Container Gardening

Container Garden Update 3 Videos In 1

Container Garden Update 3 Videos In 1
#Containergarden #Bananapeppers #plantupdate

Bryan’s Loess Hills Homestead..

hey y’all welcome to my channel nothing edited what you’re looking at is the INR Tabasco pepper it appears to be growing pretty good and to the right of that you’re going to see a little Sprout well that little Sprout is garlic Brian Lo’s uh Homestead he uh Farmstead I think it is sorry Brian I’ll put a link down in the description y’all anyway he had asked uh he had said he was surprised I hadn’t U pled any garlic and I commented back that I don’t have any look luck with garlic but then I went and I started in um looking into garlic and uh it’s a comparison PL plant and it keeps um bugs and worms away so I’ve got some one in here this is the Tabasco pepper uh in the container and there is a sprout of uh garlic coming up with it as well here’s the other two tascos I need to add some garlic to it now I just planted the garlic that I bought from the store I had some and I just poked them in the ground see what was going to happen and there’s my bell pepper plant and it has a clove of garlic popping up next to it and I’m using it as a pesticide not as to be able to glow grow a head of a garlic y’all look got banana peppers got banana peppers fix can show y’all some more all right here’s the two Roman tomato plants um they’re not looking so healthy I’m going have to add something to it I don’t know what but I’m going be adding something cuz I already added some bone meal don’t seem to be working so well on it y’all just take a look at that red Chinese mustard green plant uh won’t be long I’m going be picking a few of those and cooking them and I’ll show you the next little batb them I have these are in a much smaller container but still growing here’s the broad leaf mustard greens they’re growing more Broad Leaf mustard greens it’s growing more Peppers more peppers look at the peppers on there oh my God y’all look at look at that and they’re all they’re coming out everywhere that when quick blowing all right there’s the other side of those banana peppers look how big that one’s getting almost ready not quite now I’m going turn this this way cuz I don’t know one from the other one is sage and one is time I don’t know one from the other need to go look at a picture of them all right y’all uh anyway thanks for watching please like subscribe and by all means leave a comment there nothing to edit I’m out let me know what you’re growing and how you growing it y’all do something nice somebody today hey y’all welcome to my channel nothing Ed look this is going to be a one two threep part video These are the green onions that were in the um 2 L half of a 2 L bottle I transplanted them into another pot this is a celery and it’s still growing strong the Tasco pepper and the garlic okay y’all used to see two tomato plants in this one container I decided to separate them and put them in another container so now I have two banana peppers growing good parsley Soo lemon trees doing good you notice there’s some uh uh mustard greens missing the Chinese red mustard green anyway because I cooked them up that’ll be the third part of the video and you see those little containers that’s 2 L bottles that I cut and I put little drippers on it here’s two Tabasco peppers with a garlic and they need to be separated another Tabasco Pepper with my little dripper Broad Leaf is doing really good mustard greens doing real good haven’t picked any of those here’s a little bell pepper that I planted from seed see how that is dripping it’s woring more bananas peppers good and this R of tomato it’s trying that’s all I can say it is trying and here is the and this one is the save and if you notice these green onions are going on the seed and that’s what I want them to do so here’s a look at just about everything that I have I don’t know if I mentioned in the last video you see those green little pieces that is uh our spring soap and it is DET turn a squirrel so far so good there’s the pepper plants there in the background the banana pepper plants they’re doing so good anyway I decided to make one long video as opposed to three separate ones so I’m not going to say the things I usually say in the end of this stay tuned part three is coming up at the end of this video Hey Y’all welcome to my channel nothing editing what I have here is some um bakon grease sauté and some onions they’re almost done I just want them a little bit Brown and they’re basically they there so if y’all been following me you know I’ve been growing and some uh greens outside uh so I don’t have a lot I don’t want to blanch them so I’m going to go on ahead and start tossing them in there look at that beautiful red it’s just a handful and if I Blan some it it’s going to turn out to hardly be anything to that I’m just going to add very little water to it y this is going to be a quick process because these greens are um very very tender so I doubt it takes 10 minutes for them to what I want look at that y’all see that turning purple kind of purplish color that’s coming off of the Chinese red uh mustard greens y’all I’m going to put a lid on this I’m going to let it simmer and I’ll bring y’all back I’m more interested in letting y’all see um got to add a little pepper to this and I will add a GH of garlic powder I’m not putting salt because that bacon um grease had salt in it so there we go most that we got on the spoon that be all right remedy that problem real quick there we go all right so look at that water you see that or in caging terms pot liquor I’ll bring y’all back when they’re done I hope y’all can see it for all that steam coming off okay y’all this is a 5 minutes in now for some reason mine are not turn as purple as the ones I the liquid is not turning as purple as it did when I got mine from uh Teresa’s probably cuz I didn’t have as many as Teresa uh had shared with me but I’ll bring you back when they’re done okay y’all that’s all it took was 10 minutes and it’s a t deal look at the liquid it’s not green green like it is with just put mustard greens or turn green does have a little purp Hue to it um but then again like I said and when Teresa shared hers with mine y’all go back and look at my video uh that I did from the uh she gave me a trio of uh mustard greens and um the red just took over uh the pot liquor when it was cook but this is what I’ve gotten so far that’s my little Harvest Right There it’s not much but it’s enough for a good side dish those stems are nice and tender the leaves are totally tender to me it don’t get no better than that anyway y’all thanks for watching please like subscribe and b means leave a comment oh and I didn’t put any meat in here because I use the bacon uh fat grease whatever you want to call it and it has that good bacony smoked taste to it y’all y’all do something nice somebody today this is nothing edited I’m out and I hope y’all all have a great rest of your day


  1. Been a while since I’ve heard the term pot liquor 😂, that’s some old school terminology and cooking my friend. Hope you have a blessed day and rest of the week my friend.

  2. Good job 👍👏 I just told my son just last night during our conversation that I need to get some garlic planted. Now that you planted some. I'm definitely going to get some in the ground. Your container garden is looking really good. I never have had mustard greens. Bacon fat is where it's at. Bacon grease makes everything taste better.

  3. Im actually growing watermelon nuffin along with some cucumber and tomatoes hope ur plants grow well my friend😊❤

  4. So you just put the garlic in the dirt and it growed? I wish I had a green thumb: one day I’m gonna try to grow a garden. Tim can. I don’t know why he don’t. I love banana peppers.

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