Front Yard Garden


Yes guys, with the weather being so amazing and the kiddies being at school, it was the perfect opportunity to get our JUNGLE of a garden under some sort of control 😮‍💨 So, the day started with a blether in the shed before the school run and then after the school run it was all systems go for grass cutting with a bit of help from Florence and Joseph 😁 Grass mowing was the flavour of the day with a little catch up with Zoe as well 😌 We really hope you enjoy the video, thank you for your support x

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#grass #grasscutting #overgrownlawn #jungle #garden #gardening #gardeningtips #gardeningideas #mowing #lawnmowing #timelapse #thesullivanfamily

Music used in video:
Humblebrag – Neon Beach
Times Like These – Andrew Galucki

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we can be so much more than who we are so much more than who we are we can we can and need de in while the world just falls apart at The Rise Above It All We we can good morning guys and welcome back to the Sullivan family it is stunning in Scotland at the moment it’s absolutely stunning guys I’m just in my shed it’s like it’s not even 8:00 in the morning yet all the kids are dressed um we’re getting ready for school it is the last day of school for the kids this week because they are off on Thursday and Friday which is amazing but we’ll talk about that a bit more later grass let’s talk about grass okay so the grass as you know as you’ve already seen I’m also in the shed it’s a little bit windy this morning but I think it sure I’m sure it’ll settle down okay it doesn’t look that bad from a distance it doesn’t look that bad from a distance but believe me the grass is probably over a foot high at the moment in most places under the trampoline over in the corner over in the corner over there where the rubbish pole is but I got the stammer out last night after school after I pick the kids up from school we just spent the after the afternoon in the garden and I managed to stream on One battery probably over a quarter of the garden maybe a third of the garden um and it was really simple it’s actually a really good streammer it’s the old Ryobi One the r battery one there’s a battery go the back so I might to do a third of the garden I want to strim it all first uh and then what I want to do after that is go over it with the mower and give it a proper cut but it needs to be streams cuz we’ve let it go too far as I’ve said in previous Vlogs we’ve Let It Go way too far it’s absolutely crazy uh and it’s pretty overgrown so um yeah that’s going to be basically me today I am because I’ve I’ve also got I’ll just show you I didn’t throw away I don’t know if you can see that down there I’ve got my Old Faithful so should the battery run out on this one I can whip out the old uh strammer plug it in and get the rest of the garden done now I’m not going to push myself too far let’s get that St straight and if I start feeling a little bit you know then um I shall ease off but I want to try and break as much break the back of the Garden I Want to Break the back of the grass cuz it’s really getting on my nerves we’ve got the perfect opportunity today to do it cuz the weather is going to be amazing all day and tomorrow is going to be fantastic so the kids are off tomorrow I may as well talk about it now right so the plan is that we’re going to Vlog tomorrow and then we’ll put that Vlog out normally we don’t Vlog on a Thursday cuz we got the live on Friday um we don’t want anything to clash and all that kind of stuff so the plan is we’re going to film tomorrow cuz we’re going down the beach all day so I don’t want to miss that so so I want to share that with you guys we’re going to film tomorrow and then we’re going to put the video out at 6 before the live goes out at 7:00 does that make sense so you can literally watch the video wait for a bit go on to the live at 7:00 we’ll give it a go anyway and that’s that’s my plan I really want to film tomorrow cuz it’s going to be an amazing amazing day the weather is supposed to be fantastic fingers cross cuz it is SC the weather report so far says it’s going to be amazing all the way through to the weekend um but it is Scotland so anything can happen we could get a seaha you know a fog a sea fog com straight in and engulf the place who knows you know that it is Scotland and that has happened in the past we’ve all been set for for a beach day and next minute this big wall of fog comes in and covers the entire vossy mouth you know or bar head or whatever um but the plan is for today is for me to get the garden done I’m going to have the little ones out with me as well they can just daughter about and help and and whatnot Isabelle’s uh Isabelle’s got a an exam today so she’s going to school Charlotte’s going to school to study which pretty much leav Olivia at home um and Zoe and me and the little ones yeah so that’s what I’m going to do today do the grass break as much get as much of the grass broken down as possible cut down as possible and then maybe tomorrow um or we’re not tomorrow we’re going to the beach but then that leaves it open then for me to quickly get the mower out and startop going over with the mower uh and get it properly cut yeah and then at some point the front garden but I want to talk to you about that another time the front garden is really getting on our nerves with the this like plastic sacking or something anyway that’s that’s the front garden I’ll talk to about I’ll talk about that again that’s another big plan that we’ve got for front garden is to get that done cuz it’s really annoying me anyway guys beautiful day I better go back in now get everybody ready to go to school uh yeah and then as soon as I get back from the school run um we’ll crack on with the [Music] grass who did this daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy ddy Daddy Daddy what right what are you playing play sand you’re playing sand yes go play with Joseph then they love that moonsand they absolutely love it right School run is done guys School run is finished these two have had a snack and a drink I am vlogging from inside the shed because it’s very windy the wind has picked up a little bit so obviously that affect the video uh but we’ve done the school run we’re back they’ve had a snack they’ve had a lot of sun creeper on cuz I’m just I’m I’m not taking any chances cuz it is quite warm so they’ve had a bit of sun cream put on and they’re happy at the moment are they just play in the moonsand so Zoe’s inside she’s doing a few bits she’s doing a few orders and she’s sorting out some Banking and and whatnot um but we are going to crack on cuz it’s 10:00 so time is t t ticking away as it always does time tick tick ticks away uh I’m going to crack on stop another play with these little two as well cuz they’re so funny CL playing but I want to get as much of the grass done as possible o what you doing what are you doing dadddy what what what are you doing moonsand you doing moon sand sand or kinetic sand is it it’s called kinetic sand yes that’s it high five let’s crack on bre what comes [Music] after hold on for better days let a passing in the sh [Music] days like these we can see The Way live out of Tides come and our way as we move closer to [Music] matters time like these come and go so let this feeling grow finally see what we’ve always known so let this feeling grow [Music] [Music] these days come to life like a river keeps on [Music] winding we know this is our time keep the memories that we find [Music] it s like these come and go so let this heing grow finally see what we’ve always known so let this feeling grow okay it’s me Daddy atra and we are deep in the jungle in burad is that you’re actually yes it is today cuz we are deep in the jungle in berad and we are finding lots of beasties lots of butterflies lots of things are flying up as we’re cutting the grass aren’t they yeah are you having fun playing your moonsand yeah yeah they’re having fun playing moonsand all right so I’ve done quite a bit it’s very long it’s very very long uh I don’t know what else to say I’m going to do a bit more and see how much we can get done there’s tons of it but yes we’re just exploring the jungle for a minute P pandas I hope there’s no pandas in here that’s right let’s crack [Music] on what we’ve always known so let this feel and [Music] [Music] grow these days come to life like a river keeps on [Music] winding we know this is our time we keep the M that we find [Music] in times like these come and go so let feeling grow Finly see but we’ve always known so let this feeling grow like [Music] the Times Like These come and go so let this feel [Music] grow finally see what we’ve always known to let feel it feeling [Music] grow turn like the turn like the [Music] times [Music] like times like these [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] ah hydration that’s the key less coffee more water and I’ve got a little band around my bottle cuz we buy these bottles and there’s always about six or seven in the fridge and nobody knows who’s is who so I’m putting a band around mine quite it’s quite a handy little bottle right the battery’s dead but I have to say I am suitably impressed with the way that that little strimer it’s only a little strammer isn’t it ripped through probably what I would say uh probably a third of the garden so a third of the garden and and some of it was up past my waist you know so so we’d let it unfortunately we let it grow too long so some of the uh some of the grass was up past my waist and I have to say for that little strimmer to rip through that stuff um which it did I mean it’s still now I suppose the grass is probably that long it’s quite thick so I’m going to have to get the mow on it next um and that’s and do that pretty sharpish before it starts growing again so um I’m really happy with what I’ve what I’ve achieved today it is about quarter past 11 um Locker said the battery’s dead U Joseph and Flo went in I think Florence suffers with a little bit of ha feed we might have to get her some baby PS on cuz her nose was streaming and she was coughing a little bit so I’m wondering if she suffers with a little bit of hay Fe and obviously me doing the grass doesn’t help Do It um so she they both went inside um they’d had enough so they went inside bless him um but I’m really happy with how much I got done actually I’m covered in Grass my phone’s covered in grass and the tripod’s covered in Grass uh everything’s covered in grass and that little area I showed you just then that’s the patch that I’ve done and um it’s done it’s done a good job it’s done a really good job so that’s the Roy Obi that’s the Roy Obi battery pad trimmer who knew I could do what I could do though I could do with another battery that’s what I could do with but they’re £80 there’s a lot of money in it for for his second battery um but yeah I am really happy with what I’ve achieved this morning so I’m going to go in now catch up with Zoe and um see what this afternoon brings I’m not sure yet maybe a bit more [Music] streamming somehow it’s lunchtime and I’ve not I haven’t even put any makeup on what’s on my hair I’ve been ping about doing things this morning like um reorganizing drawers don’t ask um so I bought the Twins and Agnes some new clothes um which I did on a haul the other day but um I had to do a bit of moving stuff around in drawers because um some of the stuff that got too small had to be taken out and it’s always a bigger job than you think it’s it’s going to be rearranging like clothes and stuff but I’ve nearly finished um it’s just a few bits of Agnes’s and some of my stuff to go away uh so we’re getting there but somehow the morning has gone and I don’t know why I sat outside for about 10 minutes in the sunshine um and the whole morning is gone how I don’t know how that happens obviously I’ve done the washing and you know those normal things as well um but hoovering oh yeah I did H some hoovering move some clothes into a bag stuff back packed up some stuff um but yeah the morning’s gone and now I need to go and pick up Isabelle um because she had her actually it’s her last exam she had today she had her High biology exam today which is her last one um that’s that’s it that’s her done with exams um for now obviously she’s going on to college but I don’t actually know the course she’s doing does exams or if it’s just all coursework but anyway um that is her done with high school exams from today Charlotte’s got one next week obviously she’s staying on at school as well to S6 um so yeah I guess I’ll have to do all the other bits when I get back uh like put makeup on and maybe do my hair um and I’ve got a whole list of of things in my head all the time to do and then I get sidetracked and start doing something else which is never a good thing the other thing gets done but then I find I’m like halfway through about 100 jobs all the time but eventually eventually it gets done I’m just glad the sun is shining to be honest it’s sunny it’s nice the sunshine makes me feel happy um so yeah I think I’m going to go and get Iselle and then have some lunch and then uh I need to sort some things out actually with Elizabeth she’s had to bring home all her stuff from uni and at present it doesn’t have anywhere to live so I’ve got some boxes out of the shed to put it all in and I’m going to give her a hand with that because at the moment it’s just in the bedroom um so yeah I think that’s what we’ll do when I get back right guys it’s me again so we’ve had lunch it’s been about two hours actually it’s about about 2 and a half hours about halfast 1 now so we’ve had a break had lunch uh played with the kids for a bit uh they’ve just gone out for a walk with Olivia to the shop Z’s just sorting some stuff out inside so I thought cuz I’ve charged the battery again the battery takes about 2 hours so I’ve charged the battery again I’m going to get the mower now and just just quietly go over the stuff that I’ve done already just to do that last bit so if I can get like a third of that third of the garden done again and get a bit of mowing done then brilliant cuz I’ve literally got about 40 minutes before I’ve got to go get get them from school so hopefully then pick them up from school come home and they can have play in the garden which would be a nice way to finish today wouldn’t it so um oh yeah it’s crazy dance tonight as well oh it’s dancing night oh it’s crazy night right okay anyway I’m going to get some mowing done before I have to uh jump in the car and go get him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right guys that is it I am not cutting anything else today that batter lasted for about half an hour it did say it last about half an hour with the mower the mower actually work quite hard cuz the grass is like carpet you know really thick pile carpet uh and it’s still quite long so I managed to do that bit that I’ve just shown you in the corner there uh that’s now looking a bit tidier I’ve got a week’s work I reckon I reckon obviously we’re beaching it tomorrow Friday I’m not sure what we’re doing probably beaching it again if the weather’s good uh the weekend possibly start doing a bit more grass um but I probably have to go over what I’ve done again again if that makes sense uh but I don’t know if I’m going to get it all done in one day that’s the problem there’s just too much of it next year I swear for the first year ever I am going to keep on top of the grass January February March get out there just give it a quick moow because it just grows crazy right I’m going to freshen up I’m going to freshen up cuz it’s very warm today uh I’ve definitely been hydrating today needed the water uh it’s very warm I’m going to go and freshen up and then going to pick pick the kids up from school okay ulot how was school good good what did you get up to today um they on pyramid made more pyramids are you still doing Egypt you you see this afternoon yeah Mrs William’s son Mrs William’s son Mrs William’s son let her use let her use his boomerang and we tried it yeah and some some of the M Class some of the M class they throw it and it nearly came and it nearly came back did it yeah like a proper boomerang yeah that’s so cool it was like this so like a circle then that’s so cool Daddy can I read you what I write here go then it says the TA pyramid they take 20 years to build pyramids are made out of rhinestone W the biggest pyramid is the Great Pyramid the Great Pyramid Still Standing pyramids has a lot of entrances pyramids have two secret entrances there there are so many different types of pyramids the oldest pyramid is the true pyramid it is it Is Well Done D that’s really cool that’s good that’s good knowledge pyramids pyramids take 20 years to build the bent pyramid is called the bent pyramid because there was a mistake the the first word was staba in Arabic it in in Arabic it means B they called it it that because my St looks like a bench oh well done that’s really good well done girls I’m very proud of you for what you’ve learn today that’s really cool guess what I’ve done today I’ve done some of some of the mowing some of the mowing is done can you open Windows oh yeah it’s boiling isn’t it I know my glasses are steaming up I’m already sweating all right should we go home then yeah so you had a good day at school yeah I’ve done some of the grass okay some of it’s done but we do need to go home cuz you’ve got dancing and I’ll get in trouble if I don’t get you back Daddy yes you see you see you see this afternoon after lunch after the break yep with three Bells yeah we made a what is it called again uh uh a problem Circle and I was just finishing and I wasn’t in it I was just finishing my last row of work and then I keep locking it Well Done Right guys we going to go home yeah yeah good good stuff Agnes okay right we’re going to go home and um I’ll catch up with you after bye no C you only have one CR to shut the game ready FL not boun oh yeah is boun can you sh it wow ready right guys the girls have gone off to dancing the others are quite happily playing outside for a minute so I’m going to get on with all this get on with all this and I’m going to get on with that cooking tea uh cuz it’s chicken wrap night their favorite night chicken wrap night I love cooking chicken wraps for them they’re really really good uh anyway I’m going to get on with all of this zo’s gone out let’s just get this smashed get baths done all that good stuff and then I’ll catch up with you um when they’ve all kind of gone to bed and it’s all calm we nearly going to bed but it’s been a productive day [Music] right so I forgot that Mommy was out tonight getting some picnic stuff for the beach day tomorrow we we have a lunch at the beach we’re going to have a picnic at the beach picnic I think so anyway that’s what s said you know in the car he said we might be able to go swimming well we’re going to spend in well pretty much the most of the day down the beach tomorrow which is absolutely amazing the weather’s going to be fantastic Bree I thought we Beach I thought we were going to beach no we’re going to go to B Head Beach we’re just going to literally get our trolley fill it with stuff and go down to birad beach yeah yeah right guys anyway it’s been a very productive day I got quite a bit of the grass done uh I’m going to do it I’m going to do it as much as I can until I get all the grass done and then I’ll probably go over it again as much as possible have to cut the grass as possible you can it’s just so much grass so much to do so much longer grass definitely you see the gate that we go out from that way to the beach yeah the back gate the back gate there’s long grass there there is there is but we have done quite a bit today so that’s good thumbs up anyway guys that’s it for today please subscribe to our Channel if you haven’t already because it is free to subscribe guys it’s free to subscribe wa no just subscribe as well And subscribe like And subscribe and hit the bell for notifications yeah and don’t forget we’ve got all of our social media links in the video description and that just leaves us all to say thank you so much for your support guys we really appreciate it appreciate it take care and we’ll see you in tomorrow’s video bye [Music]


  1. Little Flo bless her so adorable!! Her talking is coming on so much!! Couldn't you get somebody in ben to help you with the garden? Its alot to do for one person!! You myst have been knackered lol especially with the warm weather as well!! 🥵 Your doing a great job!! 🤗👍 Hope you all enjoyed the beach today!! 😎🌞 Looking forward to the vlog tomorrow night!! 🤗👍Xxx

  2. hi sullivan family love your vlog to day of ben cutting the grass it growes very fast and the 2 young ones love it out sided playing with the sand well i look forward to seeing more great videos of you all down at the beach

  3. Nice start on the yard, Ben. Zoe, I'm the same. Start one project and notice something else that needs attention. My sweet, late husband would tell me to try to finish one thing, before starting another. I try.😂❤ Looking forward to the beach day.🏖🌝

  4. Well done Ben.
    Great idea to mow the lawn in stages to get the grass at a good length.
    I find it carthartic and satisfying when I mow my lawn; absolutely love seeing my garden with a freshly mowed lawn.

  5. Ben is your Ryobi strimmer a line fed one or does it have those plastic blades because it seems to do a good job job without constantly fixing a broken line as most do

  6. when I was a kid I was often assigned the weedwhip/cutting and mowing chores. I didn't mind mowing because we had an electric mower, but the weed cutting was so tiring. I am so glad you are using a strimmer. Even though I am sure your shoulders will ache after holding the striker at that angle for so long.

    Flo singing Daddy and the Daddy Attenborough bit was so cute. You could be excused for keeping the grass longer around the border for the bees and butterflies and claim you were rewilding.

  7. Great vlog Ben, grass is looking good, don't overdo it will you, Flo is so cute chatting away, she is talking so well, love her calling to daddy❤ brief view of zoe lol quick chat, xx❤😘

  8. Little Florence!! I miss my kids and grandkids when they were little like that ❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦. The years fly by!!

  9. Hi Ben zoe kids❤ Ben don't over do it❤ flo is a lovely and joshpe bless them❤❤ you are doing a good job Ben see. You nexts tume bye❤❤❤❤

  10. Great job Ben, your garden is great especially for the wee yins to play in. It will be so lovely for the summer time and even now with the fantastic weather we been having 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿☀️ glad you are not overdoing things and nice everyone does muck in. Have a fantastic weekend ❤

  11. Ben couldn't you use your plug in Strummer with the being so much grass and then go over the grass with the mower perhaps at week end you could strip and perhaps Toby can mow where you've been I know Toby loves helping and the mower js safe for him to use . Joseph and flo looked so content playing on the mat with the sand .I hope you all have great fun to morrow at the beach love fran ❤xxxxx ❤

  12. Ben you did such a great job with the weed eater…I really think you need a little ride on for your back yard. Ryobi mowers are really for small areas of grass and are not heavy duty. We have a spare red one that I would have loved to give you but we live in Australia. Zoe darling, you do not need makeup…you have beautiful skin. Actually no one needs makeup. I am 2 years older than you and, I wear moisturiser a bit of blush and lip gloss. I only wore makeup on my wedding day (31 years ago) and I felt so uncomfortable…you guys are the best…Florence is a hoot ❤️❤️❤️

  13. That garden is huge, by the time you finishing cutting you’ll have to start again 😂. What about a petrol mower, or get a gardener in to do it. ❤

  14. Brilliant Ben you are doing a great job ! I wish someone would give you a ride on mower for the weekend sending g love to you all x x take it easy x x x

  15. Ben you are such a wonderful daddy you take the time to listen to your children you spend time with i think its lovely❤
    The garden looks great but just remember to take time in looking after you ❤

  16. You need to get the kids to help and possible mow each day before heading to the beach. Job shared helps everyone. Also the clothes line should be full of washing on sunny days will help with electricity costs! 🇦🇺💙💕🤗

  17. I really enjoyed the video as I always Ben you cut a lot of grass .It was lovely hearing princess Florence shouting daddy it was so adorable.And seeing Toby playing with the sand with princess Florence.And Joseph and Agnes playing on the trampoline.🩷🩵😊

  18. Hi Ben and zoe another great video please please take it easy Ben and don't over do it ,Joseph and Florence are so cute getting into there own little characters take care of yourselves xxx

  19. Good job on the garden Ben take it easy have you seen those great big stand on lawn mowers 11'000 ONLY. There a God send especially with a large garden take care ❤👍

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