Plant Propagation

Found these beautiful trimmings! How do I propagate? (I’m totally new to this!)

While on a walk I found these from a neighbor’s plant. It looks like they fell or were torn off.

I’d love to try to propagate these, but I wasn’t sure of the process. I don’t have much experience growing other than cannabis. Can I please get some help from actually experienced plant parents? (:

Thank you!!!

by No-Shelter-7753


  1. bacterionomicon

    Tradescantia purple heart. Just shove the bare stems in some dirt and you’re off to the races. No water or rooting hormone needed. They’re crawlers so they’ll root anywhere a node is touching dirt.

  2. nocomputer_wetbrain

    I put them in a cup of water. They’re indestructible and lovely while they’re at it. Enjoy!

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