Backyard Garden

Site Walk Through- Small Landscape Business

This almost $40,000 landscape job, is re leveling interlock, installing new interlock and doing other various landscape jobs. I bring you on a walk through of the final hour.

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hey guys Aaron here this job I’m about to walk you through took us about eight days I think and it was pretty good made some decent money and it came in just under $40,000 um so take a look we’re still waiting on the ashphalt guy to come and the railings to be installed but uh I’m G to walk you through and show you exactly what we did uh for that almost $440,000 stay tuned hey today I just wanted to bring you guys on our job site to show you what we’re doing and what we’ve been doing for the past week we’re working at this house over here let’s go take a look so what we’ve done here when we first got here there was old interlock about 20 years old going up both sides of the driveway and a big curve up there half circle and all the concrete steps so what we’ve done now is bought new brick updated everything we’ve removed the driveway we’re going to put new ashphalt in here that’s happening later in the week uh yeah come take look so here was a couple of shrubs that we have ripped out there is a big rose bush right here that we ripped out that rose bush used to be right here we transplanted it into there so it looks a little better these concrete steps look nice now we’ve overlaid them with matching Stone to what’s down here uh these used to be crumbling and breaking and old concrete it just looked like hell so now we’ve given it curb appeal by putting this overlay system on this porch was all cracking and looked like heck it’s now all new interlock to match that all matches down there there’s black custom railings being put up here later this week or possibly next week they’re getting custom made to go up the sides and in case all this on let’s go look over here we squared all this interlock up just show that sort of thing we’ve squared this up it used to be a big round half circle and we squared everything up made it look modern and nice let’s go look at the back hopefully the guy’s not out here back here this entire patio area pool deck everything along here came out this is what we worked on last week all this interlock was 20 years old and sagging and dipping and there was Weeds growing out of it so what we did was we took out section by section stacked it all to the side releveled everything with new HPB and laid back down our Stone it’s very important when you’re doing a job like this all these cuts that someone had made in the past get placed right to the side so you can know exactly where they all go back in they’re good cuts and you don’t want to screw that up because this Stone’s this discontinued and if we mix up that pattern there’s no putting it back in it’s just going to be a nightmare so you got to make sure those cuts are all in the same spot all this was relayed there was a cedar cedar shrub like this one over here right there but it was half dead because of the shade so we removed that this all got relayed and releveled same with here there’s patio furniture everywhere here now but this was all pulled out and uh relay and releveled looks perfect now this step right here don’t show the house the window too much but show the step um the step was sinking towards the house and it wasn’t very level so we tilted it out this way so the water hits it and it runs out this way and instead of using New Stone back here we reused the same Stone because this is a quality product and there’s nothing wrong with it it’s never seen any salt back here it’s never seen um any heavy traffic or wear and tear like from a vehicle so there’s nothing wrong with it that’s a 70 mm brick and there’s lots of meat there still it’s a good brick so for the back we left it the same because the back doesn’t really need curb appeal the front needs the curb appeal originally we are going to do the same thing out front just lift up everything relevel it and put it back but once the customer decided that they wanted to change their steps and overlay the steps with this new system we all thought the best idea was to match the new steps and the new interlock up there with new Inter Lock down here it only makes sense so that’s what we ended up doing we threw haul all this brick away pulled it out and changed it and during that change we squared it up opposed to leaving it round so that’s that next week the ashphalt guys will be here to pave this the railing guy will be here to put the railings on and then we’ll come back and do some more pictures I also did time lapse of all this so I’ll put that up in a later video but for now that’s it thank you

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