Garden Plans

VLOG | Garden Plans & Tour, New Job Prep, Eating Healthy! πŸ₯‘πŸŒ±

Ohh heyy youuu ☺️,

I really hope you love this weeks video. Today I’m in prep mode ready for starting my new job. We’re talking, overnight oats, sourdough starter, clothing haul, a healthy grocery haul, a garden tour, with updates and upcoming plans, and of course, a gorgeous walk in nature in my native Yorkshire. I do hope you love it.

Love, Rach 🫢🏼

Not sponsored or affiliated with anyone/anything in this video

[Music] good morning everybody welcome back to another video video we’ve got quite a busy day today planned um on the agenda just to give you a quick heads up what we were doing I’m actually in preparation mode ready for starting my new job I don’t want it to get to like the night before and then realize I haven’t done this and I’ve not done that I’m laying the foundations ready for the start of the new job so that said this is some of the things that I have to do today one is I want to get a bit of a meal plan together so I’ve got something in mind for every day for dinner when I come home but also lunches I’m pretty okay with what I do for lunches anyway and snacks and things like that but also I need to have some things in for Jessy so when he comes in from school he can throw something together like he normally does so I just want to make sure I’ve got something planned for every day off the back of that I’ve got some grocery shopping to do so depending what ends up being on my list and what I need to buy we’re going to have to do a bit of shopping as well I also have realized I need a new bag and some new shoes because in my previous job it was really casual I used to just like wear leggings and trainers and then just my work t-shirt or hoodie whereas this job it’s more smarter and I do have some things but I don’t feel like I’ve got full decent outfit like together I’ve got different bits of things but I I just want to feel I’ve got some full outfits ready to go so there’s that I need to try some things on and I think there’s going to be a shopping trip today I’m thinking nearby where we are there like a Matalan next as they living I love their clothes H&M River Island so I think I think my dogs are so I think I’m going to have to go somewhere like that oh there’s a TK Max as well so we’re going to go to that kind of place have a real quick look was planning on doing this with my mom thinking she was back from a holiday she’s flying back right now she’ll be in the sky coming back from Canada so she will not be here to do this with me and I don’t want to wait till she’s back and leave it too late so I’m doing it solo well with you guys you’re coming with me oh I also want to give you like a garden tour if you watched my last video where I mentioned I’ve lost three and a half hours of footage did cover all this on there but I just feel like I want to show you around the garden and show you we’ve recently done a few updates in the garden and we’ve got some big plans for the garden as well so I just want to walk you around and show you in fact we could go out and do that now except I’ve lost the key for this door let’s see if I can show you through the window just down there behind the tree against the fence we’ve got some little tomato plants so we’re going to try we’re attempting to grow our own Tomatoes they’ve been in about a week and they’re looking a little sad so whilst we’re out today there’s also a B&Q fairly nearby and I’ve checked online and they have some organic tomato food food is that what is that the right word for it it should help them take on a little better so I thought whilst we’re out and about I’m going to go and buy some of that as well hope they recover um and yeah there’s some new additions around the front of the house I want to show you so there’s all kinds of things so yeah it’s going to be a busy day so far but first things first I’ve got to walk the dogs because well they need it hey you I know it’s nothing new but it’s so good to see [Music] you we do this every day and I’m still so amazed by [Music] you so hold me tight through the [Music] night it’s just just us two me and you m m I can’t believe you love me oh oh I just feel so lucky oh oh still can’t believe you love me m [Music] I hope it never ends this being more than friends [Music] yeah you know I’m here to stay every single day yeah so hold me tight through the night [Music] M it’s just us too me and [Music] you oh oh I can’t believe you love me oh oh I just feel so lucky oh oh still can’t believe you love [Music] me falling into your arms daning up in the Stars oh I’d rather be with you [Music] I can’t believe you love me I just feel so lucky oh oh still can’t believe you love me oh oh can’t believe you love me oh oh just feel [Music] so okay so we have done a long dog walk I think it was about 3 and a halfish miles um done that come back I’ve quickly fed the dogs fed myself and just before I do the meal plan and show around the garden I just wanted to give you an update on my sourdough starter that I am attempting so this is it at the moment and it stinks so it’s ready just for feeding again it’s going like this at the top let me show you what I mean now I know it’s meant to like have Bubbles and stuff but it’s separating like the liquid and the flour is separating I think I’ll not put water in this one I think I’ll just add flour and mix and leave it and see if it changes cuz I don’t think it’s supposed to be like that let get some flower out also if anyone’s more familiar with making your own sough starter let me know if I’m doing this wrong cuz I am just using plain white flour not the strong bread flour and I don’t know whether or not that would actually make any difference so I’m just going to measure out tablespoon I’ve got hair stuck on somewhere long hair problems I’m just going to put a tablespoon of flour in use the dog’s playing in the background and just going to give that a mix also wonder whether it’s been warm enough cuz I’ve kept it off the kitchen windowsill when it’s been really hot maybe it should have been there but it’s been really really warm right so I think that’s mixed enough my little little lid back on and change this to what day we on it’s Monday uh it’s nearly 129 where it is at the moment like that waiting for it to just go but it’s not doing that anyway we’ll see let’s have some Garden updates boys and girls so more recently we have bought these two tomato plants down here and they are looking a little better than what they have been the last few days excuse you Sasha I do think they’re going to need some kind of food or something there is compost in the ground it’s not just normal Earth um it’s a special sort of like helps tomatoes grow but I think that could just do with a bit of help so we’re going to try and find some tomato feed today we’ve got some new little plants these ones whatever these are called I don’t know there’s no label cuz we’ve got a load of them they’re all over the garden but when we bought them they smell really strong like honey then we’ve got some ainaa so these have probably been in about a week now this is actually like a hanging thing we’ve got some rope to hang it with and it’s just a weekend task when we get on to it the fox gloves are coming out making an appearance we bought this as well the other day and it’s it’s dying back a little bit but when we first B this it was absolutely stunning got a feeling this is a can never get the name right is it a type of roded endrin it’s just a shame because on my first video the one that I lost um it showed it when we first bought it and it looks stunning we also have spring called All in This mud area some Wildflower seed so these aren’t weeds I promise these are the start of wild flowers growing so we’re just trying to cover up as much mud as we can just to attempt to keep the dogs off then we’ve got this honesty plant this was in full bloom as well the other week on my other video what else have we got so again we’ve got some more of these plants that we bought and then some more Wild Flower scattered and then the loopings these are just beyond stunning also covered on my last video that went missing is this little Garden project that Don’s done doesn’t it look wonderful so we’ve got a beautiful little beach row area so normally on a sunny day this Sun hits here first thing in the morning and we’ve sat out and we’ve had coffees here and we’ve had breakfast and it is so gorgeous and when you sat here you’ve got gorgeous view of the garden and the loopings it’s like a little hidey hole it’s like a little secret garden area oh there she comes hello come on then um and then over that side nothing really to report we’ve just whereas on the other side we filled the gaps using weld flower seed over here we’re just using grass So eventually all the gaps will be covered and we got my panis let me just walk back a little bit I’ll show you what the plan is if I come right back oh as well I’ve just seen these look um forget my knots which are dying back a little bit because the dogs keep crashing into them but when these went full bloom these were massive these um little plants absolutely stunning and there’s one just down there as well so the plan is we’re going to have paved all around here to the wall W and all down the front get rid of the shed and tile not tile pave to the level with the front of the house and then we’re going to have like a RW iron a black RW iron fence with a gate in it fairly high so the dogs can’t jump over plan is so this part here this is actually quite big like from the front of the shed to here I’m aware this is in many cases bigger than most people’s whole entire Gardens and for us it’s just a Dumping Ground it’s where the bins are currently the shared that chair plastic chair thing’s got like Wellies in and stuff like that and it’s we put the fence up so if it’s raining or muddy everywhere we just let the dogs out this side door they’re com and do the business down here and then they’re not running into the rest of the garden but if the shed isn’t there in the morning when it’s not cloudy the sun streams down here all down this side um which is why we get the sun in this corner cuz it comes all down here so we are going to pave all this area getting rid of the shed and the things that’s in it it’s just like a multi- gym and the there’s a TV and in there that’s wired up but it’s hardly ever used so it’s a massive waste of space so from in front of where this gate is to the front of the house Ro gate going across and then all this is going to be paved the bins the space to those around the back of the garage um it’s quite big around there there’s a shed around there believe it or not it’s crazy so they’re going to go around there dog kennel either get rid of it or just put it around the back somewhere these are free to a good home trying to get rid of these this just stes like Wellies and things so they’re easy to get to it’s just crap and yeah so we thought if we develop let me come stand over this side we’re going to make on this side here like an outdoor lounge area going to have like a fire pit there and loads of pots and flowers and everything and that’s what we’re doing here and then around the back over the patio I think we’re going to we’re talking about like either a lean to begler or a conservatory that’s the on so if I just show you around here so this is a very special Rose to me so this was bought for my 21st birthday from my mom and dad and this type of Rose is called Rachel uh to be fair it does definitely need pruning and so we got some osters and some of these little things oh there’s the thing the sticker what’s it called alysen I say it alysen we got some mint here from Auntie Pauline’s Garden who recently passed away so we’ve got mint there from her garden and one of the most recent additions here to the garden and I’m really gutted that you’re seeing it now and not back when I first filmed this so we’ve put this crisscross wire up on the side of the garage and planted for Jasmine plants when we first planted these or my God the smell was incredible just walking from the car to the front door you could just smell it so strong and I’m like these are just four little baby plants I wait till this whole entire wall here is full of climbing Jasmine so yeah so we’re training it to go up there and I’m excited for when this is really full and it’s about it one of the new pots we bought and’s put some succulents in there he does love his succulents okay so just going to make another little cup of tea and then we’re going to sit down and do a meal plan together so I know I need to buy when to go [Music] shopping just while I’m waiting for the kettle to boil we’re just going to a quick check what we’ve got in here fish finger sand just for Jesse two Chate Burgers these for lunches with the salad I need to get off my knees Okay so we’ve got a pack of beef mints we’ve got a pack of chicken breast fets someon fets for the dogs more of them for salads what are they didn’t enjoy those at all oh that’s just the roster for the dogs let’s not get confused and cook that it be disaster right so I’ve got some hom meal kits so we can do um my fake awake bath thingy one night also some Greek St fls for the boys got these ages ago to do them sliming World chicken burger swim and never got around to it load of veggies and a few more veggies let’s see if there’s anything in the fridge and know way I’ve got some fresh fruits oh right so I bought a load of these Diddy sweet potatoes a bonut squash and I thought I were going to try and make some homemade dog food and get like whole chicken cook it shred it shred it up and Portion it up and feed it to dogss cuz I don’t know something about wanting to give them more fresh healthy stuff but might get around to today we’ll see so I’ve got some Jersy Roy potatoes got two packs of those a feeling I’m going to need to get them used up some jacket spuds got some sweet red peppers one and a half cucumbers i’ got a red onion sad looking fruit draw I think that can go in the bin now and then one Avo some strawberries that need is washing and put in a separate container that rice and oh what is it is it quinoa that’s in there rice and quinoa mix that needs Trucking that’s been in there too long a beetroot some brown rice from last night Tomatoes some most Cho strawberries they’re going to need using so probably have them for lunch with some um no% GRE yogurt uh raspberries and blueberries I believe in here and that is about it B of cheese you know usual oh also desperate for milk not that I really have it but for everyone else having the cup of teas that’s a sad fridge right then let’s make this cup of tea and put this little shopping list [Music] together slim pickings can you wear the birds outside anyway black birds are just the cutest [Music] chicken sticky beef tacos well it’s kind to make chicken chickpea cor salad jackets bake away chicken kebab how many days is that Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday that’s enough to get me to the weekend launches we’re just going to make salads just salad my pepper Min got pineapples I need to use up look get melons really simple this one so I’ve just got Monday to Friday meal ideas and then just the things I need for either salads and uh snacks and for the meals and then the dog food I want to try making as well let’s go I just said let’s go like let’s go shopping but I’ve got a full cup of tea Full Cup you see it it’s gospel we will be going in about 10 minutes I’m going to write while I’m still drinking my coer that’s my meal pan I’m going to do a shopping list cuz I’ve also got some things off the front of the fridge that I need to write down we want ban some tomato food I want to look at DK Maxx Matalan Asda living H&M Morrison [Music] [Music] back from shopping I have been out most of the afternoon and back’s killing spent a fortune really quickly going to show you what I’ve got cuz I’m still on my phone at the moment and I’ve got about 14% battery so if it suddenly cuts off that’s why I’m just going to try and put my phone down so I can show you in a weird kind of way in no particular order I got this hair grip from Asda just for under the back of buns then I got some bit Mas to living but it did frustrate me cuz they don’t have changing Moes so I’ve bought this bra and I’ve got no idea whether it’s actually going to fit or not so I’m going to try that on and just return it if not then I bought these they’re like a linen trouser and it’s like it’s not quite handy tooth but it’s that kind of pattern elasticated waist thought we like a nice black glouse or shirt or something for work black sandal so these are from George Asda these were Β£18 then we got uh oh got another bra in a different size cuz I thought if I try two we’ll see which one fits best then in my look neither will fit then I saw this and I just had to buy it because it’s just the best summer color thought going be some nice light jeans then I bought these so again the really really lightweight it’s I don’t think it’s quite linen and like a Stony color pockets on the front here and on the back these were Β£6 really lightweight again I thought like a nice black vest or something then from Matalan got this top it’s just like a t-shirt but it’s got this kind of intricate detail on the sleeves tried it on in a Cary green color but I didn’t like the shade of green this one was Β£ 12250 also from um Matalan just got a plain T-shirt just a gorgeous stone color that b was Β£6 I got this I were quite unsure about this when I tried it on because they didn’t have my size they had to go up a size bigger but I think with the sleeves rolled up and the front tucked in so it’s a bit loose and baggy it looks quite nice it’s really thin and I thought it’s just nice lightweight thinking set Out Pub lunch sort of thing and that’s like a really dark blue stripe it’s not black I think I just got one other thing from there cheapy necklace just to finish my outfits off it’s like a double necklace so I’ve got that then we’ve got battery still holding up I went to TK Max got some more linen trousers these are quite expensive these are 25 quid I don’t know how much they should have been brand is Paul Costello can’t decide it’s like a gray or a Cary color but again I just think these are just so easy to wear when it’s warm I’m not that fond of me legs so shorts aren’t always an option but then with a nice pair of biren stocks and a nice vest or something always a nice look that was all I got from TK Maxx and Y me I didn’t even go upstairs and look at the candles and the home wears I literally just look around the clothes I was looking though for shoes and bags can’t find any that I like anywhere so if anyone sees any really nice like black shoes black bag let me know so we also got this from B Q the Tomato feed organic then I called into B&M quickly got some salmon oil for in the dog food I picked up a new Flash spray white dawn which is mango and raspberry flavor then they had a great big thing here of chopped no it’s not chili flakes that like 79 so I got that one over there not very glamorous but another good big roll of poo bags and then some more hair oil coconut hair oil because mine is one in low that’s it for close and B&M then it was River Island H&M uh didn’t get anything from them and then I went to Morrison so then it’s food shop so I’m just going to lay everything out really quick and I’ll show you what I got from there in no particular order we got whole chicken which I’m going to cook and then shred everything to pieces and this is going to be just for the dogs three packs of chicken we’ll have one of these tonight got some lentil chips I just got the Salted ones cuz they seem to have the less additive in them two packs of Vine ripened cherry tomatoes love them two packs of pickled beetroot two I feel like nowhere in they Arc here doing everything to two iceberg lettuce I got an enchilada meal kit for one day in the week just cuz Jessie loves her fat free for my tray it’s never going to get any easier to say that stuff reduced fat feta or fet wannabe trying some Tofu for the first time in my life more goats milk for the doggies I got some cafea also for the dogs then for I feel like doing like a iced coffee one day and I just thought we’d try this cuz not that I’m missing milk but sometimes I just want like a longer drink and I thought if I make like a ice latte kind of thing that’s probably the best way of doing it then I got some deliciously Ella nut granola the ingredients is just nuts and like date syrup and that’s about it then I got some C organic beef stock and chicken stock cubes watermelon a is this honeydew melon or G Gallia melon always forget which one it is I think it’s honey Jew then I got another wild do refill the coconut and vanilla one just love the smell of coconut some fresh coriander four tacos these are for the dogs also just sardines in olive oil did see the is 100% pork nothing else and you get two in this pack so these are for the dogs so just got two of those then I’ve just got some gouret pork sausages I think these probably not the healthiest and then just some bin bags and I think that’s it so this little lot how expensive it felt like it was anyway this lot came to H2 and 4 piece so yeah that’ll put us on for a couple of days right time to get this lot put away come on hello Ron I can’t check the simplest feeling beyond the ghost we stand on the opposite Shore hello I reach through mysterious ceilings my only hope I look for the things I don’t know hi guys it’s the next day um I’m just showing you the finished product of the homemade dog food so this is brown rice whole meal rice whole grain rice peas a load of roasted sweet potato and chicken a chicken that I did and shredded up and that is it and then I have dished it up for the dogs just with a bit of cafia in the side and as you can see they are enjoying it they are chowing down five out of five from the doggos she’s not so sure about the peas though anyway thanks so much for watching guys hope you’ve enjoyed this one see you next time love you bye bye [Music]


  1. aww your gardens looking lovely 😊 i grew some tomatoes outside last year they were great yours should be fine as long as they get lots of sun. ❀

  2. Congratulations on your new job hope you really enjoy it 😊 your vlogs just get better and better they are just so down to earth and real things we can all relate too …you have a lovely garden and it’s massive I bet the doggies love having all that space to run around in watching you cook your meals and the fact that they are also healthy is a bonus too …keep up the good work and I look forward to the next one coming up even though I am still watching this one 😊

  3. When you get the separation pore the water away then feed you don't want it to get to hot and yes plain flour is good I use the exact flour you doXx

  4. You have a gorgeous home 😍 please could you tell me how you make your Chia seed pots as they look delish! 😊 X

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