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Seg 4 of S8E11 Garden questions answered pear trees,soak seeds, compost – Garden talk radio

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Segment 4: Garden questions answered

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[Music] welcome back to the guardian with join Holly radio show time for your questions our answers if you’ve got a question fired on over here at gardent talkradio that’s Garden talkradio whether you’re listening on the radio Podcast in studio video replay certainly do that you can also give us a call anytime to 1 800 927 show that’s 1 800 927 7469 we’ll see what we can get through to the top of the hour all right um how much does it matter how much does it help soaking large seeds corn peas squash beans uh does it help does it hurt what’s the uh what’s the good thing here yeah so seeds all have a seed coat basically is the outside harder portion of the seed if you open something like a pumpkin seed sunflower seed you’re eating the seed coat if you the meat yeah the meat is the inside in the seed Co so even the smaller seeds have that is just more smaller right so soaking seeds such as um corn and squash seeds Etc um okra people spoke okra even pea seeds does help it does help the germination is it required no but it can help so if you are like hey you know I want to give my seeds a little boost you’re bored on a Friday night you want to soak some seeds I say go for it well here’s what here that’s good and all but be aware of how much you are going to plant which means how much are you going to soak if you only need 40 pea seeds and you soak a whole pound of them you got to go somewhere with those pea seeds because you’re not really a good shot of letting them dry back out well that’s part of your Friday night fun you go to your garden in the dark flashlight flashlight figure out you know make your neighbors wonder what you’re doing no large seeds now carrots or parsnips or radishes don’t worry about soaking them it it it’s it’s not going to be beneficial but seeds like this also okra you can soak okra seeds uh in 2% milk and that lactic acid in the milk will help break down the seed coating and you and these seeds you want to soak for maybe 12 hours I wouldn’t go any more than really 12 hours get them hydrated and uh go there okay so I have several established apple and pear trees I don’t like to spray but I do end up with much of a harvest and decide to try spraying so I’m looking for something organic I have red sulfur is a good option but sometimes I it they’ve only found granules could you recommend a product or some other suggestions keep the informative shows coming um so there’s lots of good organic options at your local Garden Center and depends on the issue independent Garden Center yeah independent Garden Center it depends on the issue I don’t have this um uh listener didn’t you know indicate what the what the issue was essentially it sounds like maybe one more of a a broad answer to kind of give a a direction right um so it comes to you know there’s oils copper lime sulfur those products are applied when the foilage is on the tree you can cause phytotoxicity which is damage or burning of the leaves so if it’s if it’s ever like you know even late fall is a little bit iffy you want to do something like definite winter so once all the leaves have dropped from the tree up until the point before buding you are safe to spray whatever it could be on that tree so it’s typically like just mcber January February you’re safe depending on where you are maybe March um I know like here where we are March is fine um so what you want to do is you want to go to your local independent Garden Center speak with them about your issue and then see what they have and then that’s when you would spray it on on the tree if you can get photographs and then show your the the person at the independent Garden Center here’s what I’m dealing with that usually can help accelerate and get a better diagnosis of what the issue is when applying any of these things on a fruit tree for as well as fertilizer or or any type of chemical organic or nonorganic follow the instructions if it says x amount per gallon of water that’s what you need to do is x amount per gallon water just don’t go well if it says one cup per gallon I’m going to give her two cups because that makes it means it’s going to get better faster that’s that’s not how that works don’t waste your money by doing more because you can also incre increase the damage you can also damage more than you are going to help by not following the instructions it seems like a simple thing but people don’t follow the instructions this is not putting a table together that you got from Ikea this is spraying chemicals organic or non-organic on a tree on your lawn on your vegetables right so another question is how do you know when to water uh yes and no uh your miles May mileage yes or no question um your best indicator of when in containers or raised beds or ground is your finger push your finger in the soil if it feels damp down you know go all the way down past your knuckle if it feels damp you don’t need water the key to healthy vegetables uh in any atmosphere or any situation is damp soil not wet damp like a sponge if you bring your finger out and it’s bone dry you’ve probably waited too long to water root maker um in your grow bags you got drip Works irrigation system you got eaten Brothers uh soaker hoses to and timers in order to constantly keep the soil moist not damp because when you dry your soil out it takes a tremendous amount of water to rehydrate it secondly you can by drying the soil out prevents the plant from uptaking moisture which can damage the cell walls which can inhibit and introduced diseases and and infestation of bugs a weak plant is a susceptible plant to Insects so there’s no direct this is how much you need to water and this is how often it all depends on many different environmental factors in your in in your backyard but be vigilant and either be proactive and have a system set up where it’s constantly giving moisture to the soil or you’re constantly checking on a daily basis so with that being said we come to the portion of the program of what we learned today I learned that there is a tremendous amount of deep diving into the formulation of a natural insect uh uh chemical organic in order to kill beetles grubs and uh Japanese beetles and and larva right it’s pretty amazing I learned that dandelion can travel across the Atlantic Ocean apparently and go overseas at least 27 miles locally 27 miles locally domestically domestic are these domestic dandelion I I don’t know whether whether what we learned today is brought to you by honeyb whether you’re a gardener be hobbyist or professional beekeeper honey be healthy has the products to help you maintain a healthy and thriving Garden for more information on how to use honey be healthy ink inyou Garden visit honeyb

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