
Harmless or a pest

My first Lithops. Practically no experience with mesembs. It's scabby slightly convex. Mealybug?
How do i treat this delicate baby.

by Zealousideal_Fun8848


  1. It’s nothing to be worrying about. Once it splits it will have a set of fresh new unblemished leaves.

  2. baconanime

    Kinda just looks like old damage or just some random crust. If it’s mealybugs, if you take a Q Tip with alcohol and dab it, it’ll disintegrate. But you can also tell if it’s mealy’s if it’s moving

    If you determine it’s not alive, you can probably just pot this guy up – the roots look pretty healthy! Make sure to check out info in the sub about soil mixes and watering, there’s a user called txpep that has commented a ton of information, and I’ve used their comments here to make my current lithops flourish

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