Gardening Supplies

Are You Shopping at Tractor Supply? You should know this!!

I broke the story in the homestead community 1 year ago on the shady stuff Tractor Supply is doing these days! 1 YEAR LATER IT IS WORSE!!

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In 2010 we decided to sell everything and build a log cabin on 11 acres. We have lived in the log cabin for a decade now with no solar power or wind power plus zero public utilities. We live like the pioneers except in the 21st century. We post videos on social media to encourage people to return to the land and make a living with your family. We teach folks:
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all right we’re going to get right into it man about a year ago I dropped a video about drag queen Story Time and Tractor Supply a lot of people didn’t really believe me uh they did their own investigations I tried to present it was like three or four videos that I did I tried to present all the information that I could but in this next seven minutes this guy does a really good job of dragging it all together and presenting it to you so I want you guys to see just how deep Tractor Supply is on this you know new world order this ESG diversity and equity and all this nonsense okay and actually in this video you’ll even learn that they are paying for services to change you know what I’m not even going to say it all right so I’ll see you guys in in a few minutes here please listen to this information all right y’all you’re going to want to see this I don’t think anybody’s gone into this the way I’m about to it is time to expose Tractor Supply what you see behind me this is what workers see walking into the distribution center in Franklin Kentucky but it doesn’t stop here you might be thinking oh maybe this is just some woke person at that Center who decided to do this no this is just tip the iceberg you ready for this feir warning you’re going to want to strap in because this is going to be a long video because we are going to expose at all all the craziness that they have done that their customers have no clue about this company is absolutely stupid for doing this the vast majority and I mean vast majority of their customer base is conservative including myself I have spent tens of thousands at Tractor Supply first here’s some more of what awaits you at that Distribution Center if you work there you might even even be thinking you know what Robbie maybe this isn’t a Tractor Supply Center maybe this is somebody tricking you who sent you these photos to try to get you to put out a story that’s not true well no such luck there’s the lockers over there for Tractor Supply corporate and they’ve got some cute juneth celebration stuff to uh belong with the Trans flags and here’s what Tractor Supply has on their team member TV I want to say that I take no pleasure in doing this I am a Tennesse and I do not want to hurt a Tennessee company but conservatives deserve to know that this is where their money’s going and it gets worse is more by the way this is their CEO more on him later but I think you get the picture here let’s jump to diversity equity and inclusion yeah they have a whole section about Dei on their website and you’ve got to love that they put the stock ticker on it I mean that’s that’s kind of funny in a dark way you know I questioned if the CEO was truly involved with the wokeness of this company but I think this Dei statement from him kind of says everything so you can pause this video real quick and take a gander at that oh and look they have a Dei inclusion Council in fact they’re so committed to Dei that they release yearly reports on how many more minorities they’re hiring that year tractor suppli is doing such a good job of being woke the Human Rights Campaign is giv them an a grade what did they do to earn that a grade let me show you they inclusive benefits where they score a perfect 50 out of 50 include providing equal health coverage for transgender individuals without exclusion from medically necessary care so you might be thinking maybe that doesn’t include transitions well according to the definition at the Human Rights Campaign website yes in fact equal health coverage for transgender people means that they are paying for transition so yes when you go buy stuff ATT Tractor Supply apparently that’s what you’re paying for they also received a perfect score in internal training and inclusive culture for providing four lgbtq internal training elements including intersectionality training providing at least one lgbtq plus inclusive data collection effort and providing gender transition guidelines the closest Tractor Supplies come to being held accountable for their woke behavior is when they were caught last year sponsoring a drag show in Waco where kids were exposed to this familyfriendly drag show you might be thinking maybe they learned their lesson after that maybe they stopped using the money from their conservative customers to fund this stuff that their customers are diametrically opposed to but no I looked and they actually just sponsored Franklin Pride here where I live in Franklin Tennessee you wouldn’t notice right away if you looked at this list of vendors cuz it just says TSC it doesn’t have the traction Supply logo anymore like it used to but I was able to confirm it was them on the map that attendees received you can see the Tractor Supply logo very clearly at that table because that was their vendor Booth right next to the trans flag and yes there were kids all over this event even the Washington Post admitted the Tractor Supply was selling the queer agenda card game which has now been removed from their website their CEO Hal lton is so committed to Dei inclusivity and yes climate change that he even wrote an opet about it in the Tennessee and here’s some of what’s in it he brags in it about how they’ve increased their ethnic diversity on their board and management executive committee and that they’ve conducted UNC conscious bias training for over 40,000 team members and to those 40,000 I am so sorry you had to be put through that cuz I know you all would have rather been bit by 40,000 fire ants than sit through that training this might be one of my favorite Parts in his woke oped he ends with saying that they rallied around the theme of stronger together attractor Supply why do I know that saying stronger together oh yeah it was this lady’s slogan and her book this wouldn’t be a surprise for anybody who’s seen his likes on X this is one of the posts he liked which was a donation call from Joe Biden before the 2020 election and this is him back when he was an ex EX cutive at Macy’s launching the Kenneth Cole Pride collection he’s also very proud of offering 50 whole bucks to his employees to get vaccinated at work for covid-19 and just so you know how he feels about unvaccinated people let’s go back to his likes on X do you remember when Allison Williams was forced to leave ESPN because she chose not to get the vaccine while she was pregnant well let’s take a look at some of how lon’s likes that day if you get covid while you’re pregnant and you were unvaccinated it could do serious harm to you in your baby being pregnant puts you at much more serious risk it’s not worth it my wife got pregnant no problem a couple months after getting the vaccine I cannot understand how putting your family at risk is a good decision why did you feel the need to post this oh I don’t know maybe cuz her civil liberties were being violated any real doctor would tell you to get vaccinated if yours didn’t get a new one family first would mean she’d get the vaccine her husband relatives co-workers they don’t count as family and last but not least this is incredibly unfortunate with this statement you’re promoting doub in the vaccine Hal also seems to like BLM according to Google how lton makes 11 million and owns almost 30 million in Tractor Supply stock a real champion of the working class so I don’t know about y’all but I’ve had enough I’ve had enough of all this garbage I do not want to fund this wokeness I understand how hard it is to not buy things at Tractor Supply I get it I’ve got cattle I’ve got chickens I’ve got a bunch of dogs and bunnies and animals I know how much stuff we need to get from Tractor Supply but there are some things we can buy at other places I encourage you to search online and let’s start buying what we can at other places to show Tractor Supply who their customers are and if you need to remind them who we are I’m going to put some of their contact information in the caption reach out to them and let them know that we don’t want to pay for this stuff anymore period we don’t want our money going to woke causes if he wants to spend his money on woke causes he can spend some of that $1 million salary or his 30 million in stock on it but he shouldn’t be spending our money on it it is child abuse what’s being pushed on kids at these Pride shows and drag shows they’re filled with nudity sex toys you name it they’ve got it kids do not belong there remember these are events that are literally about the type of sex people like to have I’d say the same thing to straight people kids don’t belong there it’s child abuse stop displaying sexual stuff to kids and the fact that companies like this then turn around and celebrate it and shove it in the face of their employees who are morally opposed to this in the most righteous way possible is disgusting these companies need to make changes we’ve already seen from our backlash in the last year we have changed the Paradigm of the way many companies are working but unfortunately not at Tractor Supply where apparently their conservative employees and being inclusive to them doesn’t matter this is all that matters to them is worshiping this ideology and that’s very clear from taking one look at the CEO by the way how some of your employees are not real fond of the fact that you’re having this event at your corporate office to highlight lgbtq plus people and their allies they think that that’s not appropriate for the workplace I kind of don’t blame them I think it’s a little weird too can’t we all just get back to a place where people keep their sex lives to themselves that’s it I don’t want to hear about anybody’s sex life why do we make this a part of the workplace it should not be a part of the workplace at all your workplace is not your sex place okay nobody cares about your sex life at work we don’t want to know so now everybody remind Tractor Supply who their customers actually are in the caption there’s going to be some ways to contact Tractor Supply I encourage everybody to do it in a very respectful way but to demand change and let them know that you are going to be leaving as a customer they’re going to understand very quickly who their customers are and going to make the changes necessary and they’re going to need to make a lot of changes all right there you have it I mean that was a pretty in-depth it really just drags you through all of the support systems that they’re putting in place to be part of the new world order that they’re snuffing out the American way of life if you think Tractor Supply should change the sale on their ship I’m going to leave down below in the first comments some ways you guys can contact Tractor Supply so your voice can be heard but ultimately maybe if you stop spending money there because you know they really listen to that maybe if you stop spending money there voice your concerns and then uh maybe they’ll make some changes okay but I just want you guys to know where you’re spending your money it’s very important and a lot of people might not know this information and for y’all that found out the information a year ago when I dropped the video this is a followup too just to see how how they’ve doubled down okay they’ve doubled down on drag queen story time all right see you guys on the next video stay vigilant out there and remember the most capable hand is at the end of your wrist


  1. Here is the call to action that Robby Starbuck lays out
    what you can do:

    • Don’t take it out on your local store — the vast majority of them are conservative and hate that corporate is pushing this on them.

    • Email/Call corporate to respectfully state your position as a customer after learning this information. Let them know where you stand. Here’s their corporate office number that’s listed publicly: (615) 440-4600 — here is their executive team if you’d like to write them or leave them a message at the corporate number. Again, please be respectful:… — If anyone has more info on contacting them at publicly available emails, please reply in the comments but no doxxing private info, it violates X rules and it’s not right.

    • Start buying what you can from other places until Tractor Supply makes REAL changes and shows that they respect the majority of their customers enough to not spend the money we give them on causes we’re deeply opposed to. As someone with a farm, I know this isn’t easy but if we don’t show them who their customers are then they’ll just keep doing this

    my notes …If we keep excepting this it will become something MUCH WORSE! STAND UP NOW while it is easier, once they get it normal we will never stop it!!

  2. Big money puts whoever they like to wherever they like. Bit by bit, you will help them destroy yourselves…

  3. They recently bought out Orscheln, our former supply of this type, and they have little to offer of the things I buy. In fact, they often have empty shelves. I'll have to find someplace else to expand my small town homestead! 😠

  4. so shameful. will not go there again. anyone know of a replacement for Amazon? thank you for revealing the truth. It shouldn't be shown around the pool at an apartment complex either. but yesterday I saw two young men in two piece bathy suits made for young women. (high school age)


  6. "Lets go back to when people kept their sex lives private. I dont want to hear about anyones sex life!" Gold in that comment right there!!

  7. These “shows “ that they put on and children are present, in my opinion is to groom and confuse children so more vulnerable to Shriner pedos
    My gut gets punched. Goes so deep this stuff

  8. ******They are going to do what they do No Matter Where you spend your dollars REMEMBER—THEY OWN ALL THE BIG COMPANIES–Blackrock Vanguard State Street******

  9. I use to get my birdseed from them until they were out due to the warehouse they get it from had a fire that destroyed a few years ago

  10. I’ve got to be honest. I’m on the fence about DEI. I’m a Black American and face discrimination a lot. I’m glad companies are working towards making an inclusive working environment. But… there has to be a line. A statement on the website is ok. A welcome environment for people to feel accepted is ok. But I do not agree with promoting group specific agendas including Juneteenth.

    I appreciate the day off. But let me celebrate it as I always have, with my community.

  11. We are well aware of their leftist ideology. They had trans people at their Texas get together.
    They tried to talk their way out of it but many of us don’t darken their door now.

  12. I cant get my teeth fixed through medicare but they will pay to but jer people, i guess because it makes them more suicidal and i would get healthy. Hmmm

  13. When did we lose the ability to raise our children and grandchildren normally, and when Tractor Supply supports drag queen shows in all of their stores, and also financially helps with gender transition children. I know I'm going to offend a lot of people, but when did we lose the sense of who we are as humans

  14. I so agree on the whole sex life being private thing. I have nothing against same gender couples and marriage, but this zombie woke stuff has to go, it's just theatrics 🎭 🧟 nowhere in nature do you see creatures identifying as another creature. Dogs don't meow, cat's don't sing, horses don't bark. Foxes don't sit in classrooms surfing in their phones, nor do roses grow pinecones and poison ivy smell like lavender. And none of them take hormone drugs or get parts surgically removed and others attached. Really? 😵‍💫

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