Front Yard Garden

Mountains and More!!! Blue Ridge Parkway Adventure!!!

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Intro/Outro Music by Kurt Hoffman!!!
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here’s a little intro until I get one professionally done like comment and subscribe to join in on the fun [Music] hi hello welcome today we are in North Carolina on the Blue Ridge Expressway which is an expressway that runs through the Smoky Mountains the Blue Ridge Mountains whatever you want to call them you can see the Blue Ridge woo and today’s actually one of the days that it hasn’t been raining so I wanted to take advantage of this and go on a drive go see what we can see a lot of scenery woo I’ve pulled over at an outlook here um it looks like we are at thunder struck Ridge and there’s wonderful scenery it’s just beautiful this is one of the places that Jacob took me first when um I came to visit him in Waynesville and I actually haven’t been back since so I wanted to make a point to come here I’ve been wanting to come here for a while but you know I moved in November when it wasn’t so great outside spring sprung and then it’s been raining so now that it’s nice out woo I wanted to take a drive and see what we can see and um yeah I think it runs through North Carolina right now we’re headed towards like the Asheville area so running up and down since you know the mountains run up and down the country I actually um asked Jacob originally I’m like does it go to Tennessee he’s like no the mountains are North and South it runs north and south and I’m like oh that that makes sense I’m still getting used to this whole um moving thing and trying to find like my sense of direction and where everything is so let’s go um investigate maybe we’ll see some animals or I mean we’ll definitely see mountains so let’s go see what we see so here we are at thunder struck Ridge 100 ft below elevation 4780 which I guess doesn’t seem quite as impressive after I’ve been in Colorado but it’s still absolutely amazing like look at this hello mountains hello little animals that must be down there I would like to see you animal last time Jacob and I saw some elk I really want to see a bear but not like next to me like at a distance I know that um kad’s kad’s Cove I ke keep calling it King’s Cove now I know it is Cades Cove in Tennessee um has bear bears plural lots of bears I think it’s like the most dense area for bear in um the area in the Smoky Mountains So eventually we’re going to have to head there hopefully soon actually since I think the weather’s supposed to be getting better all right let’s continue on our journey to pull off this Overlook all scary like and the roads here are all very very curvy um one of the first places Jacob took me to was the T of the Dragon which is super curvy and we did that and then realized we had to turn around and come back the same way so we did the Tail of the Dragon twice actually and that was super SC scary so there’s a lot of motorcycles and stuff through here since they enjoy driving that and it’s super pretty just like insanely pretty the colors and I can’t wait to see this area in the fall because I was in New York packing during like Prime Fall Foliage so I can’t wait but the first thing I said when I came here and visited was that I couldn’t believe how green it is like it’s just so dense and pretty and just amazing like I’m used to Western New York that doesn’t have a whole lot of natural beauty unless you drive to like Niagara Falls oh we’re coming to another Overlook area oh maybe not an Overlook just a scary Mountain Cliff I was terrified the first time that I came through here with all like the drops since they don’t have um barriers on the side of the road and there’s this one mountain that you can go on and see elk I don’t remember the name of the mountain I call it Elk Mountain but that’s not the name and then I found out there’s actually an Elk Mountain so apparently I’m just a confusing person but um uh yeah it’s super pretty oh there’s another Overlook ahead yeah this is the drive me and overlooks I guess we’re passing that one but um yeah I’m hoping we can see some animals or something I’ve just pulled off and another Overlook it’s so pretty especially with the sun setting and I’ve been listening to music while while driving and I have this like bulk playlist that has so many songs that I just keep adding stuff to and teddy bear picnic came on so maybe that’s a sign we’ll see a bear I honestly don’t think we’ll see a bear I’m going to go to kad’s Cove for that and I saw the bear at the West North Western North Carolina Nature Center and the bear was eating a little bear popsicle that’s over in um Jacob’s Vlog but it was so fun it looks like water Rock knob is over to the left up here I don’t know what that is I’m trying to figure out what these things are living here ooh this is really pretty coming up eventually I want to like learn the name of like every mountain in the area and like the flowers and I just don’t know any of this stuff because I mean I’m not used to all of this like I grew up in the north it’s not as dense with wildlife and flowers and everything I mean there’s flowers I know certain ones but there’s all these ones I’ve never heard of here I also feel like the trees look entirely different here and especially as you head farther south like I can tell as soon as we entered Georgia because the trees change I feel like they’re just like sticks and really tall sticks and the foliage is only on the top the leaves so as I travel and again I didn’t travel a lot until I met Jacob like I’m learning all this stuff like what is this tree what is this like I don’t know I like exploring and I think I like the driving part of most of my adventures with Jacob more than like even the venues because or the events or what have you because I don’t know I just like seeing the different Landscapes seeing everything it’s it’s like just around the country everything so vast and so different and I’m seeing everything for the first time so I just pulled over at another Overlook and let’s go see so this Overlook is called yellow face when with an elevation of 6,32 Ft we’re currently at 5,000 5,588 ft and yeah this one’s a lot bigger we’re we’re moving on up it’s so so pretty in the distance there you can see just like a little home or something in the middle of all of this but just so green and blue I don’t know if you guys will be able to see the this little home or I don’t know what it is but there’s something down there do you think a bear lives there oh I wasn’t even zooming in the right place it’s there we go what is it I think that’s a bear’s house I definitely think a bear lives there maybe it’s Goldilocks and and then opposite the mountains as you’re driving along there’s these rocks so you’re surrounded on both sides and then sometimes there’s like little trickling waterfalls that come down and somehow living by the Great Lakes I used to think that there was only water really by the ocean and like by the lakes and then the rest of the country was like but I mean I never really accounted for like Rivers and all that stuff like there’s a lot of water in this area there’s rafting there’s tubing people here call tubing on water I’m used to snow tubing which we don’t even say like snow tubing it’s just tubing and Jacob laughs at me about that he’s like yeah there’s different kinds of tubing there was just a little um Bluebird that flew over there I also need to learn the names of birds I have my bird buddy my feeder that tells me the names so I’m getting a bit more versed in those at least off we go again so from the house you can see the mountains and you can see what days are more foggy than others and there’s been days that like you can barely see the mountains because they’re covered in fog or smoke because you know Smoky Mountains and so I’ve been also trying to pick a day that the mountains just didn’t appear to be covered in like dense clouds because that would make the trip a little less enjoyable like oh all I could see are clouds so turning the banks here turning the curbs whatever they’re called I like how the Sun comes up to the road and the Shadows like of the mountains like all of a sudden it’ll be dark like see how we’re turning here it’ll be all shadowy but then you’ll emerge and you can see the sun higher up on the mountains there it’s just a really pretty thing to see oh and there’s another Overlook ahead it looks like this one is called Fork Ridge Overlook oh and someone sitting there with a book just reading all nicely there’s another person next to her just laying down and yeah that actually seems like a really nice thing maybe I should take a book out here and read Because I mean just look at the scenery it’s so peaceful it’s so nice like I think when I’m having anxious days I may have to come out here and then just yeah relax and do what she’s doing just read and have a good time I also appreciate the Blue Ridge Parkway because you can see nature and you can see all of this without hiking and I have bad knees so I can hike to a degree it depends on like the trail and all that stuff the grade of the hike so yeah here look there’s all these overlooks this one’s called Scott Creek overlook this one you can’t really see because the trees in the foreground are so tall this is just a really pretty drive it’s a good way to just I don’t know look out and see the beauty maybe not have a million running thoughts to your mind just decompress and appreciate what’s here I found another overlook this one is called the Wesner bald let’s go see this one cuz this one looks pretty open okay we’ve made it to 5,560 Ft and 4,900 14 and it’s really pretty look at the Shadows that are cast from the mountains behind me and like what we’re standing on and then again there’s all these little homes scattered about I don’t even know how people get home it’s just like in the middle of everything are there roads it looks like there may be like one road I’ve also noticed the farther we drive up the mountain the cooler it gets like I think we started at like 70 or 80 and now we’re down to like 60 it’s also getting later at night the sun’s going down so that makes sense off we go again looking to make sure there’s no cars coming up we’ve been driving for a little while now without an Overlook they were coming up like every like minute for a while there oh what does this sign say oh Overlook ahead I spoke too soon oh there’s little stairs on the left over there this Overlook just like crept up on me I’m actually pulling off because there was a car behind me and I’m going kind of slow so we’ll let them go that Overlook was very tree covered and not exactly the best of overlooks I’ve noticed that too while traveling like you pull over an Overlook and then there’s all these trees like I’m sure it’s very pretty behind the trees that you can’t see through but otherwise you’re just looking at those trees I also like all the little wild flowers I can’t tell you what they’re called no idea I do have the um app now where you can um just hold up your camera and it tells you the name of the flower I haven’t played with it yet but um I did get the name of it from Jacob’s mom so I can um mess around with it soon especially since um I’m going to be gardening soon oh I found another Overlook oh no look see what I mean like this one has like trees and stuff blocking it too this one’s called Wood finin Valley but it’s kind of hard hard to see past all the layer of trees in the front you can only see like excuse me that one little patch of mountains there and unsurprisingly my eyes are watering they’re all puffy I’m sneezing because my allergies are just terrible here with all the new um allergens so yeah when I went to my primary doctor doctor when I first moved here she’s like okay you’re going to have to start taking some allergy medicine come like March because your allergies are going to be crazy and she’s not wrong like my I my voice is getting all uh and it’s all because of allergies like and now I’m just out in like the middle of Nature and trees and forests and flowers and who knows what and so I’m sniffling I I don’t think like my knee aren’t made for hiking and apparently my allergies aren’t made for like flowers and stuff like I see other vloggers that see these flowers and they’re like have their whole face in them smelling them and I’m like I don’t know how you’re doing that like I would die like my I would just be a runny mess both my eyes and my nose slow dangerous curves oh no okay we’re going to going to go slow speed limits 25 spiral curve oh no those are not words that I ever hear in New York a spiral curve like there’s so many curves here I call them loopies whenever I see the oh no I’m sorry I call them squiggles whenever I see the little sign oh and like I’m driving with Jacob I’m like oh it’s getting squiggly but yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t think that’s the right terminology just like when I was at Ripley’s with Jacob and this still haunts me I don’t know why I said this instead of s’s for um your bunk mate in jail your cellmate I said bunky buddies I don’t even know where I got that from like clearly that is not what it’s called but I don’t know why first word that always comes to me is not the correct word so we have squigglies and bunky buddies and I’m sure there’s a lot more examples that was in the Ripley’s video with Jacob and um there was like a cell set up and a wax figure and stuff and he was my funky buddy it’s super dark here it’s getting more and more dense oh my goodness like I just have to keep clearing my throat from allergies so I was thinking that allergies would end at the beginning of Spring and they’re still going strong like is there a time that allergies end or am I just going to have like summer allergies now and like Fall allergies I know I did have Fall allergies again in New York so maybe I’m just going to have allergies until winter comes I was okay in November when I moved here so maybe I just need to um oh there’s the exit for Wayville but um maybe I’m just going to have allergies until oh no there’s a sign that said no gas available for the next 50 miles I do have gas so we’re we’re okay but yeah I was saying maybe I’m just going to have allergies inde definitely now just until winter begins again oh the ranger office is down there living here I’ve also seen like Wildlife nightly in the yard I saw a turtle and was super excited in the backyard there’s been a lot of possums and raccoons um I haven’t seen a Bear in real life except for the zoo like I said earlier but um there’s um more animals and it’s funny like just how different it is living in like the forest essentially like you go outside and you hear like frogs and just all kinds of noises there was like howling the other night so it’s probably a coyote or something but it kept the noise just kept getting closer and I’m used to going outside at night and being happy if I see like a bunny and at my old apartment there was a bunny that was always out every night and Jacob and I named it night bunny I do miss night bunny but now I have even more little friends in the yard and I think this is going to be the last Overlook of today at least because it’s Waynesville and this is where I live the elevation we’ve gone down some well the elevation at home I should say is um 2,644 ft but the elevation here is still 4,000 plus but yeah you can look out and again this is one of those overlooks that is primarily blocked by trees as you can see here but yeah you can look down and apparently this is Waynesville down here hello hello house where are you hello Cammy and Scarlet hello down here somewhere where are you kitties I’m going to pretend that that’s them like right there there somewhere there even my fingers blurry because I’m zoomed in so far no kitties at home I’m GNA come see you in a minute so thanks for watching the trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway I think I may have called it something different in the intro it is the Blue Ridge Parkway I believe I’m still due to this like I’m getting all the words mixed up like I said where the bear are I thought it was King’s Cove it’s Kate’s Cove I need to um read up on this and um figure out the stuff around me but I mean I’ve only been here for not even 6 months so so I think I’m doing okay at least I know a couple things and at another Outlook Overlook back that way there was another woman with her little chair reading a book so I guess that’s a thing you do here I didn’t even like consider that it sounds really nice so that may be something that will be in my future so thank you for watching um yeah I have a patreon I have a cameo I now have Channel memberships that both all kinds of fun perks there’s lightsabers and Ewoks and fun oh my so head over there um I’m going to be trying to upload as frequently as possible I’ve been feeling better so if I’m not around I’m probably not feeling well but if I am around hooray so thanks for watching I think that’s it for now I don’t want to get hit by a bear like I don’t know what hit by a bear means like a bear runs out and like just swats me I don’t know it’s getting darker and I’m starting to hear like more wildlife and it’s getting cooler and there’s literally like no one around so I’m starting to be like okay maybe I should have home I’m still not used to this like country rural area I’m used to like dense City and so like it gets dark and I’m like oh bear even though I really want to see a bear but not like to run out and eat me even though I don’t think that would happen I I don’t think black bear are generally very um aggressive oh there’s a car that means maybe that car can save me if a bear comes or not they just left all right I’m on my own again but thank you for watching I guess that’s it bye [Music] t [Music]


  1. Jenny Penny! You need to take a drive to the North Carolina welcome center on the Tennessee state line side has beautiful rhododendron flowers along the side of the road and at the welcome center in late May early June. Also there is a rhododendron flower festival on top of Roan mountain in tennessee/NC in June 22-23. Go early it gets busy quickly! We live in Kingsport, TN and love to go there every year.

  2. This has to be my favorite vlog so far. Also, where did u get ure cool shirts, ripped and w bands, I really like them. And the one u have on here.

  3. Oh, also check on Dupixent a med for allergies. Allergies for me were mostly worst spri g and summer but never really left until I took Dupixent. It literally changed my life.

  4. Leaving now after a convention in Cherokee. Darnell farms, the Biltmore, downtown Asheville drum circle. You live a beautiful area. Enjoy!

  5. Such a spectacular view please do more like this . Will you go on the cable cars or chairlifts in the future?

  6. Beautiful drive. Very relaxing on the mind. In NZ we call those rest area's. If one is high enough to over look something it's a look out.😂 Funny how it's all the same just called different things! When I moved from Horowhenua to Tararua I got bad allergies and had to take medication. We call it petrol you call it gas. I thought moons ago you use gas like a bbq😂😂. I thought wow how do they not blow up when I was a child.😂😂😂 Thanks Jenny for the enjoyable vlog.

  7. We have a place called the Alpine Loop that is around 7500 elevation at the top. We drive it at least once a year if not more. It is a great escape from the heat in the summer. That is such a pretty drive, enjoy!

  8. I grew up very close to the Parkway and have been on it many times. I hate to break it to you, but I’ve never seen a bear there. I know they’re in the woods but they don’t often venture to the side of the road. It also cracked me up you called it an expressway! With a max speed of 45, it is far from express 😂!

  9. North Carolina has a lot of beautiful waterfalls. You should check those out. I think you’d really enjoy seeing them. 🌻🙂💜

  10. Jenny, you are very brave to be driving the mountains, by yourself. It's something I could never do. Be safe

  11. I think you needed to travel by a bit! We have green, mountains etc. Just outside my window there is green, mountains and noisy wildlife! I'm just outside of kingston!

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