Plant Propagation

Should I keep him in water or transfer to soil?

I was gifted this cutting a few weeks back, he had a small root and he’s really taken off with the roots and now a new petiole and leaf are currently unfurling! So, should I leave him be since he seems happy and just add some liquid fertilizer? Or would he survive the shock that would come with the transfer? I really don’t want to lose him. Thanks in advance!

by jeanmelissa


  1. Retail-Weary

    That leaf unfurling means you have a very healthy plant. I’ve never tried it but I’ve heard some Monsteras thrive in water. You have got some good roots there…I would think it’s ready for soil.

  2. let the new leaf harden and transfer to soil. not to big of a pot, well draining mix

  3. SlutForDownVotes

    I bought a monstera cutting in water. It has been in leca for two years now and it is thriving.

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