Front Yard Garden

Relaxing Garden and Lawn Tour: Find Inspiration for Your Outdoor Sanctuary. Talking about Me time.

Lawn and garden tour. Talking about inspiration.

hello everybody and welcome to Memphis Tennessee on this May the 15th it’s been a great spring so far and all the flowers and everything are blooming because we’ve had lots of rain and some sun some warm temperatures but cool temperatures too it’s been a great spring anyway let’s begin with the spring tour this video is going to be dedicated to my good friends John and Judy they like uh watching the videos I think anyway here we go so this year the Bermuda grass is done really well so far it is really early in the season but it’s nice and green I cut it about twice a week at 2 in we’ve had lots of rain some good Heat next week we’re going to have lots of Sun so hopefully it’ll do even better fill in some of the spots that I’m missing over there but anyway let’s look over here at the flower bed this is where I uh enjoy my time cuz I get to relax I don’t get to think about anything there’s enough problems in life sometimes you need some relaxing times some me time some family time whatever just to do nothing and think anyway this is what I like to do everybody has their own little thing anyway we’ve got a husta right here a variegated husta sitting next to a maple tree a banana tree and some Dianes and some monkey grass it’s a weird combination but uh it it works so far eventually the maple the Japanese maple might get too big and I might have to get rid of the banana trees but that’s what it is it’s all a work in progress cuz I used to have another husta here one there and one there but uh as stuff moved uh I just ended up with one I got one little one over here which I’m going to dig up and give away anyway so then we got the monkey grass doing good the variegated monkey grass on the edge I’m going to walk over here got the cypress mulch I just put down I love cypress mulch it cuts down the weeding uh having to pull weeds quite a bit and looks good let’s look at these these I cut back a couple of weeks ago cuz they flowered they screw up again and they get ready to Reflow these are Dianes and there’s what they look like right here so we get ready to do it again hopefully this batch will flower here in a couple of weeks I cut it back anyway that’s a quick look here I got a rose bush here that’s going to start blooming again I just cut them all back there’s my American Beauty Bush there’s another one and I have no idea what that is it doesn’t do anything except for sit there that’s okay so this is my uh front flower bed tour like I said it’s just a relaxing area gives me some me time to think about nothing or something whatever so there we go


  1. Hey Dani! You’re season is off to a great start, looking amazing 🤩 the cypress bark chips do look nice 👍 bless you heaps xx 🌸🙏

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