Japanese Garden

Maddie & Andrea Magic Noodle Machine Adventure

Maddie and Andrea are running separate noodle stores and things start to go awry when Wendy, a customer, finds candies in her noodles at Andrea’s store and decides to try Maddie’s instead. Maddie’s store seems to be doing well until her noodle vending machine mysteriously starts malfunctioning, turning noodles black!

Meanwhile, Andrea feels sad that no one wants her noodles. In a twist of events, it’s revealed that Andrea was secretly tampering with Maddie’s vending machine. Despite her actions, Andrea feels remorseful, especially when she decides to close her store due to a lack of customers.

As Maddie runs out of noodles and struggles to make her own, Andrea steps in and offers her noodles to Maddie. This act of kindness sparks a great idea – why not combine their skills? Maddie can provide delicious toppings, and Andrea can make great noodles. By working together, they create a successful noodle store, serving happy customers like Wendy.

Lesson Learned: This story teaches kids the importance of teamwork, and forgiveness, and how combining individual strengths can lead to success. It also shows that mistakes can be opportunities for learning and growing together.

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Andrea look no one makes noodles with candy oh sorry I’ll make you another one no thank you I’m going to go buy some mad huh where’s Maddie here pick the noodle please [Music] okay Noles thank you [Music] pink noodle [Music] [Applause] sleeve ooh yummy thank you a nobody wants my noodles ah M delicious I should buy one for jany Daddy one noodle to go please okay [Music] thank you huh why are the noodles black Maddie let me get another [Music] one okay Maddie it looks like your machine’s broken I have to go somewhere else I’m going R help on my way mhm well there’s nothing wrong with your machine what but it broken no it works awesome see look at this there’s nothing wrong with this see you can tell again wow thank you welcome bye for say nood huh your machine’s already fixed that’s Wendy you want nood right [Music] now what black again huh it’s still broken Wendy do you want my noodles your want noodles no bye I’m going ride help coming it’s normal Maddie see there’s nothing wrong with it yeah I don’t think it’s broken Maddie here you go bye noodle for sale noodle for sale one noodle for me please [Music] okay what is that chocolate what you should not mess with her vending machine I know but nobody wants my noodles sorry Maddie hello where’s my tell me right up I also want one me too okay 1 2 three [Music] noodles no more noodle send me some noodle please H oh no you don’t have any noodles left no can you make any I don’t know how a let’s go oh no you want to try my noodles I have a lot of toppings Andrea no one eats candy with noodles we just go home [Music] sorry I don’t get any noodle to sh I have noodles but I don’t have good topping ah that work together I can show you how to make noodles I have good topping let’s do it oo awesome now you need some water wow [Music] Y and I try okay roll it back and forth wow this is how you cut it straight strips time to cook [Music] noodles Maddie look wow so yummy time to make noodles they are candy no no no no what are you doing MADD I don’t use candy for noodle what which one do you use for toppings I use this bable and egg they are healthy food oh now I know thank you Maddie you’re welcome let’s s together yay wow delicious one noodle please me too coming R up [Music] enjoy the thank you it looks so yummy yay we finished yay wow veggie noodle chicken noodle dessert Noodle and egg noodle veggie noodle come [Music] up wow thank you delicious time to eat okay want 18 how many boo deliver in 10 [Music] minutes [Music] so yummy thank you one more please make a chicken thank you Maddie take care of the store I have to make some deliveries [Music] okay no m m where’s my Nole my mama W what’s going [Music] on no this is taking too long I’m going to another noodle shop [Music] [Applause] a I’m so hungry let’s go buy noodles oh no wo so yummy I’ll get egg [Music] [Music] noodle love [Music] it huh just an egg let me see not fun okay let me try H chicken noodle yummy I’ll get [Music] it oh yes huh nothing really huh I’ll try [Music] again [Music] awesome huh burnt noodle uh I think it’s broken yeah let’s go another store oh no it’s raining no [Music] shelter hi the delivery might be delayed because it’s raining yeah I’m sorry about delivery um it might be late yeah oh no this is taking forever the rain stopped oh I left the noodles in the rain oh no yeah about the noodles it might be really delayed so yeah uh it might take a few hours bye I hope Maddie’s [Music] okay huh what happened oh my so it’s broken huh really Maddie what should we do Al help so you going to go fix this machine yes okay then out clean the store okay yep it’s a vending machine help me of course I’ll help in 1 hour in 1 hour no time to lose do I need this I think I do I definitely need this thing and these three oh this this looks important almost forgot the most important thing and safety goggles [Music] uh thanks Maddie I am a professional uh-huh I fixed it yay huh D get uhoh [Music] he’s going to be mad has to be [Music] truthful Al oh hey boss but thank you for telling the truth Alex though this is kind of a [Applause] mess oh no well we don’t do nothing nothing [Music] happens all right you two clean up while I fix this [Music] problem all right good time to work I know the exact tool for this oh oh I forgot my tools huh I was working on another vending machine earlier today all right she’s all fixed awesome thank you for your service no problem all in a day’s work oh what’s going on Alex yeah oh really are you sure the phone call was so hectic I was distracted from putting away my tools okay I got to go bye all right thanks again Alex you got to get my tools a it go I’ll draw a little map for you Alex so you start here then you go up the stairs and then you go into the forest of foresting and it’s this should get you there I won’t disappoint [Music] you okay up the [Music] stairs pick those up [Music] later I think I’m here oh hey look to my store how can I help you um excuse me I think my boss left his to is here I need calm down breathe now what can I help you with my boss left his to is here can I get it oh sure they’re right over [Music] here I can’t pick these up oh hey use this as a bag thank you [Music] thanks so much bye bye good luck huh uh-oh where do I go oh my M huh where’s my M how can I get back oh these are my noodles these will lead me back to the shop y I’m back I got your to boss oh thank you Alex I’ll start right away let’s go it’s time I need my other [Music] tool done yooo let’s try it one egg noodle [Music] please huh this is an egg noodle what did I do wrong wait a minute [Music] hey I think I fixed it you did awesome yeah good job Alex Perfect all right let’s pack it up and bring it back we only have 5 minutes we’ll help you M yay done thank you Al you’re welcome bye bye what happen there’s no customers here [Music] Maddie welcome welcome take a seat now let’s make something [Music] special let’s B it up ha oh yeah ah spice it all now let’s [Music] wait it’s done delicious they’re going to love [Music] it noodle time enjoy what is this black noodles yeah the best bye I’m so hungry this is hopeless I can go for any noodle po noodles for sale po noodles for sale po no PO noodles for sale we got blue noodles teal noodles green noodles and red noodles unicorn floaties wow look at that actually we don’t want any B noodles what about Mr smiley face no thanks beach balls beach balls beach balls beach balls we got so many beach balls we just want noodles bye oh well have a good day bye there’s so many sweet things yeah y welcome to Yum Yum noodle we got ice cream bread gummy beers chocolate and donuts this is how we make our yum yum noodle get a handful of Noodles put it in the with our delicious toppings add an ice cream some bread handful of gummy bear stop stop this is too much sugar do you have anything healthy healthy what stop we’ll pass on this one too thanks yeah bye bye more for me oh I need to go to the dentist again wow welcome to fancy noodle please take your seat M this one looks good do you have your orders we would both like number one please Perfect our best [Music] meal [Music] yooo awesome huh it’s just noodles oh my apologies and for you uh H here’s your bill ,000 we don’t have that money what then you can’t have these noodles bye okay I’m so hungry me too TR our noodles it’s the best no it’s it’s broken yeah fixed it right Maddie yeah [Music] H come on just try okay I’ll try me too nothing [Music] again oh it just needs to be charged done you can get your noodles now wow dessert noodle chicken noodle yay wow so yummy delicious awesome what is it bye let’s go to the store Maddie

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