Plant Propagation

Help! What do I do when they start maybe actually growing?

Does anyone work on outdoor plants on this sub?

These have only been potted for 13 days or less. At first they gave a little growth (see stick on the right–it hasn't changed since then) but now there's full blown little baby leaves on these two. There is slight resistance to tugs on the two on the left but it be how the twigs are shaped.

My questions: at what point do I stop using the humidity dome, is it bad to leave it too long?

Should I keep misting? When do I switch to thorough watering/drying cycle?

Also… since these guys are sharing a pot, how long can I wait before giving them their own pot?

Background: I bought a bareroot serviceberry tree a little over a week ago. It had three shoots, so I chose the strongest looking one and cut off the others. Even though they're too small (tiny diameter, twigs, not pencil width) I figured, what the hey, I'll stick it in rooting hormone and soilless soil and maybe get an extra tree out of the deal. That little guy in front is less than an inch long… it had like three nodes on it total–idk why it's working at all. I'm very new to this. So far I've murdered apple tree cuttings, about ten lilac cuttings (it's been over a month and the other ten aren't doing anything except wilting yet).

by KeezWolfblood

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