Container Gardening

How A 100% Container Garden Looks! | Growing Over 50 Plants In Containers!

How I grow over 50 plants in Containers! I have no plants planted in the ground nor do I have any plants in raised beds. This is a complete 100 percent Container Garden. Any where you can sit a pot you can grow a plant!

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it has been raining all night long and one of my favorite things to do when it rains is number one drop a few seeds so I’m dropping more deal seeds while it’s good and wet out here from Nature’s water also I like to check my garden during the rain right after it rains your plants will flourish like never before it’s just an amazing you’ll find plants that perk up that haven’t been perked up before so I thought I’d take you guys around with me and show you what it looks like while it’s still raining outside today come on let’s take a look this video is being sponsored by high SE I love my high sea ankle high Garden shoes whether it’s raining or I’m watering my garden I’m guaranteed to be warm and dry my high sea ankle Garden shoes are cute and comfortable enough to wear anywhere coming in at the top of the scale with a 100-year lifetime warranty product links in the description use discount code scaredy cat for 15% off oh my goodness this is Swiss chard and it was so tall that the heavy rains actually bent it over and now I’m going to have to stake it up it is so big and heavy it won’t stand up anymore and I’ve had this particular swits CH for a couple of years here is my th back here and if you’re growing time and it starts to flower like this you can just simply pinch these flowers off keep it from going bitter and to keep it thriving just come out and pinch them off over here we have my oregano isn’t it beautiful look how beautiful and Lush it looks after the rain it’s time for me to harvest some again when it comes to the herbs the more you harvest the more it’ll grow so I’m going to come out here and harvest this after it finishes raining and so I can dehydrate some of it this is my Rosemary from last year it is finally starting to come back because the temperatures have finally got warm enough for it to start coming back as you can see it’s starting to turn nice and green and I’ll just let it keep going ah it rain so my Oya is still full this is some Sage it perked up and it’s been growing really well I started this Sage from seed this is my mug wart as you can see it has germinated and it’s started to grow really really well that’s actually a cucumber that has germinated and let’s see it’s not looking so great but we’ll see what happens with it over here I can’t remember which flowers these are but these actually came back from last year then I’ve got onion in here which I have in most of my pots these are some more flowers again I can’t think of the name but they popped up again from last year and here I have more Swiss Char growing over here I have my strawberries look at that beautiful flower look at that the leaves are so green I am have this trellis I’m going to train them to grow up the trellis strawberries by Nature won’t climb but you can get them to climb and this is a butterfly plant can’t think of the name of it right now but it came back again from last year once it grows and blooms it will bring beautiful butterflies into my garden over here I have some red mustard greens I like to eat my red mustard greens raw I rarely cook them they are absolutely delicious in a salad but as you can see right here it wants to start to go to seed see if I can focus in on that it wants to start to go to Sea I just keep pinching that off so they can last as long long as possible in here I also have some jalapenos this is a jalapeno plant and I’ve already chopped off the top of it so that it can start growing and it has down at the bottom over here in this corner I have some Thai Basil I love Thai basiling isn’t it beautiful I have that spread out throughout my garden as well here is one of my cayenne peppers and I need to get over here and spray it with some meem oil these are also jalapenos right here I think can’t remember what kind of plant this is It’s a pepper plant but I have so many different pepper plants in my garden some that haven’t germinated yet and some I started from starts again my mustard greens and right here I actually have watermelon this is Black Diamond watermelon it doesn’t grow very large but it’s really really sweet I will be pulling a couple of these out after I see how they do over here we have leaks time for me to probably pull them up because they’re leaning over but they came back again from last year these are sweet bell peppers and again I need to come out here and spray them with me spray them with some mean oil more Peppers red peppers green peppers bell peppers ah here is another cayenne pepper plant and some more Thai Basil over here is my parsley this is is one of my favorite favorite herbs I love it for garnish I also like the taste of it and I love to come out here once it’s rain you can smell all of your herbs they are so amazing what God’s water will do here is my oldest blueberry bush and I cut it back quite a bit last year and it’s growing back and you see the red stuff down there that’s cayenne pepper i put that into my garden as well but it it’s starting it’s starting to bloom and this is my mint this is my mint it grows and I just keep chopping it down I like mint tea I also like it in my salads and a few other dishes this is my second blueberry bush that I have I had cut it back and the ones that I cut back are just now starting to to grow and they’re getting a few blooms on them here and there I feed them with blueberry fertilizer and they’ll be okay in the long run and here are my tomato plants as well as regular basil look at that basil isn’t it beautiful this is a cherry tomato plant let’s put it inside the cage this is a one of my cherry tomato plants I have two CH two cherry tomato plants this is another one look at it isn’t it beautiful and back here I have a Better Boy tomato plant and this one right here is a Bonnie original make sure it’s Standing Tall inside the cage and it’s got lots of blooms on it already sure they’re inside the cage and this is my rescue blueberry bush oh my goodness look at that look at that so many blueberries for a rescue blueberry bush this is the one that I got for a dollar they were throwing it out I said can I have it for a dollar and they said what sure we’re just going to throw it out it was about 6 in tall and all brown and wooded and everything I have is in containers I don’t have anything in ground everything that I’m growing is in a container this right here is is my golden raspberry bush that you all probably saw me plant just a little bit ago and look at it it is growing and growing and growing already growing already this is an everbearing plant so I make it a harvest a small Harvest this year we’ll see and this may not produce for a you year or even two but this is the one I’m really waiting on it is my pink lemonade blueberry bush isn’t that amazing look how beautiful it looks in the rain so nice so gentle I will be staking both of these look at that this is my pink lemonade blueberry bush oh my [Applause] goodness now it’s time for me to go and plant my deal thank you all for coming and hanging out with me today in my garden I really do appreciate you guys if you are new to the channel welcome welcome welcome thank you so much for coming in hanging out with me today please take a second and subscribe to the channel make sure to turn on that notification Bell so you won’t miss anything for my returning subscribers thank you so much for coming and hanging out with me again today and my channel members oh my goodness thank you so much from the bottom of my heart oh my goodness it is amazingly beautiful here today in zone 8A I’m Pam and this is Zone 8A and if anywhere you can sit a PO part you can grow a plant


  1. Well hello sweet lady, I just ran across this channel while looking for container garden tips, you are wonderful 😊 I had no idea you had 2 channels, I am so happy to find this channel , thank you 😊

  2. I love going out when it’s raining to tend my things also !! My husband and friends think I’m nuts but I think now maybe they are in the dark 🤗

  3. Over the years since I've returned to the home I grew up in I've changed to pretty much all container gardening. It's so much easier, and it's good for the plants, too, to be able to move them if needed. Weed and pest control are easier, too!

  4. This is my first year growing in containers. I have lemon bomb and I have a regular I can know. And of course, I have bergmont red bergmont and I have my lilyes and I have one dialer. I have some skull cap some Valerian route.
    It's different having your plants and containers.I bought some white stock this year and some stevia and thyme

  5. Morning to you. I love your garden. I rent and I am growing in pots. Also. The way I see it is everything (plants, animals, people) want to grow and live. Everything is alive with God. And he put eternity in all hearts. 💕

  6. Hi pam your garden is beautiful,❤️when l don’t remember or can’t identify a plant I have an app that is wonderful it calls ‘ Picture This’ this app tells you the name of the plant, if looks healthy, Or if that area has enough light for that plant, in general it tells you everything you need to know about your plant., The only thing you have to do is put your phone on top of the plant and the app takes a photo of the plant and immediately tells you the name of the plant and everything you need to know about that plant. 🌱 And l don’t get paid for promote this app.

  7. I never thought about just throwing seeds out there when it was raining. I have a huge garden. Now I'm going to be waiting for the rain

  8. I have a container garden also. 2aiting on blueberry plants to come in and i e ordered a peppercorn plant. Gonna plant green beans now. Thank you your garden is amazing. Oh qnd i have a herb garden. Helpful tips. Mint has got to be planted by itself and basil also. They take over the garden.

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