Front Yard Garden

Small Yard Landscaping- New Modern Front Yard

Small front yard landscaping project turn out great! We transform this tiny yard into a modern and stylish landscape.

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Starting Your Own Landscape Business: A Comprehensive Guide

hey everyone Aaron here today we’re going to this house local here in town it’s right close to our supplier it’s right close to where we dump our fill it’s right close to where we pick up everything so it’s going to go pretty quick now I charge this person pretty good um and I have a feeling we’re going to be done by the end of the day and we were done by the end of the day so it worked out perfectly um we put about roughly eight hours into it um and it looks pretty good uh stick around to the end of the video and you’ll be able to see what it looks like afterwards but basically we were removing what was currently there on a small townhous front lawn and uh cleaning it up and making it look more modern now the neighbors had theirs done yesterday and when we showed up it was a bit of a mess and I talk about that in the video I also uh noticed that their job well it wasn’t quite as professional as ours like the attention to details and this stuff is what what sells this that’s what makes you uh better than everybody else the small things that the customer notices that the neighbors notice um and that you pick up on and you take care of right away that the other smaller companies or the people with less experience don’t really know to do and it’s like night and day between our job and theirs I don’t show you their job uh but when people walk by they’re going to see our job that we finished today and they’re going to see that job that was done tomorrow um we’re coming up on a long weekend so there’s going to be hundreds of people walking past this um in that neighborhood and they’re going to see the two jobs now we put our sign out there we’ll leave it there for probably a few days or a week um because I know there’s other we’re going to get other calls and the other company who worked beside us and left the mess and uh did their job they left the sign as well but I mean their sign was a sort of a stick in the ground uh sort of sign and ours is much more professional you don’t see it in the video but uh we put it there after I was done filming um and it say professional A-frame sign metal uh quality printed uh Coral plast uh logo and phone number for for our business so take a look at the video uh there’s a few tips in there stick around till the end check out what uh it looks like afterwards there’s a before and an after there uh like the video subscribe and check out all my other ones because I have a ton more I put out at least three a week um on how to run a landscaping business I’ve been doing this for 16 years for myself 27 in the industry and uh enjoy guys thanks transform this small area we’re going to put a new walkway in a driveway border do some mulching some planting and clean it up a bit we’re hoping to be done by the end of the day this driveway is a little bit slanted so we’re going to square it up and make our line perfectly straight with the interlock coming into a nice little interlock patio area here in front of the existing porch okay we’re back and in that quick second we’ve removed all the sod that was here before uh with the S cutter and then we went around by hand and chopped out all the RO that we’re all the way around the edge to ensure that it doesn’t come back um because we don’t want any grass growing up through here because we want this as low maintenance as possible after we did that we removed the patio slabs that were here already the existing ones and got rid of them and now we dug out everywhere where our interlocks going to be which is what you see now we’ve filled it in with one layer of crush and run which is granular a that’s what we call it in Canada uh it’s called something else in the States but that’s what you use for your base so we’re going to add another layer of that Tamp it down then we’re going to add hbb that high performance bedding that’s what we use for laying papers you can use sand but we prefer HPB we’re going to get a layer of that in and then we’re going to set our bars we’re going to level this area and install our brick um this line here the ashphalt has been cut go behind me like this so you can see that this line has been straight cut we cut the ashalt all the way straight off the corner of the porch so we can square everything up when we put the inner lock in it’ll be nice and straight with the front door because this building is on a slant so we want it squared with that front door right there after we got our brick in we’ll bring you back and show you the brick in all right we’re back we’ve got the bricks in line in the driveway up to the front patio porch everything’s nice and straight we’ve got our P restraints in to keep everything here we’re just at the point where we’re going to start Sweeping in polymeric sand to all the joints you look right here this driveway wasn’t laid flat so we took a grinder and we grinded the driveway ashalt down so it’s the same height as the brick so there’s no trip Hazard and so there’s we don’t have to look up here so we don’t have to follow the grade of the driveway like this with the Bricks now it’s perfectly flat perfectly straight and professionally done got to keep an eye out for stuff like that it’s the attention to small details that sell so we’ll turn off the camera now and show you the completed project when we’re done all right you guys saw the sod come out you saw the bricks go in now you’ve seen the final product that’s what we’ve done with this small front yard today we’ve got this beautiful interlock patio walkway with a driveway border we’ve planted some hydrangeas in here put a fair amount of uh top oil neut triple mix oil in here we covered it all with Mulch and the homeowner is going to fill in the smaller spots with whatever she wants whether it’s annuals or something else this is the finished product we’re about to wet it before we leave and just a note on the site conditions before we leave the neighbors was done yesterday um and when we got here there was a clear mess of mud and dirt and things just weren’t cleared up properly there were cigarette butts left everywhere and the parking lot over there we cleaned it all up because we’re working here today and other people are obviously going to think that we did that so that’s not how we roll we like to do things professionally um but yeah not to slander any other companies or anything but when we’re done this is how it looks it’s clean it’s a professional job we’re going to put our sign on here and we’re going to wait for a few more calls to come in because that’s exactly what’s going to happen I’ve done this enough that I know that that’s what’s going to happen people are going to walk by here and see this and see the sign and I’ll be doing another two or three in this neighborhood so that’s how we do it that’s the final product and that’s what we call a day

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