Gardening Supplies

the best part about gardening

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Raised Beds

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[Music] look’s PR hello everyone and welcome back to the channel today has been a beautiful day we actually had a lot of sun which hasn’t been normal around here for a little bit we’ve been having a lot of rain and storms under tornado watch and it’s so good to just have a sunny day finally everything in the garden is flourishing and looking amazing so we just wanted to take you on a nice day of hanging out with us and seeing what we we have in this Garden to harvest and to work on we’ve done a lot of work on this Garden we’ve put everything that we love into it and we truly are enjoying the outcome and the Harvest of what we’ve been receiving from it [Music] if you are new here throughout the years of having this Garden we’ve been trying to make it into something that we love we have log raise beds we have no till beds INR and also regular metal raised beds and we Tru love all of them the ones that we chose are just flourishing with vegetables and flowers we’ve been enjoying the no till method on these trellises for cucumbers and squash we also have some corn that we’ve been growing and through all the difficulties everything is just looking so beautiful [Music] although we’ve been having a lot of issues with animals getting into our garden and everything being fenced we’ve been having some problems with our chickens now we do let our chickens free range as that’s the way that we love for them to live now we’ve been having some chicken problems most of our squash and cucumbers were bit into by chickens and although we love them to roam we do have to figure out a solution to get it controlled we’ve been trying to harvest as much as possible before they enter but at times it’s hard to beat them at getting to it first they normally arrive very early in the day to Peck at the vegetables or the tomatoes and as much as I don’t mind sometimes we would like to just Harvest everything and not have everything chewed on so we are are trying to handle that in a very timely matter since we need to get it done very quickly so they can stay [Music] out a lot of you guys have been here since the very beginning of this garden and last year we planted over 50 onions and we only got almost a half a Year’s worth of onions it lasted about 6 months and this year we planted two log rais beds just so we can see if we can make it to a whole year of having onions one of my Staples kitchen vegetable is onions I love a good onion and anything that I cook whether it be onions or garlic I have not planted garlic yet in this Garden I am waiting till we have most of the raised beds ready and up and running but I do plant a lot of onions and we had a very good harvest last year and I was hoping for a very good harvest this year and everything turned out amazing we got red onions yellow onions and white onions and they flourished amazingly in these two beds [Music] when gardening there’s a lot of mistakes that can happen honestly it’s hard to know when something is good or bad or going to turn out good or bad and with these onions we noticed a lot of the red onions had a little bit of a growth problem some of them stood very small and we were unsure why we don’t fertilize as most of our plants grow naturally without fertilizer but we did try to space them out a certain way like we did last year and this year the yellow and white onions did amazing but the red onions kind of stood back and we’re unsure why we’re still trying to figure it out and we are going to amend this bed one more time to see if maybe it needed some amending and more compost and see what we can do now when it comes to fertilizer I try not to fertilize the onions but I do fertilize tomatoes peppers sometimes squash and sometimes watermelon other than that they are very easy to grow without a good fertilizer yeah are yellow oh these are white oh these are yellow those are white oh these are different oh my gosh little white onion [Music] another thing with gardening you have to make sure you know your zones and what you can grow in your Zone these onions the white ones especially were a short period zone so they started Growing Seeds they started flowering and a lot of them actually Harden to where you can actually take the seed out of the flower and that was a fault of our own unfortunately because we are still learning gardening and learning how to choose what works for our zones as that is something that when we got into gardening we knew nothing about so as we continue to grow in gardening and making sure we choose the right vegetables and fruits for our Zone we tend to just want to go with the first thing that we see and that was a big lesson that we had to learn [Music] in today’s Harvest we picked over 100 onions from red onions yellow to white onions we also picked up about eight cucumbers some of the Cucumbers were bad because they were pecked into but we were able to give those to the Pig and the horses so they can enjoy which will be shown in this video as well we also were able to grab a s squash those are yellow neck squash and they are absolutely delicious just fried up in some butter with some salt and pepper we truly enjoyed this week’s Harvest [Music] yel will also be installing one of these galvanized rais beds from Amazon we got this about a few weeks ago and we were so excited to put these up as they are really long and we want to use them to plant some lettuce in them to fill the whole bed with just lettuce and we were really excited because one of the things that we loved were that they were super durable and easy to assemble one thing that we love is just to do things a little bit easier if possible since we try to do a lot within a day hell found this to be super easy to install it took less than 10 minutes and one thing that we love is how durable they are not only that we did reach out to the company and they were very quick with responding back to us with any issues that we may have and it was just very nice communicating with them this Garden raised bed will be flourishing with lettuce in just a few more months and we are so excited to have it in our [Music] Garden one of the other things that I’m really excited for with this raised bed is that it is a bottomless frame I can grow carrots beets radishes in this raised bed and not have to worry about it being stunted as long as I don’t put a weed barrier down I will grow lots of carrots in this bed not only lettuce so I’m very excited to get some vegetables in these rais beds and get to Growing I will be trying out a lot of different rais beds these are definitely recommended from us we have lots of different beds in our garden whether it be in the ground log raise beds metal raised beds just all kinds even wood and we completely recommend these metal galvanized raised beds I will leave the link in the description box if you want to check them out one thing we noticed we should do once we finish harvesting is actually amening and fixing the beds up so yel just grabbed a rake and started to fix these beds up and get them ready for what we want to plant next we are hoping to get some sunflowers in the ground because I want to grow some sunflowers for some seeds just like I would like to grow some pumpkins for pumpkin puree and also the seeds I’m very excited to have that as I love anything that has a seed that we can eat or munch on as a snack definitely recommend it if you are trying to curve any cravings and I just love a nice sunflower seed or pumpkin seed while watching movies or a TV show it just makes it all better [Music] on this day we did a lot of things around this Garden yidel decided to put up the trellis for these watermelons as they were growing super big already and already having small watermelons on it they are just so cute it’s so nice to see something go from something so little to something so big in just Less Than 3 or 4 months it’s so nice to just plant everything yourself and actually see it grow so with that being said we needed to Trish these watermelons and get them off the ground before they grow any bigger than what they are one of our many ways of trellising vegetables in this Garden is cattle panels we love to use a good cattle panel normally we get them from Tractor Supply as well as the te post we love this type of trellising it’s easy to do easy to make and it’s super durable to hold the weight of any vegetable that you put on [Music] [Music] it once we got done in the garden we decided to take some of the horses and pig some snacks from the garden that were already eaten or bitten into [Music] [Music] [Music] the pig is definitely enjoying any snack that comes from the garden she loves anything that we give her lots of house food is is her favorite we tend to give the horses a lot of different things as well they do get spooked out as these are horses that were either rescued or came from a bad background so we have I Izzy we have rainy and we also have snow snow is one that definitely does not approach us she is the mama to Izzy and Izzy has been warming up to us as we have been working with them on a lot of things we also at one point had a trainer which we are holding off until I he is 2 years old once he reaches to he will be shown how to put a mount on him and everything else as he already knows a lot of that stuff we are still working with him with things that he is very skittish about his mom is very skittish as well she’s more skittish than him rainy is more open and out but a lot of the other horses are not we’re hoping to get all of them to where they need to be and show them a lot of love so they can enjoy us and get closer to us they have come a very long way from when we first got all of them [Music] we are getting ready to have these onions sit out on this table for a couple of weeks while they dry out we are needing to do this so that way the onions can last a very long time normally once they are done drying out we will braid them up and store them for the rest of the year one thing that we love about homesteading is we don’t need to depend on a grocery store most of the time yidel and I like to shop locally whether it’s for honey meat any other type of things that we need and we are very grateful for the community we have around us whether it be eggs or something we need in that moment if our animals aren’t supplying it we are going to let this all cure and once it’s done we will show you how we braid them up and store them I truly hope you guys had an amazing day with us today as we are going through this season change and we’ll be going into the summer with this Garden I hope you all enjoy your week and have an amazing day we love you guys and we will see you in our next video


  1. You suppossed to use natural fertilizer, the plants need nutrients- food to grow- banana peelings in rainwater- gives the nitrogen- the comfrey is a fertilizer- year old chicken manure is fertilizer,epsom salt is fertilizer. feeding your plants is what they eat- When the plant goes to seed its life cycle is up so it goes to seed to grow the last bit- seeds to plant more- plant is usually bitter by the time it goes to seed. Onions need fertilizer usually when it starts to bulb, you need to top dress the soil and use a spoon to dig around it to loosen up the soil so it can get bigger.

  2. Being self sufficient is the way to go ! Your garden is looking excellent ! The farm is looking great !

  3. I see a baby coming, LOL – You gonna need something in the bottom of those bottomless raised beds to keep the grass /weeds from growing up thru the entire bed- even if you use layers and layers of cardboard-those amazon boxes with the sickers removed

  4. Thank you again for another beautiful video. I can only imagine the satisfaction you two receive from collecting such a bountiful harvest. All praise goes to Almighty YAH, the Creator of ALL things. Many blessings on your homestead/farm. I look forward to being counted in that number as a future gardener/homesteader.🙌🏾

  5. I plucked tomatoes today. Its just me, so I'm making chow chow with the green ones. I tried to grow onions last year and they didn't make. I think it's the soil. Get you some Dr, Earth's natural fertilizer, it's just earthworm casting (not the greatest smell but it works).

  6. Kristina love your vlogs you bring so many memories back with your gardening as l said when l was much younger family of 11 we had 5 huge gardens raised our own beef, pork and chicken we never bought meat or vegetables we had a root cellar for vegetables and preserves

  7. So glad to see you and Yadel again I always look forward to seeing your videos hopefully I can get it when your live on day but like always thank you for sharing your garden looks amazing every thing is beautiful may God continue to bless you both in strength and health to continue on in all that you do❤🙌💯🌹🙏

  8. Hi Kristina and Yadel, what a beautiful harvest and the gardens look just beautiful!I really appreciate your videos the slo living of a hard working homestead.The new bed is fantastic The horses are beautiful and I think they are lucky to have two beautiful people to care for them and help them recover from their tramua. I'm having a hard time getting my reds to bulk up and like you others are beauties.hmmm hopefully we can figure out how to fix it.God bless you both 🕊️💚

  9. Hello Yadel and Kristina your onion harvest was plentiful and the garden has grown and so beautiful. I enjoyed the video see Y'ALL next time love Y'ALL.❤❤

  10. Love you’ll outside sitting area ,also loving your dresses you look absolutely beautiful and comfortable in them ,nice garden also 🙏🏾🥰

  11. Go to Our Half Acre Homestead, and Ms Volfie will teach y ou how to dehydrate garlic and onions.

  12. This was a beautiful experience watching this process. This is what I want to do. And will do. But it's so nice to witness the method of not just taking cate of the vegetables and fruits , but how you manage and take care and love your animal family. This is truly beautiful. I can't wait to see the next video. I pray I am successful with my land and the vegetables and fruits and animals. God Bless.

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