
PREPARING BEDS FOR SPRING: Allotment Garden Tips for a Successful Gardening Season

In this video, we’re going to be talking about preparing beds for spring. Beds are a key part of the gardening season, and it’s important to start preparing them as soon as the ground is warm enough.

We’re going to discuss some of the tips and strategies that have worked for us in the past and help you to create a successful bedding season. We’ll also share some recipes for delicious and refreshing bedding plants that you can try in your garden this spring!

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hello and welcome to that bridge Homestead my name’s Nick and today I thought I’d show you how I am refreshing my garden for spring I know I’m so excited about spring it’s almost spring has almost sprung although the weather keeps springing um now is very chilly again and it feels like winter I’m very excited we are so close to sewing I can feel it but I don’t sew until February so I won’t be doing that until the half term there sorry guys but that’s what I decided to do although I will be doing my cold crops that doesn’t count as my spring sewing I’m all talking about the wonderful wonderful wonderful and wonderful crops the warm with crops they’re my faves who doesn’t like peppers and tomatoes guys I love them I love them so here what I’m basically doing is I’m just refreshing this these beds basically I’ve got two of these bad boys and what I’m going to be doing is refreshing them so that they are available and ready to wear in to go when the nice weather hits so if you’re anything like me you’re counting down the days until spring has sprung which is the 20th of March the day before my birthday just FYI and most importantly that is only a couple of weeks before I last frost all right I don’t know about you guys but my last frost is in the last week of April that means that I plan out my tenders in May May 1st well I do every year I I have like these I don’t know if you guys have this right whatever year you do it I don’t know if you have this but like every year I go ahead and I do like the same thing right so I always I always sew my Frost tender things are in February half term I’ll always plant my potatoes on St Patrick’s Day and there’s like several things like the longest day I will always plant my garlic and I think boxing day you do onions loads of things like that it’s just craziness um I don’t know if there’s any Rhyme or Reason to it but I’ve just always done it so I wondered if you guys had any sort of traditions that you like to do because I think they’re absolutely Fab so this is what I’m going to be doing and every time I do a bed right I started off and I was like oh this is quite nice and then I hated it again and then I was like I I love this and now I’m kind of like oh what am I gonna do when the beds are done you know I feel a little bit oh I quite like it because okay whilst I’m doing it especially when it’s raining and cold I’m not really I’m not gonna sit here and say to you yeah I love it but looking back now which is today’s video is such an accomplishment and joy and sitting out the beds that I need this is going to be my squash bed and I love squash I love squash a lot so I’m really super excited about having the opportunity to have all of these squashes that we need to overwinter so that basically I don’t just turn into a cabbage because in the winter that’s a very strong possibility I might actually turn into a cabbage because we eat enough of them so it just kind of like varies out our diet I really like the potato squashes I’ve really enjoyed those this year and I really want them to have a good start next year so that’s what I’m doing here I’m just making sure that my squash is guaranteed for next year this was very exciting I do know and I’ve only got I think it was like three beds left I can’t remember I think yeah I think it’s three so I’ve got half a bed over this side to do and I’ve got one or two left over there I’ve actually gone ahead and completely done my Jerusalem artichoke bed I’ve heavily mulched that now you might be thinking but the Jerusalem artichokes will have a problem coming up no if you know anything about drew the last jokes you could shoot them into the Sun and they’d grow just fine it is something that I’m not really concerned about because Jerusalem arthroats are so good at growing that they’re going to grow absolutely anywhere it’s not an issue um so there’s certain things I do want to keep doing and these beds are priority number one but I’m thinking after that what am I going to do well I have this idea guys and I think it’s a good idea but I’m very excited about it nonetheless and my idea is to grow mushrooms down the paths I know very exciting so I will be I know exciting staff be growing mushrooms in my garden paths so I’m going to make sure that I heavily mulch them because the variety of mushrooms that I’m going to be

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