Gardening Supplies

Garden Lessons Learned from Last Year & Prepping for 2024

It’s time to prep the garden for 2024 (back in early March 2024). We ordered better landscape fabric, garden staples, and needed to set up the backyard for our scaled up garden for the year. We talk about the lessons we learned from 2023. Will the effort we spend really be worth it? 👉Raised Garden Bed (affiliate)

👉Garden Fabric (might be sold out) (affiliate)
👉Garden Staples (we love these) (affiliate)
👉2024 Garden Supplies: (affiliate)

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DISCLAIMER: This video was created for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be used as a guide for real-life situations. Viewers should exercise caution and use their best judgment when watching the video. Check the product information on Amazon and investigate your own needs to see if the products we used in this video will work for you. All items showcased in this video were purchased by us unless stated otherwise within the video or in the description.

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00:00 Checking Out What’s Growing on the Porch
00:21 First Lesson Learned from 2023, Prepping the Area for our 2024 Garden, and Stinking Grubs
03:19 Additional Lessons 2023 Garden Lessons, Woman Splaining, and Prepping for 2024 Garden
04:57 The “Not Perfect” Garden Bed, but We Still Love It
05:44 Better Garden Supplies (Fabric & Staples), Fear Factor, and Plan B for the Remaining Soil
07:32 The NEW Supposedly Better Garden Fabric & Garden Staples for 2024
12:00 Final Lesson Learned

I’m pretty sure that’s a divorce of offense I’m enjoying fake spring yeah but you know what happens after fake spring don’t you second winner yeah weeds in my pots so look like at least three of these survived it’s going to be interesting to see if my tomatoes will pick back up we got some volunteers oh yeah pasta is starting to poke out already so I definitely learned one lesson last year and that was putting out the straw all that did was basically give a place for the grass to into I’m going to put out just a fabric and cover all this up I got to move this thing mostly just weeds but I do have a pepper that may or may not have survived so this is year two of The Garden and we’re going to see what we learn last year man why can’t my uh plants have root systems this good wait aren’t you going to need to mow before you lay down the fabric the fabric I’m getting is a little bit thicker hopefully it’s going to be a better fabric it’ll just kill the stuff off on its own yeah supposed to be 60s and 70s all week I know it is not going to last I know it never does people that don’t know that run off to Lowe’s and get plants and flowers I think about that’s some great marketing strategy put all the flowers out right now oh come buy flowers and so we’ve gone from we’re here for food not flowers to you got flowers and I got no food I got flow look they’re pretty they’re they’re not ugly oh I’m making are you dribbling crap all over my truck I’m dribbling crap all over your truck I’m pretty sure that’s a divorce possible offense it might be sorry didn’t mean to dribble crap all over your truck so you’re going to keep pulling up the weeds until you’re ready to do what take all this dirt out put it in the fabric pots I mean it’s going to stir it all up so yeah bad worm why are you using that sh tool for the job is the one you got till I find my other one this is the one I found clearly these fabric pots have been used we didn’t really do them the way we should towards the end of the season yeah towards the end of the season having the handles makes this nice cuz I can just move around we just can’t put anything with zucchini or yeah in theory this has got all the bad grubs from last year planting some lettuce right now might not be a bad idea I might only I had a grow light oops you saw that huh oh it’s being delivered today uh-huh so I can actually start seeds the right way this year with the grow light wait did you spend $400 on a grow light I bought the cheap one I one Employee of the Month got a $100 gift card okay which I converted to Amazon I bought the $69 grow light so technically it was free awesome yeah I learned a lot of stuff last year the black cow I put down I didn’t need to do that and in fact some of the things that probably hurt carrots didn’t need that oh look another grub an’t bugs in there like a good sign worms are a good sign the worms are in there chewing it up man there’s a lot of stinking grubs in here another thing I’m not going to do this year another lesson learned I am not going to use wheat straw ah because you remember how the shriveled up leaves on the um cantaloupe yeah and the watermelon that looked exactly like the way they will look if they get hit with gron I have a feeling that that straw was probably treated with it but wow that’s a lot of dirt you still have dirt I still got dirt is that the other lesson we learned stay away from Stay Green but yeah it got hot guess you’re cold I am the one green pepper I went ahead and put in here the fabric actually ends like right here yeah see fabric ends right there got you but some of the things actually grew through it yeah I’m suddenly second thinking is this is getting complicated how much of this is on this one piece would you let me woman’s SP no cuz your ideas are all bad and miserable go ahead like you were going to do move that and then any of this dirt that’s not on that one thing basically slide it that way yeah yeah that’s kind of the route I was going anyway like it’s the only thing so now that I’ve said it that’s around you said that’s the way I was going to do it anyway probably only about one more wheel Bear full of dirt anyway so what you’re saying is we need to buy a new wheel Bearer oo I’ve I’ve trained you well I like this this one okay now remind me while you’re taking this up again because I’m about to lay a piece of black fabric across here ah okay this thing is perfectly grooved to put holes in it to drive a steak in and just put screws to it so I’m probably going to pull these out this year if you put stakes in there it gives you rods you could actually put fabric around to keep the animals out and all kinds of other stuff I I don’t know if I’m going to do that but they weren’t thinking when they designed that thing we’re trying to sell some not why are you moaning about it because I tell the truth I know I mean if something ain’t perfect it ain’t perfect oh you got better Staples this year right yeah I bought new Staples with the new one I’m kind of scared to see what’s underneath there uh you might be thing is kind of sunken and caved in uhhuh I might be better off just dumping the dirt right here smoothing it out whose dumb idea was this yours okay whose great idea was this yours so yeah this flimsy stuff The Roots just grew right through it but yeah definitely a good reason why you use a good fabric not a cheap fabric that’s crazy from just one season man that’s getting hot I did just think God I’m getting comfortable yeah this new fabric should last for about like 5 years roughly um it’s meant for underground and it lasts a lot longer underground but it’s also UV treated so that it will last a little bit of time above but yeah some of the Stay Green Clump from last year yeah but now it’s wet so at least it’s soft finally like it’s not going to be perfectly flat but you know what I need I need a tractor yeah let’s go to Walmart there’s the kids section I’m sure that there’s a tractor right there I need some company out there to say hey use our tractor put it in your videos I don’t need a big one one of those old dinky ones bad thing is like I was actually looking like even those dink ones are freaking $35 $40,000 like I said no wait did I say no you technically never said no okay so at so say it again can I get a tractor no where’d you get it I live in Middle nowhere it’s Amazon or noson oh we’ll find out how well it holds up it was a cheaper option we got to stretch it out long ways and then unfold would it not be a smart idea to get rid of rid of everything in the path once I do the first roll then I’ll move the stuff wait it looks like a slip slip and slide I feel like it’s folded more than double there I helped these staples are way better than my old ones because they come with these so basically that will stop it from carrying as easily these are also some pretty thick and stout Staples like the holes are designed for two different ones yep there we go now you you can see it too yeah these are a lot easier to see not exactly cut even on the end someone should have told me to get the stuff out of the way I did in the end I think this is going to be the better thing but I will say you know from the way the picture looked it looked a little bit different than the picture but when was the last time you bought anything on anywhere that looked like the picture strong wind comes through here wo oh is that yeah there are some ah not so great uh I don’t know that quality there if it works and it’s 30 bucks and something else Works 10% better and it was 130 bucks so we’ll see how it survives how it holds up but just staring at that yeah that’s some quality control issues there so the way I put these in with stuff like this each end H middle middle middle we’re going to get our steps in today where am I only 7700 I kind of feel cheated I do like yeah I like these pins way better that tarp I’m kind of on the fence about quality wise but these I like these way better so far okay for now that’s not horrible lesson learned from the first batch I love these staples the quality on this is so so there’s a lot of fact there’s like I think at least three three if not four spots where the manufacturing process Just sh the bed yeah now again if 60 bucks holds up do I care no because the next stuff up that was more expensive was in the hundreds of dollars for the same size how to move the dirt again that way if something does come through here and blow stuff around this going to get fun cuz I’m going to go up underneath the uh gutter like you’re you’re going to the cred I if I just do the whole yard in this no never have to cut grass ever again no because I can’t see where I’m stepping I keep like I can’t tell there’s a low spot I keep like falling but at least the second one didn’t seem to have any like yeah so far well I mean it’s still not the highest quality the little spots where there’s a thread missing like my patented little uh shift wiggle shift wiggle uh-huh it’s like huh I need to tighten this one day you going to fall man surpris you put it on the concrete that concrete looked like butt see now it looks more no pretty I I’m just scared to step cuz you know me I I fall over air that looks tacky yeah you’re right cuz being able to see all those weeds growing up in there they never got weeded it looks so much better ta see this technically one more lesson learned when you finally get approval from the wife to buy something buy twice what you need cuz who knows if you’ll ever get permission to buy more okay so yeah I got like a whole box of these hooks left wait that’s this was 100 I probably only use about half of them so now you’re using more yeah I’m going to go through and double stake it all the way around um on the peripheral side anyway just to so the wind can’t get up under it oh my go I just tripped again what you doing making you L oh okay I will never go on that side but you’re like I’m here I’m here there you happy maybe no you’re never happy well at least now I know that I can step over that and I will be on soft ground I can step over that and yeah I’m happy what did you just say you’re happy someone’s about to get in trouble stay away from Stay Green so we’ll leave links below to any of the stuff that we use today but like I said jury is still out on this fabric so uh I’ll least leave this link that way you can see exactly which one it was I bought and what it looked like and in case you haven’t seen them watch these videos right over here this will show you the entire first season everything we learned then and kind of all of our successes and our failures sh

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