
Follow-up Results: Money Budget-Friendly Vegetable Garden Tips

In this video, you will a follow-up on my Money Budget-Friendly Vegetable Garden Tips. See the results with a step-by-step guide on planting cuttings that have been rooted from tomato plants and basil plants. I will show you the process of transplanting the rooted cuttings into soil, providing tips on proper care and maintenance to ensure healthy growth. You will learn valuable insights on nurturing tomato plants from cuttings to full maturity, with a focus on maximizing growth and yield. Join me in this informative and engaging video as we explore the journey of growing tomatoes from rooted cuttings.

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hey folks recently I did a video on how to save money in the garden and I gave a whole bunch of tips the one thing I wasn’t able to do during that video will show you the final results so here are two items where I’m showing the final results I decided to take some cuting from some basil and from some tomato plants put them in water and root them now this has been about probably about 10 days no probably about 2 weeks and this is is the result so here are the results both of my basil plants actually I think I had three or four but I had them on the deck and on Windy days a couple of them got blown out completely this one stayed in the water the entire time this one got blown out but I kept putting it back in the other ones I never even found so this is the result so yes it does work I’m going to be planting those guys in my main Garden the rest are in my green house and the reason I’m planting these in the garden is to help protect from Bugs they are very good to help deter bugs because of their scent now the next thing I decided to root was tomato plants and it’s kind of funny because I was out there deweed in my garden that day and I accidentally cut one of my tomato plants down with a hoe so I figured why not so I took that tomato plant and I took several other cuting from other tomato plants well enough talk these are the results let’s see if I can here’s one of them here’s another here’s another there’s two more this one didn’t do as much but I think I did this cutting later on and this here is the big boy the one that I accidently cut look at that and you see that I don’t know if you can see that little Bloom right there blue balloon right there it’s ready to flour and form a tomato here’s two or three balloons right here so yes this does [Music] work now I didn’t show you all the ones that I’m rooting cuz I did cut some more and I’m re-rooting them now but these guys here show that it it is a successful way to propagate your plants save yourself a bunch of money cuz these tomato plants I think one plant like this will cost you five bucks at one of the big box stores and if you’re lucky you might find a plant that has two plants in it but still five bucks versus free please so what I’m going to do and honestly I really don’t need all of these tomato plants and I thought the best thing for me to do will be to pot these I have plenty of these so I’m going to repot them and I’m going to I’m going to give them away at a local church or some I’m going to find someone that needs these plants because since I don’t need them I’m not just doing videos to do videos I would like to my video I would like for my videos to be helpful to people so this is my way to give away stuff to the community it may not be my local guard well it won’t be my larger YouTube Garden Community but this is something I can give to a neighbor it’s something I can give to a family member is something I can give to a church a boys boys and girls club I’m going to find people that need these plants prob so for the tomato plants I’m just going to be using some basic organic soil and I’m going to add some I know a lot of people use cow manure and I do still have some leftover but my favorite has always been chicken manure but I don’t have chickens so I found a couple places that had it and it’s not the cheapest manure but let me put it to you this way in in a former life when I used to build swimming pools I used to be out out there out there in the country and whenever I saw someone that had a really great looking Garden I asked them what they use and to a person each one said chicken manure and since I don’t have chickens I was able to find some chicken manure composted chicken manure which I’m going to add [Music] to the soil I don’t know why I put a glove on when I stuck my other hand in the soil mix it up some that number one actually I’m going to take that lower leave off because I’m going this Branch I might I might even go and with this one but with this one with tomato plants you always want to bury them deep so I’m I’m replanting these deep just a little bit more just a little bit more I hope I’m not overdoing it of course I add some water to it that’s really all you need to do you don’t every maybe 3 4 weeks at least for a while you might want to add a little 511 fertilizer also you might consider putting uh basic tomato fertilizer on these plants CU they have the nutrients necessary to help produce blooms on the plant and that’s where your Tomatoes can’t come from the blooms so don’t forget about that and like I said it’s a very simple process and since tomatoes are one of the most popular items in most home gardens it’s always great to be able to get some cheap tomato plants can’t forget my chicken manure fertilizer one thing I didn’t mention when you deal with tomato plants you can literally plant 2/3 of the plant so let’s say you bought this this plant you could varry up to about here cuz you would have nothing but roots to down here and I think that’s about halfway oh but something else I don’t like having my leaves down touching the ground of course once the plant grows up some it will not have the leaves or branches touching the ground but one thing you have to understand yeah I know these are bad one thing you have to understand when your leaves are touching the ground it has a greater chance of getting diseas and that’s the worst thing for you plant uh one two three nice looking nice looking tomato plants that I can just give away try this at home it’s a great experiment and also it’s a great way to save some money now let’s go and get those basil planted also before I forget since youve come this far along I know it hasn’t been that long but please hit the like button hit the Subscribe button hit that notification button that way you can be here next time I’m showing what’s going on in the garden now let’s go and get those basil planted so a quick word of advice for people who have dogs I took a break and went outside to eat and I didn’t have my garden fence locked up this was knocked over so all the water was out I found this pepper that was knocked off of a plant and I had a few empty buckets that I was using to plant the tomatoes that was knocked over so you’ve probably heard about bear one of my dogs I get a feeling it was him fortunately he really didn’t do any other destruction and I will remember to lock up my garden because yeah anyway on to the video so these are basic Sweet Basil they aren’t a difficult plant to grow but there’s certain things you might well consider also certain benefits or certain special things about it that you might actually enjoy they grow very well with only four to 5 hours of sunlight so if you have a shady area of your garden that doesn’t get you know 6 8 10 hours of direct sunlight these are great plants for that but also they do grow very well in direct sunlight eight 10 12 hours of direct sunlight also they don’t need a ton of fertilizer but when you do fertilize it you want something that has a higher nitrogen level because nitrogen is nitrogen is what’s going to help reduce the leaves you aren’t trying to grow super great Roots like a beet cuz a beet is a root you aren’t trying to grow flowers cuz you want flowers on your Tomatoes CU that’s going to produce fruit with these basil you’re only going to use the leaves so you want something with a high nitrogen content when you fertilize it so of course I’m going for my chicken manure because chicken manure has great nitrogen content also and it’s higher than Cal manure but also it’s a slower release fertilizer so once I plant this I am going to put some fish fertilizer on it cuz that first number in fish fertilizer the 511 and fish fertilizer that five is nitrogen content and that’s what this plant needs so as far as planting I have some pretty long roots I’m going to plant it first let me mix this up here don’t focus on the ballet spot it’s just going to get bigger yeah I see you looking anyway so I got that mixed up I’m going to plant it down to about here about this spot here might take this one leaf here off I don’t know if these are like tomatoes where Tomatoes get a lot of diseases from leaves being directly touching the ground I might need to research that but it’s a simple planting nothing super special about that like like I said this is a basic sweet basil and there are literally thous a thousand type of of Basil out there so depending on where you are and actually for most people this is what you’re going to find in the big box door you’re going to find find five 10 different varieties you’re probably going to just find one variety of Basil So the instructions or the details I’m giving you now should work with anything excuse me it should work with anything you’re going to be planting now something else you want to do with this type of Basil is you want to keep up when you’re watering you don’t have to keep it soaking wet it doesn’t really need Wet feet but you don’t want it to overly dry out it can dry out a little bit you know if you miss a day where it first gets dried out it should be okay but you don’t want to go 1 2 3 weeks without making sure it’s watered so like I said it is somewhat drought tolerant but give us some water don’t forget about it and one word about watering if you let it dry out for too long it will start to turn the seed or put produce flowers now at the end of the season F you might want to it to produce flowers so you get seeds also it’s a it’s great for bringing in pollinators however when those flowers show up the plant is focused on producing flowers not leaves so if you you take those flower flowers off and cut off some of those branches that have flowers the plant will focus more energy on producing leaves because that’s really what you want during most of the season and just like most summer variety vegetables these guys enjoy the heat they don’t do very well once temperatures drop to you 50 40 30° however they might however they might survive the first Frost now as far spacing generally you want to give about seven maybe 8 in between this plant and another plant whether it be a tomato plant or whether it be another basil plant the Basils are mainly going to focus on growing up they aren’t going to focus so much on growing out so that’s one thing you should consider you don’t have to give it you know 2 3 feet between each plant it’s going to grow up not so much growing out so if you follow those simple little tips there your basil plant should be just fine and it can do what it needs to do produce you with some seasoning but also give you protection for plants like your Tomatoes or your peppers great little Dual Purpose plant since this video is somewhat of a followup on my video on how to save money in the gardening this is one of the onions that planted from an onion ball that split into about four pieces growing well getting taller I am going to be trellising these tomatoes to kind of get the shade off of this onion but see that idea worked look at this one here it was nowhere near that tall it was only about it might have been 2 in tall but you can see it’s growing and that’s the most important thing I’m getting some good growth out of that one not sure what’s going on with this one but from the looks of it somebody stepped on it might have been me might have been one of the dogs here’s my garlic plenty of garlic clove here main thing it’s been two weeks it’s still alive and it’s still growing not all of them survived but this one here was super small it’s survived it’s still growing this one here hasn’t grown much but once again it’s survived it’s still growing so just go to show you that those tips do work so like I said this is kind of a follow up on my previous video and I will be following up on these plants that I just put down tomato plants and the basil plants and also a lot of the other stuff that I planted I’m tired I’m hot I need to go take a break so let’s get our thing get a little dirty

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