Container Gardening

FRONT YARD GARDEN TOUR | Window Boxes, Perennials In Bloom & Container Garden Recipes

Today we take you on a tour through the front yard perennial gardens, window boxes & other container gardens. We share the variety names and the placement of flowers. Lots of garden tips along the way, and beautiful blooms!

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music used in this video is licensed:
‘Travel the World’ by Sunriver

[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel I’m super excited today to share with you some of my most favorite flowering perennials within our front yard Garden I’m also going to share probably one of our brightest combinations of our window boxes so I’ll share that entire recipe with you and show how I planted it up so that way if you feel like you want to duplicate it or get some extra little ideas for some stuffers you’ll definitely get them in this video I’ll also be sharing I know there’s quite a few things I’ll be sharing in here but I’ll make it quicker I promise probably not but I also have some containers that will hit all of your sun exposure needs from full sun to shade cuz we do have some shade underneath this overhang so I have a couple containers there and then a couple containers on the front that are more for sun just so you guys all know our front yard faces East so it’s eastern exposure I always say East Side everything because there’s half Sun half shade so it gives a little bit of both it makes shade plants happy and it makes full sun plants happy so we can kind of get away with a little bit of everything up here let’s get started so I know I’ve shared this Garden before in the past but I absolutely love it because it is the most color that we get to see this time of year finally so we’ve got the back to the fuchsia here these are amazing amazing amazing perennials so gorgeous and then when they’re done blossoming I do cut them down once they’re all done and then they do pop up a few more throughout the season but not too many more for me and then we’ve got the Dian this down here I think this was like paint paint the town magenta I forget year to year we just keep adding more so it kind of becomes you know a lot of plants over the time but I absolutely love them look at how absolutely gorgeous just I’m just going to keep saying absolutely because everything it’s just so vibrant in this front yard I wanted to add a little touch of wild so I added these corn flowers here these ones are the annual so they do not come back every year but they can drop seeds in return I love them for making bouquet they’re just the most truest blue but I love just leaving these ones right here like these are going to stay right here they’re so colorful and just really beautiful and then once they’re all done I I will end up cutting these ones down so it doesn’t look wild and messy cuz after a while they don’t Blossom as much but when you trim they kind of get a few extra new growths and then they will again later on and corn flowers are something that you can just naturally seed yourself I just threw some seeds out here last fall and here they are randomly popping up and they look amazing in early spring you can tell that there’s not much height in here but this this end ends up becoming really tall in the background here so this is a hibiscus here and this is a hibiscus here and they get huge and then right here we have our tall grasses these are a miscanthus grass and those get tall too so with the window boxes the past couple years anything that’s trailing down you end up not really seeing once everything is grown in there so anything from like here down gets basically just covered by everything and it looks like a awesome like level like tiered leveled Garden that keeps going up from like lower step going up and then the window boxes are the top step with all the color so I made sure just to plop in some color there I didn’t do a ton of height in there which will kind of go over there but just a ton of color for this season this one here is the cat’s pajamas Napa and then we have the Huka over here which gives you color all season long I love it I just always love a nice colored foliage it just never disappoints and it keeps giving all season these are some of the first to Blossom for us early spring and then after that they don’t have any blossoms but they carry a really nice foliage through the whole season so they will get a little bit taller than they are right now this is the storm cloud I know they look kind of white on camera but they’re actually a light blue and they’re really really pretty I’ve got a few of them over here in the back border of the end of the garden cap so that’s all that’s really in Blossom in there you can tell that there’s a lot of foliage finally filling in but eventually there’s going to be so many more flowers and Blossom there’s a lot of echas uh dianus um flocks and uh the hibiscus all kinds of really beautiful colors start popping up and once it’s filled in it’s like there’s no room for anything I know right now you see gaps in there but that all fills in everything’s just starting to return for example with our hibiscus here like I talked about before they’re just starting to return and once you start seeing these little green shoots it just takes off rapidly and super fast and gets huge really fast so I’m excited because finally I’m seeing green shoots I’ve been giving it lots of water every day just putting the hose over here because they tend to like lots of water we even have these gorgeous yakas in here too so they get a nice almost like a post that comes out of it I always call it like a post cuz it’s a thick post it’s almost like the thickness of a of a big sunflower and it pops up with a pretty flower on top as well so let’s move on to the window boxes so let’s just start over here on on the left corner because a lot of these varieties are duplicated throughout this entire recipe so over here in the back this right here this is actually just Millet this is the dark leaf Millet this is just started from seed so not everything that you use has to be something like in a big expensive pot so I really like Millet it’ll get nice and Tall it’ll get um a nice plume on it and then it’ll seed out so that way we can watch the bird from the inside of the window over here is a Swedish ivy this one does get a little bit more aggressive it’s the lemon twist I love that it’s furry and it smells nice wish you could smell that um but I just really love the Citrus colors of it without being too bright and then over here on the end well this one right here actually this right here is luscious berry blend Lantana so it gets that cute little ring of colors and this is nice cuz it’s a hummingbird and Butterfly attractor so this will get nice and Tall too not as tall as the milk so you don’t want it to cover it but it’ll get kind of like right about here and kind of full and then you have the trailing patunas in front so this petunia here is a trailer and it’s part of the splash dance series it’s super cute got that little speckled flower and then this one trailing in front is a proven winter super tunia called Bermuda Beach I love these colors together and I I especially love it mixed with this kfia right here this kfia right here is called sweet talk deep pink the kfia is an amazing plant for hummingbirds they absolutely love it I mean they attract the bees and butterflies and all those goodies but if you want hummingbirds in your containers kfia is an amazing one and so is the Salvia as one of our other tall Heights we have the Salvia here this is a another one of my favorite salvas this variety is called skyscraper this is the orange it comes in a couple different colors but I love that it constantly has these orange plumes and it’s constantly producing more so once the flower is all done once all of this is all bloomed out and it’s done you want to come all the way down to the bottom to it of it right here and you can either snap it off or snip it off in this case I would probably snip it off just so that we don’t accidentally crack the bottom growths in half so just snipping that right off so that way it just focuses on more growth of the plant and more blossoms we did just get a lot of rain and I left these window boxes a little dirty just so we can kind of share with you I always just pull off the Dead flowers some people like to pull off the whole seed pod and that’s totally fine because it just depends on your variety so with the seated p Tunas that’s very necessary a lot of times otherwise they turn brown and it kind of stunts their growth a little bit and doesn’t allow them to do as well but with the super Tunas and a lot of these new like patented uh hybrid style patunas you don’t always need to take that part off so you can really just remove the flower but if you still want to remove that you can that’s fine but I I just really I just really don’t I’m just doing it for you in the video just so you can kind of see but yeah regular border patunas are usually what I do that with and other everything else tends to be okay and then if you notice this one’s starting to get kind of just like a longer growth so I want all of these growths here to kind of start bushing out which they will naturally anyways but to push those out a little bit quicker to get a fuller container a more full container right off the bat just take off that very tip of the plant and you don’t have to take that bud with it that’s the bud but you also don’t have to be so picky either you can just come in here and take that right off anywhere you take it off is where it will stop growing out for a while and allow all of the growth along the stem to really Bush out there but I just go ahead and I take this right off so say you were to go in there and you were to remove this it’s okay I know that’s going to be a new flower but there’s going to be a lot more new flow so you don’t have to be so dainty these plants can really tolerate it and also trailing off the front we have some liilia here this one can take full Center Parts on I know a lot of different types of leelas are more for shade but this one can thrive on the sun and because we’re east side it’s East Side everything you guys so sun or shade and this is called hot purple liilia and for fillers I used more seated varieties for flowers which is such an affordable way to stuff your containers with more color if that’s what you want to do so right here I do have some snaps these ones are called twiny bronze shades they are super cute usually I snap off the flower right as I plant it so that way it can just start focusing on the growth of the plant and produce multiple blossoms a little bit earlier but I left them on because I really needed that color this year and you know it’ll it’ll eventually do it do its thing anyway and I kind of wanted to keep some of those seeds too but look at how some really cute affordable little annuals that you can seed on your own can really make a window box pop just that extra little addition of that color and that beautiful orange flower right there are the large orange Splash copy geraniums these are very vigorous geraniums they get larger heads they’re cut geranium so they are not seed geraniums they get super large leaves they’re a little bit more aggressive in their growth geraniums aren’t aggressive in nature but geraniums can also sometimes grow a little bit slower depending on the variety you have these ones can keep up with everything really nice and they produce and and perform amazing all season and then right next to it we have super tunia Paradise the Vista Paradise by Proven Winners look at how gorgeous all of these colors are coming together and you can kind of see now how I have a pattern so all of the varieties I just talked about happen one more time and then one more time over here also stuffed in these little Corners I grew some of my own seated profusion zenyas I forgot if these are the orange or pink they might actually be a combination of the two I probably put two little cells together of what I seated but that’s going to add a really nice little punch of color in the mix over in here too and those will only get about right here and so as this kind of gets aggressive and grows it’ll push them outward along with this Lantana and it’ll just be really beautiful and I know it doesn’t look like much right now with the height because the millets are shorter in height but those will take off and they already are starting to I can tell they’re already rooted in I’m going to do an overhead view so you’re able to really see how it’s planted in here okay going to go nice and slow so we’re just basically alternating varieties in here so that way they’re kind of mixed throughout and the color and the texture is carried throughout usually I go crazy big with these guys but I really didn’t this year because as this garden over here grows we don’t see what trailing on the bottom anymore and last year we I forgot what we had in there but it just got so large to where by the time this growth was over here and this growth was over here it was really kind of hard to get through here in order to water the window boxes and I’m all about making my job easier every single year so this year I mean maybe I’ll miss it maybe next year I’ll add it again but that’s the great thing about gardening is that you can do it one way one year but yet you still got the next year to try something different here’s the container for full sun part sun and I know it looks a little odd and it doesn’t look super full but that’s because I used a lot of different items that I seed started on my own that will fill in and look absolutely amazing give it one month and it will be awesome I could have started these earlier in the greenhouse these containers but I just don’t always have the room because we seed start so much and then we got the animals in there so um it’s a lot in there we’re out growing our Greenhouse but it’s okay cuz we’re just grateful to even have one so let’s get started on this combination so I know you guys are all looking at that beautiful bright color right on the front so this one here is called Flower Shower Golden Harvest petunia and it just looks like a beautiful sunset it’s so vibrant and these trailing patunas right behind them are another color of the splash dance series so beautiful I just absolutely love these it’s like they glow they look like a little Galaxy they’re awesome this is a new Lantana variety for me this one is called passion fruit and it gets so many blossoms and it it has more of a trailing over habit rather than an upright habit and then we have another one of those Splash dance trailing patunas over here now I know we’ve got some Eucalyptus in here I have so many eucalyptus right now I don’t know what to do with them so I’m just sticking them in random areas so I just put one on this side and one on this side it’s going to get crazy up in this container this year you guys there’s a couple other little surprises in here as well so over here I’ve got some gamina that’s going to be super pretty like little polka dot pink flowers which you’ll see I’ll show this container again but these are self- seated and then over here in the back we have three millets so that way it gets nice and full and really fills in that back on a circular shaping along the back so you’ll have Millet that comes up to here a nice dark foliage cuz that foliage gets darker as it gets larger and it’ll have really dark plumes so it will look really good against that light colored stone that will catch up with everything super fast it’s already doubled in size since I planted it last week back here I have some snapd dragons these ones get nice and Tall I’m forgetting what variety these Snaps are because I just tossed them in and i’ I grew so many snaps this year that I have no idea but they are a taller variety I do know that I just don’t even know the color I just created and I’m like well whatever it turns out to be it turns out to be but I know I did a really tall variety here but then in the front over here I did some other ones on this side and on this side that don’t get as tall as the ones that I placed in the back so I did I did make sure that I stuck with Heights cuz these ones go from tall and then they tear down to all the way down to shortest which is just like the trailing and then I also seated some B balm which I always do but I actually really love how B balm looks in containers so it does take a little bit longer to take off but it is that last minute late in the season performer when everything’s starting to kind of you know die down a little bit maybe lose a little bit of its vibrancy that thing’s going to kick some butt up in the back corner there there and there it’s going to pop up and it gets these little cluster flowers along the whole stem that just come up and it’s just super pretty dainty if you put it in your garden it will return and it’ll give you a few extras it’s it’s so good and it’s smells amazing as well I put two colius in here because these ones aren’t as aggressive they still get nice and large but they’re not as aggressive as like a trusty Rusty or a French Quarters but they will get really nice this one’s called Main Street Ruby Road and it loves part shade so east side is perfect it is looking like it’s maybe got a little cold spell on its leaves cuz you know it’s May and we’re in Wisconsin so that can happen to colius but it will come out of that a little bit um as you can see a lot of the foliage is still looking good there we had a lot of wind this could be wind burn cold all of that and then sitting pretty right in the middle there is just some sun patients so these can take sun to shade and this one’s called the compact purple so you can see it already has like a cute little purple Blossom about ready to open up there so it’ll kind of just fill right in that that opening there right in the front it’ll look really nice here’s another container so these ones are for shade and I know they don’t look like much right now you guys but once they fill in they’ll be doing really well as you can see we did the Main Street Ruby Road in here as well and this one actually does have damage so that is definitely from um being wind blown up here uh cooler cuz even the trusty Rusty has a little bit see this is from cold when it gets a little bit like that that’s cold in wind wind burn got got burnt a little bit I also added one of those Sun patients into here cuz they can take the Sunner shade in the same color purple to kind of match the sun containers so the reason why we are keeping these ones here is cuz they are a little bit shadier they get more shade just because they are a step in as you can tell they are right under the overhang there and I also wanted the option to move them back by the front door I haven’t done too much by the actual front door with decorations or all of that stuff cuz I really don’t hang out up here it hasn’t really been a priority right now for us because we have so many other things going on but I feel like everything is just in color and beautiful that like you don’t need a lot more adding more would be pretty and cozy coming to the front door homeier but also like if I’m not up here all the time I’m not going to do all of this for other people just to see when they drive up you know I am going to do more work on the things that we’re going to enjoy in the backyard and see all the time and as you can tell I just threw a little Snapdragon in there I do not remember what color or variety I seed so many like I said already before and I just kind of jam them in random places just for like that little extra color I also added in some flowering kale here so this is more so for full sun but it can take some shade so if it’s getting a little shade like half shade it just doesn’t get as much color into the leaves over time cuz with this flowering kale this is the pink flowering kale so it should get like the pink veining and pink Center and these ones here are the ones that get a little bit taller too so these ones will get tall but then they’ll get so heavy on top that they’ll actually kind of fall to the side just a little bit so they start kind of growing outward too really cool unique perfect for containers perfect even in your Gardens just for cutting for bouquet but when you use these for bouquets I will tell you after a day in your house it will smell like cabbage everyone shows them in bouquet and yes they’re gorgeous but your house will smell like C cabbage or like broccoli in a container that you opened after like a day like it’s insane it just it’s stinky and this hanging off the front is a fuchsia it’s the Deep Purple so these ones get the really big blossoms so it’ll be this beautiful white flower and then kind of blooming out of the center will be a beautiful dark purple it’ll be gorgeous well that completes the front yard tour for now I can’t wait to share this base in another month it’s just constantly changing just like all of your Gardens I’m sure at home it’s always so much fun to just see how the much the garden changes changes in just a few weeks it’s insane but that’s what’s amazing about gardening is that there’s always change and with it is always Beauty so I’m looking forward to seeing how all these containers do I’m looking forward to seeing how the window boxes turn out since I kind of did them a little bit different this year than what I’m normally used to and I’m really excited to watch the next set of perennials come into Blossom and then that’s when I’ll share it once again with you guys as an update so I hope you guys have an amazing evening I’m going to go on and make or not make dinner cuz Jason made dinner tonight which is amazing and it’s tacos it’s taco night so we’ll see if his recipe is good but hey you know what Beggars can’t be choosers he’s definitely helping out while I’m trying to get some extra work done and get some videos done to be able to share and help you guys in any way that we can so thank you so much and have an amazing night hey already oh goodness he’s got the jams on wow they like yours better than mine then never had that before wow W good huh did you like it too yeah I want my second one wo [Music]


  1. I hope you’re not tired of hearing what an inspiration you are. Last year you taught me so much! Throughout the growing season I learned even more. This year I’m so anxious to see how my containers turn out! I owe it all to you!

  2. Ok I just have to say, you have the most beautiful colorful container window box and on the ground of your property. Absolutely gorgeous! 🩷🪴💜💙🏆🥇

  3. Your front garden it’s amazing, love the combination of colors. Like to see when it’s all filled in.
    You definitely have green thumb 👍🏻

  4. When you say, I know they don't look like much, believe me we all know they are going to look absolutely amazing! Complete faith in your container, planting abilities.

  5. I love cornflowers. They grow in my home state Nevada and they grow here in NY as a reminder of home 🌸 I definitely went big with the pinks and magentas this season and I’m giving full credit to you!

  6. Hi Casey and Jason!!!!! Have missed seeing you guys! Everything looks great, as usual! ❤ You both have put so much into your home and I love it!!! I always have! God bless you both and the girls.too! Sending love from Richmond , VA. ✨

  7. Love your gardens! That salvia looks like Violet Riot unless the camera is making it look more purple than fuchsia.

  8. I love those galaxy looking petunias. I have some in my containers. I planted some wildflowers from seed they are getting buds now can’t wait till they bloom. I started them in 2 small pots now I have 2 large containers of wildflowers and put some in with other stuff. Your containers are amazing and colorful. I’ve been learning a few things from you too

  9. Wow, what a beautiful flower pots and window boxes! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden!❤❤😊

  10. 💦🌿🌺✨🌸✨🦋✨❣️💜🌼💜❣️✨🐞✨🌸✨🌺🌿
    🔥❣️Your window box is ALIVE with vibrance❣️🔥💦

  11. Casey have you ever planted mountain orach spinach? It’s very tall lush easy to grow‼️ it’s a beautiful combination color of dusky purple pinkish greenish. With extremely prolific seed-filled branches of pinkish millions of seeds. Magnificent in a huge vase. I recommend it 😁

  12. Your work is beautiful. I see tall containers on either side of your door with very tall bare twigs – no flowers as I agree it would be too much. Uplights in the planters optional.

  13. I am so happy to see you use the fuchsia in a container! They are my absolute favorite plant and hardly anyone uses them, which baffles me. Your window boxes are gorgeous – thank you for sharing them with us!

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