Gardening Supplies


Hoping to get the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 to bring you WIDE SCREEN top 4K quality!

For any lovely partner who would like to participate in our many projects, house construction, solar system improvements, digging / building a well…even assisting us in starting the French Bakery, it would be welcome beyond words! Salamat, Merci Bien and Thank you!


BuyJhaja a Coffee:

MONERO: 87mWJDbaPKsPniJKCnJ2tmK55ErSA58aQAzADsVPughi3NF2ETEA1cm1UbFz6cwwo8W1PVv8wJ5jjFxC5hRT3pVvAH61uba

probably for coconut yes coconut better how about for gardening babe this one is for gardening yeah like this oh [Music] yeah do the handles fall off easy cuz that’s always the problem that one is I don’t even know how yeah would you actually use that though you’re going to do that me mm is for you no the coconut one’s for me oh look it’s a thing for coconut oh we should get one of these too yeah made our own we should right yeah how much is that 130 it’s sharp baby H that’s for shaving coconut yeah and these are for opening the coconut right yeah how much are these ones 550 550 this one is better why like [Music] come don’t you feel like a pirate holding that [Music] so why why are they different shapes to do [Music] what so what is it for the wood wood coconut wood like P rice must be a rice farmer obviously we have also oh yeah that one is 3 oh yeah that’s what we used to get the banana heart banana heart [Music] maybe we need one of those two right not yet to put on a bamboo stick later what’s that for a knife just a oh look at that wow that’s fancy for cutting an NA for cutting vegges fruits [Music] I need a new knife I need a knife that can cut have husbands big one bigger one matal t baby baby baby baby it’s GNA ano K Yung ano box no you’re not going to try that baby nag niyan Gina or holy smokes now that’s scary and your expression even makes it worse huh the expression on your face makes it worse go yeah it looks like you’re holding the Aquaman Trident thing how much is that one Pango Lang yeah it’s vlogay so B Gamay Yung ano Yung Paka Ayan Ayan my yeah we’re going to get one of those I like this one oh that’s fancy very you’re ready for a pirate ship yeah I like this for cooking how much is that one sa 280 280 280 sa malid Wala pan pag Wala Magano na pag walang without the Box cheaper I that I I ask like this do have this one is without the cover yeah yeah this one cuz you’re speaking tagalogs I like this all good good boy you know the old man that was here he was selling something like this one that traditional like he made himself did you see that guy old man no they don’t see they don’t know ah the one that makes this one yes it’s from an L all right well let’s make a decision here I need to look for shoes for jogging so we get back in shape huh okay so this one is it stainless stainless or what is this stainless yeah that looks pretty pretty decent actually P panga we need this one um no you don’t know that’s that’s for this babe that’s for the rough that’s not for kitchen stuff I mean yeah it’s good too h no come on this is rough you need something like that for the kitchen which we already have but it’s missing in action it’s small meron Gan yeah so which one you like this this one or this one no I think I think the same as Ray and T toy right yeah just do what they do it’s this one right yeah but I’m not allowed to hold these I guess I found out no you are no corners aren’t allowed to hold a knife well if you’re walking around and you just holding that yeah but foreigners I think not allowed fore yeah I don’t think I’m allowed to carry that they are allowed well it said I’m not supposed I’m not allowed to carry I okay what else Grass Grass what about these with the yeah recycled tire I kind of like that but you don’t have this shape with the recycled tire [Music] right oh yeah no like like this one uh this one with the with the tire so how much is this that one is 550 and like this 450 this one oh we have is the steel the same steel oh yeah oh I see no I think the recycled tire is good yeah I think so same and then that’s a PVC tube it looks like made in oh Dev that’s where my aunt my aunt is from and godmother da Yung ni Filipino yeah I think that’s I like that one better no more my uh more my style but it’s the same steel the same blade same blade same [Music] blade doesn’t look quite the same it is the same yeah okay okay right or left right or left left right right right righted ah right-handed so bab what else also have left hand uh this one is right handed and this one is for oh yeah okay sure see here in this one is right handed and we also have left-handed wow I okay interesting right and left-handed knives same here this one is left handed okay so if the right-handed will use this one one uh it will not uh cut the bamboo interesting because of the the angle love so if you need to if you will buy again so you need to uh ask if you’re right handed or left handed Lear something new every day huh babe so what other ones do you want the coconut thing right and you want the kitchen one which one the small this this this which can I get them all W if they make us if they make a good uh package well do you have cash I have some belt ah he made your a belt oh special wow is that included wow you know you could equip an entire pirate ship right here ah do you need that no no do I not yet not yet we need the tree to cut first yeah we don’t really no no we don’t need selling you a bunch of yeah I know I think that’s enough just show you oh my god oh boy cutting big um Woods oh yeah wow does that cut fast um like big wood it’s depend on your yeah force force but I mean does it cut better than like that Stanley those kind like which Cuts better the Stanley or something like that this one is for small small yeah okay this one is can cut for Big Woods trees okay the big WS yeah and how about this one h no we have and you know what I bought this and this this falls out immediately and this bends and the handle falls off not that one the red one’s okay but the yellow one’s not okay 230 L na SI 2 250 wait what’s the special 2 30 250 what’s the original 250 280 so now it’s 250 uh 230 and 250 and then these guys I this one that one how is how much that 550 no she said she said this is 550 that’s 450 H this one different this one is how much H same with this one that one is different that one’s cheaper yes because this one is for uh grass long grass so why because go and many [Music] many okay so this is a gift 13 130 m 120 na 120 how about 100 on that one I thought it was 120 already 130 just got to be alert sometimes three of this one three one no we don’t need I already have the I already have grinding wheels okay so apparently it’s knife day knife day not Tuesday no you want not really [Music] Gaya isang s t 100 100 100 there we go there we go I P G cash well I guess so yeah yeah oh I’m going to look at shoes a little bit where did you find that oh yeah pretty cool H yeah it’s a Marble Marble can you say marble the ball Marble Marble yeah how much is it 1130 daddy daddy M here well you can you can try go let’s see go Ready set go Ready set go okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s too shy baby did you look there I’m working on it you have everything else so it’s just that bag that he’s dragging no you’re big you’re doing good pull it [Music] baby see I like this surface the Polish cement yes yeah I wonder if we could have someone just polish our cement instead of tiles come on yeah you are [Music] be [Music] so what so what is this is this secondhand or well these don’t look secondhand or are [Music] they the where the oh yeah okay they are I [Music] guess sensitive to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go [Music] spaceship mhm [Music] probably you what you say is just whaty momy the doctor the doctor said no more Mony jumping the one little monkeys Jing on [Laughter] the monkeys monkey monkey monke [Music] monke so which one is the starf fruit that you already tast in bu why is it called star fruit I don’t but inside does it look like a star if you cut it no if you cut it in half no but uh this is sweet H we tried in Bulan what’s it like inside describe it uh-huh slimy but okay you one um if you want but it’s also good with you have mil and sugar ice call it here you know same with the coconut juice yeah prepared oh yeah some ice okay um open this very H now but where is it that big in Bulan like this but not that big ah remember you will remember this baby okay we ate this in buak oh yeah yum yum long time so this is starf fruit okay star [Music] wow yeah it’s good no reminds me of Lea just a little but yeah very good I wonder if we can grow [Music] this huh you can plant this by it’s by season also this is fast growing uh tree there we go yeah you can keep it and put in your back here okay why’d you throw it away do you want more well for seeds no I mean do you want more of this yeah half of this I mean half half of a circle half in a circle though you buy me no that’s for V that’s mine baby naoo so oh sorry baby that’s what the beep beep is about what what’s going on so there’s not such a copper pan sure there are copper pans but that is not copper you return it if you want you it’s okay return babe no it’s that’s how they that’s how they trick people it’s the vocabulary thing copper copper series abolutely B out


  1. if its a tool your currently using you can hold it , but correct you can not just carry aeround

  2. hello my name is john . i am new to your vlogs , you two are man and wife ? and is the little boy your son andher step son ? like to know about the people i see on here.

  3. Great vedioes but for God she keep them out wifey hands cau when wifey mad only God knows but she to pretty get mad with you

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