Garden Plans


Garden tour/ plans and updates. Hi, I live in Southern California hardiness zone 10b and I have been thinking of making some changes in my garden because I’m running out of space and I want to make the most out of my garden. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!

hello good morning everyone today is a beautiful day already Sunny I’m looking at my garden and I’m thinking um I need to make some changes to make life easier for me I’m thinking I’m having some plans remove um like this one this is always a streling a beautiful plant it’s not looking good just like this one but the other one is pink one color these plants I love them when they they look like this full of blooms but uh most of the time I don’t know it doesn’t look good so I’m thinking I’m removing I don’t know about this one maybe remodel this this section with different plants um let me show you another section that I’m planning on making some changes this is what I call my wild garden because this Garden is started with a five packages of wild uh flowers uh seed package from the uh Dollar Tree so this is my wild garden I haven’t adding some other plants lately like salvas like this one this one um is uh but this um it’s always a struggle because uh these plants the cha theyy uh I think the son is up to sun 9 so it struggles I need to we um very often every day and it’s flops look like this one because it doesn’t have enough sunand either on this section I don’t know and they get um very tall so they flop and I’m always watering and otherwise it’s witing so I’m thinking I’m changing this I’m running out of space too on my garden my garden is uh small because it’s just um like 15 ft from this wall to this wall and from over there to this wall is about um 50 56 ft long so I’m trying to make the most out of my space um I have been growing this maybe for three years they look beautiful they do I’m thinking of moving them to another section I already moved some to another section but um I don’t know I think I need to to look for a different home for them or have less so I can plant um more of what I love um that is easier is mish um more drug tolerant easy care I know so even I I’m thinking on changing the light out I don’t know I’m still in the process of thinking what to do with this section of the garden oh I love this L sport it’s beautiful I have um this like neon blue uh neon um blue something like purplish and I have the the pink which I don’t like a l this is faded but anyways um and I have um I don’t think I have white wait uh let me see I think I have a small one in a pot a white one the white one is is nice too oh look at the the puppies the puppies are looking so nice be love them and I love the puppies too one of my favorite flowers spring flowers oh look at my butterfly rou this starting to bloom you know this plant is is uh is doing really good on my gard I have different colors and I love them okay so like I was saying I think I I need to make some changes in my G I have some work to do too like um all these um all these flowers need to be deadheaded or maybe pull out because they are getting leggy too um and when they when it’s hot they just die so I think they here are on the last leg this calendula um so I’m thinking of renovating this part of the garden too this PL is not looking good this so I have to clean all this and add more plants this one too is another Chasta Daisy it’s getting huge and it’s blocking a Iceberg rose that is behind there so I might move the The Ice F Rose to another um part of the garden and this one this one doesn’t FL hour as much well long enough to justify the the space I think and is it’s maybe like uh H three 3T wide so it’s taking a lot of space I feel like I need to renovate renovate this part of the garden tool this this here so oh look isn’t it beautiful this jaro jellow and I have a pink one and I’m growing a white one too that I Grew From SE that one is in a pot I love Geral looks so beautiful I got Geral and SE lavender seea lavender I’m growing more from from SE too that’s year I grew some and right now they are starting to flower they are baby plants let me show you okay so I’m here I’m here on the hill um Let me show you the status um it’s over here I still have a lot of work to do I have to let head the plants there this is the plant that I show you it doesn’t look too good um bring it to that head so it looks better okay so I’m working here in the this side of the garden uh I’m trying to mulch so it it looks better and retains the water okay so the stus is over here let me show you I got distracted Okay so this staries is from Sid I plant the seeds last year and it’s started to flower I can see the colors now um I got uh this yellow I love this white my favorite one is this one this purple and I got this um I think this is a lighter yellow let me see it’s not that this faded I think it’s a little different this is a brighter yellow and this is a lighter yellow and I got this like um light [Music] lavender is the one that that I have the most and it’s my least favorite I was really really hoping for the pink one which I didn’t get any sadly I really really want a pink jro think I’m I’m going to need to se more seeds jar seeds hopefully I get the the pink one because I really love the pink one on the picture I got the Pacific mix from Baker Creek uh and I still have a lot of seeds so hopefully I can get some pink [Music] ones let me show you another butterfly bush that I just planted this year it’s a pink one and I love it it’s it’s really small right now but it’s going to grow and me season a lot and then I have deal plants see last year they grew about um 7t high they love this spot and I love them they look very pretty and I have another um kind of flower here that this flower is um I believe it’s yellow with uh brown reddish brown um I forgot the name right now uh but um the flowers last forever if you cut them and put them in a base easily they last a month I’m not kidding they are really good really good c Flower but they get uh really tall and they flop but they are pretty very cheerful I’ll show you later when they flower so yeah I think I need to make some changes in my garden some flowers that are not performing are very good I need to try to plant different things and I was thinking maybe adding some rose rose bushes in the wild garden okay so this was just an update of what is going on on my garden I hope you enjoy it see you soon bye thank you for watching


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