Edible Gardening

Let’s Tour my Dream Backyard

For so long, it was just a work in progress but now my dream backyard is a reality and I am enjoying puttering in it every day. Yesterday, I planted some peppers, herbs, and veggies in my raised beds. Everything is growing in, filling out, and maturing just as I envisioned!

#backyardgarden #raisedbeds #ediblegardening

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good morning all I am doing the Wednesday Walkabout solo this morning it’s cool and it’s been drizzling really most of the morning it’s really kind of beautiful out if I do say so myself it has been just horrifically hot lately very very humid and the humidity has dissipated some and finally the temperatures have decreased a little bit I think today it’s supposed to be up to 81 which is actually for us 3° below normal for this day in history let me just kind of give you uh kind of a a panoramic view of the back yes you can see that the Annabelle hydrangeas are now in bloom and you can also see that hubs has been enjoying his hammock we brought the hammock itself in this morning because it was starting to rain and I think it it might be kind of rainy tomorrow so let me point out just a couple of things that’s going on back here I did do my morning Resort routine where I got out my Works blower and I blew off all of the cedar needles from the cedar trees that just keep dropping fortunately that doesn’t bother me too much because I really like the way they look as a mulch so I just blow them into the flower beds and I think it makes a nice covering so I fluffed up my pillows I wiped down the table just as if I were a pool boy at the resort so obviously the Annabel’s are looking beautiful and what I did yesterday I believe in a previous video I showed you how I layered different stems of the Annabelle hydrangea itself I just bent them over and then in the back I secured them with a a big old clo of mud here I secured them just with a couple of piics you can see where the leaves are AB braided a little bit but that won’t make any difference because I want them to surround this corner and completely grow into the back of this Juniper that I’ve got in the pot and in short order they will do that and then this whole corner will be complete in my design I thought that the Oakleaf hydrangea that I planted in there would fill that corner but sadly it died so I’ve planted another in its stead but it’s still kind of a baby and growing in the meantime I’ll get that Annabelle trained so that it completely circumscribes this Eugenia topiary that’s been set in the ground and by the way I will have to bring it in so now we just cruise around to the steps and one thing on my list of things to do you can probably see it yourselves you guys you’re so uh you’re so discriminating and I think you can note that I probably need to put an awning over the back door and I’m I’m going to be doing that here before too long another thing that I need to do once I have a strong back is that Central glazed pot with the Lenton Rose in it that I got at Trader Joe’s I love the color palette and it looks great there but it’s just getting it’s getting too much sun it needs to be in some more shade so I will be moving it and for those of you that think I have too many pots on my back back steps that will reduce their number one thing I’m especially pleased with over here is how these pots are looking with just common things you guys and nothing is more common than this variegated vinka major which which I just bought on sale at Lowe’s the obsession Nandina looks really beautiful in here I think along with the some more of that Lenton rose that blooms in kind of that maroonish color and then just some more of the common Nandina domestica that I dug up and put in a pot and mulch it all with that dark gravel the other thing that I think is really really doing well and that is this Laurel topiary that I made when I shopped my garden at the other house and I keep pinching it and you can see that it is starting to get more dense so I just keep pinching out the tips and I apologize it may not be as clear as it would be let me try this nope let me try that there we go I’m sure that did something wonky with the audio but that that will thicken that up and then the other thing that I’m going to be doing is I will continually be turning it towards the light so that it will fill out symmetrically all the way around and I’ve got another Shute that’s come up right here and I’ll probably remove it so I just have a strong standard straight stem that will thicken up over time probably cut that off maybe use it in a flower arrangement so that is the container plantings on the steps I’m pleased with how they’re evolving now let’s take a break and I’ll show you some other things in the back well it’s been so stormy and what’s amazing to me is as stormy as it’s been with as much rain that has come down it amazes me still how dry the soil is underneath the canopy of trees underneath the canopy of say the foliage of the potted plants sometimes that rain just doesn’t make it all the way to the base so there’s a tip for you guys just to make sure that even though there’s been a rain even if it’s a substantial one that you make sure that some of that rain permeates whatever the plant is and gets to the soil below and that’s a a a good thing when you’ve got buckets and things like that out that capture water rather than let them be a habitat for mosquitoes just pour whatever is in that bucket or that container ER and pour it into your into your potted plants this area is really filling out the little coconut budia the butterfly candy they are doing what I hope they would do and they’re turning into soft little Mounds they’ve got buds on them there’s an emesia there I need to do some clipping on and someone I believe a a follower from Georgia asked how do I keep my pots from blowing over in the heavy winds during a thunderstorm and I don’t keep them from blowing over because they are so light so sometimes what I’ll do is congregate them all together nestled one against the other and that will help sometimes I will take them off their stand and just set them on the ground below but increasingly what I’ve done is some of them in the very very small pots like let me come over here and by the way they all need to be trimmed and I’ll be doing that before too long but like this little guy right here is I’ve been taking them out of their tiny pots which really do blow over and putting them in larger Italian terracotta pots the brown ones unfortunately I have enough over there in my potting stand then I can replace one with another and I did that yesterday with just these two tall ones and they’ll be happy okay underneath the shade of the umbrella for a while but then I’ll have to rotate them out because what they really want is full sun so fortunately I have I have enough of the Myrtle topiary that I can do that I can just rotate them in and out from underneath the shade now one thing I think I may have commented on in a previous video recently and that’s that we’ve had so much rain that a lot of the nutrients and things will be leeching out of our potted color and back here that would be my geraniums and so I’m deadheading them pretty aggressively and then I’m going to give them a super bloom feed feed with that espoma now these that are in this standing planter here those are about to get removed I just had them in there temporarily because I’m planting tomatoes in here and you can see them just kind of hanging out in there until I get them in place I need to add some more soil there also as I was thinking about doing this I noticed that there’s a split in the wood there this planter box and that’s the Brilliance of having somebody like Kayla build these things for you because she stands by her work so at no extra charge to me she’ll come in she’ll fix that she’ll repaint it the Little Miss figgy on this side is really taking off but happily the one on the other side is doing so as well there’s some more of a different kind of emesia and that CIO we have angel wings I’m getting ready to plant that right there I lost one of them and I I I think I just I needed to get in the ground or potted and I just I just wasn’t quick enough on the draw there all these pentas are really happy and then something else that I hope starts blooming a little bit more profusely and that is all of the red verbina that I planted around the the perimeter of the rug and hopefully it will bloom more I think it’s deserving of a feed of some espoma Bloom as [Music] well now you may remember that in this corner a plant that is great for tight and narrow spaces was this red tipped Holly colar Holly from Southern Living and sadly the poto carpus the Roman candle poto carpus that I had in the corners here it couldn’t make it through that minus5 degree day that we had last winter but this Holly is doing great and I’ll put a link to this Holly below um I put one of them in a large pot you can see over here to the right of all of my terracotta pots let me do this you can see it there I know that does wonky things with the audio and it’s it’s very heavy but they’re both doing brilliantly and so I think what I’m going to do is I will just relocate it to that opposite corner where you see that bay in the galvanized bucket now and then I’ll have symmetry and I think I’ll be really pleased with the results there and then yesterday I did some planting in my raised beds so a number of peppers got planted in this box number three oh some kids going down the alley love it um in the middle box lots of herbs I’ve got some thyme parsley what else did I plant in there some red ruffle basil some Thai Basil and then I still have some more things to plant in the first box now here’s a sign that there’s been some overwatering or too much rain and that’s this olive tree has some yellowing leaves but that will all level out R pretty rapidly because I think after this week it’s not going to be nearly so wet and I’m not complaining now this one seems to be a little bit happier over here and it has lots of olives on it which are very sweet so last night a little glimpse into our daily lives last night we made Johnny and I made made some delicious lamb meat balls with blackened cabbage and they were fabulous and then we made a composed chickpea salad and it had a wonderful tahini sauce it was really really great it’s a recipe that my daughter-in-law up in Denver had made for me earlier and I wanted to replicate it it was in one of the cookbooks that I think I’ve showed you before [Music] well I’ve been asked what I do with all of my plastic pots plastic trays and such that my plants come in and I recycle them so I take them up to to bricks and my friend Sean and Jen they put them to use there and then whatever debris is is you know the weeding and such that I do that goes into my compost tumbler and when the compost tumbler gets too full then yes sadly I do have to put it in in my trash box and that trash H can and that makes me sad but we need Municipal composting here now here’s a sign of some hail that we got earlier last week lots of the leaves on these dragon wing Bonas and also on my Hosta which is another reason I don’t grow a lot of Hosta is because this happens increasingly over the years we’ve started getting more and more thunderstorms accompanied by hail and it just really does a number on any large and Broad Lea plants so I’m going to do a little bit of trimming on all of my topiaries this week which is very happy work and these are the boxwood ones I made not too long ago and they’re really starting to establish good form that middle one really needs some work and here are some baby Eugenia that came out of the greenhouse and they were pretty unhappy with but with enough fertilization and watering and Sun they’re starting to be happy again now later on I’m going to show you my clean garage that I’m so proud of we finally got that done and organized and my next project is of course I organized them once and now it’s time to do it again my little Tool Shed over there and my storage boxes that I use both in the front and in the back the Japanese maples are so happy and you can already see how the one on the left is starting to Arch over the railings I’ll limb those up so they won’t impede progress up and down the steps but they are doing really really wonderfully but last night it was just beautiful and when we were eating outside we had the windows open and we had some country music playing and it was pretty Divine the Autumn Coral aelas look at all that new pale growth that they’re putting out out and I think they’ll just be spectacular this fall and all finally it’s taken them a while but all of the the little Evergreens the pancake Arbor VA and the dragon Prince uh corop they are they are starting to put out New Growth too and The Chef’s Choice Rosemary it is very happy here and pretty soon just little things that I have tucked in here like there I’ve got some colus underneath this is to prevent squirrel damage you guys because the squirrels have definitely found me so underneath that wire close I’ve got some hot orange zenas coming up and those aita doas there’s one of them so they have sprout and are starting to do their thing and the lamandre continues to be just very happy there you can see the other little Miss figgy that was so such a happy surprise when it decided to come out to live and not die I planted because I just love its feathery foliage I planted a fennel right there there kind of hard to see against the the dense green of the boxwood balls and then I’ve also got some lavender that someone gifted me and it’s actually in bloom right now so it remains to be seen how all of this stuff will continue to perform when it really gets hot it’s been up to 93 but I’m sure we will have 100 Dee temps on our Horizon there’s a boxwood ball in desperate need of pruning so it it may be a small backyard but it lives big and I’m really starting to spend a lot more time back here enjoying the company of my son and my friends and my husband back here because it is a bit shadier and it really is a wonderful place to visit and [Music] dine one last little snippet of this area this just utility area and in addition to the gonia is the other thing that suffered from the hail or as I mentioned earlier the Hosta and it just kind of punctures and then lacerates and shreds the leaves even under the protection of the canopy of these red Cedars it also did the same to some of those amarillas that I’m just letting grow on and there’s the aforementioned Holly that is going to be transplanted and then down here my seating trough pot has I don’t know how many little baby Fox Glove that have germinated and I’m really liking the way some of these grasses that red fountain grass looks along with the other kind of purplish tones back here so here is a closing pretty shot I hope it’s as cool and pretty where you are as it is here we can all get out there this Wednesday and enjoy our Gardens [Music]


  1. My Annabelle hydrangea has grown so large and long that it has taken up one side of my raised deck. It is absolutely prolific like yours! ❤

  2. The view from your back window is breathtaking! Probably more beautiful than the design you imagined. 💚🌳 Please don't give up on Hosta. 😚

  3. Lovely! I was determined to not use pots, then I was suddenly having back issues and I couldn’t grow anything without them now. I so enjoy your ever changing garden spaces! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love all the green & white & all your design. The red makes the garden look dry & desert like
    I miss the color you have elsewhere & am hoping you have more color in the future

  5. Thank you for the lovely walk about ❤
    Love love love ! My Forever Goldie thanks to you !
    Please!! 🙏 share the recipe for the lamb meatballs and chickpeas ?? Mediterranean diet is good !

  6. Notes: Dark glossy greens, Smoky Red Brick, Dark Black Glossy, Matte Pottery + touch of grey and white and chartreuse = Perfection.

  7. Linda, your yard looks gorgeous. Just perfection!! Learn so much from you. Thank you. You are such a beautiful woman, inside and out!! I am crazy about the brick “rug” patios!!! Just stunning!!❤

  8. And whoever says u have too many pots…..U DONT have too many!! They are perfect! People are so opinionated!(or jealous. Hehe) it’s not their yard so who cares what they think!! Lol

  9. Linda, I love your gardens and your videos, but I did have a thought about you and your husband getting older and all of the small plants in and around the stepping stones. As we get older, we get less sure footed..perhaps in time a more distinct path would be better for you both, so no worries about tripping and falling. Just a thought.

  10. I was just talking about you to my daughter she was thinking about designs for her backyard and I told her to look you up because you're awesome….. I'm wondering if the one that had the extra little branch coming off of it thats really close to your back door you said you were going to cut the branch off and keep one straight stem… anyway LOL my question is are you able to propagate that cutting? If not could you do an episode or I'm going to look to see if you've done one on things you can and cannot propagate

  11. You had an amazing vision for your garden and it’s come to fruition. I’d spend all afternoon in your backyard.

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