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20 Police Drug Busts That Seized Unbelievable Amounts

20 Police Drug Busts That Seized Unbelievable Amounts

In the shadows of the criminal underworld, a deal is going down.
Millions of dollars worth of illegal narcotics are about to change hands.
But tonight, the only high these dealers will get is the cold steel of handcuffs.
Yes, That’s right!
We’re talking about epic drug busts, the kind that make headlines and leave criminals scrambling for cover.
Let’s shed light on the 20 most insane police drug busts of all time!

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now police in Australia say they’ve made what’s thought to be the country’s biggest ever drug bus in the shadows of the criminal underworld a deal is going down millions of dollars worth of illegal narcotics are about to change hands but tonight the only High these dealers will get is the Cold Steel of handcuffs yes that’s right we’re talking about epic drug busts the kind that make headlines and leave criminals scrambling for cover this was massive let’s shed light on the 20 most insane police drug bus of all time number one Philippines record $120 million shabo seizure in 2016 December 2016 was a busy month for the Philippine police but not because they were decorating stations or planning holiday parties instead they were on a major drug bust Mission the cops were all over Manila conducting surprise checks and searching for hidden stashes can you guess what they found a mountain of meth more than anyone had ever seen before I’m talking about suit cases overflowing with this stuff valued at over $120 million this was the biggest drug bus the country had ever seen and it wasn’t just a bunch of drugs hidden in Pockets we’re talking about a whole operation the police even found a secret lab with all the ingredients to cook the meth themselves it seemed like someone tipped them off or maybe the police were just exceptionally clever six people got caught during this Mission but the big question is was this just a lucky break or a sign of more breakthroughs in the fight against drugs number two Australia’s biggest drug bust $1 billion cocaine seized in 2023 now police in Australia say they’ve made what’s thought to be the country’s biggest ever drug bus have you ever thought about a shipment so big it could fuel a whole Year’s worth of cocaine use in Australia we’re talking about billions of dollars worth enough to excite any big drug dealer that’s exactly what the Australian police intercepted but how did they do it Australian police along with their American Partners had been in search of a suspicious shipment for months everything suggested it belonged to a strong Mexican drug group with its destination set for Western Australia but the police didn’t let the actual drugs reach their destination they came up with a brave plan can you guess what they did instead of letting the drugs get there the police did something cunning they secretly got hold of the shipment and replaced the real cocaine with something fake a bunch of plaster of Paris which looks the same but isn’t a drug at all can you imagine the drug dealers faces when they expected a ton of cocaine but ended up with a huge bag of worthless dust the fake drugs were then dropped back into the ocean very far from the coast of Perth but the story doesn’t end here Australian police used flying machines and helicopters to keep an eye on the fake package for weeks they knew the real criminals would still try to find it right and guess what they were right believing they’d lost a huge shipment of drugs a group of criminals possibly belonging to a Mexican gang used two boats to search the ocean it was all a waste of time though because the police were watching two unlucky guys got arrested right then and there but that wasn’t all the police who had been keeping an eye on everything came in and arrested other members of the gang at a harbor in Perth in total 12 people were arrested including some from the United States this was a major win for the police and a reminder that criminals can’t always outsmart the police number three a pilot’s wild ride and brutal fall have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a pilot who flies for the highest bidder it’s a dangerous job Indeed full of risks and Adventure well sometimes it can land you in trouble take John for example Jon wasn’t any ordinary airline pilot he flew for whoever offered the biggest paycheck more like a protector for airplanes on November 17th 1992 his job was transporting a a crazy amount of cocaine over 4 tons of it from Colombia straight to Canada luckily John’s Flying skills pulled through and he skillfully evaded capture but what happens when you land on a Plane full of illegal drugs and nobody’s there to meet you when Jon finally landed in Canada the people who were supposed to meet him with the drugs were nowhere to be found so there he was stuck with a huge airplane full of cocaine and no clue about what to do next can you imagine the Panic John got a ride from a trucker and waited for the police they arrived in a helicopter later when the officers finally asked him what was on the plane John answered cocaine and a lot of it this turned out to be the biggest drug bust Canada had ever seen John got arrested and spent 23 years behind bars he says the money would have been a fortune for a single day’s work but do you think it was worth the risk number four Italian police bust major drug ring back in June 2022 Italian police busted a massive Hall of drugs after a year of undercover work They seized 4.5 tons of cocaine worth over €260 million e on the streets this big arrest hurt a Colombian drug gang that operated in many countries including Italy Croatia and even the Netherlands these criminals were operating quite an international network but how did the police do this well they went undercover they acted like secret agents and set up fake drug deals 19 of them apparently to identify the key players this impressive takedown helped them capture the supposed leader of the Colombian gang a big-time criminal according to reports this whole story makes us wonder what other undercover operations might be happening right under our noses number five Millions hidden in plain site Miami drug bust raises questions it was a night in April 2018 that would leave Miami D in utter disbelief local police raided a seemingly ordinary house in Miami Lakes only to uncover a scene ripped straight out of a crime movie they raided a regular house and found a ton of cash hidden behind a wall $24 million to be exact it was all in buckets and the most money the police had ever found in one go they also found drugs and a weapon but what were they doing with all that cash and where did it come from two people a brother and sister living in the house were arrested but the story gets even stranger it turns out the brother also owned a nearby gardening store did did they just have a really expensive gardening hobby or was something else going on the police believed the store wasn’t what it seemed they think it might have been a fake business a clever way to hide a much bigger operation could this seemingly ordinary store have been secretly growing marijuana what do you [Music] think number six beyond the suitcases police bust uncovers shocking smuggling ring this was massive in 2023 Central Florida law enforcement pulled off a major bust taking down a drug trafficking operation that’s been around for years but just how big was this operation police haven’t revealed the exact details but they hinted at something massive yes I am talking about hundreds of pounds of cocaine what were they planning to do with all those drugs where were they even going the investigation uncovered more than just Co cane fanil a powerful and dangerous synthetic opioid was also seized by the police this stuff is incredibly risky and its presence raises a chilling question were these traffickers willing to put lives at risk for profit apparently these traffickers weren’t just dealing on street corners they were using the mail and private shipping companies to sneak drugs across states are you also wondering how long they’ve been getting away with this and how many shipments did they manage to get through through before they were caught because same number seven the blue pills back in August 2023 Mexican authorities seized a mindblowing amount of drugs three tons of methampetamine but that’s not all they also found over half a million fentanyl pills if you don’t know fentanyl is an incredibly powerful drug that can be deadly in small doses so how did the police find out about this massive Hall where exactly did this bust happen was it a warehouse a hidden lab or something else entirely one thing’s for sure this seizure has taken a huge chunk of drugs off the streets it’s a major win for law enforcement in Mexico but it also raises questions about the scale of the drug trade there who was behind this operation and how much more is out there Number Eight Columbia record drug bust have you ever heard of a drug bust so big it has made headlines for years well in 2016 Colombian police pulled off a record breaker one day Colombian police were on a routine Patrol maybe checking farms for signs of trouble this was when they discovered something unexpected a massive hidden supply of cocaine on a banana Farm we’re talking about £17,500 that’s enough to fill a small room can you guess how much that much cocaine is worth hundreds of millions of dollars that’s a severe setback to any drug operation this huge Hall belonged to a gang called Clan usuga an Infamous group in colia it was the biggest drug seizure in the country’s history and it dealt a serious blow to the gang’s operations but do you think they’re enough to stop the drug trade completely number nine social media and smuggling ever dream of a luxurious World Tour visiting places and soaking up the sun sounds incredible right how about a Twist to that dream vacation well this story involves two women a fancy tour and a whole lot of trouble Molina and Isabelle set sail on a dream journey in 2016 documenting their Adventures on Instagram for months the breathtaking scenery and beautiful location all seemed perfect but have you ever wondered how much stuff people can fit in their luggage because in this case Molina and Isabelle were hiding a secret 200 lb of cocaine that’s enough to make anyone wonder how did they even think they could manage especially on such a long trip fortunately for law enforcement they got caught in Australia can you picture the sheer astonishment on everyone’s faces when they discovered that massive amount of cocaine it was a record-breaking drug bust for Australia Molina initially denied any involvement with drugs but things changed recently what do you think made her finally come clean was it the weight of guilt or maybe the realization that her social media posts weren’t exactly helping her case Isabelle on the other hand pleaded guilty right away and got 7.5 years in prison this whole story makes one wonder how people get involved in these situations is risking a life sentence worth a handful of social media posts number 10 22.6 million amfetamine pills seized in Saudi Arabia we have heard many stories of drug smuggling but smuggling into a country with super strict laws against them sounds a bit too adventurous or perhaps risky that’s exactly what happened in Saudi Arabia back in 2014 the Saudi police arrested six people who tried smuggling a shocking amount of illegal drugs but what makes this story even crazier is how they tried to hide the drugs using coils of razor wire and rolls of plastic mindboggling right this drug Supply comprised 22.6 million amphetamine pills that were worth $267 million is that the whole picture or were there some bigger Powers behind the plan number 11 mystery of the US Mexico border tunnel have you ever heard of a secret passage stretching over a mile beneath the earth’s surface it’s approxim imately 874 yard in length in August 2019 us authorities found an underground passage this tunnel was super long stretching for over 3/4 of a mile which is even longer than 14 football fields put together could it be a hidden Highway for smuggling drugs that’s what the US authorities thought and discovered it started in an industrial area of Tijana Mexico this tunnel unlike they’d seen before burrowed its way under the Border aiming for a warehouse District near San Diego on the US side but who built it how long had it been there this wasn’t your average tunnel with tracks for carts bright lights and ventilation it was like a secret Subway for illegal goods and the fascinating part was that there was even an elevator at the entrance who knew drug smuggling could be so Hightech but Mexico authorities were not that lucky when they discovered the tunnel they found it empty no drugs no Smugglers just an underground passage no arrests were made that day but the authorities shut it down to prevent future trouble this discovery raises a lot of questions how long had this secret passage been operational did any drugs ever make it through number 12 tranquilandia what would you do if you ever come across a hidden city that makes illegal drugs this is not some Fiction it’s a tale of the Colombian jungles where the Medellin cartel a criminal group built exactly that they called it tranquilandia which means Tranquility land ridiculous isn’t it it wasn’t just a traditional secret lab covering a few Acres tranquilandia was a full-blown operation where 19 separate Labs ran 247 producing cocaine they even had their own water and power supply along with comfortable dorms for the workers wait for the most mindblowing part to get the ingredients they needed and ship out the finished product they built not just one but eight whole air strips but how was this hidden Empire defeated and most of all detected American Drug agents planted tracking devices on chemicals that were used to make cocaine and followed the trail all the way to tranquilandia in 1984 Colombian police with dea’s help raided the place they shut it all down destroying the labs and are whopping 13.8 tons of cocaine this bus dealt a major blow to the Medellin cartel do you think there can be other hidden drug cities out there number 13 Melbourne’s mega bust drug parties are pretty common around the world but what’s not common is that such parties attract International criminals attention ion in 2008 Australia experienced just that with ecstasy a popular party drug the huge demand made it a gold mine for criminals and that’s where the mafia comes in can you imagine they tried to smuggle a massive amount of ecstasy into Australia the biggest seizure of these pills ever recorded anywhere in the world happened right in Melbourne not Amsterdam not New York but Melbourne this whole weighed over 4 tons and would have been worth millions on the streets but wait it gets crazier this wasn’t even the first time Melbourne had stopped a huge ecstasy shipment they’d actually caught the biggest bust in the world two times in a row the mafia was behind this latest attempt which would have been a huge win for their Australian operation so who was behind the mafia in Australia Rob Karam this guy knew how to get things past security he seemed Untouchable but then Kum made a big mistake he entrusted an important document to his lawyer Nicola goo for safekeeping this document held the key to who owned the huge shipment of drugs and here comes the biggest twist Nicola wasn’t just any lawyer she was also a secret police informant would you believe it so what did she do she secretly copied the document returned the original and then informed the police soon after police raided the location and found thousands of tons of tomatoes shipped from Italy but as history tells us the link between drug smuggling and seemingly innocuous food items is anything but random these Tomatoes were stuffed with ecstasy pills Karam is now trying to get out of jail arguing that the lawyer shouldn’t have been a double agent if you were Nicola goo the secret informant lawyer what would you have done number 14 Mexico’s massive marijuana bust back in 2010 Mexico police captured over 105 tons of marijuana enough to fill a whole lot of party favors this huge win for Mexican police and soldiers all started with a dramatic shootout in Tijana a city right on the US Mexico border after a firefight the police arrested 11 people following leads they raided three different neighborhoods and came across a mindblowing site of 10,000 packages of weed hidden in tractor trailers and houses who knew there could be such a massive stash just waiting to be found it seems like local gangs were collecting all this marijuana to smuggle it across the border to the United States but was it the only gang involved with drugs how about those across the border number 15 Colombia scores big 300 million cocaine bus targets Rebel groups in 2005 Colombia authorities took over $300 million worth of cocaine from the streets that’s a huge win for the Colombian police and navy which work together on this raid five people were arrested during the operation but who were they working for the drugs belonged to the AU a militia group that’s been fighting with another Rebel group for years this fighting has caused way too many deaths Colombia is no stranger to cocaine production in fact most of the world’s cocaine Supply comes from this place the interesting part here is that both the rebel group and the Au seem to be involved in making this drug they likely use the money they earn to fuel their fight against each other so taking away this huge cocaine stock is a major setback to both sides taking away drug money can weaken Rebel groups but it doesn’t solve the root causes of conflict what other steps are needed to bring lasting peace to Colombia number 16 Pacific Ocean bust big oceans seem so peaceful from the coast but are they really that peaceful what goes on the water out there a major drug seizure by the US Coast Guard well the US Coast Guard had a major win in 2019 the they captured 8,000 lb of cocaine that’s a crazy amount and it’s worth the value of $312 million yes mountains of drugs that’s what the Coast Guard unloaded in San Diego they caught the cocaine on a suspicious boat after a tense chase at sea but what led them to Target that specific boat this isn’t their first successful bust this huge bust makes you wonder what can be done to reduce the demand for drugs in the first place number 17 Afghan forces seiz mountain of hashish did you know Afghanistan had a bit of a drug problem well Afghan police found a hidden stash so big in June 2008 that it might be the world’s largest ever they had captured about 260 tons of hashish that’s like a mountain of weed this massive Hall worth over $400 million was buried deep underground they burned it all on the SP spot but how do you think they even found such a huge hidden stash this was a major win for the Afghan police who had been working with other countries to fight the drug trade it also hurts the Taliban who apparently use drug money to buy weapons number 18 Bronx apartment busted hidden cocaine and millions in cash seized streets of the Bronx it’s more like a place where people hide illegal things police just cracked a hidden drug operation in in March and the hall is unbelievable over 26 lb of cocaine and about $3 million cash this all went down in an apartment in Norwood Police said they discovered the drugs and money hidden in Furniture like secret compartments how sneaky do you think these drug traffickers were to hide it all so well apparently this wasn’t just a lucky guess detectives had been investigating this for 2 months and it all led to the arrest of a guy named Juan Rondon last night this big bust makes one wonder what impact does drug trafficking have on communities like the Bronx are undercover investigations really effective in stopping these operations Beyond police work what other strategies can be used to reduce the demand for illegal drugs number 19 Secret Stash House exposed in quiet Portland neighborhood in March 2023 the police in Portland found a hidden house news out of Portland tonight where police have uncovered a major Stash House filled with drugs and guns worth nearly $1 million this all started with a routine traffic stop that led them to a house in a quiet neighborhood that’s wild they found nearly $1 million worth of drugs and weapons in this house almost 400 lb of marijuana and these weren’t just any guns they had armor-piercing bullets too are you also wondering if this house was supplying drugs to the local community or if it was a Distribution Hub somewhere else the news said they arrested one person Justin hiso who already had a warrant out for his arrest do you think they’ll catch anyone else involved have you ever heard of anything like this happening in your area these were some jaw-dropping drug Halls right it’s hard to believe the lengths criminals go to but these busts show that law enforcement is not any less they always stand one step ahead of the Criminal and mafias but the question remains is stricter enforcement the only answer so guys that was it hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure to like share and subscribe to the channel also don’t forget to hit that Bell icon to get all our videos on time until next time


  1. I wish to God they put all their money investigation and resources into what’s making the majority of the world want to be out of their minds on drugs instead of dealing with reality. 😢

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