Backyard Garden


“”✨ Transform your backyard into a magical oasis with these creative decor ideas! 🌺 Discover DIY projects, stylish furniture arrangements, and cozy lighting tips to elevate your outdoor space. 🪑 Whether you’re hosting a summer BBQ or simply relaxing under the stars, these backyard decor ideas will inspire you to create your own outdoor paradise. 🌟 Get ready to turn your backyard into the ultimate relaxation spot! 🌿 #BackyardDecor #OutdoorLiving 🌼”


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Rechargeable lights (black)

White tulip

White plates





*I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that are no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission*

[Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back to creating with Mimi today’s video is all about outdoor dining let’s get first up guys I’m going to start with adjusting the tables I’ve had these tables for about 3 or 4 years and it was always difficult to move the tables around once they were set so I decided to place wheels on the bottom legs of the tables so that it would be a whole lot easier to move the tables around and get them in different [Music] positions first up guys is the juk circular table runner I absolutely love this table runner I picked it up at the local homegood store it is adding texture it is giving me a different element and a different color it’s bringing in the tan that we’re going to add to this [Music] tablescape then I decided to use these gorgeous ribed yellow place mats and I’m going to mix it up and place a silver large charger on the table and then I’m going to add elements of height [Music] [Music] [Music] this large candle holder or the way it was sewed as a candle holder I’m going to use this as an actual vas for the organic floral arrangement that I will be creating for this tablescape also I’m going to add in um a stand and this stand is going to be the centerpiece of the table and it’s going to give another height element to the table as well placing the white bowls on top of the table is another element of texture and then placing some type of arrangement inside of the bowl either you can use edible fruit right now today I’m going to use a faux toy ball and it just gives it a different different color bringing in that green tying that in with the outdoors again mixing that with a natural jute table runner all of these elements are natural since we’re Outdoors but they also add an element of style [Music] outdoor dining is all about adding indoor elements to the outside making your outdoor dining a feel feel as though you’re located inside of your home so I’m going to achieve this look by adding an outdoor wall art feature to the post I absolutely love this gold basket this I’ve had for about 10 maybe 15 years guys I just continue to paint it a different color use it in different areas but for this particular purpose we’re going to use it outdoor I’m placing toer balls different colors different sizes inside of it and then I’m going to hang some green foliage from it I think it’s absolutely amazing the way that it actually turned out [Music] back to the outdoor tablescape right now I’m going to actually start to create the outdoor floral by using these gorgeous yellow stems I’m going to mix it with a purple stem and then also a large Branch just to give it that organic feel and the look so I place the branch inside and then I’m going to fill this with sand so to keep everything in position but right now I’m just making it I’m just arranging the floral just to my liking and you guys can do the same thing with any type of floral that you want to utilize as you can see I’m taking the sand and I’m filling up the vase now this is done for a few functional reasons one is the sand will keep the floral in place and the second is because this is an outdoor arrangement I don’t want it to blow away when it gets very windy and so I’m going to fill it up and make it extremely heavy so that when it gets windy it will not [Music] blow adding as much candle light as possible is necessary for any outdoor dining because usually you’re going to go from brunch to dinner and the candles on a dining table is absolutely amazing it just gives a different light a different glow and it sets the [Music] Ambiance I absolutely love the way this backyard dining table turned out it looks absolutely amazing with all of the wonderful colors the yellow the purple the branch and then I just set it up and I had a few extra candle holders candle inside I’ve got faux candles and I have battery operated candles and then you can just add different elements I placed uh bread baskets on the table and it just gives it a different look as well and it just adds a lot of warmth to the table here’s a quick view of the outdoor living space that’s adjacent to the outdoor dining I did create a video that will show you exact how this outdoor living room was created and the link will be in the description box and [Music] [Music] above at night this dining space Comes Alive it is absolutely gorgeous with the overhead lights that are hanging these three lights that are over the table are from Ikea I will leave a link in the description as well so you can pick up the these lights I think it’s absolutely amazing to have so many different textures and it just creates the outdoor Ambiance that you’re [Music] Desiring from the candles on the table to the overhead lights the glim that you get from that onto the yellow flowers and the purple the large vase with the flickered candles and the mix of colors in terms of the tan and the green it just creates the perfect tablescape [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome back to creating with Mimi and today I’m going to show you how you can make your backyard look like this okay guys today we’re going to focus on the spa and fireplace so I’m not sure if this is part three of the backyard makeover but this is what we’re focusing on today these particular um plants that you see here are I guess they’ve been sitting out here for about three or four years and they’re real branches very very real if you break them they’re very delicate um branches but then I’ve enhanced them by having some artificial plants around them and it’s taken them 3 years to look this B um maybe it’s been four years I’m going to leave the pots white but I am going to touch up on the branches and make them white and then I’m going to place a different color uh artificial plant around them to enhance it and I actually sit them on the around the spa because I want it natural or some type of plant there but I didn’t have any water to come to that area to actually feed it and then for those of you are saying well you could water it every day yeah but when you’re busy and when you have a full-time job you don’t have time to water plants every single day you just don’t uh you spend so many hours commuting and you just don’t have time to do that so and the other problem with having plants around the spa area is the vas would need to be drained and that water and dirt would run into the spa and then into the pool so we’re going to work with the artificial because it’s been working and it does give it an excellent look so when you guys when you see the finished product you’ll understand what it is that I’m saying but this again is part five of the backyard makeover for the season and yeah we’re going to get started I’ve already place my boards down my cardboard boxes down so that I don’t damag the existing concrete and I’m just going to spray over here and this area the lovely white branches have been sprayed and now they’re bright white again for the most part and the pot I didn’t need to respray it this season and I will start to place the faux green branches inside of the pots just to add a little bit more texture and color to the area I removed the faux pink and white I believe I’ve had those for about 3 or 4 years and now I’m going to start working with the green I absolutely love the green foliage there because green is our color this year that we’re bringing in so I’m only enhancing and spreading that sprinkling that color throughout the backyard and the fireplace area here I will add uh green around this vase as well this year I’ve decided to up my game a little bit and add lighting to most of the trees and branches that are in this backyard so what you see here is I’m installing a solar light pick uh inside of the branches it’s difficult to see but I’ve already covered the individual white branches with another solar wire type light and guys at nighttime this backyard comes alive this was such a small element to add but it would gave such a huge impact in terms of the design the layout and the lighting don’t want to forget about lighting in any type of design whether it’s indoor or outdoor lighting is the icing on the cake so I’m just adding a little bit of lighting in here and I’m separating the branches I will enclose or I I will include this inside of the description uh box and you guys can click on the link and order this lighting again it was a huge impact and super super inexpensive for the results all items have been resprayed I’ve added some toer plants box toer that I just picked up at the local TJ Maxx and homegood store and I’ve placed those in front of the fire and since you know I’m trying to enjoy the backyard I did start the fire today just so that I can have some time to sit out and relax a little bit after I set up this fabric for the green cushions is abs absolutely lovely it is a thick fabric it’s not necessarily an outdoor fabric but I’m okay with that because I switch my Fabrics every 2 to 3 years this green color is the same color that we have in the outdoor living video so I’ll leave the link for that video if you guys want to check that video out it is spectacular for creating an outdoor living space I added velcro this year to the seed cushions because we’ve had for some time but I noticed that after about 2 or 3 hours of sitting there the seat cushions move around and they start to look a little uh janky that’s a good word and so I added the velcro to stabilize the seat cushions and to make it a little bit more comfortable for individuals that are sitting there by the fireplace as you can see right now that fire is just kicking and it’s so inviting all of the pillows have been added on top of the cushions and so I alternated between colors you see the green pattern uh pillow and then you see the white pillow it just gives it a little a little bit more of a dimension so that everything isn’t the same color on the table I have this lovely faux flower that I custom made and there’s I have a video showing you guys how to custom make flowers as well and it’s I set that in a gold [Music] I love this gold Voss that the flowers are sitting inside of and then I just added a different color the blue and the white uh vases on top of the table the table is an old fire pit table that I painted out white and I plac a glass uh top on that and I just love the way all of it came together so I’m using things that I’ve had for years and I’m just painting them out with Fresh coat of paint and bringing in other elements the vase and the ginger jars are different heights and it adds a different dimension and decorating the fireplace in itself up this fireplace is 20 years old and it’s been several colors currently it’s gray uh with a black trim and and I’ve just placed a large charger that I actually purchased about 5 years ago guys from Pier 1 and I think Pier One has closed but this has been outdoor for 5 years the charger the white vase the Mercury ball that you see all of those elements are old and um if you choose the right elements and just place it outside it still works I love this View and it’s just coming from a different angle and it’s giving you guys an opportunity to see more of the vases that are outside with the different pillows across from this area you see another small dining table set up w [Music] hello beautiful people and welcome back to creating with Mimi today we are in the outdoor living room space and I cannot wait to share with you guys what I’ve come up with this year so the question came up as to why do we have an outdoor living space and for me it’s just to connect with nature to be outside it relaxes me it reduces my stress level and it’s good for your health this is why I put so much energy or a little energy or maybe too much energy into the outdoor living space it is everything it is an extension of my my interior home but mainly when we’re outside in the summer spring and early winter it is absolutely [Music] amazing this year it’s no different I started off cleaning things with the pressure washer and the sprayer [Music] and I wanted to address some of the vegetation issues I.E a lack of flowers real flowers in the backyard I went over to Home Depot because my rose bushes were just hanging all over the place I know I you would say where is the gardener well when I see him I will address these issues but in the meantime in between time I went over to Home Depot to find all of the things that I needed in order to get these bushes upright again the tool that you see me utilizing is a tool that I picked up at Amazon and I’ll put the link below and what it does is it softens up the dirt and allows you to plant every year or throughout the season more efficiently my rast area or my planter for these impatients that I’m going to be using pretty much is hard because it’s covered with the roots from the palm trees the palm trees have been here over 20 years and they are is growing outrageous so this tool allows me to loosen up the soil plant my FL my flowers and be more efficient a lot faster I love the color of the impatient uh I decided to get mulai so there’s pink whites blows of color and different variations in the pink so that’s all that I’m going to have for real plants other than the rose bushes which you don’t really need to do too much for them to flourish I cleaned up everything thing and I took the sofa that was in this area from last year if you recall and I placed it in the balcony patio that was amazing this entire past year enjoying that space with the sofa and the turf I loved walking out on the turf instead of a dirty surface or every time I wanted to go out I needed to clean up sweep up the area from the dust with the turf that’s not necessarily needed I’ll come back to the turf a little bit later making the decision as to how I wanted to utilize the space I decided to take two chairs from this location and two chairs from another area and paint them out black I think that was one of the most impactful and best decisions that I made was to paint out the chairs black they are simply gorgeous painting out the furniture was so easy I have this paint sprayer and that was another good investment I think I want to say a couple of years ago was to purchase the sprayer the prep work or prepping for the painting is the hardest part once you prep and make sure everything else is covered up you’re literally spraying patio furniture I think I sprayed these four chairs in about 5 10 minutes let it dry and then spray on a second coat now you guys know I love a crisp white pillow cover or cushion cover and this year here I needed to replace some of the cushions that I previously utilized because we store them outdoors and the weather was so bad I didn’t know that the lid had come off of the container that the pillow cushions are stored in I get a lot of questions about the covers all I do is get fabric take it to my local Upholstery and ask them to make pillow covers for me you can do the same thing and switch your colors from year to year if that’s what you choose to do the fabric that I’m using it’s not an outdoor fabric it is a simple cotton fabric and it’s pre-washed no matter the color whether I’m using white or the green that I have at the fireplace obviously it is a good fabric but I sit them out and I’ve had the green fabric for about 3 years now and this white prior to me replacing this set maybe about 6 years it lasts a long [Music] time next I wanted to add a console table I do not want to spend money unnecessarily and I want to use what I already have I decided to take two planners and create a console table out of the two planners and this is how I created the beautiful new console table that I absolutely [Music] love the table is 2x 10x 72 I made sure that it was long enough for me to utilize for a number of reasons one would be to place drinks on behind the chairs or I can turn it into a serving buffet and place food items or hot trays when we’re outdoor dining I’m just taking the vases that I had outdoor in another area and I’m actually going to affix them to the board with L brackets really simple very inexpensive so what you see is I’m drilling the L brackets into the board and then I’ll place the vase in between all four brackets the opening of the vase is a lot larger than the diameter of the board so I flipped the vase and the bottom would be attached to the board and the traditional opening of the vase will be placed on the ground [Music] totally love the way this turned out very inexpensive I used what I already had and I just attached it with L brackets [Music] I debated back and forth as to whether or not I was going to place a rug on top of the turf which is not a big deal I place indoor rugs Outdoors all the time but I didn’t know if I wanted to see more of the Green Turf or if I wanted to create that contrast so I elected to choose this rug which is a white wool rug and it has has very little uh contrasting color some black some gray and it has a scroll pattern absolutely gorgeous and what I get from the contrast between the turf and the rug it’s nothing short of amazing [Music] now let’s talk about this gorgeous cocktail table another one of my finds I was at my local Home Goods store and the top of the table is actually a piece of wall art and I decided to make a table out of the wall art love love love it is 36 in in diameter and it’s white it has a scroll pattern on top of the table to give me texture that I’m looking for the base of the table is just a random table that I had outside in another location and I decided to put things together with the L brackets L brackets are $2 so now I have a gorgeous cocktail table which is perfect [Music] I love a great cocktail table in any Decor setting because it sets the tone and it’s usually the center piece or one focal point in a room uh this is no different I love to see color so I am setting this cocktail table to look absolutely amazing from inside and out next I painted some vases that I picked up for like $39 this is what the vase looked like before it has like a gray and white speckle which was not going to work for my Decor Style I want to use very little gray and minimize the number of colors with one punch of color so I painted these out black and they are simply gorgeous the black is so rich and it just compliments everything going on then I decided to take the topar I wanted to place the toore inside of the black B but obviously the box was too large this is the way I purchased the toore with the box wood around it because it’s supposed to be a box with taery I remove the Box place the taery inside of the black vase and added lighting just for a small detail [Music] for a punch of color I’m adding fuchsia or pink or hot pink and everything came together absolutely amazing I love this hot pink I simply love the color uh Pink for the season is a little unusual for Outdoor Living Spaces but I am simply loving it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the branches look so real so I’ve got so much of the white and black going on popping in a fuchsia color or any color any color for a punch of color is absolutely the ticket it’s that contrast the pink against the white the black against the white the gray against the white contrast is what creates the interest for this [Music] space next I decided to round out the space by placing the round tables at each end the tables are a glass top but it was a see-through glass top I wanted to create as much white as possible so I painted out the glass top so that is that added texture of layers on top of layers and it just extends my color [Music] palette next are these wood candle holders that I found at Hobby lob they were the perfect height but I didn’t want to use wood in this area and I painted them out white [Music] I will place the candle holders on the console table at first I thought about putting another plant back there but I wanted to create more white more depth for color behind this gorgeous fuchsia some of the candle holders are glass clear and some of them are painted white and it turned out absolutely perfect moving to the concrete seeding area I added more Greenery more plant and more luscious Vu I don’t even know if that’s a word but I wanted everything to be extremely lusious and the vases are not new and the plants aren’t new I just plac different plants that I already had inside of the vase I use noodles to center it instead of sand or dirt which makes it very difficult when you want to move a pot around you so with the noodles it’s not heavy and I feel so comfortable moving pot around freely when I just want to make a simple change the pots are different height one is large it is actually the same pot that I have made the console table out of and I placed a topar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] both flower pots are lit with solar lights and which is gorgeous at night the solar base is sitting behind the plant and it’s getting enough Sun during the day and at night it automatically comes on I recommend that you guys seriously consider purchasing these twinkle lights they light up any space I have used them over the entire backyard [Music] I will be placing them in the dining area I can’t wait for you guys to see what my final look for the dining room will be this summer since I moved the cocktail table to the center of the living room I moved the fire pit over to the side I did want to continue and enjoy that fire pit on more cooler nights and I think it’s in the perfect spot adds to the decor and I absolutely love it the cream daylight cream and the outdoor living space I think is the wall art that is behind [Music] me this art was originally in the leing room maybe 3 or 4 years ago now I’ve placed it outside and it stands center stage and ready for the bow absolutely love it it completes the space and it really allows my outdoor living to feel like I’m indoors and that is the goal to create a space outdoor that I would love to sit in it has every single color that I am utilizing in the outdoor space the pink beige the black the white absolutely gorgeous it just brings everything together and creates the perfect outdoor living space enjoy the reveal I hope that you guys will get some tips and some tricks that you can utilize in your space until next time make every single day a great day [Music] everything about you perfectly undone and I was like a statue staring into the sun if I jump I will fall guaranteed 20 seconds later I did if I jump I will fall guarantee 20 seconds later I did and I’m going down and I’m going down and I’m going down again [Music] yeah you don’t need a lipstick to kill someone with a smile is this another trick I haven’t played for a while if I jump I will fall guaranteed 20 seconds later I did if I jump I will fall guaranteed 20 seconds later and de and I’m going down and I’m going down and I’m going down [Music] again and I’m going [Music] down I try not to fall for make believe but this is something else I better be careful you’re beautiful and I go ring down again [Music] hey if I jump I fall guaranteed 20 seconds later I did if I do I will oh guarantee 20 seconds later I did [Music] oh he [Music] if you like this video hit that like button or subscribe [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello beautiful people and welcome back to creating with Mimi today’s video is all about the backyard patio makeover I’m going to show you how we went from this to a spectacular space Outdoor Living that everyone can [Music] enjoy today is pretty much installation day and we’re going to install lights pillows rugs glamorous and inviting and Ultra welcoming [Music] although I added floral and plants in the Landscaping I wanted to add a little bit more so I went out and searched for pots I needed to spray them because the size is perfect it’s very contemporary straight lines but the color I did not want black on this patio area because I had enough black in the mo so I’m spray painting this white and I can’t wait to show you guys the end result they came out absolutely amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] adding just a little bit F floral on the table it’s a small table in the back area I purchased these individual floral pics from HomeGoods or Hobby Lobby and all I’m going to do is place them inside of a vase the color blue is the color that we’re accenting in this outdo space I’ve got a bouquet of roses some carnations and I’m just going to place them in here I love the type of arrangement because you can just switch it out with the season it’s not fussy you don’t need hot glue all you need to do is purchase the floral that you love and pack it in there and put it together and it’s going to have an [Music] impact now pretty much it’s time to decide on the rug that we’re going to lay out so I chose this blue and white rug because I know that I’m going to be working with some yellow pillows and all of those colors work well together so I’m just deciding on which orientation I’m going to place the rug because there’s two columns that are a little awkward positioned so they sort of break up my living room somewhat it’s going to be crucial the way that I place the rug in order to keep an outdoor living room [Music] environment I do bring in indoor furniture outside so you see me placing this sofa console table which is gold I’ll place it outside on the rug and then we’re going to start bringing in patio furniture [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the furniture has been placed and now I’m switching out the cushions and you guys have seen me do this quite often I love a crisp white cushion most cushions when you purchase it from a store it’s like an off gray or a taupe and it just doesn’t come alive but if you’re purchasing something from restoration heart wear what they advertise for sale are white you can choose different colors but for the most part if you’re looking for a rich contemporary look having a white cushion is the way to go this propane fire play set is to die for I’ve used it a numerous times on multiple projects and I absolutely love it you have the Fireside table that it surrounds it so you can place glasses or you can place cups or some oberes on the table and it’s absolutely wonderful [Music] I get asked a lot why do I place outdoor indoor lamps outside and one of the reasons is because I want to create that indoor living room feel but outdoor and that’s a great tip bring in things that you would ordinarily have indoors Outdoors so what you see now is I’m placing sandbags and I’m tying them around the lamp so that if there’s bad weather the lamp will not fall over and it weighs down the lamp so that’s a great tip you guys can do the same thing I’ve added color floral behind the sofa on the console table now those plants are live plants it’s just a fuchsia color that I wanted to bring in with the green then above guys I have the light fixtures for chandeliers and they’re from Ikea [Music] these are those gorgeous white vases I painted them white I purchased them black and I’m just sitting them out just outside of the living room area and I’m going to place some live plants in there just to add another punch of color it is a punch of color I think it’s going to be that extra wow factor that I’m looking for [Music] [Music] [Music] check out this final reveal and enjoy the remainder of the video love love love this project and the way this patio turned out remember this was the client’s old patio furniture this furniture is about 8 or 9 years old but just changing out the cushion covers it gives it a fresh take on an old backyard [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] wooo yay yay yeahoo yeah yeah yeahoo yeah yeah yeah hey feels like an oce the way you’re touching me must be emotion the way it’s meant to be all the emotions spinning in my head feels like an oce baby the aain no body like you no it’s true could do the things you do just like you baby there ain’t no body like you do you feel the same Cuz I Got High Hopes do you want the same cuz baby all I got is high hoes do you feel the same do you want me back or is it just a game cuz I got high hopes ooo yeah yeah yeahoo yeah yeah yeah woohoo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe I’m crazy but something in my mind tells me it’s easy to make you come around I think you want me the same way I you almost do easy baby there ain’t nobody like you no it’s [Music] true could do the things you do just like [Music] you baby there ain’t nobody like you do you feel the same do you feel the same Cuz I Got High hes do you want the same cuz baby all I got is high hes do you feel the same do you want me back or is it just a game cuz I got high hopes wo yeah yeah yeah woohoo yeah yeah yeah yeah wooo yeah yeah yeah hey yeah you feel the same Cuz I Got High Hopes do you want the same cuz baby all I got is High Hopes do you feel the same do you want me b or is it just a game cuz I got high hop [Music] he [Music] if you like this video guys please Subs outdoor doors backyard having fun entertaining and just living our best lives outdoor I’ve been doing quite a few outdoor projects and I just wanted to share some ideas with you guys some of these things are super super simple but sometimes the most simplistic thing will give us the best Joy enjoy the video I hope you guys get some ideas and that you’re truly inspired until next time make every day a great day [Music] w w [Music] w w [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] it’s [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] I [Music] you [Music] hey he [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I won’t make it easy for you now you got two minutes of my time and I don’t really break too easily but I’m worth it cuz I’ll slip into your dreams tonight oh so give me so give me your all I’ll take it I’ll take it to Mars I’ll stick like blue inside your mind just watch me break in you swear you’re falling in me touch me I swear you would do anything that I want so keep us awake to the DA baby I want to make you swear of me I want to make a sweat on me I got you wrapped around my finger but don’t you try to call me tomorrow there’s nothing personal in having a little fun you wait to see if it’s worth your so give me so give me your all I’ll take it I’ll take it to Mars oh I’ll stick Like Glue inside your mind just watch me breaking I swear you’re falling in me touch me I swear you would do anything that I want so keep us awake till the dawn baby feel free I want to make a sweat of [Music] me I want to make it swe of me [Music] I want to make a sweat of me just take a hint you got a free pass oh try to hide it but you hadde me from the get go then me be frank I’m not that complicated if you need me it’s the use of playing games though there’s no denial what we want just watch me break in you you’re falling in me touch me I swear you would do anything that I want so keep us a away till the dawn baby got to make a SW [Music] me I want to make a sweat of me [Music] oh me I want to make you sweat of me oh I want to make you sweat on me I want to make a sweat on me [Music] [Music] hello beautiful people and welcome back to creating with Mimi today’s video is all about the outdoors and I want to share with you my balcony this is a project that I have been trying to get to for some time now so let’s get [Music] started I’ve started out removing the items that I had from last year and as you can see the balcony area was pretty sad I just had a couple of chairs there the surface that you see is something that is new prior to this and I hopefully I can find some images to show you guys I had a tile floor there and it was gorgeous with The Medallion but it was improperly installed mildew and mold on the bottom side of the balcony so I took it up I removed that tile and now what you see is the correct way you’re supposed to seal the balcony and have water [Music] protection currently what I’m doing now after cleaning up is I’m spraying for ants or spiders or any other kind of bug this spray is amazing when I say no ants no spiders no bugs I mean zero I purchased this from Amazon I will definitely link it [Music] below this is Turf that I purchased a couple of years ago so that’s how long I have been trying to execute this balcony and make it an oasis another Oasis for me to just relax and unwind in it’s absolutely gorgeous it’s green and I thought about instead of looking at the finished waterproofing deck I want to see something that’s gorgeous I’m going to cut this Turf and it’s so super easy to cut their perforated lines and you can just follow that and get a straight razor or any other type of utensil that you have and just start cutting it was super easy I thought it was going to be difficult but it was not [Music] [Music] [Music] now I’m placing the turf on the B itself and I’m just making some smaller Cuts around the edge here and again it was just super easy to roll out [Music] [Music] [Music] on with the furniture I wanted to purchase a new sofa and I’m like uh I’ve got too many sofas already Outdoors you guys remember this sofa it was downstairs in the outdoor living room I purchased a handhel sprayer because I don’t know I’ve seen it a thousand times so I said I can do the same thing myself this sprayer I’ll link below as well it was very very simple to work with you just place the paint inside of the container and then start spraying it literally took me about maybe 5 minutes per spray and I actually have two coats on this [Music] sofa while that’s drying I’m back out to the balcony and I’m placing some pot pick these up at your local homegood store and I’m placing some holes in the bottom of the pot so that when it rains cuz I plan on leaving these things out year round and there’s no cover Above This balcony so when it rains the water will just go through the pot and drain on [Music] out I’ve already got started placing one of my branches the well actually this is a white tree that was on the front porch for years but I’m switching that around so I want to reuse what I already have I absolutely love these trees it’s 7 ft tall and I’m placing them in the new Potters adding some sand so it balances the weight when the wind gets heavy or the weather changes the sand will allow the pot not to Tumble over this one is my largest tree and this is an 8T tall white tree and it’s actually real branches that I’ve spray painted white when this is all said and done you guys will get a chance to see what that looks like it is just a gorgeous look it makes it fresh contemporary and I absolutely love it [Music] [Music] since I’m working with an 8ft Tall Tree I needed to get a super tall ladder I’m going to place the twinkle lights on the tree you guys know how I love lighting up a space and at night it just comes alive and it’s just so relaxing and inviting I am placing these on each individual branch [Music] sunet behind your head 4 5 201 a lot of things CH [Music] done there is like you this box would is just another item that I purchased and I love it it gives me privacy from my neighbors and it just finishes off the space very very well and right now I am placing more twinkle lights around the boxwood probably should have added even more but I didn’t I said I’m not going to go crazy with the lights so I just added a few [Music] [Music] now that my sofa has been painted I’m struggling here a little bit but I’m going to place it and sit it in the area why did I change colors I don’t know I’m just in this white phase right now and I wanted everything light bright and white since it’s a retan I’m pretty sure that I can repaint it another color should I desire to do so adding this outdoor indoor rug for texture and color [Music] currently you guys are looking at some of my branches that I’ve had for years I’m just reusing and repurposing I will be placing these branches inside of a new pot that I purchased and spray painted it [Music] white this is the pot but it’s not a deep pot so I need it to create something that I can actually attach the branches to and that’s why I will be installing this 2x two piece of wood through the hole in the bottom of the pot and then I’ll be able to attach the branches to the pole you’re taking my hand leading the way staying the night looking at you making your moves there is no silence I wish you’d never let go all the is moving in the zone I’mma lose it out of control yeah yeah yeah yeah looking so sweet but your Dynamite I just want to dance with you feeling that burn I’m not getting out yeah y baby you make me lose my mind maybe you want to stay tonight time goes fast I don’t care I know you long enough when we go we lose track of time you and I we can stay in sh time goes fast I don’t care I’ve known you long enough I know what I want know that I care nothing can change that talk to me babe f for me babe need you to hear me never have I felt this way I hope you feel the same I’mma lose it out of control uhhuh looking so sweet but you’re dynamite I just want to dance with you fun time all the heart work is done it’s just time to make everything gorgeous and I am adding these yellow stem florals because I’m all into yellow for this outdoor season and it’s just bright it’s sunny it’s fun for me so I will be making several of these Arrangements the first one will go inside of a large wicker basket that I purchased from uh what is the name of the [Music] store you guys have seen me do this before change the cushion color by adding slip cover pillow covers it just changes everything all out I will go to a locco postery place and ask if they would make these for me with fabric It’s a cotton fabric machine washable I actually just took these out of the uh dryer so that’s the reason why they’re a little wrinkly but since it’s outdoors the sun will take away and melt all the wrinkles away here in Southern California [Music] installing a couple other decorative pots you see the round pot on top of the pie Laster that I just completed adding that post to and now I’m installing natural branches now these are Beachwood I’m going to keep the ones Below in the natural Beachwood color which I love giving that contrast between the white painted branches and the natural Beachwood color that Beachwood color ties in very well with the outdoor jute rug that I’ve placed down below so all of these colors are going to tie [Music] in I’m just adding some additional color Floral in the opposite pots the large trees because they’re just white just to fill it up a little bit since they’re a little sparse the stems are artificial so they’ll last with this color for at least a couple of years [Music] I always like to create my outdoor spaces to appear indoor so I’m going to add some wall art outdoor lamps accessories and just really make it feel Outdoors now this lamp the heat lamp that you guys see is in the corner I couldn’t get rid of it uh it is a little unsightly but it does a great job when it’s time to sit out at night when it’s not summer because I plan on using this space year round enjoy the remainder of the video let me know your thoughts on what you guys are doing this year for your special space are you creating or decorating your balcony your patio how are you enjoying your summer until next time make every day a great [Music] day there the sparkle in your eyes I feel the warmth of your your skin just the touch of your hand makes me tremble with it love the smell of your hair L here in my bed never going to be alone cuz with you I’m finally coming home I want to be with you always cuz that is what my heart says that’s what my heart says I want to be with you always you are my world in every [Music] place it’s the things that you do [Music] and it’s a smile on your face and it’s time goes by I know I know I’m in a better place I’m in a better place without your love I am out of place and without you I am just a tra I love you without of my heart together forever never toart I want to be with you always cuz that is what my heart [Music] say the Sun is going down now been at it for a while and I have had enough of this I doubt that we can solve it been trying for so long and I just can’t ignore that it won’t ever be the same no we will never be that good again don’t drag it out skip the in sense things will never be the same again and now I got all that I need no need to apologize we won’t waste any more time y I am all that I need no need to apologize and we won’t waste any more time yay you still suck on my mind you won’t go away it’s like you are a part of me the a mansion in my dreams now you won’t be there and I just can’t ignore that it won’t ever be the same no we will never be that good again don’t drag it out skip the ense things will never be the same again and now I got all that I need no need to apologize and we won’t waste any more time yeah I am all that I need no need to apologize and we won’t waste any more time yay [Music] all these memories that we made won’t fade away for a while you said you don’t mind that you’ll be just fine no room for Second Chances hey I got all that I need no need to apologize we won’t waste any more time yeah I am all that I need no need to apologize I got all that I need no need to apologize and we won’t was any more time y I am all that I need no need to apologize we won’t waste any more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello beautiful people and welcome back to creating with meimi this is our third section for the patio this summer This Is My love language I am enjoying this it does take a lot of time we’re outdoors I I’m not mic up so excuse The Barking doll the airplanes the water everything that’s going done but I’m outdoors and I’m having a great time the first section was the living room then we have the dining area and this is pretty much called just another Lounge area there’s actually four sections to this back patio but I will be addressing three it is a little late this year for setting up but we’re I’m in California and we’re still trouble with morning drizzles it’s beautiful right now it’s about 74° and there is the weather’s perfect but in the morning sometimes it is a drizzle or a light rain and even though we’re underneath the patio I do have some rugs that may be exposed that I don’t necessarily want to get wet taking my time getting this together it will probably be a very hot summer and I’m not sure what is wrong with this barking doll but oh well we in America love our dogs right I’m going to start by painting another layer of paint on this glass tabletop it was glass I do have a video as to how you can paint your glass tabletops a color I’ve had this table for about I don’t know gosh over 20 years at first the table was this is from the old Bombay the Bombay Store leave a comment for all of you guys that remember the Bombay so it was inside of the house when I first purchased it the bottom of it was the iron the iron color rod iron it has been black now it’s white I keep things for a very long time so it will come out and have another life at a different time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I’m going to let that sit for a little bit and I’m going to move it out of the way I hope I think I can a little bit let okay guys I just decided to give up on speak speaking and decided to do a voice over right now I am editing out the space just removing items that I probably will not use I decided to spray the area that I will have furniture or seating placement and this spray I cannot speak enough about I will leave a link in the description no bugs no ants nothing NADA it is wonderful and one spray pretty much in the beginning of the season the summer and it will last me throughout until we get another rain absolutely love this stuff I use it around the entire property [Music] I’m working with a lot of black this year for 2023 and it’s just a classic clean color I’m adding the stripe to have interest [Music] okay also guys keep in mind that you are your own producer of this project I’m My Own editor of the project as I’m going along I have things in my mind that I actually want to do but it all depends on the way it folds out this isn’t pre-planned just the general concept is I’m allowed to edit just like you are allowed to edit whatever it is that you want in your home as long as you’re creating your own Utopia and you’re making your home your Sanctuary enjoy the process along with me starting off with this strip rug for this area I decided on orange terracotta being my pop of color and I will combine the two rugs the orange and the black [Music] it is loads of texture color and interest in the space and I absolutely love it the black and white striped is an outdoor rug the Terracotta orange print rug is an indoor rug but I love it I don’t care that it’s in I will be utilizing it it’s a 5×7 and I will take an indoor rug use it outside all day long as long as it’s very pleasing to the eye and I try to make sure that I maintain it as best as [Music] possible let’s talk about these chairs the chairs were white and they were great as a white color but when I painted them black it gave the chair new life that black with the Terracotta and the stripe it is absolutely gorgeous the chairs look rich they look brand new these are the chairs they were off-white white color over the years they turned into an off-white I’m so glad that I painted in Black because now the chair has taken on a new meaning next I’m bringing in this small table and I’m using it as a base for the glass tabletop that I painted previously and I needed something round I wanted it to be pretty low profile to the ground but not super super low I love the detail of the wire we’re not going to see the wood but that’s okay it is just the black wire with the scroll pattern that I absolutely love I’m going to try to move this table and get it over to the new location without breaking the top [Music] I’m spraying the finish in Namo to give it a little bit more protection and I really think it’s going to work I’m hoping it does work [Music] bringing in the remaining two chairs there will be four chairs in this area cleaning off the back mirror this mirror stays out year round but you can see all of the dirt on the right corner and what it looks like when it’s cleaned on the left side [Music] I purchased the Juke cushion at my local HomeGoods I thought it was just perfect it allows more comfort in the chair because this is a hard plastic chair and just to have a little bit more Comfort you’ll sit [Music] longer I’m loving the way things are coming together with the white table the wired base the black chairs decided to add a beige pillow next I’m addressing the tree base the planter and there’s a simple trick I went over to the Local 99 cent store and picked up the pool noodles they’re only like a dollar I will cut them to size different sizes it really doesn’t matter I will use them to add filler inside of the Voss the fun part it’s time to decorate the table has dried I can start bringing things onto the table that I want to see every day day that I absolutely love [Music] the candles that I’m placing on the table are battery operated I found them in the corner probably purchased them some time ago for a client and decided not to use them but it’s going to be to my advantage because I’m using them now they’re battery operated and you have a remote control enjoy the remaining of the video leave a comment and let me know what was your favorite part until next time make every single day a great day [Music] I’m thinking you made for me it’s my birthday yeah cuz I got to say you’re looking like you get for me W up nice and Ne baby get in my way now don’t be shy we’ll be here dancing day and night get in my groove now don’t be shy cuz I got the system my favorite things you could be the part where it all begins you could be the first and the second and the third then the rest of it you could be one of the things I love Sunday morning breakfast with a bedroom door lock I like everything that I a cherry on top get on my list of the things I love love love you could be the one I trust the second chance I nothing for right I like it all the to be one of the things I we don’t have to move so fast baby I will show you how you can catch my vibe and right away got so much time looping in the blood lights get in my way now don’t be shy we’ll be here dancing day and night get in my goove now don’t be shy cuz I got the system my favorite things you could be the PO where it all begins you could be the first and the second and the third and the rest of it you could be a one unless the things I love Sunday morning breakfast with my bedroom door lock I like everything that is aary on top get on my list of the things I love love love you could be the one I trust all the second chance I say nothing for right like it all the be one of the things I love the things I love the things I love the things I love love love love love the things I love the things I love be one of the things I love the things I love the things I love the things I love love love love love the things I love the things I love cuz I got the S my favorite things you could be the part where love begins you could be the first and the second and the third and the rest [Music] of get in my way now don’t be shy won’t be here dancing day and night get in my grp now don’t be shy you could be one of the things I love Sunday morning breakfast with my bedroom [Music] door if you like this video hit that like button or subscribe you will be notified each time there is a new upload until next time make every day a great day


  1. I love everything!!! Hot pink is also my pop of color for the season. I always have some version of pink, but I wanted to take it up a notch this year. If you're looking for any additional stems, Walmart has a gorgeous magnolia branch. Love your work! ❤

  2. Mimi, I can't watch anymore,😢.my backyard space is 19ft long by 25th wide I've a garden and a deck🤔I've to MOVE beautifully done❤❤ it

  3. Everything is so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your process and strategy when creating such beautiful spaces. I didn’t see the link to the spray you mentioned to keep your outdoor space free from bugs. Would you mind sharing the link?

  4. I am in the process of updating our covered patio. I am on the east coast so the weather is starting to warm up a little. I love all your decor, especially adding lamps to the outdoor space. I hope to accomplish something similar in mine. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful outdoor designs.

  5. Greetings, your patio and terrace area is beautiful. I would love to know where you got the pots for the plants that are tall and white. floor please

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