Plant Propagation

Found this little aloe on the sidewalk yesterday evening. Is it salvageable?

Found this little aloe on the sidewalk yesterday evening. Is it salvageable?



  1. Buttonatrix

    Peel off the broken bottom leaf to expose a bit more of the stem (this will allow more space for roots to emerge). Let it air dry for 24 hours to callous over, then stick it in some gritty well draining soil, provide filtered light and wait. It will use the energy stored in the remaining leaves to grow new roots but that process is slow. If you water early/heavily it will not have any roots to take up the water and the stem may start to rot. Aloes thrive on neglect.

  2. NefariousMoose

    I’ve never succeeded at direct planting a prop. Pull the bottom leaf or 2 off, clean cut the stem at an angle (below the node- if not possible, take off more leaves and go above) and put in water.

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