Gardening Supplies

EVERYTHING I Keep In My Indoor Gardening Supply

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#phillyfoliage #plants #indoorgardening

hi friends today I’m going to go over a list of all the supplies that I keep in my home as a professional indoor Gardener I like to be ready for any project at any given moment so I probably have more on hand than is truly required but if you too want to feel at the ready for anything Indo gardening I got you covered starting off with the planting materials I obviously keep soils on hand at all times both tropical and Cactus mixes lots of plants need different soil consistencies to grow their best so I also keep a bunch of different soil amendments around to mess with my soil mixes specifically pmus and perlite to increase air flow and drainage in the soil fine orchid bark for soil texture and charcoal for the cleanliness and texture of the soil some other planting materials I keep on hand are spagnos for both propagation and water retention in the soil as well as Lea Pebbles which I use for alternative methods of growing such as semih Hydroponics plant fertilizers are very important to keep around during the growing season in particular I prefer slow relase fertilizers cuz I can just put a couple granules in my Planters and not really think about it for the rest of the growing season versus liquid fertilizers which you’ll have to remember to water into your plants like every 2 or 3 weeks depending on how often they like to get fed to keep my plants nice and hydrated I have a watering can on hand one that fits a lot of water inside since I have a lot of plants to go around in water as well as a moisture meter to help take the guest workk out of knowing when it’s time to water my plants moisture meters are particularly helpful for larger potted plants whose soils can sometimes be a little bit difficult to judge when it’s time to water and when you have lots of plants or even just a few to be honest pests are probably going to happen so to be proactive I keep a couple methods of pest control in my Arsenal the most important one that I use in my garden is house plant systemic granules this is essentially a pesticide and because of that it’s not available in every area of the world but it’s available in mine so I take advantage of that I also keep Captain Jack’s dead bug Brew on hand this is a spin acid spray spin acid is the same chemical that’s in life shampoo for example so it works wonders on spider mines in particular I keep the concentrate of Captain Jacks on hand because it’s a bigger bang for your buck and allows me to just have it on hand at all times but they also sell it ready to go already mixed up in spray bottles but you’re just going to go through them pretty fast if you go for that option so I would recommend the concentrate but if the spray bottle is the only thing that is available to you go for it and of course I keep a spray bottle on hand for mixing up my Captain Jacks and other homemade remedies that I like to make to treat my pests I’ve talked about those in other videos but those usually involve rubbing alcohol natural dish soap and water fungus nuts are technically a pest as well so to combat those I keep both yellow sticky traps and mosquito bits on hand the yellow sticky traps are for getting rid of the adults that are currently flying around your home while the mosquito bits are more of a preventive way to stop any of the eggs in your soil from hatching so both products serve different purposes and I would definitely recommend keeping both around if you do struggle with fungus knats in your home it’s important to be ready to propagate your plants at any given moment as accidents happen and you never know when a branch or Vine might be broken off so as well as the aforementioned planting materials I also keep plastic PLC Nursery Planters on hand always recycled from previous plant purchases plastic Planters from previous plant purchases say that five times fast as well as rooting hormone to help get those roots growing and for those purposeful propagation so many tongue twisters a day I keep a couple different pairs of pring shears on hand and a couple of decorative glass vessels are also pretty necessary for anytime you want to propagate some plants in water speaking of Decor there are a bunch of decorative accessories and materials that I like to keep around Planters and saucers are a given as I love love love having options so having a couple Planters on hand that aren’t in use makes me feel really good whenever I bring home a new plant for terrariums I like to keep some mosses on hand to use this top dressing for any of those that have some tropical inspiration as well as sand for top dressing for those that are more depicting the desert I also love some decorative stones and decorative Pebbles as well as a little paintbrush that I use to clean off any surfaces that get kind of messy in the terrarium making process I’m always on the lookout for any glass vessals that can be used for in building as well as glass cloes that I can use to grow finicky plants inside I like to make my own decorative plant hangers with the magic of Mac so I keep a couple different types of rope on hand particularly jute twine and white cotton rope and for added effect I keep a couple different colors of wooden beads around to add some extra character onto my plant hangers when needed Furniture pads are a great way to prevent surface damage underneath Planters and saucers as well as cork trivets or cork coasters or really any type of coaster for that matter whatever floats your boat aesthetically all an incredibly inexpensive way to help keep your security deposit I also like stackable coconut core Moss poles for climbing plants and for plants with really aggressive aerial roots or plants that just really love to climb I make my own Moss poles I have a whole video tutorial on how to make those if you’re curious but to make them I keep on hand spagnos wire Garden mesh as well as zip ties and wire cutters make the process a lot easier too velcro plant tape is used to attach the plants to the pole which will encourage those roots when they are in contact with this fagna Moss to root inside which will allow our plant to grow taller and taller and of course allow those leaves to mature and grow even larger which is what we want it’s the whole point of growing plants on a moss pole in the first place grow lights allow me to grow plants literally wherever I want in my home it doesn’t matter if there’s not a window nearby allive mine are from soultech and they have a bunch of different options to choose from that will work in practically any home setting Vanda baskets are a slightly different way to grow and display any epithetic house that you grow in your home such as HOAs or orchids and wire Orchid hangers are an incredibly inexpensive way to turn a simple terracotta planter into a super stylish hanging planter and they’re literally so cheap I only ever see them sold for like a dollar or two they are worth pennies and comparison to like an artisanal Mac hanger so if you are on a budget they are a really wonderful way and underrated way to display hanging plants in your home and for the truly miscellaneous items S hooks come in handy when you least expect and tongs all right a lifesaver whenever you are repotting any spiny plants particularly cacti you do not need to keep all of this stuff on hand to be successful Ender Gardener I just wanted to share a list of everything I keep on hand in one video for you guys to use as a resource for things to consider thank you so much for joining me today if you don’t already you can follow me on Instagram and Tik Tok at@ Philly foliage subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already yet please and I will see you guys in my next video have a great day


  1. Lots of good info here! Thanks Nick! I have a similar assortment of bits and bobs for my green friends as well. I also keep old tupperware around for the odd bottom watering and paper fans that I lined with mylar to reflect back some of the growlights beams back onto my plants.

  2. Hi Nick, we keep just about the same items in our houseplant arsenal, it certainly makes plant parenting easy when you have things at the ready!!

  3. Orchid hangers! I need to find myself some of these. Macrame isn't my still and I don't love using plastic, but I have some windows begging for hanging plants.

  4. And with moisture meters, get the analog ones! The digital ones are garbage.

    LABEL THEM BOTTLES FOLKS! I know you think you’ll remember what’s in it but you won’t, get some masking tape or just write directly on the bottle. I keep my capt jacks concentrate with a glass measuring cup that’s just a bit bigger than a shot glass and I only ever use it to measure out my CJ’s DBB. I also marked a line on the spray bottle and the glass cup with a sharpie the level to fill each to when I mix my spray so that it measures correctly

  5. Ha!!! I absolutely keep kitchen tongs and old/cheap tweezers on hand to remove dead or dying leaves and get debris out of the pots. I keep those cheap little squares of alcohol wipes for first aid in with my tools to clean them before and after I use them.

    And I go to dollar tree and buy their metal hanging hooks that have 3 chains and clasps at the end of each, and you can use a drill to make holes around the tops of any plastic pots to create hanging planters. I also attach my hanging hooks onto DT’s little wire baskets and turn those into hanging planters too, as well as using the dog leashes and the those doggy rope toy looking things that are made of dozens of long strips of fabric from the 💵🌳 pet aisle to make pretty hanging plant ropes you can attach to anything to make it hang. OOH, and I use old 80¢ plastic kid plates from target as my plant saucers most of the time

    My affordable alternatives for substitute as cloches game is pretty fierce too, I’m not gonna lie. I’m always looking for interesting clear items I can put over some plants

    It’s funny though how similar my things are to Nick’s you can tell where I’ve been learning from these past 5 or 7 years (has it been that long?) jeez

  6. Just started using slow release fertiliser, sprinkle it on all your plants and it works for 6 months. Total game changer, trying to remember which plants were fertilised was a nightmare! Great video Nick, some good tips 😊💖🪷

  7. Hi Nick! Love the items you keep on hand for your indoor gardening! I have most of the things you mentioned. Appreciate you so much! Thank you so much for sharing!

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