Garden Plans

The danish garden – Ideas and future plans

In this video I show my Ideas and future plans for the garden through drawings, photos and even AI.

Edited by YouCut:

Music: Sunny
Musician: LiQWYD

a [Music] [Music] [Music] today I thought I would try to do things a bit differently because doing my videos I have been talking and telling you about this dream Garden of mine and that can make it sound as if I have a complete plan on where to take the garden over time the truth is that I don’t really have a complete plan but of course I have a lot of ideas on where to go next in time I will look into what is actually achievable and what is Affordable with the funds I have available and then I will see what I will be able to actually put into real life but I thought that it could be fun to take you along and show you some of the thoughts and some of the ideas that I have some of them are in shorter term maybe even this fall and some of them are in a long germ when we bought the house we didn’t know a first thing about gardening so we started looking at the places in the in the yard that were the most overgrown or that were creating trouble for the house we had a plant that were climbing along the bricks of the house and the bricks weren’t really that healthy because of it so we took that away we had some trees growing very close to the house they created a lot of moss on the roof that keeps water on this roof tiling and therefore we took that away often when we made this decision we didn’t have a plan we often didn’t even know what the end result were supposed to be but we figured it out along the way some of it is still there and some we have been changing maybe once or even twice since then but that is a big part of learning and I think that if we hadn’t done it in that way if we had sat down and thought we should have a complete plan from the start then maybe we were never really we had maybe then never really been able to get anything done or it would have turned out very differently with the joy of gardening I get a lot of inspiration from books from YouTube from inst stagram and I try to combine that into my own little Universe of ideas and try to develop my garden into something new and prettier each time and I will try to illustrate for you some of the ideas I have often when I see something in my mind it’s very difficult to re find out if this will really work or was it will it truly work in our garden as well and I have found a few ways to to make visualize it for myself one of them is that I take a picture then on my phone I draw the new idea I have of course it will never be as pretty as if you were a web designer or something like that but it’s possible to illustrate how it will change the view of the garden and then I have tried something new and that was actually using AI to make it visible what more plants or a different texture or a different layout in the garden would do and that is some of the things that I will try to show you today some time ago I made this plan of our um yard this dark part is the house over here that’s the garage and the shred on the back here we have the front entrance here we have the Terrace this is the garden house and then I tried to draw in what I knew and what was there at the time um at that time so over here is the Woodland border this is our playround our playhouse this is the trampoline the big red trees one of the big rododendron the other big white rododendron the path behind it where I have the espel with roses here I have my raspberries The Apple Tree the the bed with tulips and blueberries and wild strawberries over here the trailer parking spot and the compost and now I’ll try to take you along and show you what I have as plans right now I will start by showing you the front garden this is one part of the front garden as it is right now with the new bed on the left side I feel that the new larger bit has improved the front garden but I still feel that it’s kind of bare as a means to visualize if more plans would make this space too crowded I tried to use this free AI tool that I found on the internet even though the ideas that it come up with is not exactly what I have thought about I still feel like it visualizes for me that more plants will work in this space and will make it less SP and more inviting in my opinion the first thing that we need to tackle is to have a cover up for our garbage cans I have the idea to use these decorative iron plates as a cover up for the garbage cans because I think the rusty color would look nice against the bricks the next idea I have is to make a matching bit on the opposite side of of the bed that I have already established I also think that some sort of stepping stone path would look really great here maybe even two for harmony I found a small water fountain that I also think could bring some charm to the front garden next up I will look at the other side of the front garden this is the other side of the front garden as it’s looking today once again I used the AI tool to to illustrate what more plans would do to this space I would also like to apply some flower bits in this side of the garden with the same color scheme as the other ones so the entire front garden has the same design idea because our trailer is parked at the other corner of the garden we also need to think about a solution where we are able to take out the trailer without hurting the flower bits so maybe a design like this will be better here we could also put in a stepping stone path and maybe even more but I’m very undecided if that is the right way to go maybe a small tree could act some structure and height let’s move on to the southf facing side of the garden once again here is a picture of the garden as it looking today and here is the AI suggestions I actually find them very creative but once again because we need to take the trailer through this part of the garden then we need something with a little more open space in a year or two when our youngest has stopped playing with the playhouse I would like to remove it and then I think it could be really Charming to have a shelter in a garden because our eldest loves sleeping outside and then I would add an area for a bonfire with some gravel and a small bonfire bowl and then I think it could be fun and cool to add a space for this small hanging chair or maybe just a swing I would like to expand the bed against the wall and this is to illustrate the bed that I showed on the picture from the other angle because we have no fence or Hench in the front garden the view into our garden is very open and maybe it could be nice to add some sort of cover up or fence maybe like this I like the style of a fence like this but maybe add an espell because I kind of have a dream to add a vesteria somewhere in the garden next up is the southwest corner of the garden as it looks today once again again the AI suggestions are creative but leave too little space to take out the trailer I like the idea to add one of these round benches around the apple tree when it’s big enough I find them very idelic another idea could be to add a round bed around the base of the tree but I’m afraid that picking the apples will be a problem it could be a possibility to add a flower bed or maybe some bushes at this side of the garden and thereby making the space more cozy and if I go for the stepping stone solution in the front garden it could be prolonged to this side of the garden also last up the Terrace area The View with the Terrace area and the garden house as it’s looking today here the trailer is no longer an issue but I think that this is maybe a little too much but it could use some more than it is today first up I would like to add some flowers by the garden house maybe some climbing roses you learn along the way and one of the regrets I have is that I place the raised bed with the strawberries up close to the Terrace and that means it’s very visible from every angle and it’s not the most pretty rised bit therefore I would like to cover it up a little bit but I’m not quite sure what will be the best solution here maybe a few containers could do it I placed it as I did to make sure it got as much sun as possible at this not completely Sunny Spot in the garden but from a design point of view it’s not really great I would like to add some more flowers by the the Terrace that are visible from also inside the house and therefore I fought to make a flower bed in the corner of the Terrace right here but I actually think that I have already changed my mind and maybe it would be better to make a round bit around the big um container I have been thinking to add a Pergola to the Terrace and this is to illustrate a rather large one with a visia on top but I think it’s probably too big and in end I will most likely only have a perlar by the garden sofa I have now shown you most of the garden and many of the ideas that I’m working on and thinking about and trying to figure out if it will be a good match for my garden but I hope that you found it fun and illustrative and that it took you a little bit behind the scenes on what I’m working on in the following I will show you a few of the inspirational pictures that I have saved from various places on the internet and that I’m using in my plan and ID development many of these I will not be able to bring into real life but I use them as a red fret on where to go next and where to look next and as a color inspirational pet or a style p one of the things that I have actually been able to almost bring to life is a flower bed inspired by The prenal Garden of the chaly 2022 flower show in this picture the Tulips have most of their power but it will change in a short amount of time and then it will be more in the style of the show garden thank you very much for watching this a bit different video from me I hope to see you again very soon bye

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