Edible Gardening

What is a Pollinator Friendly Edible Garden Landscape? | Garden Vlog| Zone 8a| June 2024

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Karen and Maya
Email: sustainablychiclife@gmail.com

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good morning guys Karen here with another video welcome back to our Channel thank you so much for watching this morning I am oh look at that look at that okay so this morning I’m out um harvesting for our Market this morning and someone asked a question what is a pollinator friendly uh Edible Garden so I know most most of you probably know what it is but I thought I would talk about it really quickly and um because it’s rather simple um and and I was like well you know I could do a whole little series about it because that’s what we did to our front garden and um so let’s get into it while I’m harvesting um so I’m checking to see what I’m going to pull today so what a pol pollinator so it’s just basically really simple what a pollinating friendly Garden is is a garden that’s filled with a lot of um diverse plants and vegetation um that the bees butterflies hummingbirds Birds uh wasp um all types of um insects love and the edible part means exactly what it says it’s you know things that you can eat or consume in some way shape fashion or form so um uh for instance so I’ll give you a good example so this is our our front uh Garden is an edible landscape so we have lots of perennials in here and annuals as well um and um yeah I think I’ll probably go into detail about plants more detail about plants another time but I will say this you would use a lot of different herbs vegetables and what have you so I’ll give you a really quick example so in this edible landscape you can’t see at all but right there and there we have tomato plants um here there’s chives all of this is Rosemary Savory um we have some Cosmos in here we have swiss Shard um and then we have uh okra plants here basil and Zenia flowers um this is a daisy as you can see the bees just love it and um but here we have eanaia cone flour and you can use that for tea we have some time down there um lots lots of things um we I uh go to a um a a garden center that specializes in plants native here native to this area um I’m going to harvest some of this B balb this morning and the lavender actually I’m going to get the lavender from the back um we have sunflowers um yeah and so the excuse me the place that we go they have a lot of native plants so we have Yaro in here um like I said oh over here we have Sage we have cingula we have quite a bit to oh my goodness okay so here’s our camel Mill patch I’m going have to cut some of this today and um this tomato plant isn’t doing too well as you can see but it’s next to one that is doing well and I just typically leave things I think it’s getting too much water I’m not sure at this point if it’s too much or too little but anyway so so back to what I was saying the car was really loud um um yeah so typically um so just the easy way um that is you just planting things that the bees like and you can eat them um this is funny it looks like a little um it’s own like um Forest like a food Forest when you kind of squat down and here um but yeah so I think in the next video I’ll tell you about the different plants that you can use um also I’ll take I’ll use mine as an example simply because I’m in zone 8 a um yeah I need to cut some more off here I don’t know what’s happening to it but it’s just a little too hot here um but I don’t um there’s some Tomatoes there I used to fret these things but now I’m just like it’ll grow back or it’ll do something on its own if it dies I’ll just buy another plant well I didn’t buy any of these I did them from seed so we shall see but yeah this is the an example of an edible landscape um it’s I can’t say that it’s super easy to do I will say it takes a lot of energy to say the least but definitely I can certainly go into more detail about that um but we started it last year so last year Mother’s Day was the first time I planted it I will drop a picture so you can see what it looked like before um yeah and this is what it looks like now there’s lots of weeds and things in here but um as it gets taller and bigger the flowers will start to crowd out the weeds and then I’ll just collect them all at the end of the season but yeah so I will I’m going to study up on some plants for different areas and then I will talk about that in the next video and I think I’m going to take you guys with me to the farmers market but if you’re interested in starting an um a pollinator friendly food Garden or Edible Garden same thing yeah let me know in the comments now definitely um add more information or I’ll do it anyway cuz it’s fun these are here’s some more bees here just flying through I don’t know if there you go you can see them now yeah this is a wand flower um they really like it it’s huge um hummingbirds like gladiolas too um the lavender it’s just beautiful out here I I love coming out here every day yeah it’s just gorgeous and there’s so much that you can so much biodiversity that happens in a pollinator friendly Garden cuz there’s so many different things taking place um the your tomato plants are less likely to be taken over by um aphids or whatnot because for instance this um tomato plant is hedged up by the lavender lavender parsley it’s got a sunflower over there some lemongrass chives and if it’s really don’t like any of those things same over here um there’s is flanked by lavender thyme Sage so same right here so yeah so when you have a pollinator friendly edible landscape the with all that biodiversity comes the support you know to keep the pest pressure pest pressure down but anyway let me go ahead and go and I will see you guys at the farmers market I’m going to tell Maya to remind me to videotape that Farmers Market all right guys

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