Vegetable Gardening

Weekly Vlog / garden tour, northern lights, flower bed updates, zinnias, and vegetable gardening

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#caytlyncolevlogs #garendvlog #pnw #weeklyvlog #gardening #seedstart #northernlights

[Music] that look so [Music] good so yeah hi welcome back it’s actually Sunday we’re just cooking an early dinner it’s 4:00 and we’re so tired because on Friday night we stayed up super late to watch the Northern Light it was super cool we heard that the Northern Lights would be visible again um on Saturday night last night and so we were like oh it’ be really cool to see them again and so we stayed up until 1:00 a.m. and now we’re just really tired because we usually go to bed at like 9:00 so we’re just exhausted but I thought that I would do a little garden tour might make a hanging basket with some of the flowers that we got we can’t go to the store without buying flowers it’s it’s becoming like a thing that we do every other week um but we did a bunch of stuff in the yard Jordan did a bunch I did a bunch and but I’ll show you the updates to the garden and the greenhouse and all of the plants so let’s go so Jordan’s in the process of extending this garden bed bed um it used to just go like from here to there and he’s going to extend it out along here that’s why there’s a bunch of dirt there so he put this tarp down so we wouldn’t track the dirt in and then it’s going to come out to here and be like a little we’re going to put uh plant blueberries here so we’re going to have like a little garden bed in front of this um awning area that’s what he’s been working on and then let’s go take a look at the greenhouse okay so in the greenhouse I ended up planting a few of these marold out into a garden bed up here we’ve got the mixed cherry tomatoes um another tomato and then these sunflowers need to go out soon they’re pretty tall but that’s all I got just uh one two three four five six sunflowers of the Ruby eclipse and the rest just did not Sprout so that’s a bummer and then these are zenas um they’re just a little bit smaller than the other zenas that I had started um let’s see Jordan picked up I don’t know if I showed these uh yesterday or not but I’ll show them again just in case he got these snapdragons he’s going to put them I think in a hanging basket um and and then I’ve just been planting stuff out so it’s kind of bare in here um we’re going to make a hanging basket later I picked up this cute little plant the other day at Fred Meyer and this one as well and I’m going to make a hanging basket with those and then I need to find a spot for this cute little plant I love the baby blue of it um so yeah that’s kind of where the greenhouse is at right now we still have the lemon and a couple limes and then the Citrus um sour orange and then I had gotten this chandelier at Goodwill a long time ago and I didn’t really have anywhere for it to go so I put it right there and I just thought it was really cute it doesn’t have any lights on it or anything but I thought I could get maybe like some battery powered lights possibly um and then Jordan put the shade cloth up so I’ll show you we’ve got the fan going now um um so Jordan just tied the shade cloth up there and then we planted this pink climbing rose um right here we thought it would be really pretty if it would climb up the greenhouse eventually and kind of like go up and around the door cuz we have like a lot a lot of tools right here so it might be nice to just like cover that a little bit um um we have Jordan also planted all of these Fox Glove along the side of the greenhouse so those will be really pretty when they bloom I also planted another climbing rose right here this is a yellow one it has not bloomed or anything yet but um it’s looking really healthy and I think that’s a great spot for it panies that are just but every single day they get like I don’t know like three times as large but look at I think I counted like 80 80 buds this is just this is the most that these um that these plants have ever produced and I’m definitely going to have to split them in the fall there’s so many so I’m very excited and yesterday I actually cut the one that was there was one back here that had already kind of opened up so I cut that one and it’s I think it’s going to open up this week so so exciting I just love my panes here’s where we piled all the dirt that we and Jordan’s got a lot of plants over here just kind of our little propagation area our potting table is an enemy and it’s doing really well I can’t wait to see that uh flower it’s going to be so pretty our roses are just like growing so fast too I already have some strawberries back here look at this a little strawberry then these just popped right open so those are really cool these are alium I think I’ll have to look it up but I’m pretty sure it’s alium and then I moved I can’t remember if I gave this update or not but I moved the um moved the kale that was over in the garden over here just because I wanted it to flower um it was starting to bolt and I was like you know what instead of getting rid of it I think I just want to move it and let it bolt somewhere in the yard so that’s what I did curled Scotch kale back there everything’s popping up the lettuce needs to be thinned so that it can grow nice and large here’s a garlic update those are going to be huge here we have the Cherry what did I get sun gold cherry tomato yeah is that what that says can’t even read my own handwriting and I put some of the mar Golds just around the tomatoes and then I also have Sun sugar cherry tomato um and I went ahead and just put the cages around them already because why not we had like a big uh like Square trellis right here made out of that wood and I just deconstructed it and I used two of the panels here to start our slicing cucumbers um so this is the market more slicing cucumber and I think this one is patio snacker yeah patio snacker so these two patio snacker and then these four are just uh the market more slicing cucumber and I’m going to train them to go up this um trellis um they are the Cascadia just the na pee so they’ll I I think that because it was so hot this weekend everything kind of took a hit but um I think they’ll all bounce back pretty well and train themselves it’ll they’ll just they’ll climb up this pretty easily so that’s good and then yeah this one got a little burnt little crispy um this is the zucchini squash so just one zucchini here because that I think is going to take up a lot of space last year I put way too many squash all in one bed and also with the tomatoes I think I had like uh six tomatoes per bed we’re going to grow the rest in pots over by the propagation stuff let’s come over here and look at these flower beds um so I went ahead and I did zenas in like all of them [Music] so this one is the precious metals um from floret uh got them from Flor at flowers um and they’re looking great so I’m hoping to get and I didn’t plant them as dense this year either last year I planted the zenas like super dense I planted everything way too dense last year so this year I really spread everything out a little bit more they are still in there pretty tight but not nearly as tight as they were last year um this bed is the Don Creek pastels that I also got from uh flett’s website flower beds are all zenas and then I have um doas in this one and you can see one is popping up already right here it’s going to be a pink one that’s exciting because I love doia Jordan planted the uh hydrangea over here and then I just have some other plants along the fence here that I need to still plant out and I think I’m actually going to put the we’re going to put the Bonas somewhere else and I think I’m going to fill these baskets with violas this like I don’t know three tier hanging basket and I had these Bonas in it show you I had these whoa hello son had these Bonas they are glowing and I just decided to put them all together in this like I don’t know what you call this little plant stand I do want to use the little hanging stand that they were in um for some bias so I think that’s what I’m going to do this this [Music] the come [Music] [Music] we we are [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] come on come on [Music] that is uh that’s the garden and Greenhouse flower bed update for now um but I think I’m just going to end off the Vlog here thank you so much for watching and I hope you’ll give this video a like And subscribe and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music]

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