Gardening Trends

The Dangers of Overgrown Shrubs

How to Avoid Little Shop of Horrors Situation

Dive into the gardening world with the latest episode of the Top 10 Gardener podcast!

Hosted by gardening experts Ken Lain & Lisa Lain, this episode is packed with valuable tips and insights to help you cultivate a thriving garden.

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so that’s this is something I see a lot people put these cute little shrubs and trees in and then you know five six years down the road it’s like what’s that plant in Little Shop of hores Seymour Seymour or it’s literally taken over front doors patio walkways um you know either try to trim it back but sometimes once they get that big they look butchered with that you can’t get them back to size so take it out of there put something that’s actually going to fit what you want

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