Front Yard Garden

Code Enforcement pulled up to Fine this Homeowner WHILE I WAS THERE!!

This homeowners Been in and out out of the hospital so her yards become very neglected!!!
While I was mowing Code enforcement pulled up to see what was going on.. they almost past the house because I mowed the majority of the front yard already.. We saved this homeowner from a nasty fine, So looks like I pulled up just in time… Timing is everything! let me know what you think of the transformation and at the end of the video the code enforcement lady gave me a surprise. to make the next few weeks finding a yard a little easier.. Love y’all!!

I GOT THE MERCH WEBSITE UP AND RUNNING so if you guys wanna support me go ahead and check out my designs… I think there super cool wachu think?? here’s the website

Heres the link for these awesome Kujo work boots that I wear every time I’m out mowing. they are awesome You’re Saving 10% with albladez10 + Free Shipping & Free Returns
thanks guys!

Add me on instagram @albladez

that’s pretty crazy they they in hospital code enforcement supervisor and thought we’d drop by and see what’s happening let God’s answering my prayers sup Beautiful People my name’s Al and welcome to my YouTube channel on today’s video we got a special one for you because we get to help a awesome Elder woman out today and guys I came just in time because while I was mowing code enforcement pulled up on me and I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t mowing this yard she probably would have got a nice big ticket so I think it was pretty awesome that we were here saving her from getting a nasty fine it’s crazy how life Works guys sometimes because timing is everything so if you guys are going through a hard time just give it time and we’ll get through all the tough times together but let me back up a little bit guys and tell you the reason why this property is so out of control this homeowner has been in and out of the hospital for the past year and hasn’t had any help her son just recently move back in with her so he could be a helping hand but when yards get this crazy guys it’s not that easy to maintain it a average mow won’t do and you need some heavy duty equipment one cool thing about this yard guys is there was a hidden walkway and you guys know I love hidden walkways I love hidden fences this yard had it all super tall grass awesome story and it’s absolutely crazy that code enforcement came while I was there these Code Enforcement Officers they gave me a lot of cool information that I would have never known like how much overgrown properties like this cost and fines and stuff so stay tuned to see that but I don’t want to take too much time on this intro I want to get right into the video I think you guys are going to enjoy it just want to let you guys know I love you guys and I’m thankful for you thanks for watching now let’s go ahead and see what happens in this video because it’s awesome one how’s it going wonder if you guys would like me to mow your yard for you yeah all right cool I I do it for free really yeah okay yeah I do long makeovers and I just do videos of the process okay mhm that’d be cool yeah all right cool I’ll uh I’ll knock it out a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] is [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] St [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Music] what tell you guys a little behind the scenes about this yard right here that you’d never know well I weed e these things right here hit my shirt my pants and they’re poking the heck out of me and it hurts but look literally all over me and they hurt it’s that’s just a little something that you may have never known so let’s get back to it oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] l [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] I for [Music] be a bad day for someone how you doing good keep yep not a problem at all blow everything off and I was real careful with all these plants over here yeah I I’ve been real sick he he just got back home I have nobody to help yeah my yeah she’s nice lady what you doing over this just helping people out I just drive around and I know people’s yard if they get closed or whatever we that’s pretty crazy yeah they they in the hospital yeah I go around and I help people out and morning Hi how are you how are you good how’s it going good dropping by to see what’s happening you ladies do how are you yeah oh yeah cut cutting it up for him wow get the see your yard you got blocks here to walk on I know it goes into nothing very nice I like little little that’s a big slab right there oh it is I was thinking of was C no i’ I’d put like a little nice little bench right here or something got shade tree shade tree and everything how’s it going I’m out this is her case oh yeah code enforcement supervisor see what’s happening oh cool cool yeah I I go around and I cut these yards for free and I make videos doing it so I you guys ever see anymore it’s into my way I I I’m sure they’re the ones that see them all I’m sure you’ve seen a lot oh yeah yeah but we appreciate you helping her out yeah problem problem at all how so how much would something like this be charred contractor does the lawn it goes by the size okay so on average the lots that they do for us are anywhere from 225 to 350 okay yeah and then it probably keep stacking up stacking up okay yeah okay cool well if you if you if there’s people cuz I know um you can’t afford to get yard done it’s hard to afford a fine or whatever so if you ever if you ever have anybody that is getting the fine or whatever yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s hard I I’ve done a few there’s a guy in D he’s actually about a month ago oh yeah he’s given me a couple of people to help out which is is cool you know because you guys don’t want to find no the people that’s the last thing we want to do so we try to work with them as long as we can well that’s what I’m here yeah we I love people out and it’s cool it’s like win win because I do the videos of it and right it’s cool cool just work out worked out how it’s supposed to work out God’s answering my prayers every time every time I’m going to um finish up and I’ll blow all this stuff off and it’s going to look heck of a lot better thank you already does [Laughter] when I’m like oh what timing yeah yeah that’ be awesome is there a bunch over this area or like grass related okay okay is that pretty close to here well appreciate you yes nice meeting you you too thank you thank you nice meeting you guys have a good one you thanks girls that’s good dude might be yeah a nice oh super nice they were nice cuz you know like I said they don’t want to L people you know yeah a reason the grass is hi you know all I’ve been doing here is it’s sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping they told me I and then I be sleeping it make you tired my SCH go hospit the fluid isn’t drain out right now my son home again I’m not eating any better he can’t cook guys how crazy was that Co enforcement was pulling up to this house and they pulled up pretty deep there was two super nice ladies I’m glad that they pulled up while I was here cuz now I can get in contact with them and if they have any other yards they can shoot them my way and we can help a lot more people out so I’m going to finish up this one and I don’t know let’s see [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right guys this was a super awesome transformation I can’t believe code enforcement came while I was here working on this property that’s pretty nuts but look how crazy this is night and day I don’t know if you could tell but I didn’t make it to the backyard it’s extremely hot here down in Florida I’ve been at this property all day so I’m going to have to come back so if this video gets one like I’ll come back and we’ll do this whole backyard and guys you don’t want to miss out on the backyard because it’s nuts back there we got a ton of trash that I’m going to have to move the grass is out of control got a whole bunch of hidden things that’s been neglected a while and just taken over by grass so if you guys want to see me go ahead and do the backyard go ahead give this video a like and if we get one like that’s what I’ll do so I’m glad I got to help out and make over this yard for these wonderful people let me know in the comments down below what you think how was the job did I do a good job did I do a bad job let me know in the comments I just want to let you guys know I love you and and if you guys are going through some hard times right now just try to find the good in the hard time that you’re going through because it may not seem like it now but later in the future you’ll know exactly why you went through the moment that you’re going through right now just like me I was going through hard times myself and now I’m back and better feeling the best I’ve ever felt helping people out hopefully inspiring you guys but yeah I love you guys and we’ll see you next week [Music] I back cool ready for the r going to feel good feel [Music] good holy moly guacamole in my pockets what a blessing got it on me the options


  1. Al, just want to say, I really enjoy the work you do to help people out. With the social and political environment as it is currently, it's good to see someone that helps other citizens, regardless of political views, etc. That's what being an American is all about.

  2. What I really appreciate about your videos is that you show people that so many times people are not lazy. They have legitimate issues that prevent them from taking care of their lawns. It's a good thing you do to help shed light on the struggles people may be facing which are unknown to their neighbors. Maybe these videos will encourage others to check on their neighbors and help them out.

  3. It looks awesome AL. I can see why they almost drove by,I would have done the same.
    Keep being an awesome blessing and ambassador for God.

  4. I just must say that home looks so lovely and inviting now! Thank you so much, Al!! That was a mess and not getting better on its own. You rock!!!! I’m looking forward to Part 2.
    I’m glad her son is back with her. In his defense, maybe he didn’t know where to start or have the equipment necessary. This clean up should help him get a start on maintaining it. I bet Al can give him some advice on what he needs . That was a huge job and one that took Al a ton of time and energy and he had the knowledge and the tools. So let’s learn from Al and be a little kinder.

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