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13 Police With Bats And clubs in Ottawa! lynniepoo reporting for Mike in the Night !

The Video you are watching is several Years old ! Lynnie Poo reporting on the ground for Mike in the Night!

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[Applause] [Music] W are here Che [Applause] love you guys they definitely own this street they have the blockade up and the holding their ground no one’s getting to there to out of here there side streets keep being the light of the world keep being the light we stand in unity and love we stand in unity and Love Freedom love and unity BL f for Freedom L For Love You for Unity [Music] [Music] what [Applause] at them with their sticks what are you really you’re going to intimidate us like that I know that they have like as well down the street what are you going all of us are going to together but it’s not today but the day will come cuz this isn’t going to stop that’s not going to stop so we’ll all have to stand up together eventually and we are peacefully holding we’ve got a whole bunch of officers for the most from what I’ve seen I can’t believe it what you think you’re doing is right the day will come they’ll stand with us that day will come this won’t end oh yeah we are all Canadians we’ll stand together that day we will this is an ending this isn’t going to end here We Stand our for [Music] [Applause] the for I got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] fre up up [Music] [Applause] thank you checkpoint the blockade securing ground bit by bit inch by inch I never really realized before that in Ottawa they have a 666 symbol in their o and uh that’s not a coincidence that’s cuz they do the devil’s work here so there is occupation here in Ottawa and the thing is it’s being set up by the forces that’s it they have their fences set up they’re occupying y we go the police escort out get [Applause]


  1. I will never forget the feeling of hope, relief and love I felt when everyone was heading to Ottawa and loads of us standing on the roads cheering the truckers, many of us felt so alone before that. F these Trudeau tyrants.

  2. People all over the country to this day still ridicule the truckers convoy. This was achieved by perception management and destabilization tactics which have not only increased since 2021 but have ensured our transition into the enslavement paradigm.

    When your country men ridicule you for wanting freedom … You're past the point of no return..

  3. i read this in australia news report > Tow truck operators wearing neon-green ski masks, with their companies’ decals taped over on their trucks to conceal their identities, arrived under police escort and started removing hundreds of big rigs, campers and other vehicles parked shoulder to shoulder near Parliament. Police smashed through the door of at least one camper Friday before hauling it away.

    The crackdown on the self-styled Freedom Convoy began Friday morning, when hundreds of police, some in riot gear and some carrying automatic weapons, descended into the protest zone and began leading demonstrators away in handcuffs through the snowy streets as holdout truckers blared their horns. si amigo vivir es malo como los perror drogadictos y familia que son criminales

  4. Nevermind Pierre Poilievre will save Canada just like Stephen Harper did ! GET OUT OF THAT COMMUNIST S.H.I.THOLE WHILE YOU STILL CAN !!!

  5. The police will never stand with the citizenry. They are not your friends or your allies. They are the men and women who will escort us onto cattle cars for our extermination if ever given the order. Do you think people who hold wooden bats like that in front of people demanding freedom and bodily autonomy are anything but corrupt, rabid degenerates who pose a threat to all of our communities? They are willing to lie, steal and take money to hurt people. Wake up. They're not there to help us in anyway and that should be clear after the pandemic.

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