Gardening Trends


Although most gardeners are aware of daylilies, peonies, hostas, and iris, there is a plethora of lesser-known perennials that may enrich your garden with color and intrigue.

These beautiful, seldom-used perennials are well worth the extra work it may take to track them out at your local garden center or on the internet.
00:00 Intro
00:28 Baptisia
01:09 Gas Plant
01:43 Mallow
02:17 Bergenia
02:57 Culver’s Root
03:33 Solomon’s Seal
04:08 Perennial Geranium
04:35 Veronica
05:10 Turtlehead
05:45 Threadleaf Bluestar
06:20 Outro
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Tag : linda vater,garden answer,garden trends,garden media,perennial flowers,garden tour 2024,Plants for beginner,Groundcover plants,Foundation plants,Underused Plants,Colorful Outdoor Plants,Plants for Shade,Perennial Plants,Border Plants

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although most gardeners are aware of Da panies hostas and Iris there is a plethora of lesser known perennials that may enrich your garden with color and Intrigue these beautiful seldom used perennials are well worth the extra work it may take to track them out at your local Garden Center or on the [Music] Internet number one bazia if you plant this stunning native perennial in a Sunny Spot it will Bloom reliably for decades Every Spring different kinds of baptisia produce flowers that can be white yellow or purple with their divided blue green leaves these plants not only thrive in hot and dry conditions but they also living up any Garden although the plants aren’t picky about the soil you should get the biggest ones you can find because they grow [Music] slowly number two gas plant gas plants are Classics in Cottage Gardens and in the late spring and early summer they bloom with spikes of beautiful pink or white flowers the plant produces seed heads shape like Stars once the flowers have faded plant gas gas plants in full light and don’t disturb them for years to come they despise being divided or [Music] relocated number three mow common mow is an easy care perennial that looks like a high biscus at first glance it produces masses of pink openface flowers with dark purple stripes that are finely etched into them almost any sort of soil will be fine for this plant but don’t expect it to last more than a few years be wary of escaped plants because it might be invasive in certain [Music] regions number four breia beautiful breia plants are sometimes referred to as pigsqueak plants due to the common belief that rubbing the leaves between one’s fingers makes them sound like a squawking Pig bergonia despite its ridiculous name is actually a very practical ground cover plant for areas with partial shade this plant offers a delightful display of thick dark green heart-shaped leaves and spikes of vibrant pink spring [Music] flowers number five Culver’s root native to North America Culver’s root is a showstopper in Meadow Gardens and mixed B settings All Summer Long Culver’s root puts up a continuous show of white flower heads that resemble candelabras the nectar Rich blossoms of this perennial are a favorite food source for butterflies although it is past and diseas free it may need staking in areas with insufficient sunshine [Music] number six Solomon Seal in Spring this lovely plant produces tiny white bell-shaped flowers and verdant or green leaves that is sure to brighten any room it spreads gently through the Garden on the backs of its underground roots and thrives in fertile soil as the growing season winds down in the fall the leaves takes on a vibrant yellow hue providing an additional splash of [Music] color number seven perennial tranium few perennials can match the showstopping blooms of perennial geranium due to their Perpetual flower smothering these diminutive Beauties give on quite a show in the garden if you want more flowers after the first Bloom sh the plants that are starting to sprawl [Music] number eight Veronica While Veronica is a perennial border staple it may not be the first plant you see when you visit a garden center one of the easiest and most beautiful perennials to grow fonica isn’t always the most eye catching when it’s young solid spikes of blue purple red or white flow flowers continue to emerge from these Dependable plants throughout the summer number nine turtle head summer through fall this plant Bears lovely blossoms that resemble snap drens and come in a variety of colors pink white rose purple and more almost marshy soil is ideal for this native perennials growth planting Turtle heads in Bogs rain Gardens or next to waterfalls and koi ponds is a great [Music] idea number 10 threadleaf blue star beginning in spring with its pale blue star-shaped flowers low maintenance threadleaf blue star provides Garden appeal throughout the three seasons the plant’s attractive green leaves stand out in the summer and its beautiful yellow gold foliage in the fall is a sight to behold in a perennial border or close to a deck or patio these would look wonderful well thanks for watching video from catchy Garden don’t forget to click like And subscribe button to always support our Channel you can also turn on the notification Bell to get the latest videos from us we’ll see you in the next videos

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