Garden Plans

New Garden Design Continues, Great Ideas | New Outdoor Chick Enclosure | The Lawrence Garden Farm

Everything is coming alive, and the weather has been amazing here in Wisconsin, Early May. The gardens are returning, early flowers are coming into bloom. It’s a magical time of year. Meet our new additions to the garden farm. New garden additions are almost complete! We share the new homemade firepit and garden makeover we’ve been working on.

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you guys I love weekends cuz I got my favorite helper that’s right Jason’s out here helping me we’re moving these Stones this is for our Corner Gardens we want it to feel really natural and just quaint and amazing and yeah so we brought in these Boulder rocks which are awesome they’re not really Boulders they’re like mini Boulders but how many inches are these Jason uh they range from like uh they’re mostly like 16 to 18 in like you know yeah oh so here’s a good little tip so um we said that we needed about uh 20 of these Boulders that’s what we thought was going to like work for all the beds but when you buy Stone no matter if it’s small stone or Big Stone like this they sell it by the ton so the guy asked me well you know do you need a ton a ton and a half I’m like I I don’t know I mean I need about 20 big boulders and then he told me that that actually equals out to about a ton and a half and I would really love to put those Boulders along this border here these are actually just railroad ties that I had Jason cut so it looked almost like little wood pavers when we first created this Garden about 8 years ago but they lasted nice but I really just would love to bring in more of that stone here yeah and we can use these somewhere else they’re still solid but definitely having the stone Stone would look really cool in here so we we’ll do that at some point that’ll be on our to-do project list that’s that big look you couldn’t even see his arms in the camera where they went his arms extended magically that’s right to give you an idea too if you’re doing a project around the yard this can make a space look really awesome it was about $280 for a ton and a half of this big uh you know 12 to 18 in stone is is what you would see in the stone yards feel like the stone makes such a huge difference too the large Boulders so at that cost point you know it’s not that it’s so cheap or anything but it’s also not super expensive to create an complete change yeah and you usually only see like really big Stone like this if you have like a professional landscape company coming in so when you see that you’re like wow how did they do that you know those stones are so big really get a dolly you know they they dump the stone in the driveway and like Casey and I are doing even with my arm at 50% we can still move these things around so yeah and this was an ergonomic steel barrel that I got from my dad for Christmas one year and we used this thing a ton but he told me he didn’t want it yeah yeah that’s right so it’s aoral the wheels the wheels like come back and it’s like a normal wheel wheelbarrow with a little you know stand that you can set it but this dolly part like we’ve moved probably a hundred of these Boulders with this thing and yeah we’re not like being paid to say this obviously you can tell this isn’t a new product this is not definitely not a product video um but what well brand was this anyway what is it called works works works and it works it does it does I’m telling you even manure I mean it’s seen everything yeah it has one of the other things that we’ve been working on is the chicken and duck house you saw how we got the roof peaked and expanded so we can stand up in there and what we want to do now is create an area off the back of that so we can leave those doors open the chickens and ducks can come in and out as they please and in this specific area it’s going to be completely enclosed SP is already protected because it’s it’s got the trees around it you can see they’re down there right now but what we’re going to do is use we’re going to kind of attach it to the bunny enclosure so we’re going to continue the 2x4s we’re going to continue that solid wall all the way through here so that this area behind the chicken house is fully protected we’ll put netting over the top as well okay well I’m almost done with everything um you can see we’ve we’ve got a a gate here now off of the back of the bird bird CPE look at our ducks there enjoying the pond oh look it oh boy somebody I should say they don’t want to miss being on on camera look at that but now they can come out of that little fenc and area we’ve got this uh larger enclosed area it’s tough to see but we’ve got the the black fence now it’s about I would say 8T tall and then I’m going to still put netting over the top of that so that no birds can swoop in and they’ll be completely protected in here but let’s go and check it out all right so here’s the uh bird Coupe itself there and so now they’ve got this area that comes around see you can see here that the they can look right into the bunny enclosure there the bunnies can come right up to them as well so it’s uh it’s an awesome setup back here plus when we are sitting in the Garden Room over there we can see the bunnies over here we can we can see the the ducks in the pond we can watch the chickens over here it’s uh it’s quite entertaining we’re really getting some uh some cool space back here all right Casey is finishing up the fire pit it looks so cool it’s like my whole rock collection threw up all over this thing it looks so awesome I mean it’s definitely a work of art few more Stones so I’m I’m filling in any little gaps with the smaller stones and we have such a huge rock collection from you know Lake Michigan mateline Island um from when we were in Michigan at that Beach uh to the farm here where we found so many drewy quarts that are really sparkly to just my own personal stone rock and Crystal collection cuz when I was little I wanted to be a geologist so I always had all these stones and stuff but um that didn’t happen so I’m going toplay them here she was so tired last night that she won’t move at all toight so show us what uh how do we how do we get her to to go forward I got her to move I go check out some duckies okay okay and then I also Le Howers it works and she’s around Lun look we got all we got Luna we got the bunnies Casey’s in there by the the Ducks and the chicks saa’s going in there to feed her ducks and chickens getting a muck out here of the yeah I’m sorry but I love these kids snow shovels I mean we didn’t buy them for that purpose but they are awesome I’m loving it oh we got one of the chicks on sa’s head here pepperoni yeah performing a circus act Pepperoni’s crazy so the chickens are really funny they uh and the Ducks too they all follow everybody around they like the the human interaction right SA they come like if you come in there they like to come by you they like their pets and they don’t mind being held either I you no and I like putting pepperoni on my arm they’re super tame yeah some people say it hurts but it really doesn’t well once you get used to it but like on your first time and they started off living in our house I don’t know you guys knew that yeah well in a cage in the bathtub but I mean so they were con L held by sa [Music] so they’ve been working on training her and getting her to listen and Luna’s been loving it because they’ve been walking her around all day and doing activities with her and Luna loves the interaction so she’s been going along with it she always go slow on this but yeah she’s done really well listening to the girls and I’ll let she’s just been enjoying herself I’ll sa’s got her back in her area now which includes her area includes part of the greenhouse which you you’ve seen that before but she gets to go in there when she’s feeling cool and wants to warm up and look at the plants so earlier in the video we were moving these big boulders around which are are behind us we’ve got them all into place now but when Casey and I were moving these she ended up we were putting one of the Rocks Boulders in the wheelbarrow and the handles jerked down while she was holding on to it and she pulled muscles in her neck so she she was out of commission for a couple of days so um I was able to get the rest of them in place with the exception of two and then I had some help to do that but Casey also just finished up the fire pit let’s go take a look at all this awesome Rock Works behind so the corner Gardens are coming into place here you can kind of see the shape of the triangle there some of these Stones like this one here is big enough and comfortable to sit on so we’ve got the four corner Gardens here still got to move a couple Boulders around but this is the special the special part of all of this is the the fire pit that that she just finished today look at all of these Stones here she mortared them all in she was able to use all of the stones that we found throughout the years in the field just really really special stones to us she intermixed some of her crystals in there but all of these cool stones that that we found in the in the field over the years that we just haven’t really you know been able to to do anything with are all now here I mean look it got a pine cone in there but the colors the shapes of art I am really really proud of Casey for this Vision that she had with this and completing this this was a pretty tedious and and tough job she this is an awesome View Luna can you say good night good night to everyone Luna good night from Luna and a good night from the birds they’re getting all all cozied in for the night you can’t forget the bunnies Sage is the only one out here right now we got pumpkin in here hi


  1. You are creating such a wonderful space for the pets! Love seeing the girls working with Luna😍 The fire pit turned out great Casey! Sorry to hear you were injured and out of commission for a while, that’s so frustrating (especially this time of the year!) I hope you are feeling much better and THAT never happens again ❤️

  2. You guys have created such a beautiful magical natural place there! I absolutely love it! Love how the fire 🔥 pit turned out, I bet it just sparkles so pretty in the sun light. Definitely a lot of rock 🪨 memories you have and now you get to enjoy looking at there beauty everyday! I miss your videos and wish you would post more often, even just puttering around, feeding the animals, watching the girls etc. Love you guys so much!

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