Edible Gardening

EDIBLE WEEDS- PURSLANE (Omega-3 rich food)

High in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants. Plant is commonly found in California and Mexico.

hello everyone and welcome back to vlad’s place in this video I’m going to share a surprising discovery from my [Music] garden if you’re a gardener you know how much love attention and hard work it takes to grow a healthy produce in our Gardens while our attention is often on domesticated plants we often Overlook the Wild Ones percin is a common weed especially here in Southern California it is very nutritious because it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids it also has a lot of vitamin A and C and it’s rich in calcium magnesium iron pottassium and antioxidants but the best thing is it grows on its own and it’s very drought resilient this plant is commonly uses food in Mexico and as a matter of fact I learn about it from my Gardener he used to pull the bags full of this plant and take it home and when I asked him what he was going to do with it he said he will cook it and eat it and that’s how I got interested in this plant and found out that in fact it is a great food to add to your diet I’ve been fighting this weed for quite a long time thinking that it it was a weed but now that I know that it’s edible and that it’s actually rich in nutrition I’ve been implementing it into our cooking and I like it uh if you have a herb just as fresh as it is you’ll notice that it has a lots of flavor and um in particular it has um salt in it it eat salty so it kind of comes as already spiced but um I’m going to do some more research about its nutritional value and I’ll share it with you and obviously we’re going to try to create a recipe out of this and see how it turns out in soup I’m going to try to make a soup out of it in this Rich homemade beef broth the plant itself tastes like a crossover between spinach cauliflower uh broccoli and maybe maybe a little bit of cabbage so I’m just thinking that it would be good in soup and and we’ll also add some of these homegrown onions so let’s see how it turns out every time you make soups like this with lot of greens the key component is Rich broth if you follow my YouTube channel you might have seen how to make a very good broth and freeze it and have it for occasions like these 5 minutes into cooking I’m going to add these cion and all that’s left to do is to spice it per your taste me personally I use some fish sauce I use some roasted ssam oil salt and pepper and I also added some roasted pepper flakes in all honesty I was surprised how delicious this turned out the dish did not look that appetizing but the flavor it was all there and obviously now that I know how nutritious it is I will continue to harvest it from my garden thank you all so much for watching my name is Vlad vladic and my channel is here to share whatever I know about the healthier and more natural way of living if your journey takes you on a simpler and more natural way of living I believe you would enjoy our YouTube channel so join us uh for future recipes ideas and tips as I share what I know about the healthier and more natural lifestyle for more information about me and my work visit vlad.com

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