Japanese Garden

The Start of A New Season – Japanese Garden Early Spring Cleaning (March 2024)

The start of a new season is here!

Back in Switzerland for the growing season and we start off by cleaning this garden which had grown a LOT since we left it back in autumn.

We started this garden as our first project garden back in Spring of 2017… so this is the beginning of the 8th growing season.

today is the 17th of March 2024 and we’re letting the garden get cleaned up today it’s not looking too bad but we definitely have some stuff that needs to be cleaned up the grasses and everything need to be cut and I’ve started to clean back here in the back the crying heart is already coming and I want to take out some strawberries because they spread like crazy I cleaned out quite a bit of the strawberries but now the crying hard has some more room I wanted to point out this rock because it has grown quite a bit of moss on it this was all covered up so it just looks like a Green Mountain and we took away quite a bit so that you can see the formation of the rock a little bit more now and I think that is critical that as the garden grows you want the Moss to be there but you also want it not to be overwhelming and end up with just a big green Mound and you have no idea that there’s a rock there we’re ending up with this issue as well the rock right here is been covered by Moss okay so now you can see the stone a little bit better it’s kind of make sure that that edge stays nice and natural I like to like just pick at it a little bit and then clean that off like really nice and this will grow back but now you can tell that there’s a stone there there’s another Stone here you this is a section of the walking way that just has way too much vegetation so this needs to be cleaned off and then we need to take off quite a bit of the Moss so that you can see the Underside okay you can see cleaned out in here quite a bit and this rock wow it was really hidden underneath there and here you can just start to see how much better everything looks if you clean it out just a little you can start to bre brush everything and get the algae off of it and leftover pieces from the from some of the Moss and things like this and again the idea is get the center and leave this natural as much as you can just to uh let it disappear into the garden now it’s late in the season we kept these grass is tied up so that it doesn’t freeze at the root ball these are Japanese blood grass and now in Spring I cut it all the way back as hard as I can thing you need to watch out for if you’re going to plant Japanese blood grass is know that it runs so we have in the ground uh plastic tube that they’re planted in to keep the roots from spreading and and up having a garden full of Japanese blood grass got to be mindful of that protect him so that he stays right where you want him these rocks here are really overgrown too it’s crazy how much it’s covered I want to welcome them also little bit so much Rock underneath so I brushed all those rocks clean it off with water much more interesting this rock is also goes back to here and I want to clean out that top so we clean this all off bring the this is pretty doing it pretty harsh here this is up in the foreground and then as the background comes I leave more and more Moss so that it disappears a little bit at least that’s the idea so I leave quite a bit back here in the back and slowly then up here’s to be mostly clean so it gives an illusion of little bit of depth disappearing back down a Green foresty River how much deep how deep should I go try to tuck it in tuck it in not duck it in [Applause] but I know what you mean just beol had a small section of D back you can see how ugly and dry there it is this was all dead and very dry and we had a problem with ants last year right here so I would guess that the ants killed all that off we also had a very hot summer this is one of the sunniest spots and so yeah we get this die back which for a number of years we had a problem with the siga dime back and we weren’t sure why and still don’t really know but we were heavily watering at that time and we almost think that maybe we got too much water and but we were getting patches just like this all over the garden for the first couple of Seasons every year we would get it and it always started about end of June time frame and yes we watered quite often so we were thinking that’s probably why sure all the Brown’s been removed and this Line’s been taken back this is the Pat the hole that died is gone on top it’s all gone and we’ve replanted a few patches that should be fine in about a month for for

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