Edible Gardening

A Tour of a Tiny Jungle Full of Edible Plants!

I had the pleasure of walking through this suburban edible garden. This garden is created with a lot of thought and effort put into it, and the owner incorporates a number of gardening practices to enhance and maximize his space. Enjoy!

0:00 – 1:05 Intro to this Garden Full of Edible Plants
1:06 – 3:00 Greg’s Approach to Gardening
3:01 – 5:44 Growing Mango Trees in California
5:45 – 17:16 Mediterranean Garden in the Parkway
17:17 – 19:30 Even the Neighbors Get Plants
19:31 – 24:12 Hugelkultur Vegetable and Herb Garden
24:13 – 28:40 How to Protect Fruit Trees from Heat and Sun
28:41 – 31:24 Sapodilla Tree (Chico Sapote)
31:25 – 32:52 The Incredible Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia Diversifolia)
32:53 – 40:11 Subtropical Fruit Tree Collection
40:12 – 43:12 Future Plans for the Garden
43:13 – 47:53 Side Garden Full of Edible Plants
47:54 – 53:12 Amazing Container Plant Nursery
53:13 – 1:01:26 Backyard Subtropical Fruit Trees (Avocados, etc.)
1:01:27 – 1:02:02 Greg’s Watering Strategy
1:02:03 – 1:07:34 Rare Fruit Collection
1:07:35 – 1:08:48 Future Plans for the Backyard
1:08:49 – 1:12:38 Why the Surinam Cherry is So Underrated
1:12:39 – 1:14:41 Mystery Fruit Tree
1:14:42 – 1:19:46 Taste Testing Some Amazing Surinam Cherry Varieties
1:19:47 – 1:21:25 Placement of Jaboticaba Trees is Important
1:21:26 – 1:23:25 More Taste Testing!
1:23:26 – 1:26:24 Greg’s Pruning Strategy
1:26:25 – 1:27:22 There Are No Rules To Spacing in the Garden

I’m here at the home of a man who utilizes his space in a very efficient way he does not waste space he makes maximum use of the space he has this I’m here at his home it’s not a big home it’s not a small home either but it’s kind of a standard lot that a lot of people have here in Southern California Zone 10 we’re here in Orange County Buena Park area I’m really excited to show you this Garden because there’s a lot going on in uh what I think is a smaller space than most than some people have but I want to show you and share with you how you can maximize the use of your space and we’re gonna share I’m G to share you with you with you this amazing Garden I’m a big fan of it and I’m here with my friend Greg Greg what’s going on how you doing man nice seeing you thanks thanks for showing us around you have a lot going on here show us what you got going on here by the way this is May this is uh we’re out here in Orange County uh it’s about to be summer and there’s the garden is looking amazing you got a lot of stuff growing walk us through what you got going on here cuz this is fascinating stuff here all right all right yeah um where to start basically um here we have a cocktail tree so to speak okay I have Meer lemons on the bottom yes some limes on the top I grafted this myself okay nice um I Bud grafted most of it which is a t Bud graft on on the Citrus which I find is very effective and um yeah high high take rate in my opinion anyway there’s some cleft on here as well proba going to do some different varieties of lemons on the bottom because I like a lemony lemon and the Myers are you know I guess more suited for like a lemonade or something like that yeah um so I’m going to probably swap out a lot of that bottom for for a more of a a sour lemon type lemon okay um I’m a high density kind of guy I like to pack as many things in as possible I don’t like to have exposed ground yeah uh you know for obvious reasons you know I want to keep the water in exposed soil is dead soil um and these plants basically are living Mulch and then as they lose leaves and die back they they provide the the dead matter that breaks down for the insects and the beneficial microbes and bacteria and fungi and all that good stuff cool man nice so uh how many how many graphs do you have on this tree um how many different varieties just two varieties aine from my backyard okay but I only grafted my own Citrus because I had the agriculture Department out here and they tested all my trees for citrus CID Okay so do not recommend grafting uh citrus from other people in Southern California um I recommend getting the budwood from uh the clono Citrus colonal Protection Program that’s right ccpp yes sir get it from there only reason I did my own is cuz I had recently got mine tested and they will let you know if you have an infected tree Once I knew mine wasn’t infected I immediately grafted so that’s the only way I would do it I probably wouldn’t recommend anybody else do it to be honest with you but I had mine tested gotcha um let’s see see here’s a Glenn mango oh yeah with some mangoes they’re going to fall off yes um my experience with Glenn is it’s highly prone to check it out this is a second Bloom highly prone to Pottery mildew oh yeah and so even if you do get fruit and this is my experience anyway you’ll get smaller nubbins is what they call them out here uh you can see these are already turning color turning yellow they’re going to fall off or if they stay they’re going to be about the size of a plum maybe okay uh not welldeveloped flavor so this year I have a bunch of budwood coming and I’m going to top work this okay mostly with M4 and then I’m going to do the cotton candies and the peach cobblers and that kind of thing lemon zest but I’m gonna Focus mainly on M4 because it’s a late season coconut flavor and it’s uh I think it’s powdery mildew um of course it gets powdery mildew but it still will hold some fruit is my understanding have you tried the M4 I have not yeah but A+ yeah that’s what I hear excellent mango they say it’s top tier yeah amazing aming and you’re right it’s related to I believe it’s a Seedling of Keat right which grows really well for us out here in Southern California so I have high hopes for that one too I plan to graft that one as well on on a lot of my trees okay well hopefully I get enough grow hopefully I get enough vegetative growth which is kind of the thing here for mangoes in Southern California um getting them to grow because they want to flower over over and over again and then that just saps them of energy yeah and I think that’s the biggest problem so this is on this is a TP this is Glenn on turpentine turpentine okay um so most people’s turpentine fail but this one you know it took many years of pruning and staking up and just lots of management um probably because of the turpentine but also the the big mistake I made was I followed Florida rules and we don’t follow Florida rules for for mango so you know Florida they really prioritize and care about size control and things like that not here we want Big Trees here CU they don’t grow like Florida but I was following those principles I was I pruned it at at my waist and I was tipping constantly and it was just like the tree was not growing for me so do the absolute opposite of Florida growing practices for mangoes here um and plant seeds let the seeding get as big as possible then graft yep so I have that going on elsewhere but you know this one’s alive so I’m going to try to work with it still yeah yeah yeah you can graft a lot of variety on this good candidates to graft on yeah different branches here yeah for sure you do a lot for sure so yeah you know I snap these off when they’re done flowering it’s it’s already warming up enough or I don’t think it’s going to flower again but it might and then it’ll sap it more energy yeah yeah yeah I have some grafted figs here strawberry Verte raspberry latte uh Violet de Bordeaux wow um and and I’ve had these are like six seveny old figs so you can manage figs keep them small but every you you you basically stump them down to like finger size sticks and then every year they do this and then when they get to the the size that I want them cuz we’re clearly on a sidewalk in a Parkway they’re planter right next to the sidewalk yeah so when they get to the size I want I just break the tip off break the tip off and then it’ll start budding fruit for you oh okay okay but I just do that when it gets to about the size I like that’s good to know wow cool um I had a poorly placed so I did the started this whole project about 9 years ago mhm I learned a lot ever since you know I I was I think what a lot of people do is they want everything yeah so I planted everything like everything you know May and black sapotes and avocados and you name it I planted it um and I put him a lot of things in the wrong place for our climate we’re out on the street it gets very hot out here gets very dry and windy out here not a good candidate for an avocado uh but guy keeps popping up I’m going to take it out but that was a h yep I chopped it B it’s popping up so I do not recommend planning avocados out on a Parkway where it’s super exposed this is my experience anyway um this is a Tropic pink uh guava guava yeah neighbor gave this to me it was really rootbound in a pot and now it’s thriving yeah it looks great spend the ground guavas from it have you gotten any GL yeah only a few I I aggressively prune this but I think I got it just right this year uh I think I saw some flowers coming but here there’s some flowers coming ah there you go nice and another thing about me is um You can call me lazy or whatever but I’ve never fertilized my yard um I’ve never done any type of pest control I’ve never sprayed any fungicides herbicides nothing all I’ve ever done is plant densely and heavily mulch yeah and insane amount of chop and drop always growing things to chop and drop cover the ground cover the ground cover the ground and I’m bringing in loads of wood chips yeah there’s just layers and layers of mulch on the ground yeah a lot going on you see the ground there’s mulch here and then I almost stepped on these are some Tomatoes we’re experimenting with these are just extras we threw out here yeah like I see a lot of the W uh wood yeah different sizes different types of material Twigs yeah a lot a lot of uh chop and drop like you said and a lot of you bring in a lot of wood chips too right yep less so less of the wood chips these days because they have so much growing yeah and what what you see here is this dying back is nerum it comes back every single year and it covers everything okay thick Lush looking if you were here about a month ago this would have been a pillow of green oozing out of my whole yard and I leave it and I let it die back and it comes back every single year and clearly it it breaks down and feeds the the jungle I call it the tiny jungle that’s right the tiny jungle yes sir and um it may look a little ugly for a little bit but this will be gone in a heartbeat everything else is going to fill in I may bring in some wood chips for the Parkway and fill and cover it a little bit cool but uh you’ll see the old M uh guava cuting right back under the tree right back under yeah uh I like to have different size material I like to have logs I have different kinds of mushrooms popping up all over the place ah nice tons of fungal activity yeah you can dig in parts of my yard and find pancakes of mycelium oh yeah yeah it’s it’s pretty cool lots of micro Risa activity going on in this Garden I’m sure yes absolutely that’s a huge factor in your Garden’s health absolutely getting that microa system set up yeah complete system and um adding pesticides and fungicides is only going to damage that system yeah uh cover the ground and let it go to work and give it some time it’s it’s a patience game yeah yeah I probably could have got better results if I would have fertilized and watered more but um once again I’m kind of lazy I’m a lazy Gardener and um I want to be sustainable and not depend on outside inputs as much as possible and this is what’s happened in about eight years now mind you a lot of these trees aren’t 8 years old there’s a few like this Morena sapodilla yeah the Glenn uh mango those are OG about 8 nine years old okay the longan and I’ll show you the chero over there yeah we we’ll we’ll take a closer look sure you have seadas on your tree yeah lots of amazing lots of them we’ll get we’ll get closer we’ll show you we’ll come around the other side for sure but that’s it’s that’s kind of rare nowadays in I’m going explain why I think that changed for me because it wasn’t always the case Okay um so I’ve cleared a lot of space out I used to have more trees in here about every 5 to six feet that’s basically my spacing is about 5 feet um but I cleared some space out for the wife she wanted to do wild flowers and all kinds of different flowers so the past year and a half she’s just been seed bombing tons and tons of seeds and you’ll see see they’re popping up in different places and like I said about a month ago it was extremely dense and Lush yeah we’re transitioning Seasons right now so different things are going to pop up yeah got some nice sunflowers yeah and behind there you’ll see a cocktail oh yeah yeah yeah uh Plum Tree but I have plats PLU Aries the thing is I don’t I’m going to step it’s a we walk let’s walk around cuz you got there’s so much planted here yeah that you know you want you step got past the parkway yeah we’re still on the parkway here but look at this what did you say this was this is a well it was a weeping Santa Rosa uh but I did you know I was still learning and I chopped it right here but it was a weeper so you probably don’t want to do that with a weeping tree because it’s just going to give all these weeping low branches yeah but so I trained it up in an espalier type situation and you could see I have um Bud graphs cleff graphs here’s some Vari flavor grenade oh Satsuma flavor punch plary wow a lot of grafting going on lots of grafting wow burgundy and you’ll see as you go there’s more and more and more see even every little Branch seems like you I’m trying to because I don’t really like Santa Rosas yeah flavor grenade yeah I’m not a big fan of Santa Rosa so I’ve been just replacing the branches with that but is it a good pollinator um the the Santa Rosa that’s my understanding so I do have still some Santa Rosa branches in there this year theyve acting weird now I don’t know if it’s because of lack of water or whatever so I’ve watered twice in the past 6 months mhm twice just in the past month and a half okay so I haven’t watered at all in six months except for twice and that was just recently because we’re starting to warm up yeah uh we did good quite a bit of rain yeah um and I’m able to do that because of the mulch yeah the mulch yeah the mulch is such a heavy factor in retaining water and this I realize this looks a little dead right now but just the nestum dying back and you know I’m willing to deal with the maybe it’s not so Aesthetics at some points during the year but for the overall good of the system yep the neighbors love it I’ve never had a complaint yeah so this one right here for some reason it it pushed out and died back on me okay and I noticed down here the the Ci’s a little brown so I might be losing this one oh okay but we had Mexican I’m not Mexican sunflowers just regular sunflowers growing all around the base of it just so I think maybe the sunflowers did in which is the first tree I’ve lost from densely planting anything and I’m not even sure that’s the case but I mean it was growing right in the rootball and there was several of them so that’s what I’m guessing you know it still might come but yeah see it’s not that vibrant green color it’s kind of that pale green so it might be on its way out which I’m okay with I have three of them yeah yeah yeah yeah okay here’s a uh B Blanco on the bottom uhhuh not a favor to mine but then I grafted cocktail grapefruit okay yeah I’ve heard of it ohe it’s really good it’s epic that’s an amazing it is an epic I highly recommend go to ccpp if they have it there I don’t even know if they have it there um and getting a cocktail grapefruit not a cocktail tree with different grapefruits on it a cocktail grapefruit yeah that’s a good one amazing yeah that’s good excellent juicing by the way unbelievable even people who don’t like grapefruit like yeah cuz really doesn’t taste like grapefruit it’s a hint of grapefruit with like some sort of orange in there yeah it’s good stuff I like it I’m a fan I’ve been taken out I’ve had I had a ton of like um raspberries and blackberries thornless thorned and all that stuff and we used to get tons of berries but they’re a little more to manage than I want to do with and I find that the thornless spineless ones aren’t 100% thornless And spineless and I have a thing with thorns so I’m eliminating all the thorny things I just hate getting stuck by Thorn okay I don’t need raspberries yeah um here’s another cocktail esali tree it’s doing a little bit better yeah and you got you do the same yeah all this you know it’s forget ex like Flavor King flavor punch flavor grenade yeah yeah burgundy Satsuma cool on and on something like that awesome um here’s some golden flax bought some from the bulk section at Sprouts so if you’re looking for some Omega-3s they come back every year wow so you bought the seeds from Sprouts I just like a store you just scattered them and they grow and they make a beautiful purple flower which it’s a little past right now so you don’t see them they’re pretty much went to seed wow so I treat the uh Parkway like a Mediterranean climate yeah yeah so that’s why I have the figs the Citrus the pomegranates even guavas you know can handle that pretty well yeah so this is a parfianka Paran grafted Paran nice nice how do you like parfianka pomegranate I love it um last year it wasn’t so good for whatever reason it just was lacking a lot of flavor last year for whatever reason MH mhm okay got some lemongrass in here Rosemary so yeah you’ll you you’ll sense the Mediterranean Vibe out here cuz that’s that’s the climate out here yeah yeah now I have more specialized micr climates in other parts of the yard so I have different kinds of things growing but yeah I highly recommend if you’re going to do Parkway do focus on the Mediterranean type stuff yeah the easy to care for kind of stuff that very easy doesn’t need a lot of attention yeah yeah and it’s used to that uh that dry summer and wet winter just like the Mediterranean climates no definitely wow man nice I used to have got another fig tree yes sir and here it just there were layers and layers and layers I had a thornless hedge wall of Burbank Cactus nopales I took those out for a better tasting noal okay no I’m not really sure how you say it lemongrass lemongrass and the lemongrass is excellent control to keep the the neighbor grass out of my yard really it’s a it seems to be it it just stops it in its track right there awesome longevity spinach I think I might have given you some of that longevity spinach you could just eat this right straight up right little myelogenous it’s a little you know interesting texture but super healthy for you and the monarchs love it the monarchs love these flowers kind of stinky flowers to be honest it smells a little like cat PE to me um this is my neighbor side but I I did a I’m doing a hedge R of cams for oh oh yeah yeah suram cherries one of my favorites she was she had some nuisance Palm she hated oh I took I took a chainsaw to her like to him I’m like you want me to plant something nice for you and me amazing and so I just pruned these loquats yeah this is a selection from you know Gary at uh laga Hills Nursery it’s called one z2z because apparently has one or two seeds um excellent shout out to Gary MW Gary Legend Hills Nursery um excellent flavor when they’re Prime ripe they taste like Peach okay but you can eat them at different phases where they’re more tart early on they’re more sweet tart in the middle and then they’re more sweet when they’re fully ripe so you know eat them at multiple stages to get different effects different you know um right here is a uh Cedar Bay Cherry okay I forget the Eugenia the name of it actually right now yeah hasn’t flowered yet for me but you’ll see in my under story and my lower levels I’ll have a lot of eugenios different kinds of eugenios okay you know I’m trying to I’m trying to stack it’s kind of like a syntropic Vibe too where I’m I’m stacking the stratas what they call it you know lower strata emergent and all that stuff if look into it if you like yeah um so there’s and that’s a these are both seedlings this one fruited the third year MH that’s a big gym seedling has never flowered or fruited so I just topw worked it end of last year with the white variety okay from my wife’s mom’s house yeah she passed so we wanted to carry something on oh okay so it’s an it tastes like pear to me you know like almost like a Jarred pear uhhuh it’s an excellent flavor yeah wow we’ll go look at that too yeah we will so this is the the hugall culture yeah um I dug this out myself I’m a little bit mental yeah it’s 27 fet long by 3 feet deep by 3 feet wide my M my wife wanted a raise bed and I said I’m going to do one better uhhuh uh because once again I don’t fertilize I don’t do anything I want a system that’s going to improve over time and feed itself so I dug this out I put gigantic logs in the middle I stack smaller logs around it just kept packing the organic matter in there I even drilled holes in the tops of the long so it would absorb more water then I packed leaves and twigs and that and that and then I covered it with my my native soil here is sand pure sand which is the best in my op it’s the best but it dries out quick and there’s really no nutrition that’s why the mulch is like essential for sure so yeah if you looked under here it’d be this crazy system of fungi and bugs and the wood breaking down and it’s also a water storage you can imagine I could have done a flat kind of landscape here and it would have held water better for me but I wanted to add some texture to it some a little bit of aesthetic uh it more aesthetically pleaseing a little more variety and Heights so the water does run down and now it sinks into this giant trough here okay and it should hold moisture throughout the year and I’m pretty sure that the trees are tapping into this too yeah yeah it’s got to be so you’ll see we have uh egg plant and yeah you got a lot you got a lot of stuff you got this this is eggplant eggplant that’s a chili you got some oh different all kinds of different chilies in here this is a tomato yep that’s a mango tomato I figur you’d love that one and what what is this is this is a squash I forget exactly my wife would know she’s the one who planted most of this this is a tomato Tomo Tomo grown up the longan right there too these are dwarf Tomatoes we just are experimenting with dwarf tomato tomatoes basil it looks like we have different kinds of Basils the sweet peas are are chilies we’re letting the sweet peas go to seed cuz this is we do this every year okay they’re little past they tasted delicious are these beans yeah they have sweet peas oh they have sweet peas yeah yeah they tasted delicious not that long ago but they’re a little past right now they’re going to be more fibrous and not so sweet so we’re letting those go to seed for next year wa man um Tomatoes Tomatoes tomatoes peppers Peppers Peppers Dill oh yeah I thought we had a caterpillar on there never mind this is Dill yeah it’s Dill I love Dill Dill I love Yeah different squashes Dills um KES we got some more summer crops coming in once we pull out these beans and things this is a beautiful Japanese dandelion uhhuh makes a gorgeous purple flower yeah uh unfortunately it’s not blooming right now wow this is a kind of a round Mexican squash squash these are the Calabasas see them in there oh yeah stacks of them stacks of them yeah yeah yeah uh dragon tongue fruit uh oh these are Delicious By the way we didn’t grow a lot of these this year but delicious what is this Dragon tongue Bean Dragon tongue Bean okay okay okay delicious the best Bean I’ve ever had yeah yeah awesome yeah we let a lot of things go to seed for the the native pollinators like this is celery yeah I mean not celery I’m sorry um parsley that went to seed okay we have arugula going to seed yeah I saw a lot of uh the bees and little flies and stuff all around this thing we got to bring in the pollinators we like diversity we like density got little butterflies flying around here yeah there that’s the squash butterfly I think but luckily with Nan they tend to lay their eggs on the nestum but in avoid our squashes and things okay they’re st’s dying back so we may have more of an issue with pest but we don’t have an issue with pest cuz we’re so dense and we kind of like to spread things out so they’re not monocrop kind of thing so the bugs get confused huh all right harded choke hard choke yeah yeah saw that nice hard a choke beautiful com fre another Cho and drop yeah it pulls nutrient it has a you know I could be wrong about everything just everybody keep that in mind but my understanding is it has a deeper tap rout so it’s pulling up minerals from deeper and so we chop and drop so we pull the minerals from deep and place them back on top so it’s kind of like this cycle okay shashido Peppers this is a Peppers TI dwarf Mulberry TI dwarf okay I don’t know they’re probably about finished right now and then I’m going to strip them and PR it again and then it’ll get me more berries okay but I don’t think there’s any good ones left they’re coming but maybe here want to try it sure TI dwarf mberry and as the weather heats up they get sweeter let’s try okay good is it sweet right now yeah sweet good nice and I get multiple flushes of fruit because I strip and prune multiple times a year oh you take the leaves off yep okay yep and it forces new growth and when the new growth comes it forces new flowers yeah look at that’s a six-year-old Mulberry okay you know how mulberries grow so yeah very tiny so if you’re worried about you know pipes or or maintaining a giant mberry you can do a tide dwarf mberry yep you’ll get tons of Fruit by the way yeah cool strawberry guava ooh I like these same I like these a lot lemon guava I prefer the strawberry guava okay okay that’s a great question I was going to ask cuz I always ask folks who grow both yeah you like strawberry yes over the lemon okay but I’ve had some you know here’s a lesson I learned the same tree will give you a variety of different tasting fruits do not judge say you I tell somebody hey I have this mango I don’t like mangoes well first of all don’t judge a mango by one mango you’ve had there’s many different mango varieties or don’t even judge the mango from One Tree because on that tree you can have a different flavor profile mhm so taste several fruits from the same tree before you make a judgment on it don’t ditch a tree cuz I’ll give you an example in the back where I could have ditched a tree and it turned out to be the best tasting CERN I’m Cherry I’ve ever okay I sure yeah so yeah I prefer but these have been amazing the last year sweet and Lemony and super tasty and highly prolific coming up yeah how old is this how old are These Guys these guys are probably about three to four okay three to four years old three to four oh that’s it oh wow yeah wow yeah I’ve done a lot how big were they when you planted them they were little sticks like this okay yeah wow maybe even a little shorter than that oh that’s great I have so this is a um I guess I should get into my philosophy a little bit because it kind of explains a lot of things so the way I plant now not how I plant at the beginning is I really want to control for sunlight how much sun gets in mulching how much water stays in the ground and um I want to protect the trunks of my trees the hearts of the trees so so this is a pretty exposed Southwest facing side right here summertime it gets very hot and intense right here okay mangles love Heat by the way so I’m not worried about that but you would want to plant on your South Southwest side something that can tolerate a lot of heat and you want to protect the trunks so you notice I leave skirts on them to protect the TR if I don’t have a skirt I will let other organic matter grow to block the Trunks and if I don’t have that option I’ll paint the trunk but I’m always protecting the trunk and I’m always aare of the hottest part of the sky when I’m planting and pruning so uh you want things that can tolerate a lot of heat on your South Southwest side and these guavas don’t mind the heat don’t they don’t mind the heat mango don’t mind the heat mberry doesn’t sapadilla doesn’t but guess what does Jabo jaboa so this is my oldest Jabo it’s probably about six years old okay and it’s you can see it’s not the healthiest looking Jabo I’m going to show you some other jabos in different microclimates completely different those practices excited to see those the location is the only difference but I’m letting it go and and I do not baby anything I don’t like special treatment anything it’s either going to live or it won’t okay and I let it work itself out okay a lot of my trees will have yellowing or whatever they even have some Sy black mold or something I just let it be and they usually work it out on their own I’m not going to hyper fixate on anything and which kind of job job sabar sabar okay yeah and you said it’s 6 years old yep six years old and it was probably three to five when I got it ah okay yeah it was like that big okay gotcha got it from Champa you probably know Champa oregano like 10-year-old oregano I just hack it back several times a year cool yeah yeah let’s see let’s walk over here here’s the morina tons of fruit yeah this is amazing and I prun it fantastic to see I’ve been topping it more the past few years to get this kind of like rounder shorter more uh I used to do bonite they call it ramification denser more structure more scaffolding branches guys check it out Sapa Morena the chico sapote yeah this is a great thing to see growing out here in Southern California yep part of the yard you don’t see too many of these out here grown with fruit on it in the hottest part of the yard but it’s great to see have have you har harvested fruit from this I have I usually get one or two a year for the first five years okay and what are your thoughts on the fruit do you like it dude it’s you know the you know what they say it’s a pear that’s been soaked in brown sugar yeah yeah um the only thing about them is I think a textural thing some are more gritty than others uh ideally I would like them less gritty this one is a sorry I hit the mic this is a u more manageable grit for me so I don’t mind it okay and how big do they get when you they get about size of a Big Apple okay all right cool man and but once again this is the heaviest Fring I’ve had and I think the difference is I put in a butterscotch seader right next to it oh now they say cross pollination isn’t I’ve read and read R cross pollination really isn’t necessary for them and I tried the pinching thing I’ve tried all kinds of things I put this in flowered like crazy and all of a sudden this thing is loaded so w you know I’m not going to make any bold claims but the only difference is I put in another Saadia right next to it and now it’s loaded so make your own decisions the variety is called Morena Morena Morena yeah and that’s butterscotch butterscotch Scot is has is known to be one of the best tasting that’s why I got it sapodillas I haven’t tried it yet that’s exciting man right let me know how the fruit taste love know yeah I left two I took all the rest off cuz I would love for all my trees to be healthy first before I let them fruit yeah so I may even take one of these off still yeah um just CU I want a healthy butterscotch you know what I mean but I kind of I heard so many good things I don’t even have you ever seen a taste test video of one uh no me neither so I’m like I need to taste this thing yeah yeah and you see I I used to have a bunch of Mexican sunflower and nestum protecting the trunk but I just pruned all my Mexican sunflower down yeah the nestum is dying so I painted the trunk for the first time M okay uh that’s the only time I do paint the trunk is when I have it exposed that when it hasn’t been exposed previously it’s just like you stepping outside getting a sunburn you out Sun all year and speaking of Mexican sunflower hack it back and you told me about Mexican sunflower it’s one of my most prolific Growers I don’t water it it’s an amazing grower no matter even if you chop it back in the middle of summer it’ll grow back it doesn’t matter aggressively it’s an amazing chop and drop plant uh if you’re into this kind of mulching systems you got to have this Mexican sunflower what is it Tonia diversifolia Tonia diversifolia an amazing plant to grow easy to propagate super yeah incredibly easy to propagate y if you want to feel like you’re a good Gardener yep you should plant of these you’ll feel amazing about yourself it attracts a lot of uh pollinating in insects a lot of bees love the flowers cuz it does make flowers it’s a sunflower uh and it’s and it’s a fantastic plant to chop back mul your garden it’ll grow back within a month or two it’s going to be like it’s like you didn’t even chop it back and it’s nitrogen fixing yeah it’s amazing so it’s like the best of everything some people complain about managing it you can manage it however you want you can let it get 12 to 15t tall you can keep it as a shrub you can keep it somewhere in the middle I I prune it to the context like if I want to protect this much trunk I’ll just prune it to that level I and then later on in the year it can look like bamboo so I’ll leave one or two long stocks and I’ll strip all the debt off it looks like bamboo and it’ll give you yellow flowers is about 15 foot in the sky it’s pretty epic looking so however you want to manage it you can manage it wow this is uh coming out of dormy it’s the uh flamb boana the AOA Poinciana okay big red beautiful flower nice also nitrogen fixing you’re going to notice the theme Here nitrogen fixing nitrogen fixing so this will get bigger but it loses its leaves in the summer I mean excuse me the winter okay so I want maximum light in the winter to come in and I want dappled light in the summer are we facing south we’re facing south we’re facing south okay so the Sun East yeah West South North behind us okay so the sun in the winter is going to be a little bit low in the sky lower in the sky okay gotcha so I want to maximum Li in in the winter so I have either deciduous trees um in front of things and then when they lose their leaves in the winter Maxon comes in or I have like in the back I’ll have I have a t TPU which I cut back in the winter to let maximum light in also a nitrogen fixer nice but come summertime it’s full DPP of Lights coming in it’s protecting all my more sensitive plants during the hottest part of the Year this is Regina seram Cherry oh wow flowed for the first time wow but no fruit okay but you know they do flower two to three times a year yeah so hopefully I still get a chance this year but you know maybe not next year for sure I think yeah yeah this is one of the more tastier versions of the cam Cherry variety there’s many there’s many seedlings all around but this one is known to be really really good this is the Regina yeah uh cam cherry and what’s funny is I I heard it’s seedless really that’s what I heard and it’s a Seedling so you do the math cool I don’t know that the leaves on this look different than other yeah longer and more narrow longer more narrow yeah yeah very cool this is a a seedlink uh Manila mango yeah painted trunk once again I had it fully protected by tons of Mexican sunflower but now I exposed it yes it’s not used to the Sun so I painted it okay I got this from you AJ this is a reed seedling oh really oh nice whoa that’s which you see the ones in the back whoa okay um this is more exposed we’re up on the hill so the water is going to drain off faster um which is probably good for avocado but you might need to water more so I heavily mulch around it and as you can see I double whammied this guy painted it and I have a shade claw shade claw that young tender trunk on avocados is very vulnerable yeah very much got dragon fruits over here I’m taking these down I I’m remember the thorn thing I’m getting rid of the stuff and it’s kind of grown all over my house I’m taking these theseal for you they have yeah okay um you have to hand pollinate most of the time in my experience and I’m not good about coming on at night to pollinate okay but yeah I think I’m going to still do them in a pot and just kind of still have them or maybe grow them up a bigger tree in the future okay so yeah I got that from you really can’t you know I’m all about the seedlings these days so I’m growing a lot of things from seed cool man and speaking of hand pollinating we have this CH yes sir I uh completely worked this one over the past couple years it was a just a generic chera seedling okay and now I’ve converted it to mostly deliciosa I don’t know if you’ve tried it I haven’t tried that variety oh man I hair is good creamy yeah super sweet complex flavor in my experience okay um I have L not Lolita Luci Nat uh Lisa atoya I just put on cheril Lata this is the ATO yep right yeah tell by the leaves right that’s Cho has fatter thicker leaves I think okay Co I just put on the chilada the painters chilada all right they the the Scion wood was a little dry when I put it on so these might not take but I get almost 100% take on cherag grass okay nice this is a San Pablo custard apple all right so I sucess successfully gred grafted a little stem on a coming out right there yeah unfortunately this is the cherya root stock and right here you’ll see this is actually cherya too so I grafted on a chero Seedling then I grafted the chero to cherya hoping to increase my chances okay I haven’t had this push yet this year so we’ll see if it makes it yeah this has completely been worked over to you know the varieties I find tasty yep uh awesome man canastel I’m taking out can it flowers profusely it’s never fruited for me um this is one of those things where I wanted everything so mhm if you would have seen me about four years ago I had everything yeah I’ve removed so many trees and replaced it with stuff um but I’m taking this out yeah beautiful tree yeah nice tree you’ll notice like somebody might say that’s a deficiency later in the year it’s going to be beautiful green I did nothing to change it it just works its way out yeah but no fruit so you’re going to take it out tons of flowers no fruit okay and uh you know I hear canell is good but not amazing so I’m going to replace it or not replace it but it’s coming out Kohala longan the longan so do you get fruit from this yes I love it okay but I’m probably taking this out too because it wants to grow pretty big yeah I have to prune it pretty hard and that means I’m going to lose a year or two of of fruit okay and you know I want things that fruit every year yeah I prefer Fruit that’s almost like a meal fruit size fruit okay got you so you know those are the considerations I’m making the alterations I’m making over time as I learn I love the fruit but I’d rather have something beautiful tree too y yep like a mango or something I prefer like a meal fruit okay but I love the fruit looks like I’m going to have a good fruit set this year yeah it looks got a lot of flowers on it yep wow man this was air layer airer real small little twig of a stick air layer and how old is this tree that’s uh that’s probably about eight eight okay punch pler I I just chopped it down cuz I’m taking it out and I grafted it out there on the Santa roses yeah I don’t get enough chill for this and that’s the case with the lot of my stone fruits oh yeah yeah I used to have so many Stone fruits and I basically took them all out and grab crafted them out there on those three out there okay okay got um we already talked about those yeah wampy wamp you haven’t tried that one I haven’t tried this food no I hear great things go to the feron I breed them they have them fru in there you’re not supposed to eat the fruit there but you know just grab one uh lots of mulch chopped mulch I just I just hacked these back two days ago uh we’re standing on a lot of mulch too this put off so much fruit it was too much for me to eat so I I really brought the size down okay um and then I brought that down just to emphasize the grass these right yep yeah cuz this one you said doesn’t make fruit for you it never flowered it was a big gym seedling all right oh nice graphs all of them took for me amazing I find grafting to be pretty easy cuz I don’t care I I’ve done so many graphs I I think the less you care about grafting the more success you’re going to have you hyper analyze and worry too much yeah you overthink things yeah yeah that’s my experience anyway yeah more cams cam Cherry row there’s one there another one there it’s just a row of Cam cherries very cool yep all right well you want to see the the back yeah all right cool yeah let’s go look last time you were here this was concrete and I I told you I was threatening to pull out concrete to put in more yeah I remember you mentioning that so uh I pulled this out this year and the wife put in a little flower bed here okay I wanted to give her more space for flowers that’s what she wants to do but ultimately I’m probably going to put like a Jabo or something right here nice beautiful trunk you know yeah smaller leaves so the light stapled and I can still see through it while we’re sitting up here yeah and you got some more this is a this is not Mexican s it is but it’s uh Tonia I forget the the other name but it’s not diversifolia okay but yeah it’s very similar looking yeah so that’s that’s the wife she she’s really into wear flowers right now and I love it too awesome just put in a walnut walnut this is a Placentia Walnut it’s uh was um I guess selected for this climate environment okay um just put that in got it from Gary once again at lagona Hills Nursery I know he sell Walnut a bar Ro yeah he had a problem finding a supplier for a while it it already fruited this year so I took him them off you know I went to prioritize vegetative growth to get the tree healthy but it was it was Fring immediately nice so I just put that in and uh before I did that I had the City come out check my gas lines and water lines make sure nothing was an issue cuz these can get big but I want that because once again South Southwest hottest part of the the summer it’s coming I have no protection okay so this is the main goal was to protect the house on this corner yeah but also get some nuts out of it yeah these can get big I’ve seen some big big walnut trees yep and I want want that to cover this corner of the house yeah and then we put in some like lettu uses that are getting mauled by the bugs and more flowers yeah transplanted some Japanese um dandelions right there they transplanted well oh wow so this should cover a lot and create a microclimate where I’ll be able to plant other things amazing very cool yeah so this one is adapted to our climate it yeah I guess it was selected for I think that’s why they call Plus once again I could be wrong about everything don’t quote me but placenta is very close to us yeah maybe it’s some dude named placenta has nothing to do at the city but um I was told by Gary it’s it’s for our climate Okay very cool I didn’t know you can grow them here yep yeah they grow it’s growing like crazy too it was be root as well yeah and I think that’s the way to go too with with deciduous trees is be Roo be seedlings if you can and then be root if you’re going to buy a specific variety mhm uh I’m going to take this concrete out do coming out oh yeah like about 2 feet all the way down and you know I’m going to load it with serum yes sir I like I like the way you think man yes sir I’ll do the same we have a similar passion yeah this is um black Manuka oh yeah oh nice oh and this fruits very well for me more grapes than I can eat every year there’s some grape here yep good grape good grap dark black grape dark purple black grape seedless okay um sweet really nice great awesome black Manuka all right and then this is new mhm you’ll notice oh wow look at this guys in my opinion you can never get enough of these cherries ask wife Eugenia Hora I love these so you gave me some seeds uh these are orange orange and then this is Jim’s big leaf you say it was it yeah yeah yeah Jim’s big leaf never tried it but I put it in yeah but I put or my oranges in I got to have my oranges everywhere okay so you got orange gyms orange yeah orange gims orange awesome and you see I have random seed because I throw seeds everywhere popping out I got th over here a Mexican oregano down there purple kale down there I’m just packing it in and whatever there you go man pigeon peas for nitrogen fixing beautiful flowers perennial and uh the dry bean is like a a lentil or a split pee okay so look up Pigeon pee stew or something sure so you know if you’re really struggling for protein you can grow the in its perennial look right here or I scatter them throughout the yard because once again they’re just throw nitrogen fixing oh yeah so you either eat it or you toss the yep great mulch too chop and drop okay very cool oh you see I told you about my Cactus hedro I had out there yeah so like would a lot of in permaculture a lot of people do with bananas they’ll slicer bananas trunks in half and lay them to to mulch and provide I do that with the cactus the cactus nice it’s Mediterranean climate you know are these These are both the black Manuka yes both so this one this grape and this grape yes sir is the same the black Luka cool yep cool cool now we’re getting to the back where it’s a little little more interesting I think yeah um guabiju okay seedly has not fruited yet for me but I have tried the fruit and I loved it yeah it’s h is this a Eugenia no it isn’t it’s what is it something pons but it’s not I would be surprised if it’s related somehow to be honest but you know I don’t know okay it’s a beautiful beautiful look at this beautiful growth it’s kind of like a velvety yeah I’ve never tried this fruit it’s good yeah it’s good so you know once I get some seeds we’ll hook you up sure we have uh is this more pigeon piece yeah yeah just see this and they grow everywhere like crazy look at all this is like you know I could probably get a couple cups worth of pigeon pee off of this one plant you know uhhuh very nice a couple meals yeah cool I like it maywa comat yeah like this little one right here maywa uh-huh and then we got fukushu right here what do you call me fukushu nice and these are delicious by the way the maywa is delicious and the fukushi is just giant mouthful kumquat right yep delicious though yeah we have Alba Macadamia macad oh loaded if you look on the side there’s there’s racks of them macademia nuts whoa that’s really nice yeah to see look at that first year it fruited the squirrels took it all uh second and third year no squirrels probably because I I think because I put rubber snakes around the tree rubber oh okay that’s interesting yeah and they didn’t take any of my macadamias since I put the rubber snakes over here this is a okay I think I’m G to try this you should try I got him up here on the wall too okay so far it’s kept them away I don’t know you know they learn they’re fast Learners yeah they’re yeah they’re clever but that’s a good I’m going to try that from my avocado tree you should yeah wow macadamia nuts tons of them look at how old is this tree it’s just it it’s probably this section is pretty new it’s probably about four years old okay it was grafted I got it from San Diego okay nice and you have a nice collection here of my little Nursery little Nursery of of I’m seeing a lot of Cam CH here you know I I have a problem okay it’s not a problem serums make a lot of fruit and I can’t waste the seed it’s but I had a crazy seedling that popped up it was all pink it died it probably couldn’t photosynthesize okay but for that reason I plant all my seeds cuz I’m hoping for some just like something special random weird thing to pop I mean look at this this is this is a cam it has a huge Leaf which you know you never know what you’re going to get with the seed of course yeah you know you can get something really special so it’s worth yeah planting uh seeds yeah look at this a b this is five in a pot you know if something looks different I may may save it I give them to everybody these are blacks I have oranges I have all kinds of stuff you know uh flamboy tree the the Royal Poinciana from seed I got from local Source by the way I got pods off a local tree and grew them uh I have my own things are a little mixed up but I have my own cherry of the real grande I grew okay uh patanga tubas I grew from my trees they’re all in here gin berries right here okay wow got uh jabos back there more jabos in here A bunch of loquats yeah this is from this is from the ones2 Z the one that tasted like Peach so you’re welcome look I’ll give you a bunch of stuff after this whatever you want cool man is this miracle fruit yeah wa hey beautiful yeah it was in the shade neglected for about 5 years I I keep threatening to plant it in the underst story of cuz it doesn’t like a lot of the Dr on I just haven’t figured out where yet guys miracle fruit it’s flowered and fruited for me and I don’t ferti I’ve neglected miracle berry it’s been so neglected wow this is looking how old is this one six seven years in that pot I’ve never done anything yeah it’s probably dried out a bunch of times really I I’ve had the hardest time toing these life well I how you do it I ignore it I I don’t try I don’t try you know you know what we were talking about overthinking things I think I overthink it with this probably I try to give it too much care where I think the next one I’m going to get is just I’m just going to leave it I think that’s a for gardening in general yeah it’s a numbers game yeah heavily plant over don’t think too hard don’t overw waterer don’t over fertilize just see how they do on neglect you’ll be surprised yep for sure got some Inay up here African Mango um all kinds of stuff in here I mean just wow I this a multigraph serom that I really neglected it dried out completely but it’s got all my varieties on it okay I even done this one died but it was a micrograft it was the smallest little Branch it but it dried out and I lost most of it but it was a cool multi-g grafted tree yeah here’s cuting from the dwarf Tha mberry just stick sticks in the ground and you got all the plants you want wow and their cuting have fruit on them this is amazing look yeah yeah I fruit on the cuting he grew I should have probably taken the fruit off so I can you know establish more roots and everything but I’ll pot these and I’ll sell them I sell them for 20 bucks a pot people buy them like crazy nice I’m not big in selling plants cuz I’m kind like I said I’m a little lazy uhuh but I could sell a lot more I guarantee it yeah I just honestly don’t want to deal with too many people just in my personality um in here we have lots of mangoes it looks like yeah oh yeah you be into this different mangoes we got uh the sweet tart oh beautiful we got more sweetart we got a tool for oh oh that’s a that’s a a tool full cool cotton candy on and on probably going to graph those onto some seedlings at some point yeah this is a looks like a Garcinia I’m guessing that’s a chico oh The Cho supp yeah yeah I tried grafting but you know I screwed it up I didn’t put a little plastic bag over the graft okay I got Abu in here whoa It’s like a four-year-old Abu wow I keep threatening a planet but it’s like where am I going to put it I’ll find a place maybe yeah all spice all spice uh bay leaf this is the all spice back here right yeah yeah ah nice different kinds of jaos coronata um what else I mean there’s there’s all kinds of stuff in here white on and on wow I have more plants than I have space yeah I’m sure you’ll figure out a spot for it yeah you know just take out the driveway I guess yeah very cool yeah these are Cher of the real gry oh yeah wow ponga tuba right there wow amazing I think you’ll notice a lot of fruit people they have a once they start planting seeds problem you yeah you can’t you can never get enough right so here’s an example of a Jabo in a different microclimate yeah so the one out front gets the most Sun this one gets the second most Sun but now it’s getting more protection as this guy gets bigger uhhuh but it looks pretty good yeah I planted it three years after the other one okay and it was smaller so you see the size of this compared to that one there microclimate is probably everything for these guys yeah and what variety is this sabar sabar okay okay this is the one that takes some time to flower right yeah like they say 15 years on the saas okay it’s got a nice trunk yeah multicolor trunk yeah yeah very beautiful and again more Mulch on the ground yes and then uh you’re going to see examples of how I do Mexican sunflower and such but here’s the j31 jack fruit male flower oh wow wow wow see the yellow pollen coming out of it starting to come anyway this is the female flower that’s the male oh it’s the male okay I the female you know once again I could be wrong about everything but the female has a fatter base okay and I think this may be a female coming right here see that base on that it could be wrong but see how it’s fatter yeah yeah so that um I’m not allowing it to fruit I could Hand p i could take this male off just beat up the females a little bit but the tree is fairly small still and I’m getting it established is this a Seedling or j31 grafted okay yeah so I’m going to be take I I’ve been taking these off maybe somebody can tell me should I leave them on am I forcing it to fruit and flour more if I pop these off I’ve been taking them off to try to prioritize vegetative growth but maybe I’m forcing it to flower more so maybe somebody could tell you uh over here’s Orange Crush oh okay grafted yeah and this flowering like crazy nice jack fruit so here’s the example this is the hottest side of the yard yeah so this is why I have the Mex I don’t have very much protection over here so I have the Mexican sunflower longer and taller here protecting the side of it wow and then it tapers down here to expose more trees over here so this is the Mexican sunflower here protecting this jackf fruit tree here from the hottest Sun of the day yep yes yep how’s that avocado tree your neighbor I just it’s I think it’s a Mexican I’ve never gotten a fruit to ripen properly okay my neighbor over there has the same experience with it and they just cut it back big time oh okay um I just I don’t know what it is about that it could be a Seedling and it’s just just a dud gotcha in here let me pull some of this up and this is how I manage it most of the time I’m just like yanking it and tossing it but right here I have three pbas in one hole mhm it’s another Eugenia okay tastes like apricot I’m told oh yeah but very protected in here right nice this is sweetheart lii I’m probably taking it out it does this every year the fruits will get to the size of a quarter and then they’ll drop off Ah that’s unfortunate but you know it’s okay because I think I’m going to put a Qui muuk in its place okay in related to jack fruit yeah supposedly very delicious yeah here it’s good I have one growing so yeah uh so here’s the hedro you see oh yeah once again I want to protect the heart of the tree H which is the trunks yeah and I prune according to the situation so here I want to protect more I let it grow taller here I just want to protect the trunk I keep it like a little hedge and I’m planting behind there m and I’m mulching with this material constantly oh okay okay I get it okay so all right Mexican sunflower hedge r as it grows Greg cuts it uses it at mulch back here and plants the plants he wants back here that’s you see there’s just organic material everywhere I’m taking out the Turk cap cuz it kind of spreads and it’s a nuisance for me okay taking that out probably putting mango there uh Moringa moringas yep and Moringa two of them edible flowers and leaves and pods pack them back let them grow they serve as food they serve as pollinate um flowers for pollinators they serve as shade when they get bigger multi-purpose permaculture principles you know um so that’s coming out I used to have a black sapot in here a big old Mame yeah you had you had quite a bit of stuff back I changed those was all citrus and figs over there a lot things are evolving as I learn more um so that’s just part of the game you know you’re not going to know everything when you start don’t be scared to start and don’t be scared to pull something out and put something new in yeah right here is a Luke Garcinia just planted this year I’m sorry late last year okay and you know it’s it’s not thriving I don’t care if it lives it lives I find it works itself out over time those things become great one same have you had the fruit I’ve never I want to try it only garcini I’ve had is the purple one the purple Mango Steam oh um any other ones I think that’s it yeah purple was so good enough for like let me try all of them yeah this is another Reed seedling of yours oh okay cool wow it’s going great so you see I’m like triple whammy on this one because it’s avocado and it’s a Seedling green trunk so I have the Mexican sunflower I have this Sur around it with a shade cloth and I painted it okay okay I want my avocados to be healthy cuz my experience with avocados is I burned every trunk on every one of my avocados over the years and I lost every single one of them I’m not going to make those mistakes for avocados again yeah plumeria is growing in the back here’s a lemon drop mangotin supposedly the improved one yellow leaves a lot of people be like what’s wrong with my plant let me fertilize and water and do not me I probably would have killed it if I would have worried about it it’s either going to work its way out or not okay okay another read all right seedling of yours that you gave me beautiful wow yeah they growing well kuk super delicious edible green little cold sensitive but it’s going to come back as it warms up it tastes nutty dude it’s I don’t know if you’ve had it I had it once it was really good I lik it I really like it a lot yeah yeah then I did Islands here yeah this is Cherry ofio Grande wow this is a Ben’s but seedling wow and this is a what I need to do is throw water on this trunk cuz that trunk is epic this is Eugenia this is a Eugenia I’m going to put the Latin name down here I can’t pronounce it this is a great Cherry alternative if you can’t grow cherries here in Southern California not very well if it’s too warm look at that trunk dude yeah this tastes a lot like a really good cherry and it has a beautiful chunk look at that nice and green it has some fruit on it but they’re not very big and the Ben but supposed to be pretty big and tasty I’ve gotten fruit I’ve eaten the fruit I’ve planted the seeds but it hasn’t been prolific and it hasn’t given me the Big Ben but okay that I um I understand but once again it’s a Seedling okay but you can see the fruit up there oh it has fruit yeah it has fruit here’s little Fruit Way small seems pretty immature but up there that one seems like it has potential let me uh get this on that’s probably going to fall off a nice little fruit right there see it’s a little wrinkly yeah I don’t know if they didn’t get pated or what the situation is but there’s some bigger ones up there okay this is nice tree how old is this tree that tree I put these islands I made these islands about three or four years ago okay and that’s a Seedling it grew like crazy yeah they say they like a lot of water but I don’t really water so okay yeah let me talk about the watering real quick sure I haven’t watered all but twice in 6 months okay winter months I don’t water cuz we generally get enough rain um and the temperatures aren’t crazy hot the trees aren’t generally actively growing if they’re not actively growing they don’t need as much water and I mulch um during the summer I I water I I flood irrigate so I’ll flood this I’ll flood around each tree I have no I do hand water with hose I I really enjoy it but I water during the summer once a week if it’s super H creeping in the hundreds twice a week that’s it yep and Mulch and mulch y this is another uh Cedar Bay Cherry Little Seedling these are three e because you need a male and a female so I put little three eay seedlings in there and I have four more over there in case I don’t get a male and a female out of it nice nice I’ll graft on top if if I can find one yeah dwarf grama oh dwarf GR okay and I wish I remembered all the Eugenia names Iana you know I’m not really sure I know them all but right now I’ll probably tell you all the wrong stuff this is a Jabo but this is a grafted this a beautiful it’s a beautiful Jabo diaba Tree Guys bran vinho Aro Anderson bran vinho wow I I think that’s white wine in Portuguese I think let me come around you see it with the Sun hitting it that’s a nice tree yeah and uh ornamental tree very ornamental now you know that makes fruit hasn’t flowered yet it always looks like it’s threatening the flower it’s been in the ground about four or five years about four years maybe three four I’m not really sure to be honest I got this from oh yeah shout out to Adam shaffron flying fox fruits oh shout out to Adam shout out Adam I have a lot of his trees so do I yeah yeah so I got I won this in an auction yeah I was sniper I was a Auction Sniper oh you’re the last second jumping in kind of guy well you know I I well I’ll tell you my strategy I’d wait for like football Sundays when everybody’s like drunk and not paying attention and I’d wait till the last minute and I’d get some really good deals awesome so I I don’t think he does as many auctions for that reason sorry Adam uh I have pangat tubas from him I got this seedling from him uh the dwarf G maama from him so this Island’s almost a flying fox root Island right here yeah nice yeah so that’s that this island this is a camp Mania zpa okay supposedly tastes like mango wow so let’s try it see what happens you know another patanga tuba these seem like they’re always flowering yeah I have tried several I’ve yet to taste one I like a p tuba yeah of all the ones I have this one smells mango like yeah is I keep thinking it has potential but I’m always disappointed in the patanga tubas too sour for me yeah it has a funk personally and weird funk in my exp too sour yeah I just could maybe be getting unlucky seedlings grama it this thing flowers like two three times a year surprised it doesn’t have flowers right now but okay but yeah I get fruit off this every year nice this is another yes sir yep and in ground cover in here I have perennial peanut and I’ll show you the sunshine Mimosa over there so as this mersum dies back the other Ground Covers come in nice another one of your Reed seedlings right here brother oh that’s the last one I got from you okay cool man wow so your plan is to graft onto these at some point you know I think I might leave one one seedling to see what it turns out like well I think you chose correctly then because Reed seedlings seem to flower faster from seed than other varieties of nice like uh I had one that I grew from a seed that flowered in 5 years which I think is pretty fast for avocado I think so too It’s s and part of my reasoning for Reed is first of all it’s a Delicious Fruit yeah and it has a and I’m high density I have real tight spacing and the Reed has a straight upward growth habit so that’s why I’m selecting those just you know for several reasons yeah this is a grafted Pinkerton okay I’ve had fruit off it yeah I made the mistake of not protecting the trunk the first several years and I got sunburnt and struggled so now I painted it finally yeah looks pretty good no fruit this year though yeah my pink didn’t flower last year this year flowered a lot okay good but yeah uh don’t be surprised if Pinker didn’t sometimes just what you said it didn’t flower or no fruit it flowers it flowers every year I don’t get fruit most years okay okay but I think it’s probably the overall health of the tree to be honest you know I’ve learned how to care for avocados a little bit better it’s more about protection in mulching that’s really what it is yeah Pinkerton avocado nice there used to be a big house right here you just I remember there was a big big old avocado tree he just took it out for some reason I think the squirrels were mobbing him he got tired took it out completely yep wow wow rainbow eucalyptus wow you can see there’s it’s a little young still but you can see the interesting color patterns already developing on it it only gets better with time yeah get out of the Sun so you guys can see the colors on this I should I could throw some water on that but I got it from the professor at Orange Coast College they have mature giant ones on campus oh yeah and he gave me that he gave me two actually super nice guy yeah awesome yeah so I’m going to let that get as big as it wants to be yeah it shouldn’t interfere with those lines up there no another Manila seedling okay it’s two years it was fuing yeah so I’m going to you know you know as a weather warms up a little bit I’m going to take all these off and hopefully I get vegetative growth and I’ll draft on that later y this wall has been redone uh I just took all this Mexican sunflower down it used to be figs and citrus and all kinds of stuff M but now that I’m going to have more protection during the hottest part of the year I’m going to put more sensitive warm loving things over here okay so this is going to be like yellow gr ma Chamas and uh jabos and you know all kinds of stuff you saw in my Nursery figure it out yeah Pang tuba again this is a um a sweet Tamarind M seedling okay nice yeah no problems my wife loves Tamarind he and you here’s the sunshine as the ners D back the sunshine Mimosa is going to be popping through everywhere and if you see it’ll give you a little reaction on the leaves oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah is this called the sensitive plant I I think so AKA I think there’s several that react like that this is this one’s Sunshine Mimosa it makes this beautiful pink Powder Puff flow all right nice that’s pretty cool yeah you see the ntion dying back and that’s just going to become food wow this wall is the next part of the project yeah you got some nice beautiful cam cherries yep the p that one looks perfect right back there this is the Lolita grafted Lolita grafted okay grafted Lolita really quick I got a couple U my wife favorite fruit is pmen so I got coffee cake and um chocolate oh okay nice be root a couple years ago so these are this is very young yeah wow this is where the the Sun comes from the East over here okay so okay Eastern Sun so I don’t want very tall trees on this w I want the sun to come in as much as possible from that direction okay and to block as much sun from that direction over there on the South Southwest so here youj you want to try the Lolita sure I can never say no to these right have you tried a Lolita yet I’ve never had a Lolita variety so this which one should I get well that’s a I always go with darker and Squishy okay that one back there looks amazing all right I’ll get I’ll grab that one but you help yourself to as many as you want let’s see if it doesn’t pop off easy maybe it’s not ready but take it anyway it didn’t come off easy but should I take it anyway take it anyway we’ll give you we’ll find one that does and you can do a comparison guys check this out man now this one came off easy oh yeah this is some of my favorite fruit I can’t get enough of these I could literally sit here stand here eat bowls of these yep that’s why I need I’m planting as many of these as I can just to get them to an age so they can start producing enough so I could to fulfill my dream of sitting and standing in front of these and eating a bowl of them is my goal it’s one of my gardening goals guys so we share a similar passion I’m gonna eat one of these and uh this is exciting because I I love trying different varieties of these oh wow Save the seed wow that’s excellent good I’m glad you like it that’s really good it’s not my favorite to be honest no does it have a little bitter on the end you it does have a bitter after a little bit Yeah that’s what but not but not it doesn’t but not unpleasantly I’ll eat a bowl of them still yeah yeah wow that’s great man I’m gonna have the other one yeah yeah you got to try one several to to to understand what’s what’s going on yeah and you’ll realize why this is one of more underrated fruit trees to grow here in Southern California because this tree checks all the boxes really manageable in size here I’ll show you we’re standing there’s a row of them here really manageable in size super drought tolerant really productive once it gets established this is a set and forget it kind of tree you don’t have to worry or care about it too much and it’s really well adapted uh that’s why I say it checks all the boxes you’re going to get fruit that you cannot find at the grocery store you will I’ve never seen this at a grocery store unless you could probably go to Brazil you might find it there in the grocery store you’re not going to find it here so this is something you want to grow at home and you’re going to get some of the fine fruits that not a lot of people can try so and uh it’s one of those fruits that I find oh first of all if fruits two to three times a year oh yeah another check right that’s right but what I find is most people will try one and they like ah then they’ll try two or three and then they change their mind completely it’s kind of weird like that yeah yeah the first the the has a strong taste that’s I guess some folks are not used to but it’s it grows on you very fast very fast yeah very fast yeah very much so uh let’s just wrap this side up real quick if you want more go ahead oh thank you so previously hexa clamus Ulus now u j oh okay right yeah U yeah uay U yeah okay cool mine hasn’t uh flowered or fruited yet okay but it looks really good right yeah that looks good so maybe somebody in the comments can help me with this one mystery fruit I can’t find anything on it I got it labeled as a Seedling called per guava like a dog in Spanish Pera okay I can’t find anything on it huh uh but it was different the guy you know the guy has a rare fruit guy in San Diego M so I I’m all about it something different let me try it but I can’t reach the guy anymore and I can’t find anything on the internet about this interesting p e r a guava interesting it has the growth young growth that looks like guava growth right but yeah I don’t know so maybe somebody can it has the nodes the inter nodes of a guava too right that meria family can’t get this in Focus I’m trying to get in FOC you guys can see there you go kind of yeah and this is a very protected area this gets essentially once it gets over the wall it’ll get Morning Sun but it basically gets about an hour to two of Summer overhead Sun okay and that’s all it gets and look how nice they look yeah it looks good have you smelled the leaf maybe I haven’t smelled a leaf that’s maybe can find a fresh tell you something take this kid right here go ahead rip one off and see what you think okay does that smell a little spicy to you or like cinnamony or something or is that my fingers no I don’t get too much smell I think I have everything on my fingers touching different stuff I don’t smell anything interesting I I would love to yeah know what this is you know hopefully it fruits some flowers fruits yeah another Brazilian fruit I understand it’s in danger this is Kuka okay a Kuka seedling it’s been through two winners that size it looks like it wants to go this year all right no special protection except what’s growing around it all right so this is a special seedling you’ll notice it’s very weepy mhm and I had no idea you know was one of those mystery name one it just said ESP panga I asked the guy all it stands for southern panga that’s all he had okay so I had no idea it was weeping when I planted it next to the AC yeah so once I realized that I started tying the branches up together to try to get it above the AC but it wants to weep like crazy okay makes you’ve seen probably pictures I I posted but it makes you know some probably call it red I call it orange because it still looks a little orange to me when it’s right but it tastes orange okay so I call it the Weeping Southern orange patanga okay um I’m hoping this is ready now these are smaller than they’re normally they’re twice the size normally yeah maybe grab the I don’t want to get whatever’s on my hand on it okay oh I can have one yeah absolutely try to find the you know I find if they have less defined ridges and they’re a little squishy okay The Ridges go away when they’re ripe in my opinion so you see how it’s more rounded versus ridged try to find one that’s rounded and Squishy and if not try to find the best one you can so you can at least get something round it and Squishy this is not squishy is a little bit uh this one that’s starting to look that’s a good sign now keep in mind normally it’s twice the size of that oh really oh that’s a good sign with these when they fall off easily then they’re ready to eat okay let’s try this one the Weeping oh D yeah wow very citrusy yep wow that’s why I call it orange even though it’s most kind of red when it’s right oh that’s good that’s a good one very nice right okay and you got this as a Seedling right seedling how old is this tree this is about four years old whoa okay old SE how old was it when you planted it it was that b it was looking like that yeah okay wow yeah this whole section is about four years old when did this start flowering for you three years ago okay the first year it made flowers like this bro I was like what the hell is this oh thir Year from planting it from a seed uh uh basically the second year it flowered the flower is like that and I’m like holy hell what is this how big is this fruit going to be but it didn’t fruit that year wow then the year after that it produced way more flowers and the flowers are way smaller ah you saw the picture they the fruits are like that big wow and then this year it flowered more than it ever did and now now the fruits are even smaller ah okay so you know it’s probably has something to do with the amount of flowers it makes but yeah that first year I was I thought I was going to get golf ball siiz serum so yeah this whole section is about four years old really wow here’s another Jabo planted at the same time as the one over there under the macademia okay after the one in front Okay but this is North facing okay and you see it it basically gets dappled light only in the summer yeah basically well it’s not summer yet but you get it it’s starting to get there so look at the size of that one nice bigger than that one that has more this is also the sabarra sabarra Sab okay so there’s another example just different condition same thing a Seedling more vigorous less sun over here that one is a little more sun the one in front has the most sun and you same same watering schedule as everything else right no all the all the practices are the same okay interesting wow cool little Chinese lantern everybody likes that yeah wow man now here’s the world famous the orange Starburst oh this is orange Starburst and it’s very shy this year yeah every year it produces a lot of fruit two to three times a year for some reason this year super shy yeah like there’s a few you see them none of them are ready yeah I’m sure there’s more than I see right oh yeah there’s more in there so the more you look the more you see but it doesn’t look like there’s any ready right now yeah and this one tastes super citrusy is a Seedling right seedling seedling it was just labeled orange seedling orange seedling and she says it has like a very strong Citrus flavor very strong effervescent kind of like this like pop of wow yeah I love it it’s yeah I think you gave me one last time I was here it was really good okay and you grafted some of them that’s right yes I it hasn’t it’s it flowered but no fruit okay yeah but but I got flowers all right well I wish one was ready for you again because it’s only gotten better okay and now here’s another sabar playing at the same time wow same size same size same prac same environment as that one but look at that whoa look how healthy and I don’t fergal I don’t do anything special yeah it looks great I just feel like maybe this gets the per has the perfect conditions yeah wow this is North facing it gets a good morning sun right from over there yep get some Morning Sun and come summertime this tepo is going to be completely growing over the top of most of this yard so it’s going to be only dappled light so it gets the protection when it needs it right so in your experience sh in Shadi or conditions seem to be better for the job right in my experience in my microclimate in my location that’s you I mean this is the evidence for me here under my circumstances okay um so that’s what I would recommend for anybody who wants to grow these in you know in Orange County or something got don’t put them in full sun I just think it’s you’re setting yourself up for for struggle okay it could work but less probabilities I think this is better probability okay cool this is a oh yeah Monera deliciosa in there hasn’t fruited for me yet whoa that’s been in there for years the monstera yeah right next to it is Gango wow this is the Gango yeah the ginger that’s the Monera yep okay that’s the Monera this is the gangal yeah and up in there there’s I think there’s like the lettuce leaf hibiscus or something like that edible Leaf hibiscus you see it’s like spreading out it’s yeah I have I have serom seedlings popping up in there and so this is a a black seedling okay this one just like with all of them one fruit tastes a little different than the other on this tree this one sometimes tastes like blueberry straight up wow pomegranate straight up then like pomegranate blueberry and Cherry mixed together sometimes so find yourself a big squishy one okay thank you or a couple you g to try this so you want to go for ones that kind of easily fall off I find when the bridges are less pronounced the darker usually and it’s a little squishy and then and then it pops off in your hand this one this one came off really easily let’s try this guys taste test time you know here we go juicy oh that’s great yeah yeah yeah that’s good see if there’s another one so you know like I said they always taste a little different yeah yeah so in Florida they grow these as a hedge and there’s so much variety of these all over the place you got to find a good one cuz people will try this and they have this it has a bitter aftertaste but ones usually if you get a good variety you got to find a good one and it’s a winner of a tree [Music] oh that’s great and that’s just a random black seedling yeah so I’m putting all these seeds in my pocket guys do it are you separating the pockets yeah I put the I put that one uh that one was my favorite the the Weeping one yep amazing yep I’m gonna grow that seed that’s my second favorite to the uh orange starbur St then this is my third then the then the Lolita is my my least favorite then I have others I haven’t tried yet that I’m growing okay yeah these are great and then you got your ingga right above you that I’m I’m shaping into a Arbor yeah or a let’s say a perula I should say okay I’m a forward bonide guy so I love pruning yeah so I find it a challenge to try to like gradually over time slowly prune this thing so it has good structure and to cover the mo most of the slab right here okay is this a do you get pods from this every year numerous multiple times a year it’s always flowering and fruity see yeah I see some flowers and how’s the how does the pot I love it that how’s the fruit the fruit I love it it’s gotten better over time okay I found early on it was just kind of like that cotton candy texture but with not a lot of sweetness okay but over the years it’s gotten more and more sweet and I really like once I crack One open I go get the rest I just you know it’s a little bit of work but it’s a nice Garden snack you’re out here crack One open pop it in these are good you basically get 100% germination they’re literally ating in the yeah they they’re really super uh so if you could find a pot anywhere plant them and all the seeds will grow and there’re I think they’re polyionic too so you’ll get like so many trees yeah yeah these are cool and they’re nitrogen fixing nitrogen fixing once again the theme nitrogen fixing Inga nitrogen fixing T nitrogen fixing Mexican sunflower nitrogen fixing Sunshine Mimosa um on and on and on wow very cool natural for fer yeah and so the T every winter depending on the weather it’s always I always feel it all bit this is the T T right here this one yeah I will come in here in the winter at some point and hack it back and just stump it you can see and I’ve done this every year and then I get up in here as it’s gr out and I and I select the branches I want so it’s a nice open and and I have the right direction grow so I don’t want it growing towards the middle so I’ll get up in there I’ll snap off all the ones I don’t like and you can see how they’re nicely directed out yeah and come summer it’s going to be covering 80% of this section of yard it’s going to be nice dappled light it’s going to hold in humidity yeah and you can see all these more sensitive plants underneath here are going to get the protection they need in the summer but during the winter I want maximum sunlight to come in because in the winter the sun’s lower in the sky over here it has a hard time getting past the house so I want maximum sunlight coming into the yard during the winter okay gotcha but I use the Mexican sunflower as kind of like humidity control and protection from the cold winds a okay interesting a lot of lot of thought going into this setup it didn’t start that way lot of consideration it did not start that way I just planted everything and I I learned then you this a lot of trial and error and these kind of things yeah yeah so learn by doing don’t try to get perfect from the beginning because you’ll you just won’t do anything nice very cool cool setup I think we saw everything right I think we saw everything a lot of stuff to see I could keep going too I just wish I had more stuff to go on about yeah I know right this is always like it’s always the thing for garders like the space considering consideration of space is always you always got to strategize but you try to figure these things out too that’s why I wanted to come here and show this Garden because I like the way you’re spacing guys there’s no rules for spacing at all when especially when you’re planting things of the same species the same type of tree there’s no rues rules for spacing right there’s just competition for light there’s no competition for the roots they help each other out down in the root system so don’t be afraid to plant things close together all right yeah that’s a message for you I hope you like this video if you did remember to give it a like And subscribe shout out to my friend Greg tiny jungle it is a really jungle like uh and let’s keep growing together as usual thanks for watching byebye


  1. Great job showcasing some really unusual subtropicals. I like the citrus and avocado videos but this was a nice change .

  2. Supposedly sunflower can put out something that causes stuff to not grow around it for a short while for his Santa Rosa issue. Its in the seed shells I believe?

  3. noticed the walnut is planted alone. Since it may be a Jugulone producer I wonder how close other trees can be planted near it.

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