Container Gardening

Summer Container Ideas & Combinations! Planting Summer Annual Pots & Decorating the Patio.

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About this video:
The patio and pots are ready for summer! I always love getting the patio cleaned up for the season and bringing out the patio furniture and firepit. Then the finishing touch is planting up my annual pots. This year I went with a different color scheme for our patio planters. I decided on Orange as the main color for my containers. Come see what annual plants I selected and how the plants work together to create beautifully colorful summer pots. Thanks for watching – Steph (Gardening in Massachusetts zone 6b). #gardening #plants #gardentour

Hooked and Rooted is a gardening show on Youtube. My shows & content include topics such as: Offering gardening tips for beginners, low maintenance garden ideas, landscaping for beginners, new build garden transformations, how to make your garden beautiful, sharing perennial plants and evergreen shrubs for the garden, and the best ground cover plants you can plant in your garden.
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look how pretty the leaves are that’s a really pretty coral color look at these they look like roses in today’s video we’re going to do quite a few things we’re going to do a little bit of plant shopping we’re going to put together some annual containers some planters some pots and we’re also going to do some cleaning and get the patio ready for summer um I went to a local to me Nursery just on Memorial Day so a few days ago to pick up all of the plants that you see here to put together my annual containers now I have shared this with you in the past that I don’t love spending money on annual plants because they’re so temporary so even just recently when I did my spring Planters um I much prefer to use perennials because then I can plant them out in the garden so I typically set myself a pretty small budget for annuals each year so for my summer containers my budget is somewhere around $100 and I actually spent A5 on that trip to the nursery on Memorial Day so I think I did pretty well so I will show you um what I picked up and how I’m going to arrange them and the way that I make that budget stretch is that I will supplement with plants that I either overwintered that maybe I used in some containers last year that I was able to hold over until this year to reuse um I also grow some things from seed that I will also add to my containers to fill things up um and make them look more full so I am going to go ahead and insert the footage from that Nursery trip here so you can see how I came about deciding on all of these plants and then we will come back and we’ll get some work done all right friends I’ve been here for about an hour now and I have a pretty full car so some edits have to be made I came with a list and then when we get to the nursery the list goes out the window and we start making decisions with our heart which can get pretty dangerous but something that I did have on my list that I’ve been wanting to grow for a couple of years is this one here it’s the proven winner super tunia latte it’s a really pretty creamy petunia with a dark Center so I’m definitely getting that one and then I started to find all these really adorable super bells that are double blooms look at that this one is called Amber and then there’s this pretty one that is called um super Bell’s Double orange and I have even another in my cart here which is the super Bells double vintage Coral now these are not colors that I typically go for these hot colors but this year I think I’m going to do a set of hot colors on my back patio and then I was looking for an accent plant and um I already bought some dichondra Silver Falls and this kind of looks similar except that it grows a bit more sturdy where the dichondra Silver Falls kind of drapes down the front of the container I feel like this one grows more outward and it’s a white licorice proven accents white licorice but when it comes to this licorice plant there’s a few options that you have here look at this really pretty one called lemon Licorice and then there is this one one that’s called licorice Splash so it’s varigated which is also really pretty so so many options but I think I am going to go with this silvery blue gray color and the diamond Frost Euphoria which was on my list um and I got a Rockin Blue Salvia is that what it is Rockin Blue Suede Shoes I think that’ll be really pretty with some of these orangey colors and I was talking to a girl who was picking out her plants for her seasonal containers and um I do that the time I get into conversations with people which I love doing and she introduced me to this plant this is called Mizu and it’s a trilling plant it’s kind of like a well it is a succulent it feels rubbery and it has this variegated color it’s green and a bit of creamy yellow and what’s cool about it is that it will Trail down the container but it gets these little pink blooms that almost look like ice plant blooms and because they’re a succulent they like to be bit on the drier side so I think that these will make a really good companion to the mandavilla that I’m growing in my window boxes so I’m going to grab this to Trail down my window boxes this year and it is again it’s called Mizu which is a trailing plant it likes full sun and it gets only 3 to 5 in in height um but it does Trail so all right let me go ahead and look around a little bit more and um make some hard Cuts here I wanted some bright green green lime kind of colus but they only have the Reds and oranges left so I might have to um look for colius somewhere else but there are some pretty red ones if you’re looking for this type of color this one here looks to be a popular one the Color Blaze Royal Cherry Brandy it’s one of those serrated edge type chuses this is the Color Blaze Wicked hot it’s like an orange and when I was speaking to the people that were restocking here they said that colus has become super popular and it’s hard to keep stocked because now there are so many varieties that are much more tolerant of Sun than there were in the past typically colus has been known as a shade plant but now with the improved varieties they’ve become much more popular this one is gorgeous it’s called Sedona Sunset Color Blaze series and it even says it says sun to shade and it gets 24 to 40 Ines in height and in order to keep your colus growing nice and bushy you should pinch off the blooms that they’ll send up at some point through the summer they’ll start sending up Bloom stocks and you just go ahead and cut those right off last year I grew some Lantana and I really loved it I found them to be really drought tolerant and another really good plant to pair along with my mandavilla but I was hoping to find one that leaned a bit more white with just a hint of yellow and this is just the opposite of what I was looking for so this one is more yellow with a little bit of white along the edges as the colors of the bloom fade but this is a really great um plant it’s a rock star can handles sun and heat like a champ and I could go like sometimes a day between waterings in the height of the summer and it handled it just fine for me I walked by this plant and the fragrance drew me in it smells like pineapple this is the proven accents Golden Delicious it looks like some type of salvia or even the um the hummingbird type plant there yeah it is a Salvia look at that but these little tube-shaped red blooms will definitely draw in your hummingbirds it gets to be 36 to 48 in in height and it’s an upright vertical growing plant and um it likes Sun part full toart sun smells so good here’s another absolute favorite of mine it’s the graceful grasses purple fountain grass this grows so quickly and by fall it looks stunning with all of its plumes so this is a really great centerpiece plant for your annual containers because it’ll transition so beautifully into fall look at those plumes then you can tuck some like mums and things around them to kind of update your containers really pretty here is one that I have grown before that I didn’t really like and it’s the graceful grasses uh the king Tutt I think I grew the prince Tut I found that the um Roots were so hard to get out of my container at the end of the season um and they get large so if you are going to grow this one you have to give it some space it does have a really cool um shape it just wasn’t my personal favorite you can see here this is what the kind of blooms look like or the the grass spikes this one is called graceful grasses queen tut so there’s the prince tut the queen tut and the um King yeah so The King The Prince and the queen so they come in three different varieties and that’s usually indicative of its size so this one the queen tut see how big this one gets um 18 to 24 in in height so not too tall so this one might be a little bit um well more well behaved more compact all right I’ve gone through my list I have everything on my list with the exception of some herbs so I’m going to go look around for those and colus I wanted some green lime ones I wasn’t able to find that but I think I am going to go ahead and get this uh Sodoma orange one I think it’ll look really nice with some of the colors that I’ve picked and the last thing that was on my list was some sun patience and I want to try the orange ones I’ve grown these a few years ago and I really like the color so a little bit of a different departure for my back patio this year in these warm colors but I think George will actually really like it and be surprised when I put them together because he does favor some orange and if you are local to dayon Massachusetts here are the prices great price on these annuals so 10 or more they’re $5.49 a piece which it’s pretty easy to fill up a tray with at least 10 but this is the color of the lantana that I’m looking for the Pina Cola L Lantana I asked someone um the question of one that is more white with a little bit of yellow and that is what they told me so I’ll be on the hunt for that one I sometimes get asked where I pick up my coast of Maine uh potting soil and I do pick it up at the Ace Hardware that is close to my home but they also sell it here at arujo and if you’re local to Massachusetts Briggs also carries it and many other independently owned and operated nurseries and garden centers but this is my favorite potting soil it’s great stuff while I am all done plant shopping and that took me a couple of hours but I think I made some really good decisions and I’m excited to see how these will uh turn out in my containers so I’m going to head home and see how I feel maybe I’ll plant them up tonight or maybe I’ll do it tomorrow I just got home from plant shopping and my garden assistant is doing what he likes to do too which just hanging out in his garage haven’t been able to do this in a while no he hasn’t he’s been busy in the yard so I’m going to show him the flowers that I got and see what he thinks of my color scheme this year you want to pull those out the for me tell me what you think I know they’re not not all of them are in bloom right now because they you know have to be potted and whatnot but you can kind of get an idea yeah you got some orange you usually don’t get orange no I usually don’t right I like orange so yeah so that’s good there’s another pack in there too oh these are cool yeah I thought they were pretty right how long do you think they spent at the plant store all right is this mandavilla it’s not Manilla it’s a sun patient but yeah you’re right the leaves similar they’re green they have that in common took me two hours George I was so undecided I went with a list it took you two hours oh yeah best laid plans right I had a list and then I get there and I start seeing all of these things the overwhelm kicked in and two hours later there I was with two trays of plants almost two full trays do you have a plan of where to put these um you know I’m going to stop playing with the pots and see what happens okay now that I have my annuals let me show you how I’m going to supplement those annuals for my Containers starting with an update on the mandavilla that I tried to overwinter and I say tried because it was only a little bit successful so as you can see here in the tall Planters the mandavilla is pretty much non-existent um a couple of months ago I had given you an update and it seemed like things were going okay they had leafed out and um they never did much after that you can see that they just kind of stood at this state um of just having these small leaves then the leaves would dry up and fall off so they just look unhealthy and some of them don’t have any green on them um really so they’re a bunch of sticks um I still have some of this creeping jenny in the container as well as this caline in the center that I was able to keep alive so I am going to reuse the caline and I did have a couple of mandavilla that did survive so let me go ahead and show you those here’s some mandavilla that is is looking pretty good and has already started to butt up so I don’t know what the difference was between these here other than the other ones were in the large tall Planters and these I potted up into these small Nursery cans um I labeled them so that I would know which color they were I had a combination of pink and white ones and these pink ones were the first to start to Bud and Bloom I did fertilize them like I had planned once a week starting back in March once they broke dorcy and so I have these that I can use in my front tall Planters the pink ones and I also have a couple of white the white ones I’m planning to use in my window boxes and you can see here these I had labeled white and um while these are leafed out I don’t have any buds that I can see anyhow on the white ones um but they are doing pretty well the foliage looks great so I’m going to plant two of them in each of my window boxes I was able to get four of the white ones to overwinter and come back so some of the foliage does look a little bit tattered but I can just clean those off and all in all not too bad let’s go ahead and check the other mandavilla for any signs of buds so this is also white I’m going to use the white in my window boxes right here look at that so we have signs of buds so that is really exciting so this is where I’m going to put the white mandavilla um last year I had three of them so this year I only have two so I’m going to use one on each Corner put something in the center um the quarterline is going in the middle and one of those plants that I picked up at the nursery all right here are all my plants that I’m going to use in my containers and then I also have these elephant ears that I was able to overwinter I grew these in my Planters last year and when I dug them up in the fall I actually was able to get two out of them and they are screaming to get out of this little pot here so I’m going to use these in my Planters as well so here is an another example of how I was able to stretch my um annual budget by overwintering these as well as the mandavilla so when I do up my containers I’m going to amend the soil with some of my coost of M potting soil just to freshen things up um and I have some containers that I need to fill from scratch and I’m also going to spill some of this OT plus which is a beaded fertilizer that every time I water my containers will fertilize my plants and in addition throughout the season I will go ahead and usually about once a week or every other week I will also um fertilize them with a water soluble fertilizer and that really keeps them growing so once I’m done planting all of these up um I will give you a little tour and show you what things look like this is the water soluble fertilizer that I like to use for my annuals it’s the Alaska more Bloom and I also like their fish ulion so what I’ll do is I’ll mix this into my watering can with some water about once a week usually on Fridays fertilizer Friday and I’ll go through and I’ll Water all of my pots um and so I’m going to go ahead now and work on potting everything up and I’m going to insert some footage of George cleaning up our siding and getting the patio ready uh for our furniture and getting ready for the season he’s been working on that since this morning and after I pot everything up I’ll come back and give you a little tour of how things look this morning I’m going to work on cleaning the siding of the house this is the shadier part of the house so we get a little bit of buildup of like algae so can you see that it’s like green so what I do to get rid of that is I just mix up a little bit of dish soap and water and that’s it um Simple Green for the Sills of the windows if I need to but it’s pretty much just dish soap and I got this new brush with an extendable handle that’s going to help me reach Way to the Top [Music] all right all right the sun is out on this side of the house and everything dried up George just finished power washing and everything looks so good nice and clean I like to start off each season with the patio looking nice and clean and getting rid of all of the algae we tend to get lots of algae on the back side of the house because it’s the Shady part of our house so we took care of that and we had lots of pollen which I’m sure most of you do as well from the spring so we got rid of the algae and the pollen and now it is just time to bring out our table and chairs our couch and our fire pit and then we will be ready to enjoy some time on the patio this summer all right it’s starting to get dark so let’s go ahead and look at the containers that I set up so here by the shed I have four that I made up so here in the window box I have the um queline in the center that I had overwintered and as well as the mandavilla the white mandavilla one either side and in the middle here I have the creeping jenny that I already had in the container and I planted new this year for me is this plant here it’s called the misu which is a trailing kind of like a succulent and it gets this little pink Bloom and it likes full sun and the thing that all of these plants have in common which is a great way to set up your containers um is that they’re all drought tolerant so they have the same water requirements which is going to be really helpful I did the same thing on that side shed window so both windows match the window boxes and in the front I have my tall Planters and last year I had the white mandavilla and these as well with a Celine spike in the center with the creeping Jenny and so this year the creeping jenny stays so I have the same trailer and in the center I’m using the um elephant ear that I had grown last year and over wintered so once this fills out I think that’s going to look really nice in the center the dark elephant air with this yellow chartreuse color of the creeping Jenny and in the back I planted this super latte um super tunia latte which is one that I’ve been wanting to try for a couple of years it is a creamy white petunia with a dark Center and I think that these three plants will look really beautiful together in this Arrangement the creeping jenny that I had in the window boxes overwintered just fine and came back beautifully this year but the ones that I had in these tall Planters died all the way back this is where I had that mandavilla that I had to dig out because it didn’t make it so what I did was I went over to some planters that I have by my back door with some boxwood and I underplanted it with some of this creeping Jenny and that one was looking beautiful and had grown so well so I took a chunk from those Planters and I added some here and then the matching tall planter to this one on the other side so that’s another great tip you can just borrow some plants from other containers or other spots in the garden to fill in a gap that you might have the other thing I decided was that I’m going to tuck in two of these um seedlings these are the dusty miller that I started started from seed and I decided to put two in this planter as well I’m going to tuck one on either side because I think it’ll look really pretty um in contrast that silvery foliage with this dark elephant air and then the patuna will kind of grow in and around the base here and then we’ll have that silvery color Accent on either side and the dusty miller gets to be about 10 to 12 Ines tall and wide so I think it’ll be another nice color to add to this combination so here behind my patio couch I usually have this Trio of Planters and this year let me show you what I’ve planted in them now of course everything always looks small when you initially plant them but these will fill out in no time so I think these colors are going to look so pretty together so here in this planter this is like the mediumsized one I have two plants because these are going to fill up especially the Salvia is going to fill up quite a bit of space so I have super Bell’s Double orange which is a really pretty superbell look at that with the Fluffy Center and a Salvia called Rock and Blue Suede Shoes now this Rockin Blue Suede Shoes gets 30 to 40 inches in size I think the blue with the orange is going to look really nice but that should fill out this whole container and spill over here in the center this is the largest container of them of the group here and I planted in the front there is a type of super belt so let me show you I kept the tag so that I can show you what they are so this is super Bell’s Tangerine punch and it has a really pretty kind of dark center it’s like Maroon with yellow in the throat and then I have an elephant air called um illustrous I believe it’s what it’s called look how beautiful that is it’s like iridescent and that will get anywhere from 12 to 60 in so that will get quite tall in the center there and then I have a colorblaze Sedona colorblaze Sedona Sunset cold and it is a sunto shade type colus that also gets 24 to 40 in in size so between the colus and the Elephant air that will take up a lot of volume and then we have this in the front as a trailer the superbell Tangerine punch and then here are some uh dusty miller that I grew from seed that I added for this blue gray or silvery kind of color in the front there so hopefully those will uh grow and kind of spill over the edges a little bit and I think that will look really nice and in the last container here I have another of these double super Bells I just thought these were really pretty and I had never seen them before um and it is called superbells double Amber look at that now these are pretty petite so they’re just going to fill out the front of this container and sort of serve as my Spiller but another plant that is new to me this year is osteop porum now I’ve always wanted to grow it but I’ve never grown it before and this one is so pretty look at that now I don’t know it’s called let’s see Grand Canyon mixed osteop porum so it’s um it doesn’t indicate exactly what color it just says it’s Grand Canyon mix um so this particular one happens to have this orange coloring with a little bit of purple just really pretty and here where we have our swing I have two more containers flanking the posts here to our deck and let me show you what I put in these so I added this licorice as my trailer this year I think it’s really beautiful has this fuzzy texture reminds me very much of eucalyptus um and it’s new to me I’ve never grown this variety before so I’m excited to try it and see how it does in this container plus it’s a really pretty contrast this light color with a dark container I think it’s really complimentary and some Diamond Frost Euphoria now they told me that this could get pretty large at the nursery I um grew this last year for the first time it didn’t get big for me I think I overwatered it and it ended up dying on me so this is a very drought tolerant plant and here is another container combination that I made for plants that have the same water requirements so this licorice here is drought tolerant the diamond Frost Euphoria is drought tolerant as is the Celine and Bonas these are tubous Bonas look at these they look like roses they are gorgeous I absolutely love these I found in love with them at the nursery I had to bring them home look at that so pretty so here’s what I learned about tubous pagonas they have these really thick stems that hold on to a lot of water so they are pretty drought tolerant so you don’t want to overwater them so that they start getting leggy and flop in the center and crack so I think that this combination once it starts filling in will look really nice together and I did the same thing on this one so anytime that I have a pair I like to match them and I cleaned up the old foliage on the quarterline but once this all fills in around it you won’t even see this stem and here is where I planted those orange Sun patients so I put them in the back here and I think they’re going to look so nice these Bloom for a long time I did grow Sun patients before in a pink color um probably 3 or four years ago now and they were in this exact spot and they did really well for me so I’m hopeful that these will do just as well and in the center I have a little division of the Boston Ferns that I had purchased uh over a month ago now um because I had to replace them this year I decided not to overwinter them because I was already overwintering my mandavilla um so I was at capacity for overwintering plants so I just bought two new hangers L’s was having a sale about a month ago they were like two for 24 so I bought two and what I did was I cut a little piece off of one of them and I tucked it in this container and then I have in the front here some of this Lilia it’s lagona sky blue now I’m going to be honest with you I’ve grown liilia before and I find that it out really early it never makes it the whole season for me but I did go ahead and pick it up to try again because I thought that this blue color was going to look really beautiful with this yellow creeping Jenny and with the orange Sun patient so that’s what we did so I had the Lilia the creeping jenny the Boston fern I tucked in a colius in this corner here this is called Sunset Boulevard colus it has these like orange colors in the center a little bit of pink and coral which I think will complement these plants really nicely so that is this combination this here for me is a um I would say part sun combo I’m going to ask George what he thinks one of these plants is called George yeah come here for a second what do you call this plant right here what is this this guy that’s Gremlin skin what is it Gremlin skin why do you call it that because it looks like Gremlin skin for those kids of the ‘ 80s and ’90s you’ll know what the Gremlins are he calls that Gremlin skin yeah and they come in all different colors yeah they do yeah and the last two planters that I have to put together here well one is done and one is not but I’m going to show you what I’m going to put in it so this here is a combination of two patunas and this is another one that I’ve been wanting to try for a little while and it is the super tunia honey and what I liked about it was that it has this really pretty yellow color but it also almost gets like an ombre effect with a little bit of pink look at that just really interesting so I thought that would look really pretty with this one here which is the super tunia mini Vista scarlet and that one is like a reddish pink which I think will pull on the reddish pink coral color that these super tunia Honeys get in the middle there so it’s been a little while since I’ve grown patunas I kind of stood away from them because they tend to get a little bit leggy but I do know that I can share them back at partway through the season and they will Bush out and regrow for me um so we’ll see how it goes every few years you know I try something that I maybe tried before and um see how it goes and um I think I’m going to be really happy with this planter plus I love these blue and white Planters and I think these colors are going to look really nice with the planter and here is another container that I actually have to still put together this is a geranium that I did winter over so um it’s looking a little bit leggy so what I’m going to do is I’m going to cut it back um give it some fertilizer see clean all of this up you can see that it was like reaching for light in the basement so it’s not looking um at its best but a friend in my garden Club recently shared with me this geranium that they grew from seed and um I am going to go ahead and plant this in this container as well because the color is very similar see that so I will clean this up see what I can do with it um if I can make it work I will if not then I will just start over with this geranium I love geraniums pelagonians is another name for them look how pretty the leaves are and that’s a really pretty coral color I do still have these Planters on the table here that I want to plant up with some herbs um but I’m running out of light so I won’t be able to do it tonight here is what I’m going to plant in them so this is a mint that I picked up recently and it’s called mint chocolate and it smells to me like an Andes mint so I think that will look really pretty with that dark foliage and mint can be super invasive so it’s always a good idea to grow it in a pot so that’s where that one’s going to go and I went to a plant Fair a few weeks back and I had picked up this Kent Beauty oregano it’s an ornamental oregano and um it gets these really pretty like light pink and purple flowers so I am going to plant that one in the center here in that container and an herb that is new to me this year that a friend recommended is Teragon so I’m going to put the Teragon in this pot so that is what I’m doing with these Planters and these were the planters that I picked up at Ocean State Job Lot um I had purchased the taupe color that I put in my Arrangement on the front porch and then I saw this kind of like white washed terracotta and these are I guess like a remake of like an expensive pot called a Berg pot which I I knew nothing about but some of you had mentioned it in my comments but I just thought it was really pretty with this scalloped detail so I went ahead and grabbed them they were really affordable and I think they’ll look really pretty here um for my herbs on this table [Music] [Music] so what did you think of the container Arrangements that I made this year um orange was a little bit of a departure for me I usually stick to pinks and purples um do you have any favorite colors and do you stick to the same color scheme every year I had a list and of course when I got to the nursery I started to see other things that were pretty that I wanted to try and that’s how it goes sometimes but I was able to stretch my budget by using some annuals that I purchased as well as things that I overwintered and to things that I grew from seed so I think that’s a great way to do it and the containers are going to fill out beautifully over the next month or so and um I can’t wait to see how they grow in so that is it for today’s video let me know in the comments what your thoughts were on the combinations that I made um if you had any favorites and I will catch you in the next one thanks for watching this video if you liked it please hit the thumbs up button and please consider subscribing so you don’t miss any of my future videos and we’ll see you soon [Music]


  1. Hi, just wanted to mention that my sister in law over winters her mezoo ( not sure of spelling) plant in Indiana in a pot. I believe she is zone 5. She has had it for several years and it is beautiful. Thanks for your inspiration and ideas for my garden. Love your channel and I have made several shopping trips after seeing your Home Depot and Lowes plant updates.😂❤

  2. Steph, you’re just like the rest of us being overwhelmed by plants. Fun. I love creeping Jenny. She’s always around somewhere in my pots of yard. I like the brighter combos and going that way myself on my patio. Have you covered planting herbs near your patio to deter mosquitoes? I think it works especially if you have no standing water.

  3. Your outdoor space is so neat and tidy. Containers look beautiful. The orange is subtle so looks cooling still. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Everything looks beautiful. Your a girl after my own heart my color scheme this year was orange and blue. I picked mostly the same plants. I also planted a planter with orange sun patients but I used evolvulus. These little blue flowers are a work horse. It’s a tiny blue morning glory but it’s not a vine. It has a blueish or silver leaf. It last till the first frost.

  5. Am watching the 2nd half with my morning cocoa decaf coffee. I planted Tarragon as a companion for my grapes in zone 7a last year. Kind of iffy in my zone but mulched them heavy for the winter and they're doing great. Am so happy cuz they're the herb in Bernaise sauce. They also make a pretty sprig to put in a tall glass oil bottle.
    It's funny because I like to avoid orange, too but since I decided to be a Monarch butterfly Way Station the wallflowers and common milkweed are ORANGE so there's more than I'd prefer.

  6. When I plant lobelia from seed they are doing much better than bought from nursery. I thin they usually crowd them so that they look fuller faster. I try to divide the tiny plants and plant them with larger distance and they usually do great till the first frost. I don't do it every year as it needs some time and patience:) The seeds and seedlings are so tiny.

  7. Tell George to try the product Wet and Forget. It doesn't work instantly but over a few weeks your siding will be sparkling clean. Best part is you just spray it on and there is no scrubbing. Once on it is also a preventative and lasts for us at least 2 years. Using it every other year keeps things looking great. Enjoy your videos.

  8. Great combinations for all your containers to go from summer to fall. Plus George did a great job on the patio and house clean up! I am going to try his method on our pool stamped concrete! Thanks to both of you, I learn something every time I watch your videos!

  9. I love orange too and am looking forward to seeing the planters fill out. I'm sure they'll be beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration!!! I can totally relate to having a vision/plan and then seeing all the beautiful flowers at the garden center. Before you know it, it's two hours later . . . lol

  10. We all doing different color pot arrangements and all of them look great. It’s amazing!
    I’m also planning to add creeping Jenny to my pots with cannas to give them contrast and nice look. Creeping Jenny is taking over my bed by the lake so it’s double advantage for me.
    Answering your question I’m keeping my back of the house more natural to match the simplicity of the lake, the dominant colors are blue, lavender and purple.
    But the front is more colorful and I’m not restricted to one color.

  11. Hi Steph, thank you for sharing! I thought I was doing something wrong with my petunias getting leggy. Now I know to cut them back. This year I bought more wax begonias even though there are other flowers that I like more because they bloom and look great all season. Love your choices and looking forward to seeing them grow!

  12. That is my " problem " …. I have a list and when I get to the nursery, My heart leads and nothing is as planned. I love that….

  13. I love pinks, purples and white. This year also adding a creamy yellow, not dark. However in garden I do put marigolds in with veggies. I would have scratched the mandevilia stem close to ground, err pot level and looked for any green on the stem. With some plants that are not in good shape but alive, I find a spot where I can let them regrow and not be part of newly planted pots. I live in a nice warm winter area, rarely below freezing and my geraniums, mandevilla, salvia, pink bower vine and dahliasamong a few, always return. Also vines like honeysuckle and pink bower vine and white jasmine.. This past year I even got two green bell peppers to survive winter simply left where they had been all summer. Enjoy your channel and love to see arrangements others use. I am zone 9B, No. Calif.

  14. Great combos, Steph! I love the oranges, peaches with blues and purples with a silver, gray neutral.
    Good use of textures and heights.

    As a garden designer myself, I can tell you have a real gift for design.
    Love those pots with the herbs! Ornamental oregano looks great under roses in containers, too.

  15. Everything looks amazing! Love the way your husband cleaned the algae!! I use the power washer but can’t reach the high areas so that is very smart. Everything looks gorgeous!

  16. I'm in Massachusetts, where did you shop for these? I need some diamond frost and am having a terrible time finding it! Nurseries around me have very few PW selections. Help!

  17. I love how down to earth and informative your videos are – I love that you had a list that went out the window when you got to the garden center…sounds like me!!!😂Thanks for sharing real gardening with us!!

  18. I enjoyed the trip to the gardencenter and the flower choices. The orange was a nice addition! Good job setting up the space, it's going to be a good season! 👏

  19. I’m blown away at how cheap PW plants are in our area. The annuals are usually $9.99 per plant here in Texas.

    I love your color combinations and how you designed each pot. They’re gorgeous.

  20. Please forgive me for asking an obvious question (new follower here)… do you have your pots on drip irrigation or other sort of timer or do you manually water? Also, how often do you have to water your pots in MA? (I’m in Texas, 9B.)

  21. Your containers are beautiful! I'm not a fan of orange but it's growing on me in the garden – the Super Bells are rockin it! My favorite color combinations for containers are bright white, rich red, rich yellow and rich purple all together. I didn't do annual containers this year so I'll enjoy yours♥

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