
Garden Tips that have been around over 180 years.

it took me 180 years to learn these little gardening tricks with celery just chop off the base and place it in water once tender shoots appear plant it in soil and after a while you’ll have fresh celery to eat again take broccoli and snip off the fettes saving the inedible stocks pop them in my husband’s water glass and wait for roots to sprout the trimmed parts will slowly regrow don’t throw away those pineapple leaves trim the bottom soak them in water until Roots form transplant them into the soil and in no time you’ll have an unending supply of tropical fruit to enjoy punch a few holes in a plastic bottle put the roots of scallions you’ve chopped into the bottle then submerge it in Water by tomorrow you’ll have an endless supply of scallion greens for seasoning had enough veggies take some humus toss it in the laundry basket with leftover mushrooms cover them with sawdust keep it moist and before you know it you’ll have fresh mushrooms at your fingertips running low on onions slice off the top and

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