Vegetable Gardening

A strange year.. Vegetable Gardening help? #allotment

Are you having issues with your vegetable plot this year? lets talk about some of the main problems and the solitons I’ve found, It’s time for a Veggie Patch Ideas team talk. Lets get you back on track and growing like allotment superstars.

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hello and welcome to Veggie patch ideas today we’re going to do something a little bit different we’re going to have a timeout a halftime meeting a huddle whatever you want to call it we’re going to get into it and and I’m talking about what’s gone wrong on the plot weather weeds snails slugs let’s go there now I thought I would do this because many of you guys garden alone and I’ve got the benefit of running this site so I talk to gardeners all day long every day and what we get from that is is knowledge basically and what’s happening in the season and where is everyone sticking and what’s going well for other people so I thought I’d bring you guys up to speed with what’s going on in the microcosm that is Southwest England now the weather here well in the poly Tunnel right now 6:00 p.m. it’s around 25° but it’s it it’s cold outside there’s a very cold wind and this seems to be a theme we’ll get a sunny day and it’ll be cold or we’ll get a very cloudy day or rain and rain seems to be the the the choice word of the season so far because we have had far too much of it what has happened with the crops because of all this rain and reduced light levels is quite simply some things have not performed and we’ll go through the list spring onions I’ve sewn two three or four trays of spring onions so far and one is starting to show promise uh which I sown me other day in June so if you haven’t watched that video go back uh but we’ve got our first one and it it’s just to come through now so fingers crossed on that because I’ve got nothing else and speaking to other people they are really struggling with spring onions so there’s the first one out the way and there’s not a lot we can do about this so we can either keep sewing or if you’re crafty like I am where are they I have a tray of leaks and I’ve done far too many leaks I think they’re outside so what I can do is plant them into the ground early don’t dip them in so don’t make big holes just put them straight in and then Harvest them young and that’ll give me my young onions they’ll taste a little bit leaky but they will replace that salad onion into the salads because we can basically eat leaks at any point of growth so that’s my workaround for my spring onions and if your spring onions if you give up all together on spring onions this year SE yourself a tray of leaks they germinate and they will come through and that’s just a way you can get a harvest of tiny sort of salad onions on a sort of a cheek code now next up on the failure list is it’s French beans now you know I’ve sewn a lot and I put a lot in the ground and they’re still in there and they they’re just not climbing up the the canes as well as I thought or as well as they normally do by this point in the year so looking around the plot and there’s 80 plots here so I’ve been around a few and everyone is struggling with beans fish here there’s one guy who’s done well on runner beans but he put them on a site of an old compost heap mine are in mine were trenched in with compost and they’re not really growing as fast and it seems to be a theme throughout so don’t get too worried about your French beans not coming through or your sugar snaps or anything like this we can play the lung game on this so we can sew some extras now and plant them in towards the end of the month and then if we get a decent summer coming through it’ll just be a later Harvest so that’s exactly what I’m going to do the one’s in the ground now may come to something but I’m going to sew another bet tray just in case as a backup and here’s a favorite and it is one of the most things I hear constantly throughout the day and that’s slugs and snails and why not it’s been so wet here the slugs have absolutely multiplied they’re like Gremlins you put water on and there’s hundreds of slugs looking at you so lettuce has suffered this year and it’s suffered quite bad everyone’s struggling with lettuce because as soon as you put it out in the ground it gets destroyed there’s good news on this front as well because I have found a workaround for this and I hope it gives you some guys a bit of a way forward and and sort of things to look at in the future you don’t have to do it this season and and that’s a good thing to remember you’ll have failures you’ll have successes but there’s always another season so don’t get too down on yourself it is just gardening and that’s what we do it for we love a challenge and every year is different so bit off track but what my work around is is simply i’ I’ve noticed my low tunnel has been absolutely fantastic for lettuce up to about now and really if we get any severe heat the lettuce will bolt but we haven’t so I would say for a good eight months of a year I can use my low tunnel for lettuce or Salad crops which is absolutely fantastic that’s for work around for lettuce now just to continue on the slug and snail theme for just that little bit longer because it does seem to be the main worry for everyone right now you can use a net and sort of dig it into the ground and trench it around and this will stop any slugs coming from the garden into the area that you’re clearly wanting to protect before you put it on check the ground or just loosen up the dirt on the top of the soil because this is where the Slugs do like to hide so check it over first and then put this net in over it’s a basically a hoop tunnel and it stops those pesky slugs crawling in and taking your crops once you’ve gone home and then last of the things that have been failing this year so it’s only four it’s carrots uh we keep sewing them and people have done four or five seed packets believe it or not trying to get these things to germinate I’ve seen tricks like planks everything you name it going on the carrots to try and get them germinated and it’s just not happening the only way you can germinate carrots in such a wet environment is if it’s in a raised bed with netting across the top to keep the Slugs out and then hope and cross everything that your carrots germinate I will be doing another carrot video and I’ll cover everything fairly soon but carrot has been that stinker which everyone’s suffering with so if your carrots are failing you’re not alone so some things we can celebrate about as well it’s not all doom and gloom it’s of course the strawberries and these have been the best crop so far and I don’t I don’t know why because the light levels have been fairly terrible but they have just cropped and they’ve cropped so heavy that every day I’m taking a pet or two home and they just keep coming back for more so the strawberries I want to celebrate and speaking of celebrating we’ve got carrots are going to be harvested out of a poly tunnel and let me try and find I’ve got so many there you go not too bad and they’re all fairly this sort of size so decent C decent carrots coming out the poly tunnel so that’s one Harvest I’m glad I’m I seed earlier now if you looking for something different to try in your poly tunnel or you just fed up with growing the same sort of stuff I’ve got a tub of blueberries here and I’ve had them for years and you plant two plants together by the way uh I can go into that in a bit on a later video but they’re doing really well and the blueberries this year they’re cropping very very well so it’s another win for veggie patch ideas now all that being said everything else in the plot is going in the right direction so everybody’s happy here now I know this is a little bit different from content I usually make but I’d just like to see and try something different to address any problems you guys like might have so if this has if this has helped you out in any way uh please leave a comment leave a comment with your biggest problem at the moment and I’ll try to address it and I’ll try to find a solution for you that you may not have thought about or just say thank you or it was of no help to me whatsoever put it in the comments below and if it is something that you like we can continue to do it but if I get a big silent blank out of all you guys then I’ll know it’s a nonstarter and we we don’t need to make this type of video again as always guys I’ll link some goodies in the description for you just to give you a bit of help along the way and we’ll catch you on the next video


  1. Hi guys, I really hope this video is well timed, and puts peoples minds at rest. (and to be honest I could of filmed for an hour on this) Thumbs up if its helpful. I see first hand, new gardeners seeing crops fail and they think it them, or just giving up after sowing just one tray. The rules of this game is that the more you fail the better you become! So this year we have ALL become better gardeners 🙂
    Please add your comments below on what's failing and feel free to comment on other posts if you can help out and support.

  2. I was on the plot this morning cursing spring onions and Parsnips, Ive lost count the amount of sowings i have done of them. Alot of seeds in general seem to be very hit and miss this year

  3. I only grow in the garden but I agree completely with the spring onion issues, absolutely awful. Some advice would be useful as my Cobra beans are also extremely slow, they’ve all germinated but hardly growing at all, I sowed directly for the first time this year, was this a mistake? Great video.

  4. Hi Glen, I think this is a great content idea and a chance for people to voice their problems and get advice on how to improve things. My issue is seed germination in the poly tunnel. My beetroot and lettuce have germinated really poorly and my feeling is it’s just too hot, reaching 36-46 most days. I’ve now taken to taking the seeds I’ve sown home to germinate, but that was only a couple of days ago, so I don’t know the results of that yet. What do you think? Or any other suggestions. I have built a shade netting box in the tunnel now, in readiness for the new seedlings.

  5. Leaf miners 🤬🤬 they re eating everything including my flowers. Slugs ate my tomatoes but it’s 30c here so I’m hoping that keeps them at bay. Great update as always Glen, have a super week ahead, Ali 🥵🥵🇨🇦

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